Address—G.H. Hayhoe
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Like you please to turn with me tonight to the book of the Acts. And he saw said, Who art thou, Lord?
And the Lord said, I am Jesus, whom thou persecutest. Verse six. And he, trembling an astonished, said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? I would like to speak about that precious.
And solemn title of Lord.
You know, the name of Jesus is so sweet, so precious. When we turn back to Matthew one, we find thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins. And we find that word capitalized there. I don't know just why they did that.
But I'm always thrilled to look at that first chapter of the New Testament and see the name Jesus stand out from all the other names that are in that chapter. And I know it's true as I look at you tonight. But of all the names that are known in this land, there is one that stands out as dear and precious to your heart.
The the name of.
Jesus. And yet we know that this world took that name and nailed it above the cross, showing their hatred of it and their rejection of Him who bore that name. When we see that beloved, and when we realize the grace of God that has made the name of Jesus.
Precious to our hearts and turn and look at the world.
That would nail that name above his cross and never repent of it either. Still take that precious name.
In mockery and in vain. Oh how how privileged we are to have that name dear to our hearts, and yet at the same time what a challenge it is to be true to him who bear that name. Now I see Saul of Tarsus here hearing this voice from heaven. Truly the voice of Jesus.
But he cries out, Who art thou, Lord?
Ah, there is something about that most worthy title that I hope may speak to our hearts and have its rightful claim upon us.
The title Lord indicating authority and submission to that authority. Now it is rather difficult to submit to the authority of someone who doesn't care much for you.
Perhaps working for someone who's only interest is how much can I get out of him and how little can I pay him, It's rather difficult to submit to that kind of authority, but beloved, to submit to the authority of someone who loves you as Jesus loves you.
Loves you enough that he went to the cross of Calvary to die that you and loves us so much that he's just longing for the moment now, so near at hand, when he's going to welcome us home to be with him. And in the meantime, is he not worthy, beloved of that title of authority over us in all things?
Who art thou?
Lord, oh what a change took place in the life of Saul of Tarsus.
At this moment on the road to Damascus and beloved brothers and sisters in Christ.
I do hope, and I lay my hand upon my heart as I say it. I do hope that you and I not only know Jesus as our Savior who died to redeem us, not only know Jesus as the one who's coming soon to take us to His home, but that we may look up and gladly.
Address him by that most worthy title, Lord.
And gladly recognize and submit to the claims that are involved in that title. In verse six, he trembling and astonished, said, Lord, what will thou have me to do? Wouldn't that be a grand statement for every one of us?
Lord, what will Thou have me to do? Do you think that would be a good little prayer for boys and girls who want to please Him?
Do you think that would be a good prayer for young people starting out in life with so many status symbols and all kinds of fame and honor held out before you to get down on your knees and say, Lord, Lord, what will thou have me to do? Wouldn't we be saved from many a mistake, many a misstep, many a blunder if.
Words came from our hearts, not just at the beginning of our Christian pathway, but constantly beloved that it simply might be the pattern of our life continually, daily, hourly. If you wish to say with a submissive heart, Lord.
What wilt thou have me to do? A very short prayer, but I believe a very, very significant prayer that we turn over please, to Acts chapter.
Verse nine. And we will read just a little statement of confession by this same one who here uttered this beautiful prayer. Acts 26. Verse nine. I verily thought with myself that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus.
Of Nazareth. This is the same man. This is the same Saul of Tarsus, now a child of God, but looking back to that time in his life.
When the name of Jesus of Nazareth had no charm at all for him.
In fact, his heart was filled with rebellion and hatred against him who bore that name and against all his followers. But now we see Who art thou, Lord, And then, Lord, what will thou have me to do?
Suppose we turn back for a moment to John's Gospel.
Chapter 25.
And verse 28. And Thomas answered, and said unto him.
My Lord.
And my God, you and I know that there are many such wonderful statements in the Word of God from the hearts of those who so dearly loved Him. Hear the words of Mary at the sepulchre. They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him.
