In the Midst-John 8:3-

JOH 8:3-
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Bing, Toronto, March 1959. Address by getting a hole together #46 in the appendix.
In #46 in the appendix.
Ally and optics warranty all which would divide my heart with me, which would die hardest even fall in answer to my constantly.
All teach me quickly to return and cause my heart a fresh bird, no?
I'd like you to turn your face to the 8th chapter of Gospel.
On the third verse.
I have described and firstly brought unto him a woman taken in adultery, and when they have sever in the midst, they said unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery. In the very acts. Now those within the law commanded us that such should be stoned. But what sayeth thou?
If they said tempting him that they might have to accuse him.
But Gina stooped up with his finger roaring ground as though he heard them not, though when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, lightning first cast a stone on her.
Agay stooped down and bore on the ground, and they were heard. It being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even under the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the the woman, he said unto her woman.
Where are those line accusers?
Alcohol man condemned thee. He said that more thy Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee dull and sin no more.
Morning. Our brother read a few verses, having those words in them in the midst, and it brought to my mind a few other scriptures, and I would like to just think a little about them this afternoon.
Because dear friends, dear young people, it's so important that we should find the Lord Jesus as the one who is the Center for our lives, the Center for everything in our lives. For apart from Him we have nothing.
It has been said and all that innocent man had no object thought man has many optics, but a regime man has one optics. And so we would like to speak about that one who is the Arctic for our hearts. But it may be that there are stopping here this afternoon who have not yet been brought to know him. You have never found yourself.
This woman in the little story we have read here this afternoon, you have never found yourself alone with him.
Your color, you have come with your friends and perhaps with your parents to the conference here and perhaps you have enjoyed time of fellowship with many other young people and you said the companionship here is very nice. But I would like to ask you this planning point of question.
Have you ever had a personal dealing with the Lord Jesus in order this story? There are two kinds sinners. There was one who was an outlook Sinner, one whose sin could not be his, one who was known before society as was, who had disgraced herself, and had sinned only against God, and brought trouble on herself by us.
In the other case, we have another group of those who thought they were all right, who could point the fingers at others but never had pointed to finger at themselves. Happy baby, that is you come here, you're not saved, some of you, dear young people, and get your point, your finger at the thoughts you see in other Christians.
It's sad, and Lung feels humiliated.
Very often there is occasion in all of us who are believers who cause others to part of the fingers, and those are failures. But remember, pointing a finger at others is never going to bring blessing to your soul.
For a long while he's already came to the point where he said I repent and abhor myself in dust and ashes. Well, these others shall break this one. Are they listening to what the Lord says, and then turns convincing their conscience of turns and walked out and left the woman.
Along with Jesus now as far as fixing is concerned.
Probably would say it, old ones who walked out were perhaps more preferable kinds of people. But old people turned their backs upon the Lord Jesus place. They turned it back upon him. But this woman, he was a Sinner, but she knew it, and he did not turn her back on the only one who could bless her.
Or their friends, dear young people.
Has your conscience convicted you?
Haven't sadly seen, especially in the gospel meanings I have seen what it is to be a guilty Sinner in the presence of God.
Have you felt the arrow conviction going home to your fighting? Oh, don't go home from these means without Christ. Don't turn your back upon the land. Who is the founder of living water? Jesus was writing in the ground.
How to tell of us in Jeremiah the photos who forsake the Lord? Their names would be written in the earth. And I wonder if the Lord was lighting the days of old people who were walking out in the earth as they went out. And throughout your day may be written in the earth. Perhaps you may be making a success of life.
As the world turns things, you lady came along.
You may be making progress in your studies, you may have a better job, they may have those who are believers, and perhaps you'll rise to oppositional success if the Lord does not cover this world. But have you turned your back upon the fountain of living waters and return your back from the Lord Jesus Christ? I am going through holes in these means without Him.
As her personal Saviour flew with you, dear young people.
Some of you have companies means unsaved that I fear perhaps some will go home unsafe. All they got awakening this afternoon may find yourself alone with Jesus convicted in your conscience.
Convicted by His presence, convicted by His words, and acknowledge your guilty for Him all. It will be a time of blessing for your soul. You'll never forget this gathering in Toronto if it is the birthday of your soul when you find the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior, when you trust in Him.
Oh, May God grant that you will find yourself alone with this blessed Savior.
