In Everything Give Thanks

1 Thessalonians 5:18  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
“In everything give thanks,”
My God, is this thy will?
Give thanks for disappointments given,
For prayers unanswer’d still!
Give thanks! in vain I’ve pray’d
That I might useful be,
And by thy Spirit’s helpful aid,
Bring many souls to thee.
Give thanks! when in the place
Of health and usefulness,
Through sickness thou hast paled my face
With pain and weariness.
Give thanks! if ‘tweer thy will
Submission to demand,
I then might bid myself be still,
And bow to thy command.
But hush, beneath my eye,
I see in words of blood,
“Will He who gave His Son to die,
Refuse the any good?” ‘
Give thanks! Yea, Lord, I do,
And by thy help I will,
Give thanks! for blessings not received,
Although expected still.
Give thanks!, for, mercies given,
Unnoticed oft by me;
Give thanks! far sins forgiven,
Known only, Lord, to thee.
Give thanks! in word and deed,
For thy surpassing, love,
That sent thy Son on earth to save,
And now to plead above.
Thanks! for tender love,
That our Redeemer show’d,
Who, in the absence of Himself,
A Comforter bestow’d.
Oh! grant me by thy grace
To walk by faith alone,
Until before my Father’s face,
I know as I am known.
From “The Present Testimony.”