All the love in the heart of such as uttered these wonderful words. And beloved, I just trust as we try to follow this subject a little bit through the word of God tonight.
That it may stir the affections of our hearts in such a way as would make everyone of us eager to bow to, and to delight in the claims of the one who bears that worthy title. For we read in Acts, God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.
Oh, I tell you when someone whom you love has been maligned and falsely accused.
Isn't it wonderful to think of their being vindicated and honored, and now the very one whom this world cast out and crucified is up there, and God has made him both Lord and Christ. And surely it gladdens our hearts to know that this is so. Not only should it gladden our hearts, I say, to know that it is so. It is a fact, it is a reality. But.
Not to be in your life and in mind a glad acceptance of that title and a happy willingness to walk under the authority of him who now bears that worthy title, our Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ. You know there are three things mentioned in the Word of God, and this is no new thought to any here, and each is only.
Once associated with that name, the Lord.
The Lord's Day, the Lord's Table, and the Lord's Supper each only mentioned once. Why would that be? You know, when you turn to the Old Testament, the Sabbath day is mentioned innumerable times. I've never counted. But again and again and again, the children of Israel were reminded of their responsibility to keep the Sabbath day.
And the judgments that would befall them if they were unfaithful in this and over and over again it is repeated the Lord's Day only mentioned once. That's true beloved. And I believe the reason is this to the heart that truly loves.
Every request has the power of a command. Is that not true?
You know that's true to the heart that truly loves. Every request has the power of a command. If you heard from the lips of someone who dearly loved just the hint of a request, wouldn't it be your delight to take that request to heart and if at all possible, to grant to fulfill that request?
Oh, it just seems to me when I see in the word of God.
One mention of the Lord's Day. My heart should be glad to read those words.
And to recognize, is there really a day that is entitled the Lords day true to the child of God? In reality, every day should be to us a day in which we are privileged to accept and fulfill the claims of our Lord. Isn't that so?
The six days of the week belong to you, and one day belongs to the Lord.
Can I wake up on Monday morning and say, now this is Monday, I can do what I like? Today, our beloved, let us ever remember that the claim of the Lord ought to be upon us every day of the week to wake up Monday morning and say, Lord, what wilt thou have me do? And likewise on Tuesday. Does that sound difficult?
Can I not claim at least part of my time as my own?
To do as I like with it? Can I not claim at least part of my possessions as my very own to do what I choose with it?
Let me tell you something that happened. I was not present, but I know one or two who were present On the occasion when a brother possessed more than usual, means invited some of his friends out to dinner.
And when they picked up the menu, they, they rather gasped, you know, because this menu began in the price area where most other menus left off. And these brothers looked at it and they didn't quite know what to do. And I guess the one who had invited them saw their embarrassment. So this is what he did.
He put his hand over the price side of the menu and he said choose whatever you like, brothers, it's my money.
Now, it wasn't easy to do, but one of the brothers who was there said, is it really, brother? That's not easy to say to your host, but you know, it made all of them think very seriously. And one of them told me about it and it made me think very seriously, too. Is it really my time? Is it really?
My health. Are they really my possessions? Are they really my limited abilities?
Were Steward's beloved of all these things, and trusted to us by Him who bears that precious and worthy title, Lord? Yet when I see the Lord, they let's turn to it in Revelation 1.
Revelation chapter one and verse 10 I was in the spirit on.
The Lord's Day, No, Having been in lands where Christianity as you and I know it, is practically unknown, it makes us very, very, very thankful that in these favored lands to most of us is given the happy liberty and opportunity to realize that on this one day.
This privileged first day of the week, we do have the opportunity, shall I say.
Especially to recognize and to respond to the claims of our Lord Jesus in being gathered round Himself and remembering Him as He has lovingly requested of us.
Could there be anyone here that's not even interested in that?
And you belong to the Lord, and yet.
