I Want to See Jesus Face to Face

Duration: 46min
Luke 23:8‑11; Luke 19:1‑10
Listen from:
Children—R. Groth
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Number six on the ham sheet.
God and mercy sent his Son to a world by sin undone.
Jesus Christ was crucified.
Cause for sinners. Jesus died.
We'll sing the 1St and the last verse of number six in the chorus.
God and mercy sent his Son.
Jesus Christ.
Was thrown away by.
What I said.
In Jesus life.
All the God.
Of the brain shining.
A ****** face.
That makes sense.
Jesus Christ.
Lord, come on the grave.
And all, thank you.
That's a nice gospel message to start our meeting with.
Now then, how about a girl? Do you have a favorite?
Plenty of girls, all right.
Well, that's a good one, number four.
Annual Sing The first and last verse of #4.
Christ is the Savior of sinners.
Christ is the Savior for me.
I wonder if he's your savior this morning.
Boys and girls.
He's my savior.
Christ is a savior for me.
While I was changing since darkness.
Now, by His grace, I am free. Well, let's sing the first and last verse and #4.
Christ is a Savior.
Christ is the state of.
And I like me.
Sharing this platform.
And as I'm saying, you're for me.
Love when I'm out last night changing.
How can I help?
With praise.
And as a savior for me.
How about one more?
Who has the for him they'd like to give off?
A boys or girls this time?
Or you gave out number one.
We don't. All right, there's a little hand.
That's my favorite.
#40 And I think we better sing the whole hymn this time.
The back part of the of the of the sheep #40 Jesus loves me this I know. Do you know that one? You know that song? Well let's, how about you? Do you know that one? Well, let's all sing it good and loud so we can hear it.
Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so little ones.
To him belong they are weak, but he is strong all right #40.
My God help me go.
Change my.
I won't help me long.
The way to make me cry, wait to call me and their heart.
Hate me, say from every heart.
AM I proud and shall I die?
Hey, wow, Take Me Home.
On my way.
Yes, he is now about me.
Now I'm going to ask for volunteers again.
Who would like to give their first?
You say verses here in Los Angeles we have children all say versus.
Do you have one all right?
Good and loud.
Well, that was very good. It was a hard first, too. What was your verse?
You just put your hand up. What's your verse?
I'll help you. The shortest person. The Bible is 2 words. Jesus wept. Now you say that.
That's right, Jesus wept. Not about some of the girls. One of the girls.
You have a verse for us this morning, girls.
Anybody all right?
Very good, very good.
If I asked you boys and girls a question.
I'm going to.
Can I ask a question? I'm going to ask several questions this morning because I like to hear what the boys and girls.
Have to say I'm going to ask you one question first.
How many of you, boys and girls want to go to heaven?
Well, it looks as if all the hands are up.
You know, I asked that question some time ago, the little audience like this.
One little girl, she refused to put up her hand.
And I said to her, what's the matter? Don't you want to go to heaven? What do you think? She said.
No, she said. I want to be where my father and mother are.
Well, I knew very well that their father and mother.
Was going to was on their way to heaven and so this little girl wanted to be where father and mother were. Well, I trust that that is true with every one of you boys and girls here this morning.
That if your parents are saved, shouted under the precious blood of Christ and on their way to glory heaven, that you want to be there too.
Now then, I'm going to ask another question. Why do you want to be in heaven?
That's a good question, isn't it? Why do you want to be in heaven? You said you want to go to heaven. Now why do you want to be in heaven? All right, boys.
Can you tell me?
You had your hands up.
All right, here's an answer.
Beg pardon.
So we have eternal life. Well, that's a good answer. All right, one more.
Why do you want to be in heaven or go to heaven?
Well that's another good answer. So we don't go to hell because there's only two places, boys and girls, that we can spend our eternity. One is up in heaven with the Lord Jesus or the other is down in that place which the Lord Jesus said on several occasions held.
Eternal separation from God and His love. But I want one more answer. Why do we want to go to heaven?
All right, do what?
Do we trust well?
That's a good thought, but I don't quite understand it. All right, what are we? What's your answer?
Well, we've had that one, boys and girls. You know why I want to go to heaven?
I want to see the man who died for me on Calvary's frost.
Love me so much.
To come down from heaven.
Go to Calvary's cross.
Shed his precious blood.
That I might have all my sins washed away.
And then to see that one who loved me and gave himself for me.
All these other answers were good and proper, but I want to see the man who died for me.
I was outstanding one day.
Like you boys and girls do, I dove in. I thought I had lots of strength.
And I was trying to swim out to the second raft at the beach.
