Life Preserver

Duration: 17min
Children—Norm Wood
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Good morning. Good morning, good morning.
Good morning. This is.
Good morning.
Last night was a good night because it was preached faithfully last night.
I imagine everybody that's here was at the gospel.
And so last night you had an opportunity.
If you didn't do it.
Now we don't have a lot of time, so I'm going to.
And I have it picked out here. It's a little Gypsy Boy hymn #4.
For a #44.
Sea boy lay dying alone at the circles of the day.
Ever has known it.
And nobody ever has told me before.
And it's not taught me I'm bored. It's a boy and I'm doing like a tiger. Cut your face will be home. Nobody.
No, nobody ever has scolded for.
Now one question.
That was a good night, that we.
Because this happened just at the close of the day. A gypsy boy that nobody loves.
Just about to take his last breath, just about ready to step into eternity and somebody came and give the sweet story of the love of the Lord Jesus to this little boy. And he latched onto that. Then he said, oh, tell it again.
And so this morning it's our privilege to tell them again, not just a word of prayer. Our God and Father is at the start of its meetings to come to the East and to thank me so much for the gifts the Bible of His Son. And we thank thee, Lord Jesus, for that marvelous love that drew thee from those heights of heaven down to Calvary's cross without it lay down highlight.
Without it take our sins upon thee, and was punished for every one of those sins.
Oh Lord Jesus, thy love continuous till this very moment as the gospel goes forth again. And so we pray that hearts will be opened here the sand this morning and may accept thee of Savior. We thank thee, Lord Jesus and thy precious name. Amen. Amen. Now we don't have much time. I'm going to ask a boy and a girl.
To say the verse for today.
Here we are. I have the 1St.
That is here for today.
Personal copy and do we have a book? There's a boy there that would play the first four. Please go right ahead. Yep.
The World to save sinners First two He's 115.
All right, young lady.
I'm going to allow.
Tennessee 1:15, thank you very much. That's very lovely. It couldn't be a better verse on the sun used to all paper for today. Christ Jesus came into the world as a centers. And where are we going to? Where are we going to find centers? Well, we look around here and everybody in this whole room is a Sinner. They were born sinners. They've been born centers and.
You know.
Yes, yes, Sir. Again, I'm not sure it's working, but uh.
Umm, everyone of us is born in it. But there's two classes of sinners in this room this very day. I'm sure there are. And a group this large. I'm sure there are those that know the Lord Jesus as Savior. That is their safe sinners. And I'm sure there's some boys and girls in this room that aren't safe yet. They're lost sinners. Oh my boy or girl, have you listened to the gospel last night?
Umm, I hope you're safe. If you weren't, one of the first things to do is to include yourself in that group of sinners. You know, years ago, Albert Hale was down in the West Indies and he met a little girl named Eden and.
15th chapter of Luke's Gospel starts this way. The publicans and sinners accused the Lord.
I've I've.
Being with sinners and eating with sin. This little girl's name was Edith. And you know she thought that this word uh in the Bible was Edith. He thought it said the Lord Jesus received sinners and Edith wisdom. Well you know that little girl included herself.
In the the the huge group of people that are called Centered, and that's a marvelous thing to do.
Because we really need to be safe. The Lord Jesus came to save sin. Now I want to talk a little bit about water today, and I'm going to read the in Matthew 14.
Just a few verses, Matthew 14 and verse 25, OK.
The setting here is that the Lord Jesus had his disciples get into a ship and to go out into the the the big sea and going on to the other side and the storm came up and the sea and the waves they were in the midst of the sea and tossed with waves where the wind was conquered. And verse 23. And in the 4th watch of the night Jesus went on to them walking on the sea and when the disciples saw him walking on the sea.
They were trouble saying, it disappeared, and they cried out for fear. But straightway Jesus speak unto them, saying, Be a good cheer. It is I be not afraid. And Peter answered him, and said, Lord, if it be thou bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, come. And when Peter would come down out of the ship, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. And when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid.
And began to think things, and began to think. And beginning to think, he he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus dredged it forth his hands, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore get thou doubt? And when they were coming to the ship, the wind ceased. Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying about truth, Thou art the Son of God.
That's a this is some quite some picture, isn't it? And we see Peter there. He steps out of the ship and he starts to walk on the water and he starts to think and what does he do?
He could, he says, Lord save me. He was too far from the ship himself to grab hold of the ship, he said. Lord save me. He was in earth, he was thinking and the Lord Jesus just stretched out his arm and he saved Peter.
Isn't that a marvelous thing? And you know, he can say you today just as easy if you introduce yourself as a Sinner, You say, oh, I'm a Sinner. Lord, I need you. A savior. Save me and the Lord Jesus will save you. Right now. You know where I live, we live on a lake, OK? And I'm sure lots of you have been in boats and that type of thing. And.
There's something that we use around boats and around docks and around lakes and I got the loan of this just for this morning. It's a nice small, what would you call it?
