Philippians 2:9-30

Duration: 1hr 18min
Philippians 2:9‑30
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Along with Veterans 2.
Where should I start reading?
My first.
Within two verse 9.
Word for God, Ultimate fighting. Exalted hymn.
And given him a name is above every name.
That is the name of Jesus, every nation bound.
Of things in heaven, things in earth, and things under the earth.
And of every tongue could confess in Jesus Christ is more into the glory of God the Father.
Wherefore, my beloved, as you have always was made not as in my presence only.
But now, much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Lord is called this worketh in you vote for will, and to do of it good by you.
Do all things about murmuring and disputing, that you may be flameless and harmless. The sons of God without recovery in the midst of the person. Crooked and perverse nations mungoing Chinas life in the world, holding forth the word of life, that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, That I'm not run in vain, neither labored in vain.
Yeah, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith?
I joy and rejoice with you all with the same God over your yeast. Joy and rejoice with me.
Put our customer, Lord Jesus, to send the Moses shortly unto you, that I also may be a good country when I anoint your state.
For I have no man like minded who would not really character yourself. They all take their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ.
But you know the proof of the evidence that as a son with a father, he has served with me in the gospel.
Give. Therefore I hope to send presently so soon as I can see how it will go with me.
But I trust in the Lord, and I also myself will come shortly.
The other suppose it necessary to send to you a popular diners, my brother training and labor, and fellow soldiers.
Of your messenger indeed administered to my wife.
Pray alone after you all. And was full of heaviness, because he had heard that he had been sick.
For the 169 of the devil of God and mercy on him, and not on him only for me also.
That I should have sorrow upon sorrow.
I sent him there more the more carefully that when you see him again, you may rejoice.
That I may be the left sorrowful receive him. Therefore the Lord is all gladness and hold such in reputation, because for the work of Christ in mind of death, not regarding his life is it why your life of service for meaning?
I'd rather mention the seven downward steps of the Lord Jesus this morning.
Do we not have the seven upward step here from verse 9?
Put together your brother Gladys.
Well, in the eighth birth, and it's the final, he became obedient under death, even the death of the cross.
Now the ninth verse, when all God also have finally exalted him. That's only one step.
In the name, which is about every name and another that was the name of Jesus. Every bounce another some things in heaven.
Another things in Earth.
Kind things out of the earth, and finally that every town should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. The glorious God passed.
What we must say that there are seven amount of steps.
One couldn't have gone lower than our blessed Lord and could want to go higher.
And that's the pattern, of course.
We take the little place the Lord and give us.
Our place that he gives us a place of exaltation.
This is his actual piece of I said God, he couldn't be any higher.
In the beginning, was the war the worst? What God in the world was God?
And nothing higher than that, no place higher than that. Ours and his Godhead. He talks about Robert and equal with God like.
In the same place of authority and glory as a Father.
But then he came down, way down.
To the lowest place, the death of the cross. The death of a wicked criminal.
That is, that is a criminal of death, of course, and the Lord took that place, the Holy One cure the holy, the truth and don't like lowest place.
So that as you're saying to the very bottom.
It's Manhattan. He lay in a borrowed grave well.
Then go on off with highly exhausted him, the father.
Has seen as having raised the son.
And of course, another 62° he lives himself.
Destroy the temple armed. I will raise it again.
Three days out of race again the Lord arising by his own power.
But the Father seemed here God has seen as the one that give the piece of exaltation. Well, that was in His own right hand and glory. I am said under my Father's floor, he says of revelation.
And so God takes that lonely man, the one that takes the lowest place, and he gives him the highest place.
And all that for the diamond was having tongue contested the whole the whole universe and every created being.
Owns His authority, His Majesty and glory.
But as a man, he gets that place of exaltation.
The one that would go to death.
Is the one that gets the highest place in the universe the ball, but all things into the hands of the sun?
Those had a threads. I never forgot that. If you would your arrow fly high.
You must draw your full string low.
So that gives the boss.
Taking the Lord took the lowest place that anyone ever has or ever could make, and he occupies the highest place.
Than anyone in everyone, right and in proportion as we are imitators of God.
Falling in the pathway of Christ and His humiliation will have a great honor for that coming day when the guard report his people.
Yes, that's true.
Of the Romans 2 dimensions given here.
Now Abraham was given, I suppose, that mark the South and the East and the West.
But when it comes to the security of the labor and the almost full deliverance, we have these two dimensions added.
We have the depth and that's where the Lord went to redeem us, but we have the height too, and that's where he is now. And he says, because I leave, you shall live all.
Might be well here to mention too, in connection with the 10th verse at the name of Jesus, every nation, all things in heaven and things on earth and things under the earth.
In New Translation, it's infernal beings.
In Colossians 1, where we have reconciliation.
All these things in earth and things in heaven, but when it speaks above bowing to me, it speaks about the infernal beings.
That is, the loss will never be reconciled, but they will have to bow to me, and not one person will be cast into a lost eternity before you bow to me and all Jesus is Lord. The world rejected Him as man. They rejected Him coming that lowly grace and put it on the cross.
