Jesus Loves Me

Duration: 48min
Children—Rob House
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Buddy in the room because some of you are just grown up children.
Including me. So umm, anybody have a song I'd like to start with?
Alright, which one of you is younger?
Well then you get first choice.
#45 Thank you.
And trim the work for him Almighty.
Well, I'm glad I don't find you're sleeping. Get through one little part for him now in my ear.
And I'm Lord, she thought that last time. It's always open and sure to be.
All right, thank you. Anybody else have one? Well, I got a lot of volunteers. Now, what would you like to think #44 OK #44 into the tent where a gypsy boy lay.
Into the tank where I did see Boy lay dying.
We carry that he nobody ever had told him to me through how many I can. I'm hoping that I can.
Salvation so.
I can stay out of the children of men.
Nobody ever has told me before.
No, I didn't remember the story in her soul.
Where he started again proudly and come again. So I'll get you some solar injury before I can go.
No one can say all about children. All of them.
What number did you want to sing?
Thank you.
What is it?
Jesus loves me. I'd like everybody in the room to stay together. Jesus loves me, OK #40.
Jesus loves me.
For the Lord will help me go, Let go, let go of him in the heart. They are rich by king, and strong.
Yeah, it's like me.
You have enough.
Life for the hell to make so.
It didn't cost love, meaning to the gods have been taken to a cowboy.
Yeah, well, I still read my sins. Go ahead and handle the child coming.
Yeah, I've been lost one thing.
Yeah, I need your help me.
Yeah, you did not love me. The particles around me so.
She has lost me. Oh my God, I can't wait to make me laugh.
Wait to hold me and him hard. His mistake from every heart. Yes, she has. What did you have since I taught me?
You don't trust me?
Like I could help me to.
She does love me, loves me now when I carry it, I feel wrong and shining from my heart.
Comes to watch me where I live.
Yes, today's not a long story. Yes, if I love me.
You need to talk to us. Maybe we'll spend most things to our community all the way there by trust him should I die.
He will take me on my heart. Yeah, she never lost me.
Yeah, I think I lost me.
Children, that's what I'm going to talk about today. Jesus loves me the song. And before I start talking, I want to pray and ask the Lord Jesus to help me to be able to communicate by his Spirit to your hearts. So let's pray.
Lord Jesus, I come to do this morning and with the other believers in this room, we would ask for help.
To be able to communicate, to explain.
The hearts of these children, the fact that Dallas love us and we ask for thy blessing this morning.
We pray that each of our hearts might be touched by the fact that I love the solemnity of what Thou has done for us and just commit this.
45 minutes. And thy hands, Lord Jesus, seeking thy health and the blessing of thy Holy Spirit.
No precious name. Amen.
You know, Jesus Loves Me is a song. I think that by the time you get to my age, you can sing the whole thing without even thinking about what you're saying because you've sung it so many times. You know it's so well, the words just come out.
And it's interesting to me, you know, I have the same habits as somebody else in this room. I lose track of where I am because I'm not paying attention to which verse I am. There's other thoughts running through my head.
And then I get through Jesus loves me and I don't know what word comes next.
Because I haven't been paying attention.
So this morning I want to go through the song that you gave out Jesus Loves Me, and I want to explain a few things.
Talk about a few things.
So that we all understand what's in this verse and can remember it in this hymn.
I would like help with this question. Does anybody know a verse because it says here the Bible tells me so anybody know a verse in the Bible that tells them that Jesus loves them? Anybody in the room in the front row? We'll start with OK, just a minute. I'm gonna get you a microphone so everybody can hear you and me.
All right.
John 316 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 316 Thank you very much. That's an excellent verse. It tells me from the Bible.
Whosoever, that includes everybody on the front row, doesn't it?
Does it include everybody on all the roles behind you?
That's right. Now somebody else has their hand up here. That new verse. Anybody else know verse other than John 316 that tells them Jesus loves them?
Mr. Boulard knows one. Let's see which one he knows.
Jesus, beholding him, loved him.
Jesus, beholding him, loved him.
And one of my favorites is the Son of God who loved me. That's a beautiful thing, the Son of God who loved me. So thank you for those verses. I appreciate them very much.
Now it says here little ones to him belong.
Do you have anything that belongs to you?
What belongs to you? Can you think of something that belongs to you?
That's OK if you can't.
Can you think of anything that belongs to you? No. OK.
Anybody think of anything that belongs to them?
OK, uh, maybe my Lego? Your Lego belongs to you, right?
Would you be happy if you lost it?
If your brother takes some of your Lego, do you take it back?
Maybe I should have had this closer so people could hear that. Maybe. Right. Yeah.
All right.
Little ones to him belong to the Lord Jesus.
Did you know that everything on Earth?
Everything on space, even you.
Was created for the Lord Jesus.
For his pleasure.
You know what he says about the cattle on 1000 Hills.
Who do they belong to, do you know?
Try the word their mind, their mind. Thank you. That's all.
God says about the cattle of thousand hills are his. He made it all. It's all His, including you.
That's important.
Tom's Legos can't get up and run away.
Tom's Legos can't be disobedient.
But you can.
So I'd like to move on to verse 3.
It says.
What does it say, Ernie? Verse three right here. First line verse verse three verse line.
Jesus loves me, so I'm bad.
Well, that's nice to know that Jesus loves me, though I'm bad.
Do your brothers and sisters like it when you're bad?
Do your brothers and sisters love you when you're bad?
OK, let's try. Does your mom like it when you're bad? Can you answer that question? No.
Does your mom love you when you're bad? Yes. Yes.