And receive him and those wonderful words the Lord Jesus spoke to her, how they touch our hearts. Neither do I condemn thee. How could the Lord not condemn her when she was guilty? All because, as we had this morning, and we'll see in a moment, He went to the cross to be condemned in her place. He went there and bore.
That he might say to her, Neither do I condemn these and precious facts, that those who are saved rejoice in this moment, is that the word of God says there is now therefore no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.
Are you in Christ? You know Him as your own personal Savior.
If Saul, May God bring home those sweet and precious words to your soul, that if there should be a young person here who is passing through a seed of doubt, and the other thing is, 16 in doing your mind with uncertainty, male rest upon the precious word of God. I know that all your sins so great, so many.
In his life.
The way or how precious it is to know that the moment you receive the Lord Jesus, everything is gone before God and the Savior can say neither do I condemn these.
Indeed, we might say that that's what gave us power now to live for him. For the Lord calls with this remark, Go and send no more. Some would say, Well, if you live the life, you won't be condemned. But here it starts the other way, doesn't it? He started with a sense in her soul, and there was no condemnation.
And now she has the power to live to please the one who had saved her. And when you lay holes, precious words.
And we see the Lord Jesus as your Savior, then you will have the power to live to please Him. Proximated doll and the fairies of some sin, and you feel able to break it. But if you receive Christ as your Savior, agriculture Him, He'll give you the power. Because when one is born again, he receives a new life. That's what it is to be born again, to receive new life.
From God. And so how precious are this one whenever the presence of the Lord now with a sweet pensioner soul, nor do I condemn these and may you go hold of this meeting with the knowledge in your soul that there's no condemnation for you because the Lord Jesus is your own personal Savior.
Now let us turn to the passage that was read in John 19.
And 1St place team.
Where are they crucified him, and to other with him on either side, while and these are in the midst and the 30th verse. When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said.
It is finished. And he bowed his head and gave up the dolphin.
Eternal side of God, the Creator of the universe, come down this world, narrowed by a creature to a cross of wood, with a piece on either side. But that cross devised the whole world. But on one side was a thief who remains in his sin, who reviled the Lord, and never repented of what he had done, but on the other side of the cross.
Was a man.
To acknowledge this then who acknowledged that he was getting exactly what he deserves and turns and acknowledged Jesus as Lord. He said, Lord, Remember Me when thou comest into thy Kingdom. And the Lord's answer was today. Verily I stand to thee today.
Shalt thou be with thee in Paradise?
And so here we find the grand mayor by which God could follow in the richness of his heart in blessing sinners. For there was that, there was that woman taken in sin. And Jesus said, neither do I condemn these.
But here, wonder of all wonders, was the blessed simplest 1 nail, there like cross and in those hours of darkness, there in the condemnation that we deserve, or it was running for our transgression. He was groomed for our iniquities. The cast is meant of our team was upon him.
And with his right.
We are real know how prices land to see and slave your tearing the judgment and then to hear those precious words. It is a all to know that all of us against us has been fully disguised. Christ has gone all the judgment and God does not Passover sins because.
He wants to bless the Sinner merely.
But because a righteous settlement has been made or through, he does want to bless the sinners and he wants to bless you, but there must be a righteous settlement for sin. And the Lord Jesus, God bless his Savior, house born, the judgment that you might be saved.
Don't like us, dear old girl who had been to Sunday school and she had learned how the Lord Jesus had taken her place and born the judgment in her place at the Teacher. How to impress on the class that God would not be judged if He were to punish her too, when He had punished His blessed Son in her place.
We also took Perry 6 and she was dying.
When the news was brought to the parents that she wasn't going to get better, her mother asked her what she was talking in, if she should be called away, and she said, mother, I'm trusting in the justice of God.
Well, the mother didn't understand the child's remarks and she said here, you mean you're trusting in the mercy of God?
Although he said mother Jesus in my place and God wouldn't be just if he punished me to or how sweet that dear little girl had laid hold of that which many many have not laid hold out and that is that's a worth of calorie household from safety glorified God of his sin and has so completely satisfied.
Claim that now God can come out in the largeness and richness of his part of law, and say to a Sinner like me, neither do I condemn thee, or how precious all they God makes to our souls of that work that he did for us. More practice. May our hearts be filled with praise.
Like a little heavy thing and says.
Unless I forget to thine agony lead me to Calvary call. Brethren, young people, we need to get back to cowardly more often. Fancy black practice failures and his dying while him taking our place.