And so God's answer is that as man he is going to be the judge, and as man they're going to bow to him and all that name that he took as man to be in the very highest place for it says Jesus, the Lord Jesus Christ, that he sits there and takes that place of headship.
We can, surely.
Magnify the grace that have led us the bound of the need of this day of three or having filed the need of price, honed in his Lord and Savior, the glory of God the Father, and as a result.
And the salvation of our souls, right, our Savior, we're on the way to the glory that he has ended and the rewards are waiting for available when you arrive there.
So we have accepted the offer now.
So the last for those who neglect the offer and recuse about the.
Awkward solemn time there at the Greek white souls and that immense motive stand there before this very long to be just they'll have to bound to keep on him that he has the rightful Lord of God, the name of Jesus.
It's the name that he took down here.
Name not barely titled, but his name. He took his man.
Spies, the one who was spit upon, the one who crucified.
That's the name that.
Is going to solve him in.
And also, it's the name that will be written on his people in the coming day.
It's a, it's a privilege now to have it on our foreheads and I suppose all these honestly straight from.
The play There's a day coming when that name will be written on our foreheads and God is might exalt the name of Jesus, sweetest name that was ever on human life.
Thank you. There's none other name under heaven given amongst men whereby you must be saved.
Name of Jesus and despite me.
Satan hates that name, and we see the evidence of his work the result of his work.
And Christians on today.
Many who profess to be the Lord.
Seeming to find it a matter of reproach to own only the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And so calling themselves by other names.
Well, it is a matter of reproach.
Forth unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach, not our reproach, but his his reproach.
And when did he get that reproach? When he was here as a man? When he was here in Jesus? Well, that's the name that is my privilege to bear. Now to all that we belong to him. Jesus that rejected one only, no other name but his, that one name for salvation and that one name for being gathered.
I was thinking too of our brother London message in connection with this portion.
But here we have the perfect the dependent man.
And we have the perfect obedient band. And then we have the reward.
For such a man.
Well, it just fits in with that message that we had this morning.
He was dependent as a man, an obedient even under death.
And wherefore?
God, apparently.
Every step in humiliation the Lord Jesus took bottom fairly, and every step, if it might be said in that way of exaltation, is the Father's answer to the place the Lord Jesus took, and I believe that's why it's brought before us in this chapter. We don't like to take those voluntary steps down while we can count upon God if we take those steps.
If there is any place to be had where there's been something that's pleasing to him in our lives, it will be his delight and his joys to acknowledge that in the coming days.
So in this portion here we don't have the thought of.
The Lord Jesus work of atonement here because it's his example that's brought before us and now his exaltation has a man and it's set before us as a pattern for us.
It's definitely too isn't that, that there is a very definite way granted to us of showing the honor that we feel is worthy to that name. Now, as our brother Anderson remarks, we look back to the time when leaders were numbered among those.
Despite that name, we see it mailed over the cross.
This is Jesus, and we know that we were the very same as those who nailed that name there. Then we read this passage and we rejoice to know that that very name is going to be the center of all that worship in the coming day. The very name of Jesus is now so despised is going to be.
Owned and recognized and honored. And I believe that in the measure in which we.
That man and that measure will eagerly look forward to this day that we're reading about. How does though the Lord would say you need not wait until this day?
The children value of that name. So there is granted to us the privilege of honoring that name in the way of his own appointment here, where it still is rejected. What a privilege it is.
That must refer to Lisa's art revelation.
Three have kept my word and not despise my name.
Was thinking of the soul of Tarsus, the one who hated the name of Jesus, they're so bitterly and expressed it in the persecution of the Christians that time and how when the Lord met him on the way to Damascus.
And spoke to him. He recognized the voice of the Lord.
Written Who art thou, Lord? Designed Jesus.
What a revelation to Him it must have been at that moment to find that the one that he described was actually the Lord. Then we find him bowing a knee there doing nothing. Lord, what will tell have me to do?
Well, there is objective to the voice of the one truly and despised before them.
Now we find the same one writing these words.
And he must have thought about it tonight.
Nicely connected with Romans 79 also, isn't it? If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, or Jesus as Lord?
And shall believe in my heart that God has raised from the dead. Thou shalt be saved. Notice, in conversation with people who are not saved, they'll speak about God and about Jesus. Sometimes about Christ.
But very, very seldom do you hear an unsafe person say the Lord Jesus.
Well, I believe there's a special delight to the heart of God and should be to us to confess Him as Lord, the Lord Jesus. I think we're conscious when we speak this way that it takes courage.
We can speak to our friends about Jesus in a general way with little reproach, but to say the Lord Jesus, you almost notice how they kind of start when you say that people just never speak that way who are not the Lords. No man can confess that Jesus is Lord, that by the Holy Ghost. I believe it's a good habit for us as Christians to cultivate in talking with others.
To speak of the Lord Jesus.
Remember Brother Brown? I were on the bus of Colorado Springs going up to give away track and we got some conversation with a woman on a big extra.
And we could see that she had some strange religion, Brother Brown said to her. Can you say, Lord, you know, she couldn't say.
Just ask if you could.
Could not say after Michael's story told by a summer law. There's actually a couple of years ago.
