The News Your Soul Needs

John 3:16
Gospel—A.C. Hayhoe
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3rd chapter of John's Gospel and the 61St or God soul lost the world.
Back he gave his only begotten Son.
But whosoever believeth in him should not Perry but have everlasting life, or God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but.
That the world through him, might be saved.
God sent, not his Son.
Into the world to condemn the world, but let the world through him might be saved. Isn't that a glorious proclamation?
Isn't that good news? I know there are many here tonight who rejoice through this day and ever will rejoice in the good news that your soul has found.
In long 3, verse 16 and verse 17.
Just the very news that your soul needed. Just the very news that my soul needed, particularly the 17th verses on my heart for life. God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but.
That's the world through him might be saved. Here we have the heart of God, the boundless eternal love that within the heart of God telling itself out in giving, in spending down here into this guilty world.
His own beloved Son, here you have a heart of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Son of God coming down from those courts of glory, coming down here into this world. ****. Or in order that you and I might know, the love, the forgiving love that was in the heart of God, the water. We have the heart of God. We have the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And we have this world we have yourself spoken of in this verse.
God, the Lord Jesus Christ yourself, God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but let the world through him might be saved. Again, I say this is indeed a glorious proclamation. This is wonderful news, and yet at the same time it seems to me to be a very.
Solemn statement.
For it shall not that the Lord Jesus Christ came down here, that the world through him might be.
Who wanted to see this salvation? Who wanted that needed to be saved where there are certain very guilty, very fallen sons of Adam Cooper hat needed this salvation where there are certain ones here and there?
And had fallen so much lower than their fellow man that God was willing to send the Lord Jesus for such house. Us here in that expression of world, that the world through him might be saved, you and I.
Here in this world where under the eye of a place, holy God, and there was no other means of salvation, there was no possible way whereby you or I could stand in the friends of that God whose eye has rested upon us, except ascending into this world.
Of his own dear son to accomplish.
The work where by you and I might know salvation.
Do you like that word? I remember listening for quite a long time to the conversation of a dear young man with whom I went to high school in Ottawa. He professed to know the Lord as his Savior, and he used to speak on religious subject way off when I was in his presence, but I never once heard him use the word sake or lost.
So I brought it to his attention one day.
Ananda said I noticed that you never never used the word save or lost. Is it that you just have not yet noticed those words in the scripture or do you purposely avoid the use of them?
Well, he admitted that he was purposely avoiding the use of the words.
Saved and lost because he did not want to offend. He did not want to offend.
Now I have in my hand tonight the living Word of God, and I said with all confidence, that is my precious failure. The Lord Jesus Christ, we're standing here before you.
You hear him use those same words.
Lost and saved. He looked down upon you tonight with more concern, with more earnest, loving affections than any servant of his has ever felt. My friend, if you sat down here and listened to his tweeting for an hour, you know the reality of those two words. Lost and.
Say God knows the meaning of the word lost. The Lord Jesus Christ knows the meaning of the word lost by wonder. If you know the meaning of that word With all the intellect that God has entrusted to you, with all the things that you have stored in that mind of yours already in your lifetime, have you ever yet found yourself?
Lost in the presence of a holy and a righteous God, it's not a pleasant discovery.
It's not a pleasant beauty either to stand here and to point the souls by the eternity, and to warn them again and again of their lost Commission. Nevertheless, I do believe that it is the responsibility of everyone who would seek to preach the gospel to.
Warm over and over the warm. But Christ Jesus came into the world to save.
Sinners the same sinners God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world.
But that the world through him might be saved. And I warn you, my friend, that this bonds for the grace of God is not intended for a certain class. Perhaps behind the bar, perhaps the spy father, fellow man, perhaps the outcast of society. Not at all intended for you. It's intended for me. God wants you.
And by his grace is true of me.
We want you to take your place as lost, as guilty, as condemned before him.
