Jesus is Worth it

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YP Sing Address—D. VanHolstyn
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One 31130.
I don't know.
One 56156.
Rising in my rapture.
Really, when I smile, if I want to make a warm up, the shadows of my thirsty land.
Behind my life in the time of his own and love and be married.
225 two, 125 all three.
Step by step by step, by Lord and God.
The Lord is 1 shepherd and no eyes, and I know I'll kill. I ain't got friendly. Wherever I hold my mouth, the valley by his hand will leave me.
Back covered.
The back cover. The back cover.
Jesus said come.
I pray that Jesus my name.
And she must say, I can't kill all this and my eyesight.
You're believing in God, another vision.
Bring like this in life.
One 58158.
Two More 206. Two 106.
That'll be a lot more.
As it said in the.
Song we had just prior. It will be worth it all when we see Jesus and how true it is, I can tell you.
When we see Jesus, everything that we've done for him, it's worth it, no matter what we suffer.
It's worth it when we have a glimpse at our Savior.
It's worth it. Shall we ask Lord for help?
I'd like to start by reading.
Couple verses in John chapter 16.
Verse two says they shall put you out of the synagogues. Yeah, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father nor me. This is the Lord Jesus himself. When he was down on this earth, this is what he told his disciples.
That there would be those that would take him, that they would mistreat them, and that they would even kill some of the some of the disciples. It says, notice it says because they have not known the Father nor me, they didn't know. They didn't know the Lord as their savior. They didn't recognize who he was as a Messiah.
And look what they did. You know, sometimes we read things that take place in this world and we cannot understand even those cases, those two young people that were killed.
One of them by his own brothers.
Why could they do it? The answer is right here. Because they do not know the Father. They do not know the Lord Jesus.
The other case was a.
Young lady, just a bride of less than a month.
She was killed by her own husband.
Why could you do it?
The scripture says because.
They knew not me. Oh I wonder, you know, we don't know what the Lord would have us to pass through, but you know, like we have. It will be worth it all when we see Jesus.
You know, I wondered if we might just look at a couple other scriptures.
In Timothy. First Timothy.
First Timothy, chapter 6.
Verse 12.
It says fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life.
Well, I had that verse before me and I was encouraged by brother Steve Bambauer too. We kind of confirmed that I should bring this verse up. I had it on my heart and he said fight the good fight and here it is fight.
The good fight of faith. Oh, you know, it's something that's worth it.
You know, Paul, at the end of his life, we won't turn to it. But he says I have fought a good fight. It was something worth fighting for. It was, it was worth all the struggles. And if anybody had suffered more than any other person on this earth other than the Lord, the cross was probably Paul. And he says it's worth it. I have fought, it's worth fighting for. It's worth all the difficulty, all the struggles.
And then it says lay hold on eternal life. I believe the thought is lay hold on that which is really life.
You know, we all want to.
Have a nice time and enjoy.
Joy, our life down here. But lay hold on that which is real life. It's not life is not consists of what was brought out in Hollywood. No, there's more to life than that. The scripture would have what really is real life, what is really worth it. It's worth it all.
You know we see.
Too, it says in in second Timothy.
Second Timothy, chapter 2.
It says here, Study to show thyself approved of God, a Workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Oh here it says, study to show here you know.
How important for us to study the word of God to study?
It says in.
It says.
Thyself approved of God. While this approval is not for our brothers and sisters, but for God. Are we, are we looking for God's approval in our lives? Oh, I hope and desire, pray that each one of us that is true and I believe it is because actually I can tell you, if you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you do have a desire to please Him. Every single one in here, you have a new nature that desires to please Him.
All that we might exercise that desire and seek His approval. We may not get approval down here by different ones that we know.
Our brothers and sisters in Christ, but our approval should be of God.
Oh, how important it is rightly dividing, you know how important it is because there's many, many things that are brought up today and you know, it speaks about in Jude contending for the faith. Oh, there's a difficulty. This world is more and more giving up the truth and it's going to cost. If you want to stand for him, you probably looked at.
But we don't get our approval down here. Oh, how important it is to study. Study the word of God rightly divide the word of truth. You know it says there's a verse in.