Kind of an APC, the story from a Christian man in England.
And this Christian brother, the Lord of England?
Told him this story says I have a young friend, a dear godly Christian, no matter the young Presbyterian minister.
And he said he the the there were a second group of homeless people had come into the neighborhood.
And they profess to be able to speak in tongues.
4 tongues, and that they had received a special gift of the Holy Spirit in that way.
Well, this young minister who apparently.
Pardoned my very much teaching in the world, at least these things.
And he felt he's a godly young man, I believe, and he felt that.
If there's anything that God has for me, I'd like to hug. I want to have all the God harsh forming. So he went to leave the kings and he came on to the influence of the meetings.
And in a short time you stayed all hours a night along the rest of breathing for the the Holy Spirit to give these gifts, the gift of tongues. And we speak and have all the power that God could give us. And it began to speak.
A good honor and tell themselves. Honor of power it never felt before. And it began to speak in strange tone.
Well, he met his friend, this Christian man I'm talking about, and he told him what happened.
And ask his advice, he says. You know, he says I'm not just clear. He says something. There's something about all that. I just don't feel too happy about it, although I can speak his tongues now.
I I just wondered about it and I'd like to ask your advice. She's an older man, that's the gentleman was.
Well, he said, I'll tell you what to do, he says. I believe at all of Satan myself.
And you shouldn't go back and call to those wings.
What he says that you do go back.
And you get on the power.
He says wait it onto the power.
You call Jesus Lord.
And see what happens.
In a day or two we conducted.
And he said, I took Judaica, I went to the meeting, and he said, Lord to the power.
And I remembered your words and I tried to call Jesus Lord, but he said I couldn't say the word Lord, I couldn't speak on the call. And he says I saw that it was not of God and I got out.
I hope to say it, he says. I've discovered it was not of God. Well, I thought that was quite a remarkable incident that has taken place. That was just a short time ago over in England.
It couldn't call Jesus Lord when they get on to that, that power that he thought was of God.
Under the Spirit of God.
There are only two occasions I believe in scripture where the Lord Jesus calls himself Jesus, as in the night of Acts when Saul said, who are their Lord said I am Jesus.
And the response from Saul was Lord, not Jesus. Lord, what will I have?
And the other engage is in the last chapter of the translation where the war says IG.
16 firsts have sent my name to the testified use evenings in the churches and the response again from those who are heard him say that was Even so come before Jesus.
Very striking, isn't it? Of course we have to the number not to put extremes on any any line of things.
That the the apostle Paul and his writing was oftentimes.
Speaks of Jesus and here's one verse and are very Catholic that the name of Jesus.
Having besides and we're playing in our Him, which oftentimes the name of Jesus stands alone.
But there's no doubt the contact shows the reason why.
And Speaking of speaking the gospel, for instance, and Jesus.
Said unto them and so on. And oftentimes you find the name Jesus alone myself in the gospel. Well that refers to his I believe to him as a man here and there has the servant of of God taking the place of servant, the place of obedience and dependence. His husband got before us today already.
And oftentimes it's called Jesus in that way. And so the apostle Paul sometimes calls them Jesus. And here it is in this this verse. Well, what we have here as a fellow saying the one that was the lowly one, that is his name as a man on the earth, although it means Jehovah Savior, yet it was his earthquake name as as a boy.
Line on there. Well then, when he speaks of his earthly light.
And his glorious the name Jesus had brought before us, as it is here the standards at the name of Jesus. Everybody shall bow. Are things in heaven Think there's something gone there? Even the internal beings, the satanic being, the infernal beings.
I want to bow to him who was a lonely man here on earth.
But then when you come to the 11Th verse.
Not one has been exalted.
To God's right hand and glory.
And so he's the Christ, the Anointed One, the King, the Lord of glory. And so every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
The the world after all, that lonely man of Galilee and and of the Calvary, that loli man is the one whom God is exalted to be Lord and Christ.
And the one that has the highest place in the universe.
The Exalted One, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
So I believe we'll have to recognize that there are times when.
The name of Jesus is quite in in order.
And then?
Jesus Christ and Lord Jesus Christ, the three combination.
Gives us over and over again.
So that I think that we have to keep those things clear.
Otherwise, there's otherwise the confusion and sometimes you know.
Sins have passed the remarks that we ought to always speak of Him as the Lord Jesus Christ.
Well, by inspiration.
So I think that we have to have.
The Word of God addresses and all these things.
Thanks to God, yes, yes, indeed. I just talked about I'm speaking to the people of the world who give him his title. But I I agree and I have had some even believers that think that you should always say the Lord Jesus Christ. Well, there is a connection in which they're used in different ways and Scripture isn't there?
I think it's right in the garden to to let the world know that we all have the Lord of glory that in the Lord Jesus to us when before the world because the world doesn't give me that place. I mentioned the other because I know that there is an extreme in it, the field which we have.
The whole title especially.
Apostle learning this truth very quickly after is converted, turn to the 9th chapter of Acts.
I'm Catherine back.
1St 5.
All The Who are the Lord?
And then in verse six, he's trembling, Sonny said more.
Probably know what what transpires.
Of the redounding.