Traveling on the plane recently and in conversation with a fellow passenger, I noticed across from me the faith of a young man with a very cynical smile. I knew he was listening to this conversation. I knew that when he got a chance to break in, he was going to have some comments.
That he considered the very height of this world's knowledge. He could not see him waking his text. Sure enough, when it was a little lull in the conversation, he came in with a comment or two, which talons the authorities of both words. Well, now I don't know how to make arguments like that. I have nothing to say when someone.
Turns aside from the Authority this pleasant book.
I looked at that young man and seeking help from the Lord, I just began to tell him that the Lord Jesus had done for me. I told that young man as a lost and guilty Sinner on my road to a lost eternity, I had found out by the maxless grace of God.
That he loved me so much he had spent his dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
To take my guilty place upon the prompt, To get his precious blood to wash away every stain of guilt. And perhaps you had the same experience. As you begin to tell these things, your own soul gets a bit warmed up to the subject.
And what? I was done. The cynical smile was gone. The young man bowed his head for a moment. He said, I can see it means a lot for you. But he said, what about these folks that aren't sinners? I said, do you know someone like that? He said, yes, I've got lots of friends, lots of friends that don't believe the Bible either, and I don't believe they're sinners.
Well, I said, young man, would you like or would any of them like one week of their life as recorded by the thinker of God, including every tongue, including every word, including every need to be written down here for me to read aloud in this compartment?
Oh, I see what you mean, he said. If you look at it that way, I guess we're all guilty.
My friend, it's true of you. I don't know those in this audience tonight, but I fear that there may be present with us, those who have come in and taken their seat with every confidence that all is well and you play. Expect Sunday to stand in the very presence of God and to present to God the record of a life that has been.
Acceptable and a little more.
In the eyes of your neighbors, you've been very devout. In your church attendance, you have done what is right by your neighbors and a little more you have been honest enough, right and truthful about the most of your acquaintances. And someday when you are called into the presence of God, you quite expect that God is going to read that record.
And overlook any of those powerful sins of yours and welcome you into His presence. Now, is that your thoughts?
Is that what you expect to take place someday? I must warn you, I must warn you solemnly, that God is of two poor eyes, and to look upon iniquity. He cannot and will not bear sin in His presence. Not one. If one stay, no sin, one state of sin has been written down.
By the finger of God, under the record of your life.
You're lost, you're guilty, you're condemned, and the remedy is to be found here in this book. All don't you love to pick up this book? Do you read it? Have you found it? The revelation of God concerning your condition.
Of revelation, of ballpark made known in love, in the spending of His dear Son the Lord Jesus Christ. How shall we ever speak for the worthiness of Him who left that home in the glory, came down here to take the loss, the guilty, the condemned, to take their place upon the cross in order.
Almighty preach tonight, will you turn with me for a moment to the 61St pastor of Isaiah, Isaiah chapter 61, verse one.
The Spirit of the Lord gone is upon me, because the Lord have anointed me to preach good, hiding unto the meat.
He had sent me.
To bind up the broken heart. To proclaim liberty.
To the captives and the opening of the praying to them that are bound.
To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance.
Of our God to turn to the 4th chapter of Luke's Gospel.
4th chapter of Luke's Gospel and the 16th verse.
And the Jesus came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up for the reason.
There was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Isaiah, and when he had opened the book, he found a place where it was written. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives.
And recovering of sight to the blind.
To set up liberty then that are fruits to preach the acceptable hear of the Lord. And he closed the book. Isn't that grand? And he closed the book. You notice as we read those words in the 61St chapter of Isaiah and the next word.
Where the day of Benjamins of our gods, the day of vengeance of our God, There are those who mock us. Such languages list. They go on their way through this world.
Trying to forget, trying to pass aside all thought of their responsibility before God fried, not those who would warn them of coming judgment of the day of vengeance of our God. To me, this is a glorious.
