
An Alpine Echo.
WHILE sojourning in the Swiss Highlands I often passed a chalet bearing the remarkable name of “Dennoch,” which means “Nevertheless.” One day I heard a little of the history of this quaint name, and my heart was stirred within me, for I could not help thinking of another House “far up the everlasting hills,” where the same thrilling legend is engraved in the golden letters of love.
The village was a health resort, whither men and women with aching hearts and bodies flocked to receive the benefit of the clear, bracing air. Many a heavy burden was lightened there; many a sighing one was changed in the course of a few months to a singing one, being restored to health and loved ones. But many sad ones had not such an experience; they were “nothing better, but rather grew worse.” And then—? why, they might have to leave the sanatoria at which they stayed; for who wanted a death at his sanatorium? That would be a bad advertisement. Sad indeed were such cases, unless they knew of “Haus Dennoch.” There, in spite of all, no matter how bad their plight, they found a welcome from the good deaconesses, who took them in Nevertheless.
Oh, dear reader, do you not see the parallel? Does not the little story stir your heart as you think of Him Who said, “Come unto Me. Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out”? It matters not how good you may be, you need that Saviour; nor how bad you may be, for your need is your one great qualification for acceptance. You may be an outcast, yet He will receive you nevertheless. Perhaps you feel that you are not fit to go where respectable people go to hear the Gospel. He will receive you nevertheless. Just come to Him, telling Him all about your sin, whether great or little; tell Him all about the past life that you yourself are ashamed to look back upon, your weaknesses, your failures, all that you would gladly undo, but cannot; He knows all about it already; you cannot shock Him with your confession of it. He will receive you, nevertheless. He will welcome you to His arms and to His Father’s house, giving you the best robe of Heaven and speaking health to your soul.
J. C. Jeffers.