The Lord's Day, with all its wondrous privileges, has no particular attraction for your heart. I hope this is not so. I hope, beloved brothers and sisters, as that first day of the week rolls round, you just look forward to it as being the Lord's Day, when those necessary responsibilities of life perhaps don't claim you as they do the other six days, and the liberty is yours.
In a special way to answers to the wondrous request of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord's Day. Oh, just let me speak faithfully about this. I think many of you know.
How I was brought up.
Some of you do remember my father.
And I think you remember that the claims of the Lord had a great deal to him, and the claims of the Lord's Day, the Lord's Day we're very, very significant in our home. I remember one day after Sunday school had a piece of paper and some crayons.
And I was drawing a little picture on this paper with my crayons.
And my dad came and looked over my shoulder.
Honestly, I think he was just a little disturbed that I was coloring a picture on the Lord's day. Now mind you, I dare not point my finger at my dad as though he were too strict. He was so filled with loving kindness that his strictness was very easy to accept. I can see him yet looking at that picture and saying.
What are you doing, Albert? Well, I'm drawing a picture.
He kind of looked at me and I said, but I'm not finished yet. And I wrote God is love across the top to turn it into a text. And he was satisfied. But I'll tell you, the Lord's Day really meant something in our homes and I don't want to treat it lightly. I hope, I hope by the grace of God that it is so in your home, too. I see fathers and mothers here bringing up children.
I see young people here who are facing decisions. Beloved, let us remember that it is a privilege, a joy to say this is the day when those other responsibilities are laid aside and it is the Lord's Day, All the opportunities to recognize this and to accept the claim and the authority of him who is so worthy.
Ought to have very real meaning to everyone of us. Now, I don't say that as though the challenge of the other six days had nothing for the Lord in it. For I do believe this, that every dear sister who fulfills her responsibilities in the home to please the Lord is serving the Lord just as much as the brother who might stand on the platform from time to time.
I think of that, beloved, when I read 1St Corinthians 15 verse 58.
Be therefore steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. What kind of Labor is that? The one who's left everything to go some far away place to preach? No, you at the shop, you in the neighborhood, you at school, you in the kitchen, can be engaged in this just as truly as anyone else.
And if you're engaged in something concerning which you can't.
Recognize the claims of the Lord and ask His blessing. You'd better get out of it. Isn't it a wonderful thing to be able to start our day's responsibilities on our knees, asking the blessing of the Lord upon it?
And I tell you.
Excuse these personal references.
But when I was a boy, there was a particular sport that I was very, very fond of.
And I guess I have kind of a competitive spirit and I really wanted to be good at this sport.
And I began to compete with others, and I thank the Lord with all my heart. I thank the Lord that we just grew up with the habit of praying about everything.
And I was facing a particularly stiff competition and I wanted to win. And I know what I'll do. I'll ask the Lord to help me win. And I just couldn't do it. I just somehow I just couldn't get down on my knees and say, Lord, I'm going out to play that game and I want to win. Will you please help me win? I just couldn't do it. And I felt within myself. Be careful.
Be careful. You're getting involved in a way in which you cannot ask the blessing of the Lord.
They love it, brothers and sisters, they love it. Young people, can you truly, on your knees ask the Lord's help, the Lord's blessing on those plans that are before you right now?
It's really a precious thing, and yet it's a very practical and searching and solemn thing, and I beg of you to make that the habit of your life. Permit me just to repeat.
What was mentioned in the presence of some of the young people on Saturday night at the home of our brother Bob Connor?
I mentioned the fact that as a young fellow in Ottawa years ago, I was too young to be involved in the planned activities of the young people, which was very distressing to me. I was always left out because I wasn't yet in their age group. And this particular evening after meeting I heard them planning something for the following evening. They were quite enthused about their plans.
And I heard one young man come up to one of the young sisters.
And he said I'd be glad to call for you tomorrow evening and take you there. Now I knew from what I had observed that she wasn't averse to his company. And I wondered what would happen. And I heard her pause and say.