You have a very strong picture. See the Lord Jesus and your vaccine is all there is given to him, the book of the prophet Isaiah. And he opens that book, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Rest his eyes upon those words, and he reads them down, one word after another, fulfilling each run to the land, until he comes to this statement to preach the acceptable hear of the Lord.
Oh, I love those next words. And he closed the book. He closed the book. The next word were the day of vengeance of our God, my dear friend, if he had not closed the book.
It would have been all up with you and me. There would be no gospel tonight. I would be numbered among the lost and condemned. 1 Doomed to eternal torment and deserving it. But he stopped at those words and he closed the book. How could he do it? There it was in the prophecy of the Old Testament.
Most certainly it was not true that the character of the people to whom he was speaking was any better than the character of those in the day of Isaiah.
How could it be that the Christ of God would read those words and close the book before reading the day of vengeance of our God? I believe that clothing of that book passed him his life. I believe the closing of that book in the middle of the sentence.
Cost him his life and he knew it.
When he closed the book, he knew that the clothes last book in the middle of Ascendance would cost him his life. But he loved you. He loved me. He cleared for my soul. He wanted the joy of numbering me among His redeemed ones. He wanted the joy of welcoming you home to His eternal court of glory.
And though he knew it would cost him his life.
He closed the book and then what did he say? He said this day. Is this scripture fulfilled in your ears? What scriptures? Listen to these lovely words. He had anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor as it is translated in Isaiah. The meat, the poor.
In spirit.
You know that's the company to whom the Lord Jesus would address himself tonight. Is there someone in this auditorium tonight?
Who has come in here with an exalted idea of your own self righteousness before God? And if you were questioned all of those concerning your fitness to stand before God, your answer would be something like this.
I have always done the best I could. I have always tried to live up to certain ideals. I have always tried to be a devoted member of this or that denomination.
I I one thing after another that you have already done or hope gets to do, and perhaps as an actor's thought, you might make some possible mention of the Lord Jesus.
Is that your hope for eternity? Does that sound like the meat in spirit? Does that sound like someone who has been bowed low in the privacy of Bob, in the sense of their own need and nakedness and guilt?
I remember being in a doctor's office sometime back.
And I noticed one man there who had a bandage around his neck. I noticed someone else there who seemed to have trouble with one leg and couldn't bend his knee. Finally, one or two others there who to all outward appearances, seem to be in perfect health. Perhaps you've done the same, you've just kind of casually glanced around the reception room.
To try and size up the condition of those who were sitting there. You know, I cried with them over. I thought, well, I see what's wrong with this man, see what's wrong with that little boy. I see the trouble that ladies having. But there are three in here that don't seem to have anything wrong with them. But I have an idea that their conviction is probably more serious.
And these other folks that have the bandages that show there's something that doesn't show.
Something that's worrying them, something internal. It may be unknown and unseen to the eyes of others, but they're going to walk in behind that door with fear pretty soon. They don't know what the box is going to tell them. They hope it won't be bad news. Now you sit here in this company tonight, and it may well be that in the eyes of your best friend, in the community in which you live.
Your conduct and your behavior is examinably above many, my friend. We must consider what the eye of God has to see on what the failure of God has to say concerning your condition.
And all May God grant that that robe of self righteousness, that that religion, or whatever it may be which you hope is going to fit you for God's presence, may be laid aside this night. And as one of the poor and meek in spirit, you'll stand in the presence of him who came to preach good news to such.
Last night our brother Gladding told us.
A dear Christian whom he met in Trinidad, who rejoiced to be able to tell him that 25 years before she had had religion and now she had right. Could you truthfully say that?
It reminded me of what our brother Eric Smith told us right here in Toronto. Why did the number of years ago I remember him recounting the story of a dear lady who loved the Lord be thus loved him so much that she desired others might love him too?
And wherever she went, she carried gospel tract with her. That's a good thing to do, my dear young Christian friends. Always have some gospel fact with you. Always be ready to make known and glory of him who has loved you. And he do. And you know she saw all austere gentlemen coming down the road in a garb of a man.
