He's Number 1; Who Is Number 2?

Duration: 45min
Romans 10:17
Children—Norm Wood
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Good morning. Let's commence with #44 on the back. Then after we pray, we'll relax some of your little young folks for some more hemp. So #44, I've asked my good friend David Mearns to raise the tomb for #44.
I don't think Sunny's falling and everything arrival and once I'm scratched out, but she'll turn on a man. Nobody ever had something before.
2004 left of boys and not to be not, but I did not join.
In our parents, my hands fell in full. Nobody, ever.
Again and all that again.
I don't know what are you making.
Oh Lord and all that you can't say all the time. But, yells granddaughter. And nobody ever has no people.
Banking we thought about where God described that that's the end of the family, often Las Vegas on his old alert and he.
And I don't have the infection for me.
Oh my God, now when I can't make some story breaking more and more.
No one can stand up and kill yourself, man. Nobody got friend. Had 40 people.
All right, well, just a word of prayer.
Our God and Father, we thank Thee for these gospel hymns that we can sing together at the start of a Sunday school. We thank you for this story about this little gypsy boy who had never heard the gospel before, But he's on his deathbed and some missionary comes along and tells him about thy beloved Son, our God, and He accepts the Lord Jesus just before He dies. We we we know we're going to see this little gypsy boy in heaven.
And we pray Lord Jesus, that every boy and girl in this room.
That will see them in heaven in a day very, very soon. We thank thee, Lord Jesus, for thy marvelous love.
Which continues on and on, but the door will be closed so very soon and so we pray.
That all of us will have urgency this morning about salvation and those that are in the room and lost.
We pray for help in every way. Bless thy word and direct Lord Jesus in thy precious name. Amen.
Now perhaps a boy or girl would have a hymn. Now, you're not all on the front seat, so you're going to have to holler. Anybody got a hem for it?
This young lady's got him. Got a hymn for it? No.
Oh, here we are. OK, yes, #16. Let's see what number 16 is. Oh, that's that good to him. That's that good. Him #16, please.
Isn't that a marvelous message? Whosoever will, and now whosoever will, can pick the next temp.
All right. Uh, Sir. What? Uh #3?
Oh, that's a lovely him too. #3, please.
Umm, I guess, but then.
I've got a friend.
All right.
I'm sorry, I'm looking at the same thing. Umm.
It's Umm uh what about her?
Anything I don't know?
Turn on Way around.
My grandparents and her eyes come on and friends, let's go blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
As we sing these hymns, we think in a little bit about the memory verse for this week on the Messages of Love.
All right. Who has another hymn? Yes, young man.
#46 oh, you know what? These hymns, they just give the gospel so beautifully, don't they? Here's another 1 #46 please.
Thank you.
Know oftentimes in our home we hear the telephone ring and generally speaking we want to answer that and see who's on the other end.
And generally speaking, and listen to what they have to say now.
The God of eternity and his Son the Lord Jesus is calling to.
Boys and girls this morning, and it's a marvelous thing if each of us answer the Lord Jesus. All right, one more hymn. Another hymn.
Oh, here's OK Someone raised a hand over here, number #4.
These are all great hymns. Let's sing verse one and four of #4, please.
You know, I've, I've been looking at the wrong clock. The clock I've been looking at the the hands aren't moving. And so I think, wow, there's still, we're going to sing for 15 minutes. And I thought, well, we still have a lot of time. Now let me see.
We're almost down to the 6th on that correct clock. One more hymn? We might be here a long time. Yes, back in that corner with the pink hat.
#11 Thank you.
All right, hurdles right now. That's a good one. What's my last one? I love you. Go over and down the road and hold on.
The neighbor. My kids are the falls. That's why I'm so wonderful.
I can still run away.
All right, this brings us briefly to the the memory verse for today.
And I must confess that I didn't know this first myself. I didn't know what the verse was.
And so I asked a fair number of people, and finally I had an idea.
And I asked my wife to go to a mother with a lot of young kids.
And we found the verse and the verse happens to be Romans 10.
And verse 17. Well, someone stand up and say that first, please.
OK, it starts out.
So then, faith.
Let me see where that mother is. I'm sure her youngsters know the 1St. All right, There's some mom. There's somebody back there. Know that first.
