In the Beginning

Duration: 16min
Sing Talk—Tim Roach
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In the beginning.
Or at least following The Big Bang.
More than 14 billion years ago.
Scientists say that there were a grand total of three elements.
And some of you have memorized the elements chart, but there's hydrogen.
There's some helium.
And a little bit of lithium.
That's amazing, but now they've discovered over 100 elements.
One day they're going to find an element of surprise.
As for Stacy?
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. You don't know what happened way back then. Ecclesiastes 311 It says He has made everything beautiful in his time. Also He has set the world in their heart so that no man can find the work that God make it from the beginning to the end.
Man has all sorts of theories of how creation began and they have no idea. They have no way to know what the work that God made from the beginning to the end. We only have the word of God. We can only know what he tells us. In Genesis one verse three to five, God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good. And God divided the light from the darkness, and God called the light day and the darkness he called night.
In the evening, in the morning were the first day. If you go backwards in the days of creation, you go from the 6th day, the 5th to the 4th to the 3rd to the 1St and the first day they God created. He said let there be light. Did I do that right? I missed that. Well it's in there somewhere. But what happened before the first day?
We're not old but it but it says on the on the Genesis one, verse 2. This was before the first day the earth was an empty wasteland and it was standing in the water and out of the water like it says in Peter and everything was in darkness.
No, the Bible does not tell us how this disorder in this confusion happened to God's beautiful earth. We read in Ecclesiastes that God made it beautiful. But in Genesis one, verse two, it's no longer beautiful. Something happened and we don't know how long the earth was in that condition of being in the water and out of the water. But in Genesis one verse three, you see God, He was ready to repair the earth. And in Hebrews Chapter 11 and verse 3.
It says through faith we understand that the worlds were framed, which is framed me. It means to fix or to restore something that has been broken or damaged. And so Hebrews, the Lord Jesus, tells us in the book of Hebrews. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
That means God made all the things that we can see, and He made them from things that we cannot see.
And God took six days to restore the heaven and the earth into a good condition so that bad could live on the earth.
Some years ago, before we sold our business, we had a cleaning business and we moved before we moved to Africa, we had a business whereby when a house was damaged by fire or water or smoke, we go into the the house and we'd restore it back into a good livable condition and but when we went into a house say like there was all filled with smoke and there was damage everywhere. The black soot was on the ceiling was on the walls.
And the pictures. And in the drawers and in the silverware and in the clothing, it was everywhere.
Flat suit. We've done everything and where should we begin to clean and restore the damage? If we start from the bottom and we work to the top of the room, by the time we get to the top, all the suits going to fall down and get the bottom dirty again. And so if we stop, start at the top then the water is going to run down the walls leave ugly streets it can't remove, and so we needed to have a plan to properly restore the damaged house back to its original condition.
In creation, God would take six days to restore the heaven and the earth to a good condition that was fit for man to live on. But where was God going to begin? And God had a plan. And first of all, God had to do something about the darkness.
And so when time began on day one, God said in the verses we read, Let there be light. And God saw the light that it was good.
And when God divided the light from the darkness, he began the 24 hour cycle of day and night.
But for the light day?
Dark be called night.
So we people, we need both the dark and the light.
We need both the night and the day. In the daylight, we get out of our beds, we go to school, we go to work.
Nighttime time for sleeping. God made our bodies so that we sleep better at night in the darkness. And so God started the restoration when everything was in darkness.
Out of the physical light, God said Let there be light and there was light.
Since that first day, every morning the physical light breaks through the darkness of the night and we begin a new day.
But now I want to talk about spiritual life and spiritual darkness.
The light that breaks through the darkness is how it can be with sins when we're born as a baby.
We're in spiritual darkness and we grow up to be a Sinner because we are a Sinner when we're born. And we're on our way to the lake of fire. And we know that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. And God says that the wages of sin is death. So we have a problem. We're stuck in spiritual darkness.
The condition of sin.
Is We need to have spiritual life for a spiritual restoration so we can be reconciled to God. We're reconciled to God by the death of his Son, the Lord Jesus.
I think in Sunday school we had some of these versions. But Jesus said in John 12 and verse 46, I have come into the world as a light so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness. See, light helps us to see things. Jesus gives us spiritual light so we can see that we're sinners, we're in danger. We can see that there's judgment of the lake of fire, and we have the light of Jesus, and we have the light of God's word to show us that Jesus is the Savior of sinning.
