A college professor had impressed a group of students by his outstanding comportment. His face reflected such peace and joy, and his ways were so gentle and kind, that all were drawn to him.
One day, a student decided to follow as closely as possible this certain professor in his activities. He wanted to learn the secret of his calm, quiet life. Therefore, when evening came and it was time for the professor to enter his study, this student discovered a way to remain unseen while observing this exemplary man.
After the professor was seated at his desk, the student watched him open the Bible which was known to be on his desk at all times. One hour the professor spent in meditation over the open Book and in silent prayer.
After this, he closed the sacred volume and audibly pronounced these words: "Lord Jesus, Thou knowest that I belong to Thee, and that all is well between Thee and me."
Dear reader, the student now understood the reason why this man was different—he realized that this man had spent time in secret with the One who loved him and gave Himself for him. The words of John 15:1515Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. (John 15:15), "I have called you friends," had become real to him.
The Lord Jesus said those cherished words for those who know Him in such an intimate way-the climax that any human life can reach: "I have called you friends."