I'd really like to pray about it tonight. I really don't know. I feel free to go, but I want to pray about it.
His answer makes me shudder to repeat, but this is what he said.
Don't pray about it. If you do, you won't go.
She is to this day a godly happy sister gathered to the Lord's name. He has not darkened the door of the meeting room for many, many years as drifted and has had an unhappy life. Isn't that an awful answer? Don't pray about it. If you do, you won't go. Oh beloved, let me.
Because of the claims of him who bears that precious title, Lord.
Let me urge upon my own soul, and upon yours, He is so worthy that we should bow before him and say, Lord, what will thou have me to do? And if by the grace of God there is that day set apart, called in this word of God, the Lords Day, let us thank Him for it with all our hearts. And as that day dawns from week to week, let us wake up with Thanksgiving in our souls that.
The Lord's Day this the first day of the week. It is my special privilege as set free from other responsibilities, to be found in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Now suppose we turn please to 1St Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 16.
The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? For we, being many, are one bread and one body, or we are all partakers of that one bread.
Behold Israel after the flesh, Are not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers?
Of the altar.
I believe we have here, as we find in verse 21, the Lord's Table. I believe that is what is being presented to us in First Corinthians chapter 10, the Lord's Table. But that's a Solomon precious statement, the Lord's Table, and I believe that is why we have the cup.
Mentioned here before.
So look, because our title to be there is.
The precious blood of Christ.
Because having been redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, having been cleansed from our sins by that precious blood, we are made members of the body of Christ, and privileged and invited and at liberty to be found at the Lord's table. What is my title to be there?
The precious blood of Christ.
And as a member of the body of Christ, cleansed by that most precious blood, it is my privilege and the privilege of every other member of that body to be at the Lords Table. Now we will enlarge upon that presently. But I do believe, brethren, that is a good thing for us ever to remember.
If we forget it, if we look upon ourselves as a group of people who adhere to certain doctrines and conduct our services in a certain way.
We are nothing more than a sect in Christendom, and that is a sad confession to have to make.
They will love it as we meet together to remember our Lord Jesus Christ in death.
As we sit together at the Lord's table, as we see that loaf on the table.
It speaks to us of the precious, wondrous reality that we being many, are one Lord, We are one body who is represented in that loaf, the few who meet together in this certain place and in this certain way. No, beloved, I'm sure you and I realize that the truth of the Word of God is this, that every.
Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is represented in that loaf.
Let me give you a little illustration. Let me take you back to Rideau Ferry near where we live in Ontario.
There was and still is by the grace of God, a happy assembly there, and not far down the road there are two little churches, and in one of them there was a deer born again man of God as minister in that church. Let me give you a little illustration. Let me take you back to Rideau Ferry near where we live in Ontario.
There was.
And still is, by the grace of God, a happy assembly there. And not far down the road there are two little churches, and in one of them there was a deer born again man of God as minister in that church.
And one Monday morning, this dear minister was walking down the road, and a brother gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus, met him, stopped and shook hands with him. Brother, I'm so happy to see you. And he in turn sent And brother, I'm happy to see you too. And the dear brother gathered to the Lord's name said. And I was so happy to see you at the breaking of bread yesterday morning.
I wasn't there. I was in my pulpit preaching my Sunday sermon.
He just smiled again and said, Oh brother, I was so happy to see you at the breaking of bread yesterday morning. He turned again with the same answer. Look, you are mistaken. I was in my church preaching to my flock.
And he said the third time, brother, I say again, I was so happy to see you at the breaking of bread. Now look, you'll have to explain yourself. I don't know what you're talking about. Well, the dear brother said on the table where we met together, there was a loaf. And that loaf represented not the few of us who were gathered there, but every member of the body of Christ. And brother, I can truly tell you this, that as I looked at that loaf, I thought of you.
