Children—Jonathan Grinton
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I'll do everything I can to make you not nervous.
He even dimmed the lights. Isn't that kind of neat?
Looks really pretty with those lights, doesn't it? Who likes lights?
I like lights.
OK, well.
You see on that hymn sheet you have there, I just want to point out on the very Backpage.
On the very back, our children's hymns.
In the rest of the hymn sheet, our gospel songs, and they're all very, very nice.
But if you want to stick with the children's songs, pick off the back sheet. OK, And if there's an action song or something else that you would like to sing, just tell me what it is and we will do our best to sing it. How does that sound? That good? OK, who has a song they would like to sing this morning?
Right here. What is your name? Oh, I knew that, Lucas. Sorry, what #47 #47 Oh, that's a good one. Number 47 on the back of your sheet.
When he cometh, when he comes.
For this Kingdom, all the same minds of the right ones cares about and tears from.
Life a start of the morning.
It is Friday proud of Dorney.
Are the jewels precious jewels?
Is all and his own.
Like the stars of the morning.
It is right now.
Morning they shall shine.
His beauty.
Right chance for his crown.
That's a really nice hymn. I really like that one. Lucas, you know, do you think that you are special to God? You do. That's really good that you know that. Does everybody realize how special you are to God? He loves you so much that he would call you a precious jewel. And you know it says that.
They shall shine in his beauty.
You think you could shine? What do you think? Do you ever see a diamond on somebody's ring and in the light when it hits it, it really shines bright? Have you ever seen that?
For your mom? Yeah. And that's true of you and me. It says we shall shine in his beauty because of him. We're going to shine bright as jewels. OK who has another one they'd like to sing?
39 Oh, that's a nice one.
What a friend we had in Jesus.
And grace to her.
What a criminal that you can dirty.
And we thank you God in prayer.
Oh God, it's we often for that.
Because we do not care.
And everything to God in prayer.
We trials and temptations.
It's a trouble and anywhere.
To be discovered.
In prayer.
We find our friends so fast.
Goodnight, Princess. Vice versa.
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
In his arms shall take, and she'll be.
I will find a soul is there.
OK, what a friend we have in Jesus, because each one of you have the Lord Jesus as your friend.
Eastern. You have the Lord Jesus as your friend? Yeah. Do you want to sing a hymn? What number?
What action? Which one do you want?
Oh, Zacchaeus was a weird little man. And a wee little man, was he that one? I like that one too. OK, we're going to do Zacchaeus.
Zacchaeus was up.
In a Sycamore tree for the Lord. He looked up in the tree and he said that He is you come down.
We're going to your house today.
Going to your house today, do you think, Easton, that you would climb up in a tree to see the Lord Jesus?
Yeah, wouldn't that be exciting? You know, because let's you're a little bit shorter than me, right? It'd be hard to see past me to see the Lord Jesus, wouldn't it? So you'd have to get up on something higher in order to see him, wouldn't you? But that took effort. It took effort for Zacchaeus to do that. He wanted to see the Lord Jesus so bad that he climbed up in that big tree.
And when Jesus said come down.
Did did Zacchaeus come down? He obeyed them, didn't he? And that's what he wants from you and I He wants us to obey him. Yes. And I know you too, Sarita.
Peter didn't be honest about Sure we can. Peter, James and John in the sailboat. Got your sailboat ready. Is it like this? OK, Peter, James and John in the cell. But Peter, James and John in the cell book. Peter, James and John in the sailboat.
I don't want the deeper thing. It's all night, but they don't fishes. It's all night, but they got no fish. It's fished all night, but they got no fishes.
Jesus said cast your net on the right side. Jesus said cast your net on the right side. Jesus said cast your net on the right side. Out on the deep. Let's see.
Wow. That's always a little bit of a risk when you go somewhere else as to being in the right tune or the right speed or the right words. But that was very good. And Sarita, the same thing. God told him to do something and they did it, and that's called obedience.
And that's what he wants from everyone of us.
OK. Who has another one Evan 4141 on the back of the sheet?
Around the throne of God in heaven.
Are unforgiving will have the screen singing glory glory.