OK, this is a life jacket and it's a life preserver. It's for a little child and they're sitting here and when they're in the water, their head comes back on this and that keeps their head out of the water. It's a life preserver and they're a very important thing. Anybody that is in a boat and can't swim must wear a life preserver.
And if they fall over for it, this will save their lives. So what a marvelous thing there is. You know, we have to use those last year.
Six strong young men from Toronto went to Rice Lake, which is South of Peterborough in Ontario, and they went out in a boat on Rice Lake. Now Rice Lake is a Big Lake and it's a heat lake and they get out of ways and it's tremendous.
The storm came up, flipped over their boat and as six of them went right in and landed right in the water and three of those people were saved because they had light preserves up. So many of you all know that story because it is in the paper. The other three, right, because they didn't have life preservatives. And so my boy and girl, this afternoon, are you wearing a life preserver that really counts and that is Lord Jesus as your savior.
Now I'm going to tell a story.
Down in the Lake Ontario and it dropped down all the way along. It dropped 326 feet.
From Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. And of course on this way how long it drops over that huge Niagara Falls, which is 161 feet straight down. More than 800,000 gallons of water a second go over Niagara Falls.
The river up near Lake Erie, of course, is kind of peaceable, and you can swim on it and have goats. But as you come further down toward the falls, the river gets rough. There's a lot of rapid, a lot of white water, and then finally it pitches in over the balls. I want to tell a tragic story, but also a happy story about what happened there one beautiful Saturday.
And the 8th of June or July?
19 and 60, OK, There was a man there named Jim Honeycutt that worked for the hydroelectric plant there, and he was from, uh, North Carolina. He came up there looking for work and uh, so he thought it'd be nice to buy a boat. So he bought a small aluminum boat that was about 14 feet. That's not very big. And the 7 1/2 outboard motor and uh he uh, he lived at a trailer park about four miles above the falls.
On the river and he docked his boat there, but he had a good friend that worked with him and this day he said, you know.
What were you? You've got a son and daughter there. I want to take them out on the river. And he did. And one of the girl was 17 years of age. Her name was Deanne and the boy's name was Roger and he was seven years of age. Before they left the house, the mother grabbed the two children, 2 youngsters, about the 17 year olds and children child.
I grabbed him and said, look here's some life preservers for you. I want you to put them on and they put them on right there, right in front of them up. And so uh, Honeycutt said draw them up to where he lived. And so they got out on this boat and got it started a little 7 1/2 uh uh engine. And uh he got out into the middle of the river and the river was so calm and peaceful there and and he turned the the boat downstream and even let little Roger hold on to the tiller That is the handle.
And so they enjoyed themselves there for maybe half an hour and as they were enjoying themselves both with Terry.
And finally.
Honeycutt started and noticed that the water was getting very rough and so he tried to turn the boat around.
And uh, he turned the boat around. But you know that little 7 1/2 horsepower engine? It just kept chugging away, but it didn't make any any, uh, headway against that current. And all of a sudden the sheer pin sheared.
And uh, there was no more power.
And the posters adrift violently about a mile above the fall. And Honeycutt tried to grow this boat and he can't do anything. The boat's just gone toward the fall as fast as I can. And you know, in the middle of the uh of UH, the Niagara River is a large island called Goat Island, and it flips the river and the falls into two the Canadian on one side and the American on the other. The Canadian is a horseshoe fault.
OK now all right, so the vote is that it's moving backwards towards the fall. The ends in the back seat and the honeycuts and little Rogers up front. The boat hit a rock in the river and it just went straight up in the air, threw them all into the water and the honeycutt tried to grab Roger and hold his head above water. But the the the force of the water just ripped Roger away and down the river and right out over the falls and down 161 feet.
Then who knows what underneath? There were rocks and Shoals and.
That that boy, real go, the little the girl, little Deanne, she's in trouble. She's over a year Goat Island and uh trying to, uh fight against the current. Can't make any headway. Keys drifting towards the bulk now a a a a tourist by the name of John Hayes.
He sees the the situation here and he rushes down and over the guardrail and reaches out to this girl who's trying to swim and move over toward him and this little girl, Deanna. She just says help help and she's about 7 or 8 feet away. She's slipping further towards the falls. This Mr. Hayes. He runs further down, hooks his foot around the rail and reaches the way out and as that girl.
We passed. He just reaches out and grabs his thumb.
And he's able to close his hands around her and there, just hold on the two of them and it looks for a while like both of them are going to go over the phone.
And its just an equilibrium here. Another student, another tourist, name of petrocy. He jumped over the falls too and he grabbed her arm and slowed me. They pulled this Colonel Dean to safely. She'd been within 10 feet and blown over the phone the closest ever to the fall and yet saved no.
A little while later you know there's a there's a a tourist boat called the Mazes and myths that can take the tourists up and come as close to the falls down below as a dam and then goes back down. Captain teachers at the wheel this day and they're about to turn around and captain one of the seamen sees that reddish thing floating in the water and they look more closely.