Sometimes they know the verse, but at a conference, that's a big chore to get up and say the verse.
There's a lot of persuasion going on here, but it doesn't look like it's going to be successful. OK, here's a young man that's going to say the verse.
Isn't that marvelous? He's coming by, cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Now does anybody else want to say the verse?
All right. Well, so, yes. So here's another hand.
So say OK, I'm Listen, say it again.
This young man said the verse exactly correct. I didn't hear it. Very good. But you know what? God heard that very clearly, yes.
Excellent. All right. Well, that's very nice to have. Yes, one more.
Isn't that marvelous? Thank you all very much. You know that verse means simply this.
That when you're listening to somebody, read the word of God.
Or you're reading it yourself, the Lord Jesus.
Can come along, or more properly, the Holy Spirit can come along and can take that verse of Scripture.
Put faith right inside your heart. And a new life and a brand new life, and that opens up your heart to all kinds of marvelous things. I want to illustrate that by a verse, a familiar verse in Acts 16 and 31. Let's take a look at that first Act 16 and 31.
And it's a familiar verse, but it's just as good as the day it was written. Acts 16 and 31.
OK, the jailer.
That was in such a terrible position, fell down in front of Paul and Silas, and he asked the question and we sung a lot of questions this morning. What must I do to be saved?
And the Apostle Paul said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
Now, as a youngster, I had a lot of trouble with that verse.
But the Holy Spirit here this morning, if there's a little youngster here that's heard that first.
They can take the Holy Spirit can take that verse and give you the faith to believe in that verse. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Rather believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That's what the faith is without any questions. But now as you get a little older with this, first the questions start. All right. I'm sure everybody here has had that experience. I've, uh, you know, I had that, that experience for a long time.
The question starts all right. Now let's say, umm, uh, that uh, this gentleman here.
He's going to show me an important person, OK And this important person walks by and he and he says to me, you know Norm, uh, I want you to to see that person. I know that person. And uh, so immediately in my heart and mind, uh, the questions arise. Well, who is this person?
And maybe this young man says, well, you know, that's that's the president of uh, of a Honda automobiles thi. This man hears the president of Honda Automobiles. So I know that he's an important person. The next question comes along, Well, what has he done that makes him so important? And of course, in this case, the average the.
Obvious answer is, well, he makes marvelous automobiles. So there's the two questions that came to mind.
When he pointed out this man, number one, who is he And #2? What's he done?
And those are exactly the two questions that the Holy Spirit.
Would bring to you older boys and the rest of us this morning. Number one, who is he?
And once he's done well, very quickly, we know that he's the Son of God from all eternity.
And you know, Peter said that when he was asked by the Lord, who do you think I am? And he said, Thou art the Christ.
The son of the living God, the Apostle Paul, the first time he spoke publicly after his.
In his conversion, he said Jesus is the Son of God. Not Jesus was the Son of God, but Jesus is the Son of God.
And the Apostles John. He explained this so many times I don't think we could count.
So it's a marvelous truth and there will be nobody in heaven.
That rejects the truth that Jesus is the Son of God. That truth is so important, it's absolutely fundamental.
So if there's a boy or girl or older person in this room that doesn't believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
You're on your way to a lost eternity, even as we speak. Now, I think this is especially important. It always was, especially today, because across the whole world they're saying he isn't. That isn't true. But we have it here so many times in the scriptures that Jesus is the Son of God. OK, that's the first question that comes up when we look at that first believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. The second question is, well, what has he done that's significant.
Well, you know, he's done what he said he would do before he came. You know, the verse that we have, Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. That's what he said he was going to do when he came. And has he done it? Oh, absolutely, he's done it, you know. And Isaiah 53, we have that marvelous verse. All we, like sheep have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on him.
The iniquity of us all and we have in that verse in Peter.
That says he bore our sins on his own body, on the tree, and so today.
Knowing those two things about the Lord Jesus, we can be fully saved and on our way to heaven.
What a marvelous thing that is.
I'm going to write well, uh, the second uh part of that is is, is is as important as the first. It's it's absolutely essential to believe that Jesus is the Son of God's my eternity to get peace about her sins. That's an absolutely necessary to believe that the Lord Jesus died for our sins on the cross and we accept that and we have peace. You know, there's a lovely hymn. I hope I can quote it.
