The Samaritan

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
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The robbers had plundered and left him half dead;
The ground with his blood all around was dyed red;
They’d stripped him of raiment, of silver and gold,
And left him exposed to the heat or the cold.
The scribe and the Levite his misery saw,
But both passed him by, though both knew the law.
Anon, a Samaritan, coming that way,
Perceived the poor man as he helplessly lay,
All naked and bare, drawing near to the grave,
And mark how he helped this poor man to save.
He dressed his sore wounds-attended and fed
The man whom he found stripped bare and half dead.
So Jesus the Lord in mercy draws nigh
To those who are lost, and ready to die;
He looks on their woe, and pities their case,
He shows them His blood and plentiful grace;
Assures them their sins are freely forgiven,
And says ’tis His will that they meet Him in heaven.
Dear reader, do you feel sorrow for sin?
Does conscience accuse, and fear dwell within?
Are groanings and tears your sorrowful meat?
Do you want to sit down at Jesus’ blest feet?
Oh follow Him hard, nor fear He’ll refuse,
The soul that is taught this portion to choose.