Or I love you and I saw you represented in that lobe. I do wish you had been sitting there with us. But I saw you in that low, you know. His head went down. He had no answer. Isn't it true, beloved? Isn't it wonderfully true that when we are found gathered together in the presence of the Lord Jesus, sitting together at the Lord's table, we look upon that loaf and what do we see?
Every member of the body of Christ, Yes, thank God.
All equally dear to him. Yes, thank God. All privilege to be found there, Yes, thank God. But now I must pause, beloved, because you and I know that in the days of Israel, every circumcised Israelite was invited and privileged to partake of the Passover, and it was a very serious thing if he ignored it.
Have very solemn thing in the sight of the Lord, if he just didn't bother.
If he was clean and not on a journey, God held it to be a very solemn thing.
If he simply neglected. But there were many, many ways.
In which our true Israelites was hindered from.
Partaking of that, Passover and those who bore responsibility in Israel had to be very, very careful.
That those claims of Jehovah.
Were most carefully carried out. Let me use an illustration. It has been a help to me, and it might be a help to someone here. Let us picture in the days of Israel there are 4 tents, 4/10 of four Israelites in a row, number 123 and four intent #1A man dies during the night.
His dead body is still lying there in tent #1 and Israelites comes along, enters tent #1, sees what has happened, remains there for a little time, expressing his sympathy and his distress at the passing away of this fellow Israelite. Then he leaves the tent and approaches tent #2 and they say, come on in. Isn't it too bad what happened in tent number one last night? Yes.
But I was just in there sympathizing with them. Sit down with us, they say, and have, I don't know, a cup of tea, We'll have to say, although it wouldn't have been that in those days. And so he enjoys a little time of fellowship in tent #2. Then he approaches tent #3 and the same thing happens. He's welcome there, and together they speak of the sorrow intent #1. Then he goes to tent #4 and they stop him.
Right at the door, they stop him. I I'm sorry.
But we can't let you in here. And why not? I'm an Israelite as much as you are.
I know you are, but did I not see you coming out of tent number one? Yes. Is there not a dead man in there? Yes, but I'm not the dead man. I know, But you were in that tent. Yes, but I didn't even touch that dead man. Yes, but you were in the tent with him. And according to the law of Jehovah, you are a defiled Israelite. We'd love to welcome you here. There is a process of cleansing from that defilement, but the law of.
Says that though you are an Israelite, you are a defiled Israelite. Now that man might get quite upset. He might say you're far too narrow, you're far too strict. He might even go to Moses and say, what about these laws? Don't you think they're too severe? Moses would say, they're not my laws. They are the laws of Jehovah who would guard against all that would be defiling. Now, beloved brethren, I do say again and I.
Feel that it is important that we are found on the Lord's Day.
Gathered together at the Lord's Table, our title to be there, the precious cleansing power of the blood of Christ as members of his body. On Lords Day we are found together at the Lord's Table and every member of the Body of Christ is welcome there unless, and this I believe, is something we do well to remember.
Unless there is that which would hinder according to the faithful and clear language.
Of the word of God. And I do say this, that the longer I live.
And the more I see the pitiable condition of christen them around us and the defilements that are found everywhere, the more I feel thankful for the faithful and beloved brothers and the praying sisters too, that are careful in these matters and would guard and preserve the table of the Lord from that which would introduce.
Defilement. Do you know what scripture even says concerning a man who touched a Gray?
If an Israelite touched the grave and then touched a fellow Israelite, he too would become defiled. I can imagine that some of the Israelites might have objected to the severity of those arrangements, but they were the arrangements of Jehovah, and any giving in would have brought defilement to the camp of Israel. I say once again.
With joy we should thank God with all our heart for the liberty of the Lord's Day and all the claims that that precious title bring upon us.
Should we not be thankful to accept those claims and to recognize the Lordship of Him who loved us and died for us? And then, when we consider the Lords Table, shall we be any less thankful? And on the other hand, shall we be any less careful in that which concerns the name, the authority, the honor, the holiness of the Lord?
