Phil. 5:11.
Jesus, God’s delight and pleasure,
Who can utter all Thy worth?
Thou—from heaven—Thyself renouncing,
In the manger had’st Thy birth;
And, as Man—God’s willing servant—
In Thy grace did’st walk the earth.
Pure obedience, deep and fervent,
Mark’d Thy perfect path below;
Heart’s surrender to Thy Father’s
Will and pleasure Thou did’st show;
And to death Thyself did’st humble,
Yea, the death of shame and woe.
For Thy humbling, now exalted,
Crown’d with glory, for Thy shame,
God to Thee a Name hath given
“Which from all shall homage claim:
Heav’nly, earthly, and infernal,
Bowing to that honor’d Name.
Jesus, Saviour we adore Thee,
Sing Thy praise with one accord:
Soon, all knees shall bow before Thee,—
Every tongue confess Thee Lord,
Unto God the Father’s glory,
Who in Thee is e’er ador’d.