And something happened. I lost my strength. My strength gave out.
And I went down once, I went down twice, and I went down the third time.
And naturally speaking, all hope was gone. But a man dove in at that time.
And he got ahold of me.
Annie brought me to the shore.
You know, he's that man didn't stay around. I wanted to see that man who saved me.
Yes, I want to see that man who saved me. I want to thank him.
But I couldn't find him.
All in appreciation for what the Lord Jesus has done for me.
And for you boys and girls on Calvary's cross, I want to see the man that died for me.
Now then, I want to speak very briefly.
On two men at least that wanted to see Jesus.
One was a king.
A very wicked king.
And the other man was.
And a rich man.
Who can tell me the name of the king that wanted to see Jesus for a long season?
For a long time, he wanted to see Jesus.
And then the time took place when he saw Jesus.
But he did not learn to know Jesus as his Savior.
Anybody know the name of the king?
Starts with.
All right, that's right, King Aaron turn to the.
Lukes Gospel.
And the 23rd verse.
23rd chapter.
And you boys and girls, turned to Luke 23 quickly.
And verse 8, we'll just read a few verses in connection with King Herod.
For those of you who do not have Bibles, you better listen hard because I might ask you some questions.
And when Herod saw Jesus?
He was exceeding glad.
When Herod saw Jesus, he was exceeding glad, for he was desires to see him.
For a long season, that's a long time.
Because he had heard many things of him, and he hoped to have seen some miracle done by him.
Here is this man, Herod the King.
He was a very cruel man. All the Herods were cruel men, cruel kings.
You read the scripture over and over again about the Herods. Ah, they were cruel man, and God had to come in at the end and speak to them. And some of them have all very untimely deaths.
But here was a man, King Herod, that wanted to see Jesus. But what do you want to see him for?
Wanted Herod want to see Jesus for.
Yes, out of curiosity, Herod wanted to see Jesus.
And he hoped to have seen some miracle done by him.
Well, that isn't a very nice thought, is it? Because this very man Herod.
That's before us.
At one time.
Way back in the 9th chapter of this same book, we find him beheading.
A servant of the Lord.
Beheading a servant of the Lord John Baptist.
Oh, he was a wicked, cruel man.
But you know, he had a heart.
Just like yours.
Just like mine.
A heart. A work of heart.
And you have all these herods. They were idumians.
Or Edomites.
And some of them lay claim to the Old Testament, some of the Old Testament scriptures, Judaism.
They were responsible to God for the truth which they knew about God.
And yet, on the other hand, they set their truth all aside, and did all these wicked things to the people, and to some of the servants of the Lord.
This man, Herod, he beheaded John Baptist.
There is another Herod spoken of in.
The book of Acts and he beheaded or killed James.
All such wicked men, and yet, boys and girls, God gave this man as well as the other Herod's light in respect to himself.
But they turned it all aside and did these terrible, terrible things.
Or the man that is before us.
When he saves Jesus.
And Jesus here is before Pilate.
When he sees Jesus, he was exceeding glass.
Or if the Lord Jesus came down here this morning.
Would you be exceeding glad to see him? Would you be glad to see the Lord Jesus? Would you?
Well, Herod was, but I'm afraid that this world would not be exceeding glad to see the Lord Jesus.
Because this world is is responsible for his crucifixion on Calvary's cross.
This world set him aside and crucified him on Calvary's cross. And I find that apart from grace, apart from the sovereign grace of God, my heart is no better than their hearts.
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it?
But now, boys and girls, we want to get make a point here.
So I look into your bases.
As I look into your faces this morning, I am assured that you all have heard the gospel of God's grace.
Once, twice, or many more times.
You sat in Sunday school just as you are this morning, and you've heard the simple message.
And not only that, you have a Bible, God's word, to look into.
And to read and to know God's terms of salvation, how we can be saved from our sins.
Saved for glory.
Wonder. I wonder now.
How many of you boys and girls have closed in?
And God's offer salvation.
You sang a few minutes ago from your hearts I trust Jesus loves me. This I know.
For the Bible tells me so.
What if that was true?
And we trust it was then you have that blessing.
But if you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Knowing all the scriptures that you do know.
Sitting under the sound of the gospel over and over again. Don't point your finger at this wicked man, Herod.
Because if you're refusing God's salvation.
Ah, then.
If the Lord Jesus should come just before we close this meeting.
Or if you should pass out of time and into eternity.
It would be forever and eternally too late for you if you're still in your sins.
Because in order to find yourself up in heaven.
We have to get rid of our sins.
SINS. And how do we do that?
All right.