But I say these things, beloved, because I do fear.
That in turning away from looseness, we might fall into sectarianism. And may the Lord preserve us with the joy of recognizing that it is the Lord's Table, and that the members of the body of Christ are privileged to be there unless the Word of God.
Would caution us against their being thus received, It says here you notice.
Are not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar? What would that mean to an Israelite? It would have very real significance. You remember in the days of King Hezekiah that dear and large hearted king sat upon the throne in Jerusalem, and he looked around and saw 2 tribes there rejoicing in the privileges that God had given them. So what did he say? Oh, this is fine.
2 tribes are here, too bad about the other 10 but.
I'm real glad that there are still 2 tribes here. I thank God for the largeness of heart of that dear man.
He sat there in Jerusalem where he belongs, but his heart yearned for his dear fellow Israelites who were off there in false positions and he sent them a message of faithful invitation. He didn't say, well now I will go 1 Lords day to Dan and 1 Lords day, pardon me, one Sabbath day to Dan and one Sabbath day to Bethel, and the third Sabbath day back here in Jerusalem. And perhaps that will make folks see that I'm broad minded and.
Some of them will come to Jerusalem. No, he wrote a very faithful letter. He'll read it in Second Chronicles chapter 30. And he sent that letter to them, begging them to return to the House of the Lord at Jerusalem. There were three altars, one in Jerusalem, one of them, one at Bethel, only three.
But today, beloved, as we look around, what do we see? Are not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar? It's very, very, very vital, beloved brothers and sisters, that you and I searched the Scriptures before the Lord, that we might, with God's help, maintain that which can yet be called by his matchless grace, the Lord's table. The Lord's table. We look around and we see so many who?
Make such a claim, and I do believe this with all my heart. I believe it that any one of us on our knees before him would say, Where wilt thou? He will not lead us astray. Beloved, I don't believe I need a whole file of correspondence in the mind of a lawyer to wade through it all to discover where my feet rightly belong. I believe with a submissive.
Yearning, seeking heart, he will never fail to answer the prayer of one who says, Where wilt thou?
Just permit me to digress a little here.
Because it's all so fresh in my memory.
But I think, dear brethren, we have just seen such prayers as those answered in India. You might say, where would they find such a thing as the Lord's table?
Saved and exercised through the pages of this precious book. Saved from the darkness of Hinduism and other situations that exist there.
And they read the precious word of God, and they said to us so plainly, how is it?
But missionaries come here to this land, They bring a book which they claim to be the word of God. They preach to us the gospel. And when we're saved, they gather us all together. Hope I won't hurt anyone's feelings. But they gather us all together and say, now don't forget you're all Presbyterians. And then another missionary will come, same book, same gospels, souls are saved. Don't forget you're all Lutherans. And they were very plain about it. They used these words and he said.
How is this that with the same book, the believers now find themselves gathered in groups bearing names that we can't find in this book? What should I tell them? Well, just look around, you know, and choose the one you like the best. Now, beloved, they had on their knees before the Lord truly cried, Where wilt thou?
We're just so happy to be able to tell you that he has answered that prayer.
While we were there, a fresh testimony began in the great city of Bombay.
True, not many, but seeking hearts, willing to say Lord, and willing to bow to the claims of the Lord, eager to be found that the Lord's Table when we passed through Bombay on our way inward.
We, Stephen and Miriam and myself, Stephen Maxted and Miriam and myself, remember the Lord together there in Bombay, and some of these dear exercise souls came and sat with us.
I can still see the look on their faces as they saw those precious, precious emblems.
And observe the remembrance of the Lord.
And their hearts, when it was all over, so stirred. This is what we have been praying about. This is what we have been waiting for. And toward the end of our journey, we were privileged to go back again there to Bombay, Steven Maxted, Miriam and myself, brother Jesus back then of Madras, brother Johann and brother Abraham of Denali.