To be a leader of religion.
It was almost too much for her, but she asked Frank from the Lord and simply offered him a little gospel fact, you know, down in her disdain. What's this? He said, just a little gospel practice, Sir. He drew himself up and he looked down, said, I'll have you know I have my religion. He looked back at him with strength given of the Lord and said.
And I have right?
He went on his way and she went on her way.
Then he told us that quite a number of years later he was in a gospel meeting similar to this. And as she went out the door and shook hands with the one who had told us the gospel message, he held her hands for a moment. He looked and looked into her face. He said, Did you give a gospel tract to a very rude man a few years ago?
Who told you that he had religion? Yes, Sir, she said. I remember that. And he looked back down. You looked back up at him and said, and I have Christ. Yes, Sir, she said, I did. And I remembered that answer, while he said, I'm the one who whom you gave back.
By the grace of God, tonight I too have rights.
All my friend, I want to ask you, I don't know why it may be that is keeping you from my Savior. I know that he stands without strength, waiting and fighting, loving arms waiting to make you his old, the priest that God for the poor. What else does he say? He has sent an appeal the broken hearted. Is there such an one here tonight?
Perhaps this pride but this world has to offer has suffered nothing but disappointment and a broken heart. To such an oneness, Savior had good news. He has joy which this world can never, never take away.
A joy that can be given even to a broken heart. And haven't we seen it again and again for those who would be filled with despair but for the matchless grace of the One who is their Savior, Redeemer?
The healed broken hearted to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind to sad liberty. Them that are bruised, or as Isaiah have it, them that are bound. Now I'd just like to ask you, in which class do you belong? There are those spoken up here who are called.
Poor in spirit, broken hearted.
Blind and found or bruised? Is there one of those? Or perhaps do all these fit your face? Or do you stand a loop from them all and say, well, none of those apply to me? I'll have you know that these things do not describe me at all.
Have you no savior? Have you no savior? Did the Lord Jesus not come for you at all?
He came to preach the gospel to the poor, to heal a broken hearted, to set at liberty, then their bound to preach deliverance to the captives, the opening of sight of the blind. And I know that I'm looking tonight into the faces of many who were blind, but by the grace of God, they see tonight blind.
Their own loss and guilty conditions blind to the beauty of Jesus Christ the Savior.
Bound to cactus to yes, all these things applied to me. Every last one of them were true of me, found and bruised and blind captives by the grace of God Jesus Christ, the one who left that home, whose glory, and came down here and closed that book in the middle of the sentence because he loved my soul.
Has opened these blind eyes, has set at liberty this bound captive. You know, I think the language is so beautiful. It not only says to preach deliverance to the chapters, but the Senate liberty them that are bound. It would be one thing to go into the prison house and seek deliverance to those who were bound there.
But how much more wonderful it would be.
To open the very doors of the prison, to take away the very chains of them that are bound, and to lead them out to the joy of liberty again. Lord Jesus has done it all. Not only did he preach deliverance to the captives, but he sat liberty them their bounds, as you hear these words.
As you listen to this story.
My friends tell me, what does it mean to your heart, you who have lived all these years without Christ, perhaps in a manner satisfied with your present conditions, satisfied with the knowledge that you're a little better than others, satisfied perhaps even in a strange knowledge that after you're gone there's going to be a very wonderful funeral priest.
Satisfied in the knowledge of that one who pretends to care for your soul is going to say some wonderful things about you when you're gone.
But it matters little. It matters not at all what words may be said after you're gone. One thing matters and is this Where will you be? Will you be in the presence of this one who came down from the course of glory to redeem poor lost meeting soul?
Two weeks ago I was standing looking at the architecture of a beautiful cathedral.
And the dear old lady passed by and saw me looking at his architecture. And he said, have you been inside yet? No, I said, I haven't. And when I said that, he recognized a lot of strange action, I suppose. And she said, where are you from? Well, I said, I'm not too much interested in where I'm from, but I'm very interested in where I'm going.
