History furnishes us with abundance of testimony to this. Perhaps the most pertinent example, as bearing upon our inquiry more directly, is that of the late Emile Coue. Without any pretense to being religious, he became one of the wonder-workers of the world. By dint of a strong personality, the trick of getting the patient to repeat the formula, " I am getting better and better every day," working " auto-suggestion " for all it was worth, he claimed to perform miraculous healing. His consulting rooms were filled with the crippled, whilst their walls were adorned with the crutches that the grateful patients left behind as a testimony to their wonderful cures. And please remember that these cures were claimed without any appeal to spiritual power.
It is not a little remarkable that Coue died in his early sixties Evidently his formula did not save him from a comparatively early death.
There are doctors who profess to cure patients by the help of hypnotic power. They are able to furnish striking instances of their success.