Four different languages represented.
But the meeting was conducted in English with this precious Little Flock hymn book, which made us very happy. And they were privileged to share with us that day in the remembrance of the Lord. And I just got a letter today telling of their joy in the continuance of that happy remembrance and of one other brother now seeking to share that happy privilege with them. Beloved.
Just know that you will not forget to pray for them because.
It brings mockery, it brings persecution.
One of them was a convert from the Zoroastrian religion. I think perhaps you've heard of that. Fire worshippers they were. And she is the only believer in a family of this Zoroastrian religion or Parsees. You sometimes hear it, my beloved, There is, perhaps you're well aware of this, a happy testimony. And Denali, where there are many, by the grace of God now gathered to the precious name of the Lord Jesus.
With an eager outreach in the gospel from village to village, they go proclaiming the glad tidings of the grace of God.
I didn't intend to digress this much, but I wish you could see it to go to a Hindu village.
To see them gather there, sitting cross legged on the ground, willing to listen for two solid powers to the gospel of the grace of God. And then to go back again where we had that privilege 3 years ago. To go back again to those villages and find by the very wonderful grace of God.
Souls born again, baptized and gathered now to the name of the Lord Jesus.
Beloved, here in this land where we see that precious title, the Lord, does it really have that sweet and precious claim upon us? Does the Lords Day mean to us what it ought to mean? Does the Lord's Table sound like a very precious place of privilege to your heart? I hope it does.
With all my heart I hope it does, but let us ever remember the significance of that title, The Lord. It is the Lords Table, beloved, and I say to my own soul, it's a very sound thing to sit down at the Lord's table, careless in our ways.
Let us remember then that our title to be there is the cleansing power of the precious blood of Christ as members of His body. We are invited to be gathered together there. Now let's turn please to Chapter 11 and verse 23. For I have received the Lord. There is that precious title again, that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took.
And when he had given thanks, he break it and said, take, eat. This is my body which is given for you, this too in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup when he had stopped saying, This cup is a New Testament in my blood which is shed for you. This too, as often as he drink it in remembrance of me, or as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, he to show the Lord's death.
Till he come. This I believe we could call the Lord's Supper, as we see mentioned in verse 20 of the chapter.
And here we see that precious, simple, wondrous order in which He would have us share together the Lord's Supper.
On the Lord's Day at the Lord's Table, to share together the Lords Supper, what degree of understanding or of intelligent intelligence is required?
In order to be found at the Lord's Table, partaking of the Lord's Supper.
Shall I just tell you of my own youth? I was brought up never having seen anything else, never having set foot in any other place of religion, as men would call it, except the meeting room in Ottawa where my parents always took me.
But having accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior.
Having sat back and observed those emblems being passed from one to the other.
Having heard such scriptures as these being read from time to time.
Having heard in the home the expressed joy of remembering the Lord because He loved us and asked us to, it stirred my youthful heart, and I thought He loved me too. He died for me too. Someday I'm going to see Him in the meantime.
As he asked me to remember him, yes, I believe he truly had so. I will admit it took a long time to get the courage to do so. But after meeting 1 Lord's Day morning, I asked dear brother Hume. I said Brother Hume, I would like to be able to remember the Lord in his death.
Now, if you had said to me, Albert, on your way to meeting you passed two other places, you know where they're going to be breaking bread in much the same fashion, Why don't you go to that one or Yonder?
I don't know what my answer would have been. My answer would have been, well, this is where my father and mother go. This is where I've always gone. It looks right to me. That was all I knew.
Perhaps, perhaps, maybe. I know just a little bit more now, but I do want to say this.
I believe, I said with thankfulness. The longer I have lived, the more I have shared and known the wondrous joy and privilege of being gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus, the more sure I am, by the very wonderful grace of God, that long ago He directed these footsteps to the Lord Abel.
50 years next month. I first shared that precious privilege.
And I look back to thank God with all my heart.
