It Seems Like a Cart Load.

DEAR children, I will relate a little of the of work of the Spirit of God in a dear boy, aged seven, of whom I had the privilege to take care.
It was indeed good of the Lord to bring me in contact with this dear child, for I can rejoice with the Good Shepherd, who says, “Rejoice with Me, for I have found My sheep which was lost.”
I had been with this little boy, whom I shall call Edward, for some months before there was any sign of God working in his soul; indeed he seldom spoke of the Lord Jesus, though he held His holy name in great reverence.
Edward’s was a happy home, for—
“Happy the home, when God is there,
And love fills every breast.”
I was first led to think God was working with little Edward when he spoke to me of an uncomfortable feeling―to use his own words, “It seems like a cart load.” I explained to him that God was making him feel he was a sinner; that sin was the “uncomfortable feeling,” and that only Jesus could take it away. Jesus says, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:2828Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28).)
Nothing more was said for some time; but one afternoon shortly after he said, with much feeling, “Nurse, if you had ever such a little bit of faith, would it do? because I have.”
I at once saw it was no light thing with Edward, and how glad I was! I think I shall never forget that afternoon We spent it together, talking of the precious Lord Jesus, His sufferings and death, and how He delights to receive every poor sinner who comes to Him. Jesus says, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” This little boy had come to the Lord, and was full of the joy of the Lord, which maketh rich and addeth no sorrow with it.
Speaking afterward of the Lord, he said, “Nurse, I know He has forgiven all my sins.”
I said, “How do you know?” “Because I feel inside me He has.”
“He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself.” (1 John 5:1010He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. (1 John 5:10).) The Lord, true to His word, had taken away this dear boy’s load of sin.
Do come to the Lord Jesus like this little boy, owning your sins, and acknowledging that you have no power to save yourself. Oh, I do wish I could so speak of that blessed Son of God, and His power and willingness to save you, that you might trust Him now! This little boy, so full of his new-found joy, wanted to know how many more in the house were saved and knew their sins forgiven. Those who are saved themselves, if the love of Christ is filling their hearts, are anxious about those dear to them.
Once when little Edward was repeating the hymn―
“I can’t help loving Jesus,
Since He has loved me so;”
as he came to the second verse—
“Perhaps He’ll come tomorrow
To call His saints away,”
he said, “I am sure I should be glad to see Him here today. When I used to say that hymn I used to think, ‘I don’t want Him to come,’ but now I do.”
Dear child, if you do not know the Saviour’s love―if you cannot say He is my Friend; He offers to be your Friend today. Do not let Satan deceive you. Jesus is coming, and the time is short before His coming. But for whom is He coming? Only those who are sheltered by the blood. “The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth from all sin.” (1 John 1:77But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. (1 John 1:7).) Will He fetch you?
This little boy I have been telling you about, said one day, ―
“Nurse, I feel I do love Him so little.” Yes, we do love Him so little.
“Not one thought, or look of love,
To Thee I’ve ever brought,
Yet I may come, and come again to Thee,
With this the empty sinner’s only plea,
Thou lovest me.”
Edward still lives, bright and happy, shining in his little corner, not keeping the good news to himself, but trying in his little way to follow Jesus.