“the First Month of the Year”

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 8
Another year is past and a new year has begun, verily “We bring our years to an end as a tale that is told.” It is well then, standing here just now, to survey for a little in memory the way of the past. There can be but little doubt that at such a season as this, recollections of the past will mingle strangely, and it may be unbidden as well, with anticipations of the future. The past! think of the memories that word recalls! Think of the deep emotions and varied experiences it awakens! With how many is it associated almost through all its months, with scenes of sorrow and suffering, hours of toil and temptation, days of depression, gloom and darkness, times of peril and perplexity.
These must ever have the upper hand with us, if we have not learned by faith to have to do with Himself outside the scene through which we are passing.
In the chapter from which the heading of our paper is taken, we find that from the creation time had rolled on unchanged as to the mode in which it was reckoned.
It is striking that not even the flood of waters, the universal grave of the generation of that day, save those in the ark, effected any change; but now we are introduced to a most important and striking change, and we are justified in saying that all was new that characterized this change: they have often been dwelt upon, hence it must suffice just now to enumerate them.
1. The sacrifice was new—a Lamb.
2. The time of its being offered was new—in the evening.
3. The place was new—Egypt.
4. The feast inside was new—a roasted lamb, “his head with his legs and the purtenance thereof.”
5. The time for eating it, and the attitude and apparel of those who eat it was new; namely, the time midnight; the attitude, standing; the apparel, loins girded; shoes on the feet; and staff in hand.
6. The bread was also new—for it was unleavened. Thus we find the items as we may say of Israel’s new history.
How blessed, my reader, if the commencement of another year should find you, if never before, in a new order of things, as to your soul’s realization in faith; oh, to know Christ Himself in the new and heavenly place where He is, to abide there with Him, finding all your heart’s deepest longings there fully met and satisfied, so that in heavenly peace and repose and calmness, you can go through this world of unrest and disturbance, as has been so blessedly said, like a rich man amongst the destitute, having everything to contribute, but looking for nothing and wanting nothing here. That in this sense, this year may be the opening up and out of “blessings of heaven above” to all my readers, is the earnest desire of my heart.