
Lines written for the Soldier
He tried to hold you back that day
You sought your Saviour’s face.
He failed, and now he tries to lay
Full many, a hindrance in the way
Of your appointed race.
Launch out! Leave all that hinders you,
Without one hour’s delay;
Go, cut the cable through, right through,
To slacken only, will not do,
And above all things—pray.
Remember when you meet your foe,
The Lord is standing by;
No subtle snare, no cruel blow,
No deadly aim to lay you low,
Escapes that watchful eye.
And He who never knew defeat,
Knew well the tempter’s power;
Lay your weak point beneath His feet,
Trust Him for victory complete,
However dark the hour.
Take, soldier, take the highest ground,
The path your Master trod,
The Everlasting Arms around,
The power you need—in Jesus found,
Your stay―the living God.
M. A. C. D.