Haven't made the version.
And Ananias went his way and entered into the house, and putting his hands on himself, brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus.
That appeared on to be in the way about cameras have sent me, that thou might have received thy sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost.
On the 20th verse.
And straightway he preached and leave. It should be Jesus here.
Straightway he preached Jesus in the synagogue, that He is the Son of God. 22nd verse. But Saul increased the more in strength, and confounded the Jews, which dwelled at the masters.
Proving that this is.
Mary Christ.
So immediately the apostle starts out.
He brings to court the Lord Jesus Christ. He learned very quickly, I was thinking in connection with this that we're Speaking of, that to solve Tarsus, it was important that he should learn that Jesus is Lord. When Philip was preaching to the Samaritans, it says he preached Christ to them because they they proposed to be looking for the Messiah.
Was necessary for them to see that the one who had come was the real Messiah, as the woman in the 4th of John found out. Then in the case of the Ethiopian eunuch, here was a man who knew nothing about the Lord Jesus at all. And so it says that Philip opened his mouth and began at the same Scripture and preached unto him Jesus. Well, he started at the very beginning.
Child about that one for the 53rd chapter of Isaiah told about and how he came, and the name that he took in humiliation was Jesus, but that was the one who had settled the question of sin. And so each case was different according to the circumstance of Putnam.
27 verse of Acts 9.
And the bottom of took him, that's Paul Saul, and brought him to their boss, and declared them how he had seen the Lord in the way that he had spoken to him, and how he pitched boldly at Damascus and the name of Jesus.
There you are. Well, he was. Hasn't been any hidden.
Solar, cautious, the name of Jesus.
And now you proclaim that that that name, the name of Jesus, that's the one that's Lord. So that they they either say the connection is contemplating and the beauty in the name as well as the power.
Of power in the name of Jesus.
Having the third chapter back.
That lowly namelessness, the people that visited, the Jews, the spies hidden.
That's the name that the whole universe going to ask without you.
That one, the one that they were nailed to, calories cross.
And her old brother, old brother Wilkins, many years ago in the old.
Doctor said God with the Lord over 30 years ago.
But remember him telling at one time many years ago, there was a famous picture.
Of Christ.
Before Pilate, pinned by some great artists and that picture was being exhibited all over the country.
Very large pictures and it was used.
Got the use of it in their store and the man was bringing around explaining and is to be unsure and the Yonkers store building.
On a certain, at a certain time, a certain day.
And the people were going in close see that famous world famous picture Christ before fighting. Well some acquittance at the our old brother Wilkins.
Brother Wilkins, have you been to see that wonderful picture there at Yonkers?
Trace the four files, he said. No, I haven't, he says. But he says as I am waiting to see another picture.
And that is and when you see the time when when Pilot will be before Christ.
After Great White Throne.
Well, that is coming by and by.
Well, that's a 12Th 1St. The apostle begins to make the city.
Protect the.
Pattern for the Christians.
Before them that passed a low enough to see of our blessed Lord always willing to pull down.
So he face his exitation con map and he said wherefore my desert?
The effects on the apostle test for the same. And he touches according to dresses. In that way prepare their hearts to listen and heed the word. No heart, no, no severity, but in deepest love for their blessings.
Says, Wherefore, my beloved, as he always will be, not as in my presence only, but how much more in my absence. Workout your own salvation with fear and trembling.
I was almost thought, you know that this.
Refers to working out the salvation we receive when we accept Christ as ourselves.
High school is in a certain way that is true, that they don't work for salvation.
But we should work it out practically in our life.
But the true subject before us in this version.
Has the the difficulties and the.
Affairs of the Assembly.
For now they no longer have the apostle Wisdom as they once had with him and when he was free to visit Philip High.
They would come to the apostle Paul with their problems and difficulties, and as an apostle of Jesus Christ he could give them thanks and instructions.
To know what the mind will of God was to their affairs.
But now that the apostle was the prisoner's role, it wasn't possible for him to go to them.
So all he says now you'll have to work out your own salvation with their and trembling. They were cast now on the Lord instead of having an apostle turned into.
Yes. How many difficulties quickly straightened out if we had the example of the Lord Jesus before us?
Many difficulties don't get straightened out because we're unwilling to take them all place.
But here was one who deserves the highest place and he takes the lowest. We're so slow to go down and so the difficulties remain because we're not willing to take that humble place.
But if there was that, the difficulties would be removed and then made thirteen first. For it is God that worketh in you fall to will and the two of his good pleasure. Because we might say, well, I just can't do it. It's all very well to speak of those things, but I I couldn't do that. It'd be too much for me. Well, it's God that worketh in you. The Lord Jesus did it and we have his life. We're partakers of the divine nature.
So he not only gives the power, but he has given us the willingness to to do of His good pleasure all. I believe this is a very powerful and practical exhortation, and I'm sure that if we're all destroy the Lord, many things would be cleared up by being willing to take the whole place and sleep the Lord's glory and the blessing of his people.
And it's a matter of fear and trembling.
A snow like thing to have to do with difficulties in the assembly.
Just reading that.
Paper recently published. I hope all we get it and read it some of the last ministry of our brother Eric and he calls special attention in connection with the difficulties there in parks.