Glory need to God.
In Shining Crows of spontaneously, it's one of the.
Lasting life and joys and everything singing.
Glory need to God.
What brings out to that world that happens on bright and clear, where all is peace and joy and love? How can the children, they're singing glory?
Glory to God.
My life.
Because the singer shadows but to wash away their sins.
Now watch them, that most precious but beholden, wise and clean singing glory.
Things in God. Very nice, very nice. Evan. That's a very nice hymn.
And, you know, it speaks a little bit more there about shining robes and everlasting light that will never fade. Hmm. We might have to keep those little thoughts in our minds as we go along here this morning. Well, you know, maybe we'll sing a few others in a moment. But I wondered if there was anybody that would like to do their verse today.
Yeah, OK. I see some hands. I'm used to the hands just going like this. Yeah, there we go. Who wants to say their verse today? OK. And you don't have to be shy. If you are a little shy, you can say it quietly to me on the side. OK, Well, I think what we'll do is I'll just read this to you and we can just go around and whoever, if you don't like this big thing, you can just say it to me. OK. So.
The Son of Man has not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. Luke 9 and 56. The Son of Man has not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. Luke 9 and 56. Did you want to say the verse today? OK, go ahead.
Because Son of Man has not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. Luke 956. Very good. Now I put some pencils and some pads out there on the table and if you would like one, you go ahead and get one, OK?
The Son of Man has not come to destroy man's lives, but to save them. Luke 956 very good. Lincoln has not come to Flyman trash, but the safe commute 956 very good. You go ahead and get your pencil and pad if you'd like one.
The Lord, the Son of Man, has not came to destroy man's lives, but to save them. Luke 956.
Men have not came to shore man's life, but to save Luke 956. I like the enthusiasm very good.
Hold on, Alley, the Son of Man has not come to Star Man's life, but 956 very nice.
The sun for the sound of the for the son of man had not come to destroy man's lives. But but to see she can, she can say them, Lou.
956 have to save them. OK, good job. The sun. The sun has the Son of Man. The Son of Man has not come.
Oh, oh, come.
Not come to.
Destroy man's life.
But to save them.
956, Good job. OK, You want to try Lucas? Oh, I'm getting tangled up here.
The Son of Man has not come to destroy.
Is not come to destroy men's life, but to save them. Luke 956 Well done, good job. Man has not come to destroy man lives, but to save them for 956 Good work. William, the son of man has not come to destroy man's lives, but to save them with 956 Oh, you guys are really good at this. The sign of man has not come to destroy men's eyes, but to save them. Look 956. OK, good job.
You got it here. Let's see your first God.
The Son of Man is not come to destroy man survives, but to save them.
Group 956.
Very good, well done. I know how hard that is, believe me.
The seven man is not the same man's lives, right? He's not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And 956 very good, good job.
The Son of Man has not come to destroy man's life, but to see them look. 956 Good job. Luke 956 The Son of Man has not come to destroy man's life, but to save them. Luke 956 Well done, OK.
The Son of Man, Son of man.
Not come.
Joy Men's lives.
956, it's 956. Good job, well done.
The sun has not come to save to the assurance, but to save them.
Book 956 Do you want to say it?
No, the Son of Man.
To destroy men's lives. Destroy men's lives.
5656 I'm learning this verse too. This is working out pretty well.
What about you? No, thank you. No thank you. No. You want me to help you? No. No. OK.
This is the man who's not come to storm inside, but to save them. Little 956. Very good.
You want to try nothing now? OK, you want to try.
The Sun.
Save them. Book 956 Nine 56. Well done. OK. You all did a very, very good job. The Son of Man does not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. Why? Anybody tell me why?
He loves them. That is a beautiful answer. He loves them. Did everybody get a pencil and a pad for participating and did everybody get one that wanted one? How about over here?
Well, if you want to come and get a pencil and a pad, go ahead. Come on up. Everybody get one. There's one there for everybody.
Do you think the Lord Jesus leaves anybody out?
No, he doesn't. He loves everybody and he wouldn't leave anybody out. He would have everybody to be saved. Well, you know, I wanted to talk to you a little bit today about darkness. Do you think it's a little dark in here?