That he directed my youthful footsteps by no choice of my own to that place. And you may be sure of this, that during those years there has had to be a great deal of searching. I have encountered many problems, many a question, particularly in going thither and thitter, where some of these questions are put before you and your answer and the scriptures presented are going to have.
A very long lasting effect.
And I can only say thank God with all my heart as I look back upon it, that now reading these scriptures concerning the Lords Table and the Lords Supper, I say with a heart overflowing with Thanksgiving, it is my privilege. It is your privilege, beloved President, and coming here to California. Why am I found here in this place in Buena Park?
Because I feel thankfully convinced in my own soul that the very wonderful and matchless grace of God.
As wrought in your heart's beloved brothers and sisters, to share together and to maintain together.
The precious and wondrous truth of the Lord's Table, and the simple and unaltered wonder of the Lord's Supper. The breaking of that loaf, symbol of the precious body of our beloved Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the partaking of that cup, The symbol of the precious shed blood of him who shed that blood.
That you and I might be redeemed.
For a long time it puzzled me that the Lord's Table should be mentioned in chapter 10, and then a number of quite surprising intervening verses before we find the order of the Lord's Supper in Chapter 11. And I thought to myself, that is strange. I would expect that we would read of the Lord's Table and then immediately the proper order of the Lord's Supper and look what comes between.
I believe we find there those things which would give evidence of.
Obedience and submission to the claim and authority of Him till we sit, and whose supper we hope to share together. It would do us good. Beloved, our time is gone, but it would do us good to read these verses and to allow them to search our hearts.
Do we look at these verses and try, perhaps try somehow or other to suggest, well, maybe they just don't mean what? It seems to be so clear on the surface, You know, very well, we've seen people do this. Well, you know, Paul wrote that, but times have changed. Don't dare say such a thing. Beloved brothers and sisters, this is the Word of God. It bears the authority of the word of God. And those things which bear the authority of the word of God are.
Altered by public opinion or the fashions of the day, we know as we look around that these things are being set aside or explained away. But isn't it wonderful that on the Lord's day privilege to be found gathered together at the Lord? We share together the preciousness of the Lord's Supper, I trust with a due sense of that submission.
That obedience to Him in whose presence we are at the solemn thing to think about, beloved brothers and sisters, And I must admit I do rejoice to bear in memory.
The precious solemnity, the quiet solemnity that we saw in faraway India among those to whom this privilege was so new to sit in the presence of the Lord. Beloved, the conditions all around would perhaps appall you.
To duck your head to go into a little doorway.
With a very low thatched roof over your head and a dirt floor beneath your feet and yet to see.
A little crude table there, and a loaf and a cup upon that table and sitting around it with radiant, reverent faces, Those beloved brothers and sisters cross legged on the floor.
So happy.
So happy not only to be delivered from the hopelessness of Hinduism, not only knowing the joy of sins forgiven and a happy wonder of a home and glory awaiting them instead of this horrible prospect of reincarnation again and again to see those sitting around that table.
We couldn't understand their songs because they were all in a foreign language to us.
But we could well understand the look on their faces as they sang them, the joy with which they would sing his praises.
The joy with which they would approach that table, and with a happy reverence.
They would utter again words that we couldn't understand.
But I think you will agree that it was all right for us to say Amen when they were finished, though we couldn't understand them. Oh, beloved brethren, has it become simply accustomed to us, simply a pattern? Well, it's Sunday morning, time to go to meetings. Is that true? Or is it the Lord's Day, beloved, the Lord's day, the privilege of being found gathered together at the Lord's table.
To show the Lord's death.
In sharing together the Lord's Supper, you notice, I'm sure in reading there in First Corinthians 11, how frequently that title is mentioned. I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you all. Beloved, just let me say again, in this as in every other area of our lives, it should be the joy and the delight of our hearts to look up and say, Lord.
What will thou have me to do, not only on the Lord's Day, but seven days in the week?