When evil was in their midst, it hadn't been judged. And what he is stressed from this, he said he have not more.
There was more about the mourning over failure instead of a.
I had his way and like a legal court dealing with things, it was willing, getting humbly before the Lord. A lot of great differences might make. So there is that fear and tremfya where there is any question that concerns the glory of Christ among these people.
Paul himself says in writing to the Corinthian, I think it's First Corinthians who I was with you in weakness and in fear, and his much trembling.
Your thoughts with himself, said an only example of that in the weakness and fear and much strengthening.
In connection with the other thought that is sometimes read into this verse.
Work out your own salvation.
I remember his brother, Baylor.
Mentioned the fact that he raised the question about this years ago when he was a boy. I believe in England, he asked an older brother.
About this matter of working out your own salvation with here and trembling. It sounded very strange to Brother Baylor and his boyhood.
So he said the older brother put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a sixpence and offered it to us. But when he went to take it, the man put it back in his pocket. He said now go and spend it.
Well, that left Brother Baylor very bewildered. He said, pardon me, but I don't know what to mean. So he pulled a six pence out again and offered it to him. Just as he went to take it, he put it back in his pocket and said, now go and spend it. And that's all he would tell brother Baylor. But I believe he he got the message. But the Lord would never, never tell us workouts your own salvation as though were something we did not already possess.
And brother Baylor is very bewilderment about the man telling him to spend that which he hadn't already received answered the question that was in his boys mind.
Used to illustrate the gospel.
About the teacher, he has classes for him and there's a very difficult problem.
And he knows that there's one very bright color in the class that has mastered his his problem. Now he says, George, you get you go to the blackboard and you work out this problem before the plants.
Well the reason why George can work it out is because he has already the mastered the problem himself. So he just works out, but he already possesses.
It's important to get this matter clearly before us because all over Christmas this verse is used as proven that we need to work in order to get saved, but it never has to work for salvation. It doesn't make it work out.
That is to work it out in the practical results. So if we look at the word pathway, where it can be very helpful.
Absolutely refuting that the teaching of working in order to be saved.
Salvation scene. There's maybe three ways.
That is a work of Christ on the cross forum and that our presence passed through the wilderness like we have in Hebrews.
Looking on to the rest of humane and then their salvation at the end of this epistle. Is there in connection with the body, or is that in.
That in Glasgow.
Chapter 3, yeah.
I think salvation and Philippians always salvation looked at as the end of the pathway.
In Romans chapter 5 and verse.
Verse not verses 9 and 10 here at.
Romans 5, verses 9 and 10.
Much more than being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from rock through for it. When we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son. Much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
Now we have through His blood we have been saved from raw, but saved by His life is the Lord Jesus present work for us on high as our great High Priest and Advocate?
And were saved from dishonoring him. Were saved from things that sweetened to him.
By his present work for us up there is our great high priest. There's no thought in the 10th verse of being saved from Rob that's through his blood. But being saved by his life is saved in the same sense that we have in our chapter. Anything in our lives is Christians who would dishonor him. We need grace that we might be saved from those things. Well, that's why the Lord Jesus is up there on high for us, and that's why his example is set before us.
Showing us how we would act here so that we would be saved from things that was displeased and dishonor him.
There are those that teach.
Those that teach.
That much more so it was saved by his life that were saved by seeking to live like Christ here and there on the negative earthly light.
But as the contact shows that it's his life up there and God made hands and glory, because first of all were justified by his death, blocked by his blood, and then much more shall we could see it by his life. His life and glory comes after his death from the cross.
I'm just as we're justified and get salvation through the death of Christ upon the cross, the sword, her brother was saying the Lord and glory.
Preserves us, delivers us in salvation. That sense delivers us from sickness, power, and the power of sin day by day.
As easily up there in the glory, he's our high priest.
To send us down they grace and sanctuary from day-to-day.
Helping a stupid problem and then it's an advocate to.
Present us before the Father and to make things right gets gets the humble ourselves. We go wrong and get made right through that. Good to see up there at the right hand of God.
And God who have got food author a lifetime's journeys journey. Some of us have been Christians for many, many years.
And we have no more power in ourselves today than the day we started. But the Lord has kept His own throughout the years. And all kinds of trials and difficulties, persecutions, misunderstandings, temptations, and citizens power, the power of the world, the Lord has got us through all through the years.
And it's his advocacy and he speaks to their glory that our forests and thus we are able to get the victory and we can say thanks be to God.
To always cause of the triumph in Christ is always victories through Christ.
7th of Hebrews and the 25th verse I'll just read. It is well known but.
It's exactly what you were saying, I believe.
Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God, by him, seeing he ever liveth, to make intercession for them.
That would make it so very, very clear that it is his present life of intersection.
Isn't there a helpful word in First Peter on this subject too?
In connection with the.
Aisle of your face, the seventh verse.
That the child you're faith being much more precious than a gold department, though it be tried with the farm. I could found that the praise and honor and glory at the peering of Jesus Christ.
Whom not having seen your love, and whom so now you see Him not be believed with, yet believing you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.
Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, Who prophesied that the grace should should come unto you?
And the point is that those prophets knew salvation from the trials and difficulties of the Way, but soul salvation was a thing that was not revealed in that day.
They understood this salvation that's here in our portion.
Which was deliverance that God gave me by name in that passage.
We have the two views of salvations to have in the fifth verse, who are kept for the power of God through faith under salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time.
So salvation looked at in that way we have not yet received. So when it's the salvation of the soul, it says receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your soul.
So if we have as the four Sinner, except for Christ as a Savior, we have already here and now the salvation of the soul. But as to the final deliverance?
When we receive our glory.
And they're taken out of this world.
Of sin and sorrow.
We are waiting for that salvation to be brought out when the Lord returns and in the book of Philippians the same truth carried out. If you look at the third chapter, the.
The 20th 1St.
For our conversation read that citizens it is in heaven from when also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
It's a better translation. It should read the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior.
What we as a Savior here see it doesn't the Father salvation we received when we accept the Christ of the Savior.
Let's read this 21St verse and we will find what he means.
Who shall change our body, that it may be fast back into His glorious body, according to the working whereby His cable, even this will do all things unto Himself.
The salvation of the bottom.
Now it's our salvation nearer than when we believe that's true.
That's a saving of the soul. Now we already possess that 13.
As opposed what we have to end release first chapter philippians.
The apostle Speaking of the same conflicts in the 30th verse.
That is suffering for Christ sake. He's in prison.
And he speaks of salvation in the 28 verse.
But then he speaks of the same concept that she saw in me and now here to be in me.
There is such a thing as individual trial and testing in connection with the path of faith.
But I believe what Brother Mary was bringing before us beginning, we took up this 12Th verse. Is that the professional aspect? Is it not also?
Connects with the assembly.
And now we lose. Our Christians should think in terms of the assembly, not simply as individuals.
That is, we have the privilege of that fellowship one with another, going through this world, with the Assembly here that has its problems and exercise well, and so the impossible is not going to be with them.
They have these exercises as to troubles that arise in the assembly when they're ready of another character. In a way they they cause real exercise sometimes.
And to the solving of them, and being before the Lord corporately.
As an assembly to find his mind, not just an individual deciding, but the assembly together, coming together and having one mind after these things.
Believe we have that here if you not.
Not why it's mentioned at the end of the false version here. Trembling. Yes, on the reverential field of fear.
On our forest glory.
And then trembling, trembling at his word.
Realizing His word, part of the words in our souls.
The question manifests itself in the assembly as well as in the individual we need to be.
We need to be in a in a statement when these things come before us that we wait upon God gives grace take away.
Well, that's all Conway, so that we might have his mind.
And in getting his mind there, there is this Crossy 4th.
Or the gods which worketh in you the will and the do of his good place. I think another translation of the willing and the doing of His pleasure. So if there's really the humbling of ourselves before the Lord in the assembly went difficulties arise. And when things were coming on that dishonor the Lord, there is that.
Quiet, humble, waiting in his presence.
They they primary thought will be what will be to his good faith.
And then when the decision is made by the assembly.
And let's leave off the murmurings and disputing. Let's bow through the action of the Assembly.
Very important.
Well, how is it that God works?
Us both the willing to do this with pleasure. Is it fine what we've already had before us putting crazy before us as an example in his loneliness taking the low place.
And consequently being exhausted.
How are we going to be become exercised in a godly way that we might do his place? Well, I believe the key is by having Christ before.
Right before it has the example.
And certainly we cannot have our thoughts upon praise for very long at a time before it's going to affect your life some way.
Brother and I have noticed in visiting some of the homes that on March day morning the the what you're reading is transferred from.
Whoever it might have been, and during the week to one of the Gospels connection with the death of the Lord or to such a passage as this, the second chapter of Philippians because.
The heart of the labor is especially affected, I believe.
As we come to the before the Lord, remember Him instead having these thoughts before us.
Not that it shouldn't be before us all the time and I have noticed that as I've gone into different holes and this seems to be a pattern with some. Should I believe it's a good one?
I believe it's in connection with having the Lord before us as a pattern here that is important, that we not only have them before us as the pattern, but He Himself is our life. And so in John the vessel, it says He. That said, He abideth in Him on himself also, so to walk even as he walked.
We can speak about the example of Christ, but then when problems arise, we are able to say, oh, well, I just couldn't do that. That's that's a little bit too difficult. Well, not only do we have the example that we have the power and the Lord Jesus himself is our life.
The Spirit of God dwells in us. So when a problem confronts us, let us not say, well, I haven't the grace for this situation, but let us look up to Him because we have his life and he will give the grace. And I don't believe that there is a difficulty that has ever risen in any assembly that could not be cleared up if there were these two things.
The example of Christ before us and acting in the power of the new life that he has given.
But if we are, if we don't have him before us, if we don't judge ourselves or be no power to judge another properly, you remark that Brother Barry, and I believe it's very important because we find in the last of the judges there was a case of clear evil among them in Israel, but there was no power to meet it until they had really humbled themselves.
And then the Lord gave grace to meet the situation.
