Home After Labor

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
Lord Jesus, I would dwell in Thee,
And nestle in Thy love;
Midst desert lands Thou leadest me,
Whilst Thou art still above;
Though weaker than a bruised reed,
Oft faint beyond a sigh,
Yet “Thou remainest,” still “the same,”
Unchanged Thou’rt ever nigh.

My blessed Lord I’d hear Thy words,
Thy heavenly voice so sweet,
When fever’d is the aching brow,
And worn the toiling feet;
I’d rest with Thee in peace and sleep,
In calmness I’d abide,
My head upon Thy bosom keep,
Whilst watching by my side.

O Savior, Lord, what joy and rest,
Shut in alone with Thee—
Shut out from all the din and strife,
My Christ my all shall be.
Assured Thy love will perfect soon
Thy work of grace alone,
Then oh! The pure, uncheckered joy
Of sharing Thy blest home.