An old lady once lived alone in a little low cottage by the roadside. She was very poor, but her needs were supplied day by day by the hand of the Lord, which she ever acknowledged as the hand that supplied her, whatever or whoever the instrument might be. She would always say, “The Lord sent it.”
One day some naughty boys, thinking to have some fun at the old lady’s expense, climbed onto her roof and tossed a loaf of bread down the chimney. A few minutes later they knocked at her door, and pretending to take an interest in her welfare, they asked how she was getting on.
“The Lord sent me a loaf of bread,” she said.
At this they all laughed, saying it was not the Lord, “but it was we who put that down your chimney.”
“Well,” returned the old lady, “I am sure the Lord sent it, even if the devil brought it.”
How true the words of the poet, When the Lord’s people have a need, His goodness will find out a way.”