"The Right Man Saw Me"

A soldier lay in hospital suffering from severe wounds. In the action during which he had been hit he had gained the V. C. The chaplain came and sat down by his bed, and in course of conversation asked the man how he had won the decoration. “Oh, I don’t know,” was the careless answer; “I just did the right thing in the right place, and the right man saw me!” In the Christian life, we may be quite sure that when we do the right thing, the right Man will see us.
When our life work is done, and we pass into the presence of the Captain of our salvation, shall we be privileged to hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant”? Shall it be ours amid the glories of heaven to be confessed by Christ before His Father and the holy angels? God help us to be more and more faithful. We may be sure if we do the right thing in the right place, that the right One will see it. And everything we do with a single eye to His glory will be remembered by Him for all eternity.