Is the true ground of peace with God and it is the only true ground to for a walk that is pleasing to the Lord. Anything else will break down in time. If you have anything else the approval of your brethren, friends.
Parents murdered maybe before you, sooner or later it will breakdown. But if you see that blessed Savior dying in your place, all what a moral gives to the heart, the land to please him, the one who loved us and gave himself for us. Well, let's turn to the funniest chapters.
And the Mayan peace work.
Their same day and evening being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut, where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus, and stood in the midst, and sat under them. Peace be unto you. And when he had souls, that he saw under them his hands and his thighs.
When were these cycles alive? When they saw the Lord?
Then said Jesus to them again, peace beyond you, as my Father has sent me. Even so, when I you hear this one who has completed the work, he said it's finished, He died, he's losing again now, and it comes and appears in the midst of his own. But where are they?
Dear young people, where were these disciples?
Where there is going along with the world. But now to say this is a cross. Oh, for the first time we find them now in the place the door is closed, prepared the Jews. All I say has a cross is that it tells us the heart of God and forms the true pieces of our whole Christian life.
And when we see what this world has done to our saviors, why we see that our place is separation process?
Separation. How can we go out of the world that crucified Christ? Very often young people will say, well, what's the heart of this and what's the heart of that? Well, would it not be better to think of it this way? Support from the people on the streets where I live murdered my wife.
They put on the death in cruel, better faces.
And then next week they're going to have an old party and they send me an invitation and asked me if I wouldn't like to come. And I decline the invitation. And they say, well, we know that you don't believe in playing cards and drinking and things like that. We know that you wouldn't go on with many things, but we're not going to do any of those things.
Plain, simple little affair. Nothing wrong, nothing that you could condemn at all. We'd just like you to come along.
What you What would you expect me to feel about their invitation? Wouldn't you be very much surprised if I could go and enjoy myself in your company?
Which would be very much surprised if I could spend leaving in that way.
Oh, I'm sure. I thought you would be very surprised. And their young person, If the world wants your company, it must be because you don't talk about the Lord of Jesus Christ. And if you want their companies, it must be because you're forgotten. What's your savior suffering at the hands of this world?
Be it respectable like those who went out and turned their back upon Christ for being on earth. Wicked world.
Same world, all these companies join hand in hand, the military world, the domestic world, religious world, they going hand in hand. I don't hear from their friends together in the rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ and your friends, I plead with you, dear young people.
I ask you when you're invited by the world to our wisdom, just to us.
Place with my Savior have in this gathering. What place would my Savior have in this entertainment and if the Lord Jesus is not welcome there you're one whom he has redeemed to himself an infinite cost and.
The doors were shut. The world was shut out. The world had crucified their Savior.
Now here were a few of like lying together, different cards and life troves fishermen, Matthew.
One who was a servant of the government and there were different occupations that they were engaged in. What was it brought them together all they had a common law or that failure who had died on calories, crops and they weren't disappointed.
And they were disappointed. The Lord Jesus himself came and sent me, and showed in his hands and his side, and their hearts were glad. All I'd like to urge upon you, dear young people, all secret company of those that love the Lord Jesus. Take care of companies. Don't be satisfied any place where.
Savior is unwelcome as a little hip, and says no place can fully please us, whereas thou, O Lord, art not in thee, and with Thee ever is found by grace our rock. So here are these disciples in company with the Lord, and now the Lord says to them.
As my father has sent me.
He even saw stand by you now that are in the world, it'll be sad sometimes. Oh wow, that we have to we have to meet the world. We have to go out and contact them. Yes, we do. But do we go to contact them from the secret of his presence? Have we been in the secret of his presence, enjoying his lives?
Being his face to the glare and reflecting something of his laws and now goes to them was the Lord Jesus and hold this world.
He was another homeless stranger and we are here. It's true, we are here. I was thinking of those who came out of their graves after Christ rescued and went into the whole city and appeared under many. And I was thinking how that's just the way we should be, brethren about it. The Lord needs us and he would have us now to go through this world and.
Appeared waters as those who are the ones who are alive from the dead is decided in Roman 6 as those who are the ones who are alive from the dead is deciding. Robin six. It says that we should live as those who are alive and dead and so we are. Some have asked what happened to these people that have went into the holy city and appeared under many.
Praise to tell us their names or what happened to them because they didn't belong here at all and no others belong here. And it doesn't matter what our names are, we don't want them listening The earth. The Lord said rejoice for written in heaven. And I am quite sure that these unlained people had their names written in heaven. I'm sure I'm going to meet them up there.
