One day as Felix Neff was walking in a street in the city of Lausanne he saw at a distance a man whom he took for one of his friends. He ran up behind him, tapped him on the shoulder before looking in his face, and asked him, "How do you find your soul, my friend?”
The stranger turned. Neff perceived his error, apologized, and went his way.
About three or four years later a man came to Neff, saying he was indebted to him for his inestimable kindness. Neff did not recognize the man and begged him to explain.
The stranger replied: "Have you forgotten the one whose shoulder you touched in a street in Lausanne? You asked him, 'How do you find your soul?' That man was I! Your question led me to seek the Lord, and now I can answer, 'It is well with my soul.'”
Friend, I ask you: "How do you find your soul?" May you, through God's mercy and grace be able to give this man's answer: "It is well with my soul.”