I'm from Canada and I'm going home to glory to be with the Lord Jesus.
What a violence is that proceeds to be very sure that all Yes, I said I am very sure of it because the Lord Jesus.
Came down from my glory, died on the cross for me. While she said I couldn't say that. I can't seem to get rid of my sin. You know, that was a surprising answer. There are very few people who will speak that way.
That dear old lady had spent years in attendance in that place. She could tell me all about his history centuries back, and I spoke to her about the Lord Jesus Christ and the value of His cleansing blood. It was a new story to her.
We never heard it before, never heard of the cleansing power of the blood of Christ. She'd go inside that cathedral.
The bar knees and pray for those who departed into eternity kneeling them in some way her prayers might help. Therefore, souls and eternity we turn from package to package in the living word of God. I can still see that 40 years old who walked away, he said. I still don't know how I'm going to get rid of.
Monetary Oh dear friend, as I want to walk away and knew that the Lord Jesus loved her, knew that he's outstretched arms were different.
In to say all that killed away my heart ate, but I know I didn't feel with my Savior feel. And I know that he looks down at this company tonight. I know when he looks down upon those who are gathered here, he rejoices to look at you one by one and to call you his own.
Or to look at you with a tender yearning love, wanting to have a joy of being able.
To forgive you your sins. But again I say.
Lord Jesus, close that book in the middle of the sentence and left that sentence inspired by God's unfinished.
Dave Benjamin. How could he do that? Suppose we just turn over to Matthew's Gospel, or a moment or two.
Matthew Gospel 27.
Verse 29.
And when they had spattered crown corn, they put it upon his head in a Reed in his right hand, and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, and said Hail kings of Jews. And they spit upon him, and took the Reed, and smoked him on the head.
And after that they had mocked him. They took the robot from him and put his own Ravens on here and led him away to crucify him.
Then they came out, and they found the man of spy reading Simon by name. Him they compelled to bear his cross, and when they were coming to a place called Valdosta, that is to say, a place of a spell, they gave him vinegar to drink mingled with all.
And when he had tasted her arm, he would not drink. And they crucified him, and parted his garment, passing lost that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the prophets. They pardon My garment among them, and upon My venture did they pass.
Sitting down, they walked in there and set up over his head, his accusation with him.
This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.
45th verse.
Now from the 6th hour there was darkness over all the land unto the mind ours. In about the 9th hour Jesus cried with a loud voice saying Elon, Elon, Lawrence back of mine. That is to say my God, my God.
My hands don't work saving me.
Verse 50.
Neither when he had tried again with a loud voice, healed it up. Both. Behold, the battle of the temple was wrecking, playing from the top of the farm, and the earth is quake, the rocks ran.
When the Lord Sees Us blows that book in the middle of the sentence, when the Lord Jesus closed that spoken hand into the game to those who took care of it.
And began to say, this Scripture fulfilled in your ears. He had this before him, the day of abandoned of all, he had no right, may I say it reverently. He had no right to close that book on your behalf or mine, unless he himself.
Was there that vengeance? But find God it's true, He's done it.
Thank God, abandoned the wrath that should have fallen upon my giving head.
Has fallen from the head of the price of God here, from the cross of Calvary, the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who stepped forth among men, whose words went forth in blessing everywhere, whose hands were stretched in love and mercy and blessings. We find those hands bound to be stand before pilots, we find the Lord.
The dead the voice was still. The Tempest, the voice, the cast of demons is silent here. The Lord Jesus is about to bow his head under the wrath of God that should have fallen on you and me.
He closed the book. He's going to bear the penalty. He's going to bear that. We read the story as we hear him cry through the darkness of that awful, awful power. My God, my God.
Why hast thou forsaken me as we hear him once again cry out, bow his head and kneeled up the ghost by Fran ****. They do if you are not yet they if you have not yet accepted him. Lord Jesus Christ and more Savior. If this wondrous story of God maximize and as a Savior is.