You think it's a little dark in here? It's not as bright as it was, is it? I wanted to turn out all the lights, but here's the thing. I'm a little bit afraid of the dark. So I said maybe while Tom suggested leaving these lights on and then I could see a little bit and then I wouldn't be scared. Anybody else afraid of the dark? Just me, Isaac. OK, Thanks, Isaac.
I got some girls over here very good. Well, you know.
In Genesis, in the Bible, it says that God created this whole earth and you know, it was dark. It was dark and it says that he made the sun the greater light and the moon the lesser light. But you know what I found out? I found out that when the moon.
Is closest to the sun.
That it shines brighter.
And I thought, well, that's an interesting thing. When the moon is closer to the sun, it shines brighter.
It's a scientific thing. God's the only one that really knows how that works, you know? Well, I got thinking about you and I, and it tells us in.
The book of Ephesians chapter 5 and I think it's verse 8.
It says that.
We walked in darkness. We were the children of darkness. What do you think?
How would we be darkness? Can somebody tell me how we could be darkness? Yes.
Because we don't love God, but Lord just die for our sins that we can't so that we could. That's very good. I probably don't have to finish Sunday school now.
Well, you know what it is right? Because we didn't love God. What makes it? What is in US that makes us so dark? Who can tell me?
Who can tell me Yes, what is it? Holler it out.
What is it makes us so dark?
Anybody know? Starts with an S Evan. Our sins, our sins, our sins. They make us so dark. Do you know what sins are?
What are the Easton? Nice and loud?
Right. And we're that's what we are, is dark. Who wants to be dark?
I don't see any hands. I don't. Sarita, you don't want to be dark. What were you going to say?
Well, you could also be naughty by just obeying your parents, by disobeying your parents. That's right. And we were talking a little bit about obedience and disobedience, weren't we? Right. Well, obedience is going to come into this a little bit. So that's very good, Sarita. Thank you. Well, you know, it says that we walked in darkness. I better look that up. But.
If God made the sun.
And the moon to be light here.
And we were walking in darkness because of our sins.
What did he do?
To help us. It says that ye were sometimes darkness. That's what it says ye were sometimes darkness. At the beginning of that chapter 2, it says that you were the children of, as Sarita said, the children of disobedience. Oh boy, that doesn't sound very good, does it, Evan? No. What did God do?
To help.
With all that darkness.
And to help us get rid of our sins. Anybody know who did he send?
The Lord, the Lord Jesus, He sent the Lord Jesus, you know in John chapter 8.
In verse 12 and in John Chapter 9 and verse.
Five, it says that he is the light of the world.
Can you imagine? The earth was dark, Says Boyd. And he made the sun. And did you see the sun outside today? Isn't it beautiful? Who would rather have dark, dreary rain? No hands? Me neither. I really like the sun. I like to be able to see. I like to be able to be warm. And so he made the sun. And then he sent his son.
As the light of the world.
For you and I, because we were sometimes darkness and full of sin. What do you think of that? Who likes light? Let's see if we can make some light.
Well, there's one I hope I don't set the sprinklers off.
Well, what do you think of that? Is that pretty? You like that Easton?
Oh well, it's contained. Trust me, it's contained. Easton. Well, you know, it says that we were sometimes darkness and God is light.
And what did he do?
Sarita said He went to the cross and he died for you and I, and then he didn't stay here, you know, He rose up from the dead and he went up into heaven and he's preparing a place.
That you and I can spend all eternity with them? Who wants to go to heaven?
Do you think it'll be dark there?
No, it will not be dark there. You sang about it this morning, that song about your robes being white and bright and bright jewels in his glory, right? There be no darkness there, only light.
Only light. So he came.
As the light of the world. And then do you know what he said? He made you and I.
Lights. How did he do that? Does anybody know?
Uh oh.
Well, that's part of the story actually, but we haven't got to it yet.
How did he make us lights? He went to the cross.
And anybody that believes.
In the Lord Jesus Christ.
Can be a bright light for him, did you know that?