That's right, we have to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Have our sins washed away in his precious blood. Is that right?
Our passport to heaven.
Is the blood of Jesus Christ.
Now then, you have Bibles.
Herod didn't have a Bible like you have.
You have Christian parents.
Fathers and mothers, and perhaps brothers and sisters who, like Timothy, Timothy's grandmother and grandmother, brought the Scriptures before Timothy over and over again.
And Timothy not only heard the scriptures, but he found out that they would make him wise unto salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus.
Well now boys and girls, don't be like Herod. Don't miss the blessing of salvation, sins forgiven, and your eternal destiny up in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ. Don't miss the blessing by refusing God's salvation.
Now then, I want to turn to another man.
Who wanted to see Jesus?
In the 18th chapter of this book.
Rather the 19th chapter.
You know the man's name.
All right.
Nicodemus No, that's John 3.
Try it again. Zacchaeus. Yes. You ever hear about Zacchaeus? I suppose Zacchaeus was a man about 6 feet 10 inches tall.
What's the script you say about them?
Yeah, it was just a little follow and there's several little fellows here this morning and you know that I like that because the Gospels for the little fellows as well as the big fellows.
Little boys and girls, middle class, the old folks. You know, in Matthew 11, we have a word. COME. What's that?
Come. That's right, children.
All folks middle-aged.
Now what about E?
Children all come, Come to the Savior. Make no delay, all folks. Yes, come.
Middle-aged yes, come, that's the blessed word of the gospel. Boys and girls has come, come unto me, says the Lord Jesus, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Well, we must go on to this 19th chapter of Luke and see a little bit of a a bottom man who wanted to see Jesus.
Oh, I want to see this same blessed one.
Elf in glory.
First verse Jesus entered and passed through Jericho.
That verse is full of meaning.
And behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus, which was the chief among the publicans, and he was.
What does it say? A poor man?
He was rich.
And he sought to see Jesus.
Now does that, does that stop there? That sentence stop there, girl, You have your Bible open. What's it say? What's the rest of the sentence?
All right, yes, who he was.
He sought to see Jesus, who he was.
Or how different than Herod?
Herod, out of mere curiosity.
Wanted to see Jesus for a long season.
He had heard of the many things which Jesus had done.
And now he hoped that some miracle might be performed.
Before his eyes. But Jesus didn't answer to his curiosity.
No, the Lord Jesus will answer to the poor sinners cry God, be merciful to me, the center, but he's not going to answer to any curiosity, any question that comes up out of mere curiosity and know the Lord has no time for that. He wants to see repentance in our little hearts.
While he sought to see Jesus, who he was, and could not for the press, because he was little of stature. And he ran before and climbed up into a Sycamore tree to see him, for he was to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must abide at thy house. And he made haste and came down, and received him joyfully.
The 10th verse. For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. Now let's all say that verse together. I'll read it again, Then we'll all repeat it. For the Son of Man is come to seek and to say that which was lost are altogether.
For the Son of man is come to see and to save that which was lost, not just the children.
For the Son of Man.
Has come to seek and to save that which was lost. Little week.
Tell you're not on the football field.
Well, we have a beautiful account of a man named Zach Giss.
Who wanted to see Jesus, but wanted to see Jesus who he was?
Like King Herod.
No doubt Zach is heard of the many, many things which the Lord Jesus accomplished.
In his 3 1/2 years of service.
In this world.
The raising of the dead.
The healing of the sick.
And afflicted ones.
Restoring sight to the poor blind man.
And all these marvelous things which the Lord Jesus in one place, it says the people wondered, and they well might.
The people wondered.
Well, Zacchaeus not only wanted to see Jesus in connection with all these things which the Lord Jesus did, blessing upon blessing, but He wanted to see Him who He is, who He was.
And you know that would tell me, boys and girls.
That Zacchaeus learned.
Some way, somehow?
That the one.
That he wanted to see.
Was not none other than Jesus?
The Son of Man.
For Luke presents the Lord Jesus Christ to us as Son of Man.
In all his beauty and in all his glory as Son of Man.
Now you may not be able to enter into that.
How little we do, those of us are older. But he entered into the blessed fact of his being Son of Man.
And come down to seek and to say that which was lost.
And so he wanted to see him who he was.
He wanted to know this Blessed One as his Savior.
And his Lord and boys and girls, let me tell you this.
That the Lord Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. What was going to happen at Jerusalem?
This is the last time the Lord Jesus went along this dirty dusty Rd.
From Jericho up to Jerusalem and it is a dirty dusty Rd.
Why was the Lord Jesus going up to Jerusalem?
