There was a young man in the middle west who had been more or less interested about his soul’s salvation. One afternoon, in his office, he said, “I will accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.”
He went home and told his wife, who was a nominal professor of religion, that he had made up his mind to serve Christ, and he added, “After supper tonight I am going to take the company into the drawing room and begin prayer and reading God’s Word as a family.”
“Well,” said his wife, “you know some of the gentlemen who are coming to tea are skeptics, and they are older than you are, and don’t you think you had better wait until after they have gone, or else go out in the kitchen and have your first prayer with the servants?”
The young man thought for a few moments, and then he said, “I have asked Jesus Christ into my house for the first time, and I shall take Him into the best room, and not into the kitchen.”
So he called his friends into the drawing room. There was a little sneering, but he read and prayed. That man afterward became Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court.
Never be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ; it is the power of God unto salvation.