It's a it's a it's a sad hymn, but it goes like this.
How dreadful must have been the sound when jeering soldiers stooped to pound.
The cruel nails, one by one, that crucify God's only Son.
They raised his cross against the sky, as corners there still passed him by, But he alone must bear the pain to bring man to his God again. Is there any better, better story than that that could be told? A marvelous story of the love of the Lord Jesus that brought him to Calvary's cross. Marvelous, that is, isn't it? Now I want to write on this paper on this poster.
And not a very good writer. Matter of fact, when I was in grade school, they, uh, as I went up their grades, they every teacher said, you know, Norm, yeah, you do pretty good work, but your writing is really bad. Then when I got to high school, uh, they said, uh, you know, Norm, you I wish you'd consider learning how to type because if you could do that, then it would be so much easier to read. So let me see.
OK, we're going to have somebody read this.
And then OK.
All right. Well.
I'm sure you read very well, but what have I written here? Yes, I've written Jesus down in a vertical fashion just like that, and I'm going to write some words beside that using the 1St.
Letter as the. I hope nobody says I can't read that. All right. I hope this is written uh, carefully enough so that that uh, we can read that.
Do you think you can read that? No, it's pretty. It's a little bit.
All right. Do you think you can read that? OK, this is the first word. And then you read that. Well, you know what she read? She read Jesus Exactly. Suits us sinners. Isn't that a marvelous thing? We have such a need with our sins, and the Lord Jesus has died and suffered for our sins. And so what's available from the Lord Jesus matches our needs. Jesus.
Exactly. Suits us sinners.
I'm flying, but I want to ask you this question. Let's say we read it this way. Jesus exactly suits us things.
Well, that's a searching question, isn't it? And I have to give this sad answer is no. No. But he will someday. And he does most of the time now. But not all the time. Jesus exactly suits us, Saints. I'm searching that all right now.
The most important name in all the world in heaven and earth is the name of Jesus.
I want to tell a story about a person named Mickey, and Mickey was a very important person.
Particularly in New York, NY State, because his name is Nikki Mantle.
And we could take Mr. Mantle's picture and go downtown Binghamton and show them to all the adults there in the vast majority would say I know who that is, that's Mickey Mantle. And for those of you that are a lot younger, Mickey Mantle was a star baseball player for the New York Yankees, played center field, hit away over 500 home runs, was on many All Star teams.
And was a very important person, unfortunately, and he was from Oklahoma.
Unfortunately, there was a disease in his family where the males, most of them died.
By the age of 40, so Mickey Mantle number one was afraid of death. And the way he dealt with it wasn't the right way. He thought, boy, I better get going and live as much of life as I can. And so we get into alcohol and all kinds of bad things.
Which may have influenced his baseball skills, but not noticeably. All right, all right, so he retired from baseball at.
I think 37 years of age.
So it didn't affect them that much. But later on, when they were 64, Mickey got cancer. And it was a bad type of cancer. But anyway, they doctors were able to deal with it and pretty well beat it back. But he had a bad liver. You see, if you drink a long time, you're going to destroy your liver. And it finally caught up with Mickey and his liver was destroyed.
And but the cancer was pretty well beaten back and because he was making mantle they were able to find a liver for him and put in.
A new liver, but the cancer progressed.
And it got worse and worse and there is no question Mickey was facing death.
But you know, when Mickey was playing ball, there was a fellow ballplayer in his team named Bobby Richardson who was a Christian.
And Bobby used to tell Mickey about Christ.
Quite often.
And then all way down at the end of his life, Mickey thought of Bobby Richardson. And so he got his family to contact Bobby Richardson. And Bobby Richardson came into his his hospital room. And here's Mickey laying there pretty poorly. But you know, the first thing that Mickey told Bobby Richardson was this Bobby, I want you to know that I put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
He's my savior.
And he had remembered all of the gospel messages that Bobby Richardson had told him when he played baseball in New York City.
Isn't that a marvelous thing? A man that was saved on his deathbed? We call that an 11Th hour conversion.
And you know, we don't have any lease on life. The Bible says, behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation.
Just this week in Smiths Falls, you know, that's near where we live. It's just a little town, maybe not quite 10,000. And just on the border of Smiths Falls there lived a grand grandparents. And you know what?
