"Well, Molly," said the judge, going up to the old apple woman’s stand, "don't you get tired sitting here these cold, dismal days?”
"It's only a little while, sir.”
"And the hot, dusty days?" said he.
"It's only a little while, sir," answered Molly.
"And the rainy, drizzly days?" asked the judge.
"It's only a little while," answered Molly.
"And your sick, rheumatic days, Molly?" asked the judge.
"It's only a little while, sir," said she.
"And your sick, rheumatic, Molly?" asked the judge.
"I shall enter into the rest which remains for the people of God," answered the old woman, devoutly; "and the troublesomeness of the way there won't pester me. It's only a little while, sir.”
"All is well that ends well, I dare say," said the judge; "but what makes you so, sure, Molly?”
"How can I help being sire, sir," said she, "since Christ is the way, and I am in Him? He is mine and I am His. Now I only feel along the way. I shall see Him as He is, in a little while, sir.”
"Ali, Molly, you've got more than the law ever taught me," said the judge.
"Yes, sir, because I went to the gospel and received God's salvation.”
"Well, Molly, I must look into these things," said the judge, taking an apple and walking off.
"There's only a little while, sir," said she.