Worker from the cross, and it's never touched nor heart I spread. And I tell you with all that within me, I beg of you, I beg of you to bow your knees this very night in this very room.
And accept Him, your state, your views of all. You will regret it. You just follow. You have something to lose by accepting Christ.
Those around you here, whose face is even now, are filled with the joy of their salvation. They would rise as one and testify to the joy that comes.
From accepting Christ the Savior over 30 years ago, by the grace of God, He brought my guilty knees out before himself. He saved my soul and I stand here, the soul overflowing with Thanksgiving. The Jesus, the Christ of God is my Savior.
The one who closed that book on the basis of God against me went to the cross to redeem my soul.
How can I book speak forces? Is that the end of the story? Is that the end of the story, my friend, or something? Dreadful yet to come. That book was closed in the middle of The Phantom, but it's not going to remain close. The book is going to be opened again.
You who have rejected Christ, You who have marked the story of God's redeeming love.
And here I fast to speak for the Suns and bars of Christian Parish.
You who live in a home where this book is loved and reverence. You've seen your father's reading this book. You've seen your mother's fears fall on this book. You know your dear praying father. Mother has spent hours on their knees praying for your soul, knowing.
The bottom of your heart you notice. And tonight you sit here in this company, perhaps Father, mother, here too. And yet you know that you have never yet accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord Savior. You've heard of John 316. You've heard of the love of God.
And your procrastinating. You're putting it off. You're going to wait to some more convenient things.
Turned that forth of God's Word in which the song small picture is for free of the opening of the book which is going to bring judgment. Turn to Revelation chapter 5.
Revelation chapter 5.
Vine saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne of Book, breaking within and on the backside.
With seven fields and I saw strong Angel proclaiming with a loud voice, who is worthy to open the book and to lose the seed of thereof.
And no man in heaven more than earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look their arms first Six thy hell, and low in the midst of the throne.
And of the four beak, and in the midst of the elders of the Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven skirts of dogs, sent forth into all the earth. And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him.
Chapter 6 and verse one.
Night Fall.
When the Lamb opened one of the fields, thine heard, as it were, the noise of Thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see verse 12.
And I beheld when he had opened the 6th seal, and while there was a Gray earthquake, and the sun became black as that father.
And the moon became a blood. The star of heaven fell under the earth even as a fig tree passed us around. Finally figured when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heavenly part as a sprawl, when it is rolled together. And every mount and every island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great man, and the rich man, and the chief captain.
And the mighty man, and every bond man, and every freeman.
Take themselves in the bends, and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks all on us, and hide us from the face of him that sit on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great David wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?
Don't enjoy hearing these words?
But it's pruned and is yet to come. It is yet to come.
The hand of the Lord Jesus Christ, knowingly, purposely, lovingly.
Close that book.
And suffer the consequences of the process of Calvary. And again I say knowingly, lovingly went to that prompt.
And there bowed his hand under the wrath of God, in order that this thoughtful of matchless grace might sound in your ears tonight. But the end of the story is not yet here. We find a book up there in heaven filled with seven fields, and it's about to be open. Have you ever, my dear friend, read these words alone, friends?
Would you care to go into your room this night? Read these words?
You wouldn't dare do it unless you knew that you were discounted by the practice blood of Friday. These words used to make me tremble when that book is opened. Seems to me that there's a great deal of time consumed here. 1 field and what for the consequences?
And then another field when they come to the 6th seal. This is a solemn picture at the opening of the 6th seal. What does it say?
There was a great earthquake, The sun became black as back cloth of air. And the king of the earth, and the great man of the rich man, the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bond man, and every freeman.
Take themselves, Madame, and in the rocks of the mountains, and that's in the mountains and rocks all on us, and hide us from the face of him that sit up on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. Who are these? Are these the timid men are easily fighting, though these are the mockers, these are the ones who lack those who read the word of God.