May you and I go in and out among those of this world.
Perhaps unnoticed, perhaps paying a little attention to, but at least witnesses to the facts. And that we have.
Been dead and raised again with Christ, and now are in this world sent by Him to be witnesses for him in this Dark World where he was cast out. Well now let us turn to Matthew 18, which was also read to us.
Matthew 18 and verse 20.
Or where two or three?
Are gathered together in my name.
There am I in the midst of them.
Well, the Lord Jesus, in the last passage we looked down the risen. He appeared physically among his own. But now he's asking. He has a Son that he's gone up. He's up there in the glory now, but only something that He has left for us.
Something very precious, something about to rejoice our hearts immensely, and that is that he has a gathering Center for his people. Not only doesn't say we're two or three gathered, but we're two or three are gathered. And why the difference here? Why does it not say where two or three gathers?
While any group of Christians might come together.
Claim to gather in His name, but this is a special action of the Spirit of God and gathering souls together through the Lord Jesus Christ. And that's why as you young people, your parents don't ask you to come to the Lord's Table and remember Him.
Your friends and all the rest of your blessings don't ask you. They will think that presents the truth to you.
Why would they to encourage you by saying that there is such a place where the Lord is in the bed? And does it not touch your heart and mind that in the absence of our Savior, we can't see Him like the disciples in that upper room? We can't see Him now as we will in that coming day of glory. But we found each other.
Around himself.
Two or three are gathered together in my name.
There am I in the midst of them.
And justice. God had a Center for Israel, and only one. And when the Canyon Dr. separated from the two, God never acknowledged the centers. Among the 10 drives, He still only had one center, which he acknowledged, and that was in Jerusalem.
The place where he had chosen to put his name there.
It's through God's face topic, Elijah and Elijah down the pen drive because he would send the witness and testimony to them, but he did not acknowledge the standards. And so I would ask you, dear young people and others here too, to be exercised about this and the Lord has promised.
There would be a gathering Thunder and his Spirit was gather Christ during his absence until he comes again. Is that practice to your heart? Holy say, it's going to be wonderful to be up there all together around him.
Young people, it's wonderful to be around them down here and as our brother said yesterday when he was speaking, what is your answer going to be? Civil war? When he asked you, why didn't they remember him down here?
What would your answer be what you say? Well, I didn't like the people.
My brother just said to me.
Asking someone to come to me nor said I wouldn't come all such because the person's there. He had some feeling water person. He wouldn't come while that person was there. He wasn't looking for the Lord, was he? He wasn't looking to see the Lord in the midst. He had his eye on someone else.
Oh my God, give us to see no man anymore, say Jesus, only to value the place and privilege of being guided to him. And he's He's given us his whole precious words that were two or three are gathered together in my name.
There am I miss them. I'd like to look also at Philippians chapter 3.
Philippians Justice League.
Verse 12.
Not as though I had already obtained, I were already perfect, but I follow after it, that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended with Christ Jesus. Brethren, I can't knock myself to have apprehended but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth under those things which are before.
I press toward the mark.
For the prize of the high calling or the calling on high of God in Christ Jesus. On this particular passage, we don't have the words in the measure, but the apartment. Paul is looking up and he says Christ and glory. And as we learn from Revelation 5, he's the one who is in the middle in the throne up there.
He's the Thunder of all.
I believe we could think of it in this way.
Here is one who has found an object for his soul, and you may have come to these meetings and perhaps you're a true believer. I was thinking of the beginning of those who are unsaved, but you have come to the meeting. You know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, perhaps, maybe God into his precious name.
Here is yours. It's a privilege of being able to remember him.
In his death. But all I'd like to ask you is Christ the center of your life.
Is he the center of your life? Is he the one who is the object of desire before you?
If you have come here thinking about others, you may go home disappointed. It may be that you've been hoping to meet some friends here.
And you're disappointed you have this, not the friend that you'd like to meet. Perhaps it had a few jars in this apartment. And your heart is going away a little bit sad because things haven't just turned out exactly the way you hope they would. But all I'd like to say, as you go home, there's more affair in the glory.
And he wants to be your own all. He wants to be the Jesus among 10,000 to your soul.
Where was the Apostle Paul when he wrote these words? He was in prison. Where his presence through to him? Well, when he wrote this letter, he had decided that that assembly of Philippi was the only assembly among all laundry and priests who had even thought about his temple needs.