Their daughter and son-in-law came to visit the grandparents and they had a little girl a year and a half years of age, year and a half years.
And you know, the little girl was out the back.
And there was this dog tied up. It was a fair German Shepherd and Rottweiler.
Great big dog back there, tied up and this little girl wandered back.
And right into the range of the dog and that dog.
Turned vicious and got a hold of that little girl and mauled her badly. They called the ambulance, took her to the hospital. She's dead on arrival. Here she is in the hospital, dead. So we have no lease in life. And the the parents were devastated. Their grandparents were devastated. And there's just one ray of light in that whole story and that is here's a little girl, a year and a half.
Years of age that died, the Lord snatched that little girl and took her right home to heaven. This little girl, if she had lived, she may never have believed the gospel.
But at this age, you know, if something like that happens, the Lord is just and righteous and he takes that little, sweet little girl right home to be with himself. But there's nobody here. Uh, that I'm talking to under the front row. I see a little youngster there, and that's fine. I'm thinking of that. Those that are old enough to hear what I'm saying, Umm, that won't happen to you if you die without Christ.
Without believing in Christ, you will be in hell for all eternity.
There's so many here that are that are on the way to heaven and you know as you are sitting there.
Even though you're sitting there, you and I are walking this road on to the future.
The heaven or hell? And the question is, have you ever?
Believed on the Lord Jesus. OK, now I want to tell another story.
And this is about a boy named Philip. Anybody here by the name of Philip?
No Phillips here.
There's a Yes, of course. My old friends from my friends from Rita Ferry, of course. Hello. It's been a while since you've been a boy, Philip, but that's all right.
The he he was once, wasn't he? He was a boy, and he trusted on the Lord Jesus. And now he's up in years and like Mickey Mantle, he's all ready for the Lord to take him home and maybe we'll all go together. Wouldn't that be marvelous? All right, here's this little boy.
Philip He didn't have the advantages that boys and girls in this room had.
This boy, six years of age, his dad at the business is dad in, was stealing OK? And he had a little game and uh the the uh the dad, uh and the his coworkers would go around at night and break into houses and steal things and then sell them and uh the little boy, umm was taught to go into his store and quick as the wink slips things into his pocket. He was a thief too, and the little boy he got to got very good at it and got kind of proud about it. All right?
Now, as the story goes.
In late one year in November, in a very rainy day and cold.
This little group, uh, running away from the police, ended up in the countryside and by a burn, and they all crawled up a ladder and into the loft and the hay and went to sleep for the night. Uh, except this little boy, Philip. And uh he was. So I'll.
He he must have caught a bug in the cold, damp weather made him quite I'll and the added temperature and he didn't sleep all night but his dad woke up early in the morning and give him a kick and said wake up Phillip. We're all going to go now And but Phillip is so sick he couldn't get up. They left him right there. The dad left him right there and the other man and that mouth and the boys crying away as he's left. But you know what? There was a sweet older woman.
That lived on that farm, the only person that did, and she was coming out to feed the chickens this year. This strange cry.
She knew what it was, she said. That's a child crying and she went up in the loft and soon had that boy.
Down and into a nice bed, uh, in their house and uh cleaned them up some.
And he was very ill. But finally he got better.
And he became a real friend to that woman and used to help her with her chores. And the lady told him stories.
And best of all, the lady told him about the Lord Jesus and the gospel story.
Well, at that time nothing happened, but after about a year of this.
A happy life. A knock came at the door. A heavy knock came at the door.
And the lady went to answer the door and here was a rough looking man and it turned out to be Philip's father.
And he said, I know my boy is here. I want my boy back.
So all she could do is make a nice lunch for him and send him on his way with these.
Rough man and they had a job in mind and there was a big house there in an area where it was a wealthy area but the people had gone S for the winter and but everything was locked and barred so well that the thieves couldn't get in except an attic window. Up on the third story there was a little attic window and the dad thought, I'll bet my son could climb up a ladder.
And get in there into that attic and then come down and let us in.
Though he persuaded the boy Philip, he was very hesitant.