And Captain T's radio says you know.
There's a life preserver floating in the water here and there's a little tin and the kid looks like he's still alive.
And you know, he's he's floating there, close to the opening of one of the big ports of the hydroelectric electric tube which takes water down the to uh, make electricity. So he's not out of danger yet. But uh, the first maid throws out a a rope, and he missed. The second time he throws the rope, he doesn't hit. The third time he came within a foot, a red Ranger and Roger crabbed a foot of that rope.
His only hands have escaped.
And pulled himself onto the toward the boat. And of course they helped him on and this little boy.
Is still alive and Stillwell and they put both of these youngsters in the hospital for two or three days. That is the AM and the little boy Roger and after two or three days, the release module and they're just as well as anybody that's sitting here today now.
Four days later, Mr. Honeycutt's body showed up at the maid of the list Lane, Maid of the Midst Landing, and the story here is in many stories, but the story here is that 2 individuals that wore a light belt in that boat left the one that didn't send my boy or girl. If you've got on the war teeth as your life belt, you'll live on in heaven.
For all eternity.
I want to tell you the rest of the story.
This little boy Roger. Two years later, somehow we got into a gospel meeting and this little boy Roger got to say.
And you know, he used to say, you know, the Lord saved me.
At Nagar, he saved me from the water so that he can save you my sins. And you know, that boy grew up to be a man and he was a preacher of the gospel for many years. As far as I know, he's still living and alive in that area of Niagara. Southwestern Ontario is still preaching the gospel.
Marvelous thing. There may be people here that knows.
Umm, I saw a video tape of that. Uh, I don't know, reviewing that whole story. And it showed little Roger in the hospital bed. And here was the headlines on the paper and it said, uh little boy, California, a conqueror's Niagara. That's what the story says. And an interview with UH Roger later I didn't conquer.
I agree that day.
What we saw here was a beautiful picture of the marvelous mercy and grace of God. Isn't that the most marvelous thing? Well, you know, a boy or girl. Time is going swiftly by, but that's a remarkable story.
I don't think I've ever ran into a story like that.
Where there was so much effort put to to save these youngsters and they were saved. The Lord permitted that they would be saved, and especially Roger, oh, they permitted. He was saved from the water so that he could be saved from all eternity. I want to tell just one other story. And this is a story that Jordan Hagel used to tell years ago. And it's a sweet story. There was a father who had a little boy, I suppose about five years old.
And they were. They had a great relationship. They were very fond of each other. And there was a mother in the family too, and it was a lovely little family.
But you know, this little boy got sick and he didn't get well. I mean, we get the flu and a few days later we're well, it's been avoiding, but it got worse and worse. So the parents took them to the hospital and they diagnosed him.
Doctors examined them thoroughly in chest. All the parents knew and they said, he said, I'm sorry to tell you, but your little boy is not going to get better. He's got a fatal disease.
Last time he said it's quite a bad thing to hear. Well, the parents took it pretty hard and the light went on for a few days. And the dad, I don't know whether the dads are saving or but he's. But he started to worry anyway about this little boy.
Of his in the fact that he was going to go into eternity.
And so he said to the boy's son. You know?
I'm concerned, you know, What's your sense? Oh, the boy said. I'm not worried. He said. I'm not worried about myself. I'm not worried about my favorite, you know, just thought you're going into eternity. What about your sins? You know, he had done some naughty things, as every little boy or girl did, and.
Finally, the little boy said, Oh, Daddy, you know I don't have any. I don't have anything steady. Oh, everybody's in. Jim must have some sins. Oh, no, Daddy, he said. Oh, my sins have been washed away.
In the precious Blood of Christ, my boy or girl, if you were called in just a moment.
Where would you be repressed? That should be with the word Jesus in heaven for holy eternity. What a risk to take. Don't go down life's river without that marvelous life preserver of the Lord. Have we got time? I don't think we do. We'll just.
Pray our God and Father.
Umm, the story about Islam is so great.
And we have some boys and girls here, and then the older ones too, Lord Jesus, that can see down into the hearth. And we pray earnestly that if there's a little boy, a boy or girl here today that doesn't know that at this very moment they'll put on that light preserver. Lord Jesus without us, but I and help you stay upon eternity, we do earnestly pray this Lord Jesus, and in thy precious Navy men.
Oh, there's some.
Messages of love and that kind of thing, Caleb. Do they just come up and get them?
Oh, here's the answer.
Good morning, everyone.
We've got some Sunday school papers as you were saying, and and I think there are some refreshments also in the in the dining room right now, some drinks. Anyway, like to take some of those, Umm, before you get up. Maybe everyone could pass their hymn sheets to the two center aisles here and someone will pick them up.
Uh, the young people might want to check the list in the in the dining room to see if their names are all filled in there for servers needed.
I haven't checked it lately, so I don't know.
The next meeting will be the breaking of bread at 10:30 and I'd like to ask that try to be seated by quarter after. Thank you.