And why was this the last time?
Blind Bartimaeus in the 18th chapter and Zacchaeus in this chapter had this opportunity.
All the Lord Jesus was going on up to Jerusalem.
There to be rejected, there to be crucified. Crucified not only by the Jews but also by the Gentiles, for the Gentiles had a part in that crucifixion.
And boys and girls, this is the last time the Lord Jesus passed this way and this may be your last occasion boys and girls, of hearing the gospel of God's grace for Jesus of Nazareth is passing by. He may come this this morning to receive all the bloodbath redeemed home to be with himself in the Father's house. Will you be there and I.
Always important boys and girls to listen to God's Word, and when God says behold, now is he accepted time, behold, now is a day of salvation.
He wants us to consider these things and He wants us to make haste. He wants us to make haste, just as the Lord Jesus said to Zacchaeus.
Well, Zacchaeus was a poor Sinner.
You don't want to this. He was little of stature.
He was a little fellow. Here is this big crowd milling around the Lord Jesus as they went along this dirty dusty Rd.
Jack is couldn't see the Lord Jesus. What did he do?
All right.
Yeah, but he did something before that. Come on, girls.
He did something before he climbed up into the Sycamore tree, and I hope everyone of you boys and girls will do the same thing this morning.
You want No, he didn't pray yet.
Yes, he ran before he got in a hurry about this condition. He got in a hurry about seeing Jesus and boys and girls. You better get in a hurry and I speak reverently. You better get in a hurry about your soul salvation, for Jesus of Nazareth is passing by, and you may not hear the blessed Gospel message this afternoon or this evening or at the close of this meeting.
For the coming of the Lord draweth nigh, and you don't know whether or not you will be here tomorrow or this afternoon.
For the issues of life and death are not in the doctor's hands. The issues of life and death are in God's hands. And he knows just exactly when to stop that little heart of yours. Yes. And so Zacchaeus got in a hurry about these things.
And so he ran before.
He climbed up into this tree, the Sycamore tree.
And now do you think the Lord Jesus as he came along?
Do you think that he saw Zacchaeus up there?
Do you think the Lord Jesus saw him up there?
Yes, and not only that, he came to the very spot. It says here he came to the very spot and he looked up.
He looked up and saw him.
Boys and girls, the Lord Jesus knows all about you this morning.
As it were, he's stopping right here.
And he's looking you in your very face.
And he's bidding you come, He says, Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. And furthermore, as the Lord Jesus, He knows your thoughts and the intents of your heart.
All things are naked and open unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do, and He knows your name.
Who told the Lord Jesus that Zacchaeus by name was sitting up there in the street?
No one, The record doesn't say.
But Jesus looked up, he saw Zacchaeus, and he said, Zacchaeus, make haste and come down. And boys and girls, the Lord Jesus knows your names this morning. Mary, come, Timothy, come.
And that's what the Lord Jesus is saying to each one individually this morning.
Because He wants to bless you.
Oh, He's the blesser. He wants to bless you. He wants you to wash away your sins in his own precious blood and make you fit for heaven. And soon we're going to hear that voice of joy, that voice of power, when He calls all the redeemed home to be with himself. Make haste and come down.
For today I must abide. At thy heart was Zacchaeus obedient to the word.
Our brother London mentioned yesterday, as well as others, about obedience to God's Word. Obedience.
When Jesus says come, he doesn't say it doesn't mean go away, he means come. Did Zacchaeus obey his word?
Yes, Zacchaeus obeyed the word, and he made haste, and he came down.
All boys and girls, we plead with you this morning and those of you who are older, if you're still outside of Christ.
Make haste and come down, come to the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And accept Him as your Savior and Lord.
So you have King Herod, first of all, missing the blessing. On one of these days, King Herod is going to stand before this same blessed Jesus as Son of Man, and he's going to be judged and he's going to be eternally separated from God and his love.
But here is Zacchaeus. He obeyed the word. He came down.
And he received the blessing, for he realized the truth. The Son of Man has come to seek and to save. That which was lost came down to seek. Yes, and he came down to save. And where did we see? Where do we see that that Blessed One on Calvary's cross?
During those three hours of darkness as he accomplished the work of salvation, and when that precious blood was shed from his Riverside flowed down.
Oh, now we can say that the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin, not not just a few.
How many is all?
All right, how many is on everyone of them? And they're removed as far as the east is from the West. They're buried in the depths of the sea, never to be remembered again. And we're on our way to glory. I trust, boys and girls, if you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, that you'll be like Zacchaeus. Make haste and come down. I see our time is up. Just one short.
#46 in the back.