Letter one has sent him one thing to help out in a financial material way, he said no.
Communicated with me at a concerning giving and receiving, but she only he was left alone. He was in prison. The people that he had wanted to see saved his earthly people Israel. They have been away with such a heart on the earth. It's not fascination with his friends and turned against him.
Thy brethren has turned against him, and he had had many disappointment, and as someone remarked the other day in the meeting, he'd been in prison for years.
Oh, what a lot of sorrow we've had. Was it getting sad here, young people? Was he drawing along with a sad heart? All he writes to tell these dear Philippian believers, he said rejoice in the Lord always, rejoice in the Lord always. And the Lord knows the hearts of you dear young people who come here.
He knows the yearnings of your heart and how there are things that you look for and long for. And as the Lord Jesus is the only one who can really satisfy, he's the one who satisfies the long soul and fills the hungry soul with goodness. And Paul has found that one has the object.
Many objects. He wasn't allowed an object, but he had one object and that was that. Lesson 1 on the scene up there in the glory.
And now if you'll turn over with me to Revelation.
Chapter 5.
In verse 5.
And one of the elders said unto me, Weep not, behold the lion of the tribe of Judah, the Ruth David hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the salmon seals thereof. And I beheld long distance of Rome and of the Far East, and in the midst of the elders that aligned as it had been flamed.
Having seven horns and seven eyes which had a 7 spirits of God.
Sent forth into all the earth, and he can't even took the books out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throng.
And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and 20 elders fell down before the last, having every one of them Hawks and gold and bottles, which are the prayers of faith. Now the 7th chapter is the last verse.
All the languages in the midst of the throne shall see them, and shall lead them unto living thousands of waters, and God shall wipe away all fears from their eyes.
Well, here's John.
He's weeping. What are they weeping for?
All he sees a hopeless tangle into which the world has been planned. And he weeped. He said. Who can straighten out the tangle? Who can unravel the mystery of affairs here? Evil seems to be progressing and things getting worse instead of better. And John wet much?
As may be without disappointment, and sorrows, and sorrows and frowns.
All tears to come to your eyes and you said when is the tangle going to be straightened out?
When are things going to be set light? Is God going to allow these things to go on? And it is not going to vindicate His own and straighten things out for His own glory. Yes, dear young people, He is. He's going to. And when that won't come, why, you'll be the same one.
Throw it in the midst of the cross, and if anyone who was in the midst and turns hands, and besides the same one who's up there and glory looking down at yes, we'll be in his presence then and everything will be answered there. Everything will be answered there. And as it was pointed out to us in the meeting, the living creature said.
Amen. Amen.
As they rejoiced as they look back and saw the way that they were led along the pathways because the triumph, the glory the saviors blessed faith as he is in the midst of the throne, the artistic and theme of his peoples songs. They're all very hard to all flying and how precious souls words.
God himself, the Lamb, which is in the midst of the Thrones.
Now the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and to leave them on the living thousands of waters, and God shall wipe away all tears run on their eyes. Oh, how sweet and precious that is. I'm sure there are many hearts here who have secret sorrows and trials, young people and old people too, and.
Sometimes the enemy who would seek to tell us God is quite as good as we expected him to be.
What seeks to turn into the world all their young people? Let me encourage you to fasten your eyes upon Christ. There is no disappointment in heaven, and that Savior will wipe away all tears from off of all faces. Darling sign will flee away, and that blessed Savior will lead us to living fountains of water.
And all will be eternal joy. Then every cup will be filled. They have golden files full of orders.
Heavenly harp, Romeo and Prince Harry, the earth, the singing of the melody of heaven will be perfect. And again I say, who will be the center of it all? Who will be the center? All this has never found yourself alone with Jesus. Now you find yourself alone within desire and find them as your Savior. You've never found Christ.
As as the gathering Center for His people, they exercise you this large day about that blessed privilege.
That you've never found them as the Center for your life. The woman who is satisfying objects to your life down here.
May He turn your eyes upon Him so that you'll see no man anymore. Say Jesus only and go home with something of the joy of heaven in your heart, because He wants to wipe away your tears now, as He will assuredly wipe them away, never to return.
When he calls his own home, that is. Maybe thyself will be this afternoon. All they give us grace to be more occupied with himself, the one who is going to make us supremely happy.
For all eternity it is blessed and glorious presence. When he calls us Paul, don't we play together?