In Psalms chapter 17.
It says.
By thy word, thy lips have kept me from the paths of the destroyer. All we had in a meeting, Tim Roach spoke on it about how the enemy of our souls and he would seek to destroy. Well, we can be preserved, we can be kept the word of God. May we keep independence on him and keep.
Reading the scripture.
You know, I talking to a young man and.
I was asking how things were going.
He said terrible.
This is my marriage is in shambles.
I asked him. I said well.
Are you reading the Word of God with your family?
He says no.
I asked him is he reading the Bible by himself?
At night or in the morning, he says no. He says, well, where are you getting your spiritual food?
This is all Every once in a while I turn on the radio and I hear a program. That's it.
Except coming to meeting, it's no wonder.
The marriage is in shambles. I asked him. Is he praying?
With his family and he says no, except for giving thanks.
Oh, how are you going to be kept? How are you going to have that spiritual food for your life if you're not reading the Word of God yourself? You're all old enough.
To read, there's many treasures found in this word of God.
I remember.
When I was a young person and I roommate with this other brother who was really into the word of God, he would come home from work and he would be reading the word of God and I and he would spend hours literally reading the word of God. And I thought, well, huh.
There must be something to it.
So I tried it, and I tried reading the Word of God at night when I got home and pretty soon what happened? Rather than going out and playing tennis, I did do some of that too, but I would get into the Word of God.
And what would happen? I'm by myself. I'm sitting. I would get so excited.
I would have to stand up and walk back and forth in the room because I found a little treasure, a nugget. You know, when you find Nuggets yourself, they're very precious. And I want to encourage you to take the Word of God to look and find those treasures. And not just reading. I mean, it's nice to read ministry and you can read some wonderful things, but if you find something yourself, it's precious.
Oh, I tell you, there's so many treasures found in the word of God, but we have to take it up and read it ourselves and apply it in our lives. You know, this is for us. Says he will keep thee from the path of the destroyer and.
How important it is that we take, we look open up the scripture ourselves and you know we have.
To another thought that in these are choices that we make and what we're going to do in our lives. You know, there's a verse I was thinking of a portion of Scripture with Ruth, you know, Ruth.
Ruth, Chapter One and.
Verse You know, I'm sure we're very familiar with Ruth and what she she was a Moabitess and she was with Naomi.
Her husband, Ruth's husband, and he had died. And now?
Ruth or yeah Naomi decides to go back to her land and Ruth decides she is going to go with him and notice what it says in verse 16 in chapter one and verse 16 and Ruth said entreat me now to.
Treat me not to leave thee or return from following after thee, for whither thou goest I will go, and whither thou lodges I will lodge. Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.
Whither thou diest I will die, and where?
Will I be buried? The Lord do so to me, and more also if aught but death part thee and me. Oh, here Ruth made a choice.
Ruth made a choice that she was going to be with.
God's people.
And how important you know you're going to be making a choice to Perhaps you've already made a choice where you're going to spend your life.
Oh, are you going to be like Ruth? He said. No matter what he said, my people shall be thy people.
All here and I pray each one of us that we would have that desire to be with those of like precious faith going on until the Lord comes. I know it's difficult. There may be Perhaps we're from very small assemblies, but you know it's worth it all every faithful thing done for him.
Well be worth it all. Well, that's all that I really have before me.
Wife said to keep it short.
So I know you've been listening to a lot of meetings, but you know it's worth it.
Everything that we've done, do for the Lord, even the little things.
It's worth it, I can tell you. You know, you don't have much time. You know there's a verse perhaps in closing.
In and John, we're very familiar with it. John chapter.
John, Chapter 14.
It says.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself. This is in view. This is what the Lord Jesus said. He said to to his disciples, knowing what was going to take place. He was going to be nailed to a cross of wood. And what was he thinking about himself? No, he was thinking about his disciples. And he says, I will come again. Oh, may it.
Encourage each one of us.
The Lord is coming. He's going to come and take His own. You only have a few moments that you can live for Him, and then He's going to come and take His bride to glory.
Shall we just close in prayer?