To do it because he had heard about the story of the gospel and he knew it was wrong to steal, but they persuaded him and threatened him. And finally they told him, well, look at you're not going to steal anything. You're just going to let us in. And so up the ladder he went and they're holding the ladder. And the boy says, Dad, make sure you hold that ladder. Well, the boy says, that's the father says that's I'm holding it. Well, you just watch out what you're doing.
And the boy, after he's up at the second story on the ladder and he looks around the corner and there's two men.
They are not with the gang that are running around the corner, the dad and the thieves at the bottom. They see that they let the ladder go and they run for their lives. The latter falls and this little boy Phillip falls all the way down and here's his broken body right on the ground. So the policeman get an ambulance and they take him to the hospital. Here he is unconscious in the hospital.
For days.
Finally, he wakes up this little boy, Philip, and a new nurse comes in that night.
See this Awake? But the little boy's got this frown on his face and so she says to Philip, are you feeling pain? And he says, no, I'm not feeling any pain. And she says, well look at tell me what's the matter, Maybe I can help you.
You know what this boy said? He said. Oh, I want to go to heaven.
But I know I can't.
And all the so the lady said, she knew the gospel well, she knew the Savior. Oh, she said, yes you can. The Lord Jesus died on the cross that you could go to heaven. Yes you can. But all know the little boy says I'm too bad to go to heaven. So the lady thought.
How about if if if I read about a thief in the Bible that went to heaven and oh, the boy says, well, that'd be good.
That would be good. So the lady turned to that passage in Luke's Gospel about the thief on the cross.
That accepted the Lord Jesus, that is understood that he was a king and that he was coming back again.
And so she told him about that story, and then she left.
The next evening, she came in.
And the little boy had said, oh, I'm at peace, he said. If that thief could be saved, then I can be saved too. And I've accepted the Lord Jesus.
As my savior and I'm safe. She came in the next evening into that room and what she saw was a bed.
Neatly made-up with nobody on it the Lord Jesus had taken.
That little boy Philip, home to be with himself, A little boy, six years old.
Is there somebody here that's five or six or four or seven?
Or three. And you know what I'm saying? That's sitting here and you've never accepted the Lord Jesus Savior. If there is, don't wait another woman. OK, one more song and then we'll. If I'm looking at the right clock, we have a.
One more song. Does somebody have another song?
Boy, there's been some great gospel songs given out. Everybody. Pardon me.
#5 Is that the number? Yeah. OK, a happy day. That fixed my choice. Please start #5.
I'm back to dumb and that was my morning Sunday and coming close to me and I thought about why I'm still in the past, so I'm denying.
05378, I want to help out with that one 3 + 5, let's go. Rest in one. May have a little oxygen break and let's resolve it. You have to play that. Oh, I'll be back all happy lenses when you're so hot. I'm getting somewhere.
39, five and six 575-5975. No, I have a problem. God, I'd love to take part where I am. There's not bad grieving, but so bad.
Well, I don't think that's all. I don't see that what happens. It's not a lot my life. I don't talk about it across the house to my own temperance. And I haven't been $3 and everything. I have a great job. Oh, that's the guy. Oh, I'll stay nice and glad to see you. Sunglasses on and so forth. One quick question.
For those that know the Lord his savior, when did the Lord Jesus wash your sins away?
When did the Lord Jesus wash your sins away?
OK, that that might be a tough question.
Yes, Pardon me.
OK, the the answer was when you do bad things. OK, that's an answer. One more answer real quick. When did the Lord Jesus flush?
Your sins away? Yes. When you confess your sins, that's another word. That's another answer.
Umm, OK and.
And I'm looking for another answer.
Who's gonna answer for me? Yes. Yeah. Yeah, Yeah. When you ask him to. OK, that's a good answer too. But there's another answer. All right, Kevin.
Oh, that's when he was.
Our sins away when he died on the cross and if you get saved today.
It means that you just found out about it.
You just learned that he did it all almost 2000 years ago on the cross.
And you've just learned, and you know, you think, oh, I'm an awful Sinner, and then you've learned that Jesus died for you.
2000 years ago? That's a marvelous answer.
That's when he washed our sins away. All right, now that's marvelous. We're going to pray our God and Father, we thank you for the opportunity here this morning. We know it's a weak message, but we pray that through thy Holy Spirit thou will touch the hearts of those here that are. On that downward Rd. We earnestly pray this Lord Jesus in thy most precious name. Amen.