So in dealing with anything, whether it's individually with my brother or in the assembly collectively, the first step in straightening the thing out is the judge self. Get before the Lord, get back to Gilgal where the knight was first lifted on salt.
And then when we take that place, then the Lord will enable us to straighten the thing out for His glory and for the blessing of those involved too. Those two things we desire, don't we? And to acknowledge the Guild ourselves as having a part in it, like Daniel.
I, my Father, have sinned spirit of looking on others as though they were responsible, and that I myself were not guilty in the assembly.
All the assembly is called nothing worn there at the Carnegie, Yeah.
It shows that Watchmen exercise each one in the assembly that this makes the thing within their midst and allowed to unjust in their midst and humble everyone to think that they had been in such a size des horrible state.
Put evil, so dishonouring the name of Christ should have been committed, continues. And there were cops up boasting of their gifts, and so on, and this sad condition was in their midst.
I suppose it's a question of are eating the sin offering?
I was thinking of a can. When we sin, the Lord said Israel has sinned.
Well, in actual fact, if they can. But they're all responsible or guilty.
You often find whenever there is an exit tape given by the apostles and in giving the Interstate and you soon discover that really he's giving us.
A picture of Christ himself.
Or when you read these verses, do all things without murmurings and disputing. Well, there is there we see Christ.
That he may be blameless and harmful? Well, wasn't he blameless? Harmless. Harmless even in the presence of the high priest and the fire.
Saying nothing that according to God.
Sons of God without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom He shine as lights in the world.
Reading that, I was thinking of the case of Abraham Light. There was the quarrel between the herdsman.
Because their possessions were so great, and it says the Canaanite and the parasite was then in the land. You may think that these things aren't noticed by the world, but when difficulties come among the people of God, the world looks on and they see the spirit in which we act in these things.
And so it seems that Abraham was conscious of this fact that the world was looking on. And what a lovely gracious spirit he showed. He said to lie. He said you have first choice Lot. And so Lot shows what was in his heart. And he turned towards Sodom. But there was no dishonor so that the Canaanite and the parasite looking on say, oh, those two president, they can't even get along, they fight with one another.
Now here he takes the lonely place, and so instead of the world witnessing a man who was not willing to take the humble place, here is the oldest 1 Abraham willing to give in and give first choice to Lot. Well, I was honoring the Lord, wasn't it?
We do need to remember this brother was quoted already in these meetings. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if you have love unto another. And the world does notice, and they see. And we need to act in faithfulness many times, just as we need to correct our children.
And faith in us, but let us do it in humility and love too, and the world will see that. And there will be a testimony that we are seeking God's glory and the blessing of others.
You see the same thing in the early part of the Acts when they had to.
The sad situation in connection with Ananias and Sapphira, instead of it hindering the testimony in Jerusalem, there was further blessing afterwards, wasn't there? Because it was dealt with according to the mind of God.
You'll notice too, that it says that you have great fear there are funds of the people and no one starts joining himself to the but N, added Moses at that time.
So what work was accomplished was real and that it was not real was checked and didn't.
Come in to mark. The testimony shows how faithfulness is honored of God and real blessing.
Never be afraid to stand the process for the Lord. Glory to Goddess upon the cause.
In the 15th 1St, is it not the sons of God displaying their relationship by the conflicts and believe no roof removed in the midst of a crooked and diverse nation?
As we should read Children of God, which confirms what you say.
Generation too, shouldn't it? Not exactly nation.
The world hasn't improved since the days of the apostles.
It's always this press evil world.
And it's just as much cooking and perverse nation now. And it was when Paul was writing to leave Philippians saying.
But where to China's right, endless darkness that we see on every half.
And our danger is either covering up our Mike.
And so, the Lord tells, is not to hide their life under a bushel or under a bed.
Two ways that we could cover up the light that should be shining.
That is where we kick our E so we may get so careless, so lazy and indifferent that we neglect the things of the Lord, and the voice will have something that we use in our business.
And we may cover up our life by being so, so engrossed in business that we have in time for the things of the Lord.
So there are those two ways that we're warned against.
Well, I was thinking of the Lord Jesus too, in connection with Judas, when Judas betrayed his true character and the Lord said that God, thou doest too quickly. No one could say that the Lord had driven Judas away, because the very last act that the Lord did to Judas was an act of special kindness. He gave him the thought when he addicted.
That there was a testimony even when the Lord was faithful and must be faithful and always would be faithful. Why He did it in such a way that Judas had to see that there was kindness in the Lords heart and so how important it is for us.
Then I was thinking of the two things that we have here in this 15th and 16th verses. In the 15th we have the testimony that we live and in the 60s of testimony that we speak like Gideons men. They had a lamp in one hand and an empty and and trumpet in the other. Well, the lamp would speak of the testimony that we live. The trumpet would speak of our.
Shall I say our spoken testimony?
That was that was the way they went out against the enemy and that's the way too, that we should go out and appear before the world.
In one hand, the testimony we live, in the other hand the testimony that we speak. And that's really what consecration is, isn't it? Consecration means four times full.
And so here we see him, and exhorting them to this consecration.
Then you get to.