These are the ones who would not pay me the gospel of God's matchless grace.
Oh, solemn song, purple song, here not heard. Among those of these persons are boys and girls who went to Sunday school, boys and girls whose names were written in the front of a Bible lovingly and prayerfully given to them.
By a dear Christian father and mother now, for fear of him to sit upon the throne, following up on the rock, the mountains that fall upon them. I believe as they do so, the memory of these very words will reign through their sources. Conscience. It's true, I can't exaggerate.
Month of November.
I stood sadly in the town of Spring Hill and told us closer to their 13,000 feet, 13,000 feet beneath my feet, or 55 miners whose bodies had not yet been brought to the surface.
There, from home to home, that town, you'd see pictures of despair, pictures with a mainly of hope and despair.
Not the pain, just rain of hope was not fulfilled in one of those 55 patients, nevertheless they clung to the very last moment. The spade is whisper of hope. Perhaps one of those loved ones 13,000 feet beneath your might perhaps come forth alive.
But the picture we have here contains.
Monorail, Monorail Hope. I was in the hospital and back from 1 bed to the other beside those men who were brought to the surface. They described to me, in line with society, fellow Master Chief.
The awful reality of these trapped in other darkness.
13,000 feet beneath the daylight.
There again, clinging, clinging, clinging, hour by hour to a fake brave hope that perhaps they might be brought out alive.
My friend, you could not witness that experience without thinking of these burgers, thinking of the day it was coming, when man would literally enactively call upon the rocks and mountains.
To fall upon them, hide them 13,000 feet below the earth would be a welcome spot if it could be. Hide them from the wrath of the Lamb. My dear boy, my dear girl, if you know not Christ the Savior breathing versions bowel knees of your Father yet time and the 1St and the failure who closed the book on the words.
Love your soul who stretched out his tender hands on the crop of pelvis hand under the judgment of God, in order that you might have to offer of the forgiveness of all your sins. All. When I think of that picture when I think of the Lord Jesus closing the book.
I think of its own time this way.
The Lord Jesus closed that book in the middle of the sentence.
Then he turned around and he opened the door. He opened the door and breaks. He invited you, and he is inviting you. Yes, to this very night of pleading, worrying, loving notes of the gospel are going for the hand. close the book in the middle of that sentence.
Has opened the door of grace, and can I invite you in all sorrow and thought perhaps.
This very night, perhaps before you reach your home and lay your weary head on the pillows, that door may close. This same book record. The door which has been opened by grace, is going to be closed with some finality. What else does it say? It tells us that when once the match to the house.
Hath risen up an obstruction of the door.
Makes ye shall stand without talking, saying more, Lord, open unto us. Oh, it is impossible again I say, to exaggerate the reality of this picture. But as I look upon these faces, I'm fixing to the joy. And yet the sulemnity of the Lord we heard, we've heard so much about it the last two days.
Would you like to picture his return now before we close in prayer with you right to close your eyes and picture the refer to the Lord Jesus in a moment notice. Would there be one left in this company? One boy, one girl?
One grown man or woman who sits here.
In your robe of self righteousness, not ready, not redeemed, not slanted by the precious blood of Christ, not saved of law, and the self comes and fragmented company, every redeemed one is called home into the presence of the Lord Jesus and in that same moment.
In that same twinkling of an eye, the door is struck.
Door is shut, never a mother gospel meaning.
Another film, never. Another verse ran to you from God Living Word.
Come, my friend.
Why doors still open and while that book is still closed, except the Lord Jesus Christ and your Savior now and give to his heart the joy and welcoming you among the big ones.
And give also the joy of hearing those lists of yours confess His precious name as your Lord and as your Savior. I look forth upon the faces of praying fathers and mothers, and I know the joy. This would be theirs if some boys, if some girls.
Would come tonight.
Say, Mother, Father, this night I accept the Lord Jesus Christ, my favorite joy, joy, the presence of the angels of God and God grafted and Sheldon told.