We see that we.
Need to trust the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior to have all our sins washed away in His blood. Well, the light of the word of God. It shows the Sinner that they must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and they will be saved. But then after we are saved, the Word of God is a light to us to show us how we can live as a Christian.
It is important for us to read the Bible.
Somebody was speaking today about the importance of reading the word of God. It's important to read in our own time, to look into the light so our our pathway can be filled, Shown out. Psalm 119 hundred and five says God's word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
If I don't read the Bible, if I don't get that light, I'm going to be sometimes confused as I go through my day knowing which way to go, what to do in the spiritual life. And so God gives us believers, He gives us his life so that we can be spiritual lights in this Dark World. And that's kind of the point of my message.
Matthew 5 verse 14 says you are the life of the world.
Other people need to see Christ in our everyday actions, because you might be the only light of Christianity that a person will see, and so we need to be like Jesus Christ.
If we're always busy talking about politics or human rights in this world.
To our friends, they might not see the light of Jesus Christ in our life.
Because we might not look any different from The Sims.
We are lights in this world, and that means that our life and our words should be examples of righteousness in the world. Another verse I think we might have written this morning in Matthew 516.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works.
Good works that they may glorify your Father, which is in heaven.
Have you ever considered that?
One of the purposes that God created you for and saved you for is to do good works. I know we heard today that good works are not. We're not supposed to do good works. To be able to gain favor, to be gained, gain eternal life. That's not how we how we approach God, but when we're we're born, when we're saved, we're told in Ephesians 2 and verse 10 says that were created in Christ Jesus.
For good works.
Because we have the life of Christ in US.
We want to do good to all people, just as Jesus. He's good, he's kind, he's loving.
We're not working to keep our salvation.
And when Christians do good.
It is to glorify God. We're not trying to get the glory for ourselves. Everything. Help somebody. We can do things for people. Maybe people will see us do things, but really our our work is private to serve the Lord. We can serve our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and we and we get let God get the glory because as God's goodness shines out through us to to our friends.
Through several versions that tell us we need to be rich in good works.
Be diligent to follow every good work.
Be thoroughly furnished unto all good works to be a pattern of good works.
To be zealous of good works and to maintain good works.
You think we're supposed to do good work?
It's not something that we decide I'm going to do good work today, but it's just a natural overflow of the Spirit of God, of the eternal life that we have the life of Christ in us. It's an overflow that we've been created to do, created to do good work. And so these good works, they're not a burden to us. They should just flow naturally from our lives as we become more and more like Christ.
The Pharisees remember that they did a lot of good works, but they did them to be to be seen by others and to glorify themselves. And so we don't worry about what others think about us. Our concern is that our good works might bring glory to God.
So on day one.
God said let there be light. God saw the light that he was good. So good works are part of the Christian life.
Wondering what are some of the good works that you can do for Jesus?
I'm sure you've done many things. You can probably make a list yourself. You'd help others with anything. You can visit the fatherless and the Withers. You can follow the visit the motherless. You can bring meals to friends when when it's needed. You invite a lonely person to go out to coffee with your to your house, have lunch with them. You mow the grass for somebody, shovel snow, rake leaves. There's many things you can do for the Lord Jesus, and you can.
I'm not going to tell you what you need to do to do works of the Lord. Just let the just let the Spirit of God guide you, and you'll put things in your life that you can do, even doing your job for the Lord. Do all things heartily is unto the Lord.
Works. You work in your house, you prepare food, you go to work. You do your job as unto the Lord. People will notice. You'll notice that you're doing good work. You may get bored with your job and your good work, but keep doing it. If the Lord wants you to change, he'll make the change possible for you. So.
That was my thought here, but created the light. We are lights in this world.
We can show forth the love of God.
That's great. Our God and Father, we give thanks and we can consider these things about the life that God created into this world, the physical life. You think of the spiritual life that we can let allow shine through us because we've been created into good works. Father, we give thanks for this and help us in our daily Christian life in Jesus name and pray. Amen. We will not forget to give thanks for the food that's been provided to in Jesus name.
I've been doing.