APPARENTLY unconquerable difficulties yield to an invincible faith. “Do you think,” said the captain of the ship which bore the first missionary to China, “that you will make an impression upon four hundred million Chinese?” “No, sir,” replied Morrison, “but I believe God will!” That was the trumpet note, and when men sound that, even “a feeble saint will win the day, though death and Hell obstruct the way.”
Why should we fret? Nothing that can happen to us can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Circumstances may rob us of a little earthly wealth, but nothing can rob us of the riches of glory.
Children fret who do not trust the wisdom of their parents. But we ought to trust our Heavenly Father. Why then fret? Why sigh as you wearily trudge through life? Cease to fret—commence to rest. Then instead of the Christian pathway being a drudgery it will be a constant delight.