Are you a bright light for him? You are. That's very good.
There we go. OK, now we've got a few. And you know, I was thinking of this verse.
In Matthew chapter 5.
And it talks about.
Being a bright light, you know, he left this world and he said ye are the light of the world. And then it talks about a city. It talks about a city set up on a hill. And it kind of reminded me a little bit of a lighthouse because I grew up in a fishing village and there was a lighthouse there. And you know what a lighthouse does.
What is it? What does it do? It's it's to know that other boats, it's like like the tell other boats not to crash into the rocks. That's right. It's dangerous there, isn't it? Rocks are kind of dark too, can't see them. And so there's a big light in the lighthouse, like a city up in the hill with a light. What happens if the light goes out Easton? Would they crash into the rocks?
Yes, they would crash into the rocks and so it says here that.
Men don't light a candle and put it under a bushel.
But they put it on a Candlestick so that you can see it. What would be the point? What would be the point in lighting that lighthouse and then letting the light go out? That would be destruction. Wouldn't it be bad? Wouldn't it? The boats would crash into the rocks.
Well, you are the light of the world and what are you doing? This is what I was getting at with the sun and the moon. I'll try to explain it to you. You know the Lord Jesus is that bright light. He is the light. And you know you and I when we get saved.
We're a bright light, and we reflect the light of the Lord Jesus.
We reflected so that everybody can see that we belong to the Lord Jesus, and you know the closer that you are.
To God and the Lord Jesus, the brighter you can shine for Him. Did you know that? So when you learn your verse like you did, when you learn your verse and you sing the songs like you did, I heard some really good singing.
And you know, maybe at home mommy reads you the mommy and daddy read you the Bible at the table or calendar, children's calendars, and you learn more and more and more about the Lord Jesus.
The brighter you get.
Isn't that nice?
Or do you think it would be better?
To just get saved and then.
Boy, I sure hope this works. Oh wow, what happened? What happened?
How did that happen?
I did. I covered it up.
With something and I hid it and it went out.
Does that seem very good?
No, I agree. First of all, I don't like darkness.
God saved us from our darkness. He sent his Son, the light of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die for our sins, right? And he made us light. And then all of a sudden I say I don't want to be light and I cover it up and I don't want anybody to know.
Oh, that's not very good, is it? That's not very good. You know, there's a verse in Leviticus, chapter 24. I was going to ask Tom to help me with that, but he said I had to remember on my own. And it's in verse one and it talks about pure olive oil.
And you know what they used pure olive oil so that the lamps would burn continually. And that's what the Lord wants from you and I as boys and girls and older ones too. He wants us to burn our lights bright continually, and we can only burn them bright.
Continually when we're near him, walking with him, dear to him.
And knowing of his love, learning all about him and you know.
A little further down here in this Matthew 5, it says let your light so shine before men, so let everyone see it.
That they may see your good works and glorify your Father, which is in heaven.
Well, you know, I had a nice chat with Mr. Stewart yesterday.
And he helped me a little bit to know this verse better.
And I'm going to try to explain it to you the same way, you know.
As bright lights for the Lord, we can do some very good things, can't we? Can we do good things for the Lord? What do you think? Yeah, we can. We can. And when we're shining bright and all the men see us, that means everybody in the world, they see us do something good.
Who gets the glory for that?
Who? Jesus. God gets the glory. You're right, God the Father gets all the glory when we do something good as a bright light now.
If you're not.
Being a bright light.
Can you still do good things?
Can you still? Yeah, you can. So who gets the glory if you're not a bright light?
But you do something good. Who gets the glory?
God doesn't, you do.
God doesn't get the glory you do. You did it for yourself, or maybe you did it for man, somebody else in this world, but you didn't give the glory to God. And so that's why He wants us to be bright lights continually, all the time, every day, so that He gets the glory. And it should be in our heart just like it was in the heart of the Lord Jesus when he came.
To give the glory to God the Father. Do you understand that? Does that make sense?
So, you know, I think a little further on in Ephesians chapter 5, there's a nice little verse in Philippians that says that.
Shine ye as bright lights I think. But in Ephesians 5 it says.
