I Want Thee Here, Lord Jesus

 •  2 min. read
I want Thee here, Lord Jesus,
In every time of need,
I cannot do without Thee,
For I am weak indeed;
I want Thy love to cheer me
Along the desert way,
Thy wondrous love, Lord Jesus,
To be my strength and stay.
I want Thee here, Lord Jesus,
I want Thy sympathy,
For I’ve no friend down here, Lord,
Can sympathize like Thee.
Thou knowest all I feel, Lord,
My sorrows and my fears,
My failures, and temptations,
Thou “countest e’en my tears.”
I want Thee when I’m lonely,
To make Thy presence known,
For oh! when Thou art near me,
I never feel alone.
I want Thee when I’m weary,
To help me on the way,
I want Thy strength made perfect
In my weakness, day by day.
I want Thee to advise me
When I know not what to do,
To guide me and direct me
Where Thou wouldst have me go.
I want Thee every moment,
Lord, I am so very weak,
Not one thing can I do aright
Unless Thy aid I seek.
I want Thee too “up there,” Lord,
As Priest to intercede,
That I may grace and help obtain
In every time of need.
I want Thee as the Advocate,
Whene’er I fail or sin,
To cleanse me from defilement,
To keep my peace within.
I’ll want Thee too, Lord Jesus,
In that bright home above,
Where, with Thy ransomed people,
I’ll celebrate Thy love.
I could not do without Thee there,
‘Twould not be heaven to me
If He alone were absent
Who purchased it for me.
Then quickly come, Lord Jesus,
Oh! “tarry not” we pray,
Soon take Thy waiting people
From this dark world away.
Then ever in Thy presence,
“From sin and sorrow free,”
I’ll sing the matchless praises
Of Him who died for me.
S. B.