Large 7 your loins Curtis and your lights burning. Curtis Law and speaks of everything in our lives being regulated.
By the word of God, and if we're walking and submission and obedience to his work and then the next thing is to light burning. But I believe that order you mentioned, Brother Hale, is very important.
The first thing the Lord would fall our attention to as the walk that honors him. The bells and the pomegranates. A good illustration of a day. The bells speak of testimony, the pomegranates of fruitfulness.
And they were talking about.
They went 2 bells to every pomegranate.
But a bell? A golden bell, Golden two. They weren't iron or bronze.
That which is a God.
Divine righteousness.
A golden bell and a pomegranate and a golden bell and a pomegranate round about the hand there off. It's noticeable there too, that when he tells them about the making of them, he says a pomegranate and a bell. And then he says the bell and the pomegranate and he turns it around. So when he speaks about making it, he says make prominent Radisson then bells so that we have the same order. But as far as the world is concerned, they hear the testimony to speak, then they look for our lives to correspond with what we say, don't they?
Me of when I was over in England one time.
Gave an address.
Before a congregation of Christians.
During the week after this.
It was a good candles.
I was visiting a home and they sister in the home.
Says I enjoyed your address on Wednesday evening.
I enjoyed very much, but I've enjoyed a good deal more. I would have enjoyed a good deal more. And missed their sword so hadn't said Amen so all.
Well, I said what? What? How's that?
Well, she says every time you said Amen.
I thought the money here with me.
He ordered a bill and he had to pay. So that's the word dog. Pay our bills before we ring the bell.
Possible. Here is is rejoicing.
And that's one of the things that's prominent in this epistle. This is not the rejoicing is rejoicing because even though he's in prison, he finds that it works out for the presence of the gospel. And those who are were before not taking any part in the gospel, now it's come to the front and taking their place until he refers to it here and this verse, no doubt.
Mom will keep shine as lights in the world, holding forth the word of life.
That I may rejoice in the day of Christ, That I have not run in many relations in vain, that is.
The apostle was in a position now where he could not.
Do anything and pray.
Sign that shall we say hand and foot.
And I believe these things are giving us in Philippians in connection with our Christian experience.
As that we might benefit individually as well as the assembly.
There may be a time in our lives when we find ourselves in such conditions, circumstances that we can't move and that which would be the desire of our hearts to accomplish.
And we may even feel that the Lord has laid it on our hearts to accomplish it, and yet we do not see any way out.
The apostle here is rejoicing.
And the fact that when he was in this position, God undertook for him, and he aroused the Saints to take up the work that he was not able to do.
Now that brings out this drink offering, as it were, in the next verse.
Now that is, it's a picture, I believe, of the drink office.
And may I just take a moment, rather, to refer to a drink offering in the Old Testament in connection with Jacob's life? It's in the 35th chapter of Genesis.
Jacob had been wandering away from Bethel.
You remember the 28th chapter of Genesis? God had given an unconditional promise to Jacob. Jacob had reversed put conditions on.
With Jacob's conditions didn't work. Jacob could not fulfill his part.
And beside that, there were many things in Jacobs life that weren't right. Jacob wouldn't like to see them different. He was disappointed with himself I'm sure.
And with all his failure.
For brethren, Elizabeth Soul of many of us that we find as we look back over our lives that there's been much space.
Well, what is the result? Are we to be discouraged?
Notice here.
35th chapter And God said to Jacob, Arise, go up to Bethel, dwell there, make their daughter under God that appeared under thee will not pleasure in the face of he saw thy brother.
Then Jacob said unto his household, to all of her with him. Put away the strange God that are among you, will be clean and change regardless. And let us arise and go up to Bethel, and I will make there an order of the God who answered me in the days of my distress, and was with me in the way which I went.
And they came unto Jacob all the strange gods which were in their hand, and all their errands which were in their ears. And Jacob hit them under the oak which was by Shexham, and they journeyed, and the terror of God was upon the cities that were round about them, and they did not pursue after the sons of Jacob.
So objective came to love for that one, which is an emotional cane and that is Bethel, he and all the people that were with him.
And he built there in order and called the place in El Bethel and so on.
Now, Jacob.
Finds that God does for him here, but he could not do himself. He could not set his house in order. He could not do these things. Apparently he was too weak.
I know it's not exactly the elevation of the Apostle Paul, but I think the principle here is the same.
And I'll notice further on in the chapter after God had brought him to Bethel.
God appears to him in the ninth verse.
And he reminds him of his name, of Israel God had given him.
The 11Th verse And God said unto him, I am God Almighty, be fruitful and multiply a nation, and a compilation shall be of need. King shall come out of thy loyal.
And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac, today I will give it to thy seat. After thee will I give the land.
God went up from him to the place where he talked with him. Jacob set up a pillar in place. We talked with him, even a pillar of stone, and he poured out a drink off in there on, and he boiled there on.
Jacob called the name of the place where God spake on the end Bethel of the House of God. I believe here we have Jacob so overwhelmed.
With the goodness of God.
That God was fulfilling every promise that He never made to Him.
Even though Jacob had miserably failed that there's no more spirit in it, and he pours out a drink, offering it to work.
Still destroy.