Now are ye light in the world? Walk as children of light, and you know, to walk as children of light. I was just thinking about the Lord Jesus when he was here.
Can somebody tell me if he was perfect?
Yes, I heard somebody say yes. So if he walked here perfectly as a light to bring glory and honor to God the Father, and then he tells you and I to walk here.
As the children of light.
Should we walk like him?
Should we walk like the Lord Jesus did?
Anybody answer?
What do you think the Lord Jesus? What do you think his desire was? What do you think he wanted to do?
When he was here.
Somebody tell me, what do you think he really wanted to do? What was it?
Save us. And so he was the light of the world all by himself.
And then he saved us and he made us light and, you know, as lights, He wants us to bring other people to the Lord Jesus to know him. And so if we shine bright with one another, then doesn't that encourage others to become lights too? Don't you think? You know, He was the perfect.
Example. Did you know that?
He was the perfect example for you and I and he saved us and he wants us to be a perfect example to one another and other people in the world so they too can be a light.
And do good things for the glory of God. Did you know that if you're a bad example.
You know if you're a bad a bad example or a poor example, and maybe your light is out. Do you know what happens?
Maybe the person sitting next to you, they see how you're acting.
And they decide well.
Maybe I'll act like that person and maybe their light goes out too. What do you think?
That's kind of sad, isn't it? So we need to be good examples and bright lights, don't we, do you think?
Lillian's nodding her head yes.
There's a verse in Proverbs that says.
Proverbs, chapter 4.
Who's got their Bible? Has anybody got their Bible here?
Do you know where Proverbs chapter 4 is? You want to look it up? You could read us this verse Proverbs chapter 4.
Proverbs chapter 4 and verse.
18 But the path of the jest is just as a shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
More and more unto the perfect day. So how can we shine more and more unto the perfect day? Well, we already talked about it, didn't we? Reading our Bibles, doing our verses, singing our songs, being obedient to the Lord Jesus.
And we can shine more and more and more every day because we become more and more like the Lord Jesus. Who wants to be more and more like the Lord Jesus.
I do, I do and you know we can't do it by ourselves. We should have these lights lit in too should or light.
So I thought of a couple of hymns that maybe you remember and we could sing them together. Who knows? The hymn, This Little Light of mine, I'm going to let it shine. Who knows that one? Okay, so there's a bunch of different verses, and probably some of you will sing one and I'll sing another. And so we'll just do our very best to get through it.
All right, this little light of mine.
Let it shine.
This light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
No, I'm going to let it shine.
I'm going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
To blow it out, I'm going to let it shine. Don't. Let's say you're talking about I'm going to let it shine. Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Shines of Jesus I'm gonna let it shine, Let it shine till Jesus comes by the Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine all around.
I'm gonna let it shine, Let it shine to all around. I'm gonna let it shine.
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Very good. So it sounds like our lights are not going to go out. We want to let them shine. Right? That sound, right. All right. I had one other hymn. I borrowed my wife's Sunday school hymn book. And if you know it, you can sing it with us. It's Jesus bid to shine with a pure clear light, like a little candle burning in the night.
In this World of Darkness. So we must shine, you and your small corner, and I in mine, the rain able to do that one with us, OK.
Jesus is the shine with a pure clear light, the light burning in the night in this World of Darkness. So will be my shine, you and your small corner and.
Light she's a spins a shine first of all.
He looks down from heaven to see us trying you in your small corner, and I in life.
She has been so shy next door all around.
Many kinds of darkness in this world so.
Every quantum sorrow. So we must shine.
You make your small corner and by.
So we must shine. So we must shine. And that little verse in Philippians 2 and 15 it says, shiny as lights in the world.
What an opportunity you and I have to be bright lights for him.
I pray that you will ask the Lord for help, each one of you in your day, each day to be a bright light for him, to bring glory to Him, and to be a help.
Two brothers and sisters and friends so day 2 might come to know the Lord Jesus as their Savior and those that do.
All of you here believe in the Lord Jesus Christ now and you can help each other. That's nice. You can help each other to be bright lights for Him.