John was only a little lad, and wherever Mother was, John was always there too. After baby sister was tucked into her little crib he pulled up a chair to watch Mother wash the dishes—and maybe help a bit too.
Suddenly there was the shrill whistle of a fire engine and John was startled. Is it whistle in sky?” he asked Mother. So Mother explained that it was only a fire engine rushing by, and then went on to tell her little son how some day, perhaps very soon, there would be a big shout in the sky because Jesus would come for all who loved Him and whose sins were washed away in His precious blood.
“Don’t want Him to shout,’’ said little John, looking troubled.
So simply and tenderly Mother told her little son how Jesus loved him and had died for him on the cross, and that now He wanted to make his naughty little heart clean and white, if he would only ask Him to come in.
“I’m going now, Mammy,” said little John, and he stepped down from his chair and went to another room where he knelt quietly with his hands over his eyes. Soon he came back again saying, “I did, Mommy, I did.”
“What did you ask Him?” said Mother putting her arms around him.
“Wash all my sins away,” said little John, and then added with a happy little smile, “He’ll shout for me too, Mommy.”
Dear boy, or girl, can you say like little John, “He’ll shout for me too”? If not, why not come to Him now?
ML 01/15/1950