Who here has a dad? Do you have a dad because your dad like it when you're bad?
Does he love you when you're bad?
Yes, that's good, eh? Imagine if your dad didn't love you because you were bad. That would be pretty sad.
But doesn't like it when you're bad.
If your dad finds out you've been bad, you usually what it means you get into what.
What do you get into when you've been bad? You know, trouble, trouble, trouble with a capital T if it's been really bad, right?
Is it fun to be in trouble?
Can you say that a little louder? Nope.
You know the verse in John in Romans chapter 3.
And verse 23. Anybody in the front row know it?
Romans, chapter 3, verse 23.
OK, somebody in the front row can read.
And has a Bible. Mr. Dappling probably has a Bible.
I'm curious you boys and girls don't know Romans chapter 3 verse 23.
I think I found the volunteer, Paul. Maybe you're off the hook.
What is it?
For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
So what's the difference between sinning and being bad?
Paul, there is no difference.
Did you have something you want to share? Umm, when you sin that you can never enter in. But we all sin and we all get in trouble, so either way we're never going to enter heaven like this.
All have sinned and come short.
Of the glory of God, right? What's Romans 323? Paul, just a second. I'm short of the glory of God. Thank you.
They've been bad everyone, right?
How many children think they'd like to go to heaven?
Lots of children who are listening think they'd like to go to heaven.
Do you think you can go to heaven with your sins, those bad things that you've done?
What do you think?
Can you go to heaven if you got bad sins?
What is there?
On you.
Bad fins.
Can you go to heaven?
With your vatsin still on you.
I brought my suitcase today.
I brought some things in my suitcase.
Somebody wanna come and open the lid?
Oh, I got lots of volunteers to eliminate. OK, you can open the lid.
Very good. Thank you.
Now can you take out the yellow container?
And we'll just put it down. Thank you.
See, I didn't know what I was going to talk about today.
So I brought lots of stuff.
And one of the things that I brought was this cord.
There's a verse in the Bible that says a man shall beholden with the cords of his sins.
You know what that means? That means if you put your hands together, just put them like this.
OK. And if that was one sin, this would be two sins and three sins and four sins. And then if we just tied them around here and around here.
And then I said go see your daddy, what would you do?
I need the microphone.
I don't know.
Because are you all tied up?
Yeah, you're all tied up, so I'm gonna set you free.
And if these are sins and they keep you all tied up, how do you get set free from sins? That's what I'm going to talk about next.
Because it says though I'm bad and he waits to make me glad.
If you have to be made glad, what does that mean?
Most likely you are something that rhymes with glass.
Alright, what rhymes with?
Sad. Thank you. What kinds of things make you sad?
When your brother takes your Legos.
Does that make you sad?
Uh, no. It just makes me angry. Oh.
And angry is kind of an extreme sad.
How about you, when you lose some of your favorite toys, when you lose some of your favorite toys, so it says, the Lord Jesus waits to make you glad. This little girl over here was all tied up. She couldn't go anywhere. She couldn't go to her daddy, couldn't go to her mommy.
But I set her free, and that's what the Lord Jesus wants to do for you, because you have bad things in your life that make you sad.
And you can't come, so you have to be set free. So what does it say in the second verse?
Jesus loves me.
What does it say?
Can you help me out with the second verse, the first line? Jesus loves me, he who died, he who died.
How does the Lord Jesus set somebody free?
What does it mean that the Lord Jesus died?
What is this?
I'll ask you.
Across. Across.
Yeah, that's a cross, and the Lord Jesus carried his cross.
El Toa Hill.
Outside of the city of Jerusalem.
What was on his head?
A crown of thorns.
A crown sounds all right. A crown of thorns doesn't sound nice, does it?
Anybody want that on their head?
Why feel one of those? Don't feel it very hard. Because they're pointy. Yeah. You know, they put something like this on the head of the Lord Jesus.
And then they took a stick. It's already hurting my head.
And they hit him with it.
But more than that.
When they took them out to that cross.
What's this?
Thank you.
Now this is a nail from train tracks.
But I suspect it would have been a nail, something like this, maybe even a little bigger that they took and they put through the Lords wrists.
And they put through.
And then they hung him up.
On the cross.
Do you think that hurt?
What happens when you get hurt?
What comes out of your eyes?
Can you say that a little bit louder? Tears. Why?
Because it hurts.
The Lord Jesus felt that pain on that cross.
The Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
Few days ago there was an eclipse. You know what happened on that day.
Any of you live in a path in the path of the total eclipse?
What happened that day?
The moon blocked out the sun. Yeah. You know, a friend of mine went down. He took it in his car, and he drove to South Carolina and he booked the hotel.
On the day of the eclipse.
And, uh, he went out.
And, uh, he was watching the eclipse go by.
And he said, you know, it was getting a little bit dim, a little bit dim.
And then when the moon went in front of the sun.
Suddenly got really dark for a couple of minutes.
And all the birds stopped singing.
And the crickets started to make their noises.
And the mosquitoes came out because they thought it was nighttime.
And then about two minutes later, the sun started to come back out, the birds started to sing, the mosquitoes went away and the cricket stopped.
When the Lord Jesus was hanging on the cross.
He'd been hanging there for three hours.
Feeling the pain that that girl was talking about.
Three hours.
And at the third hour, what happened? I'm gonna bring the mic over.
He said that he would rise up in three days.
He did, but after three hours of hanging on the cross.
It got dark.
Right at noon time.
Not just for three minutes.
For three long hours, it was dark.
When you get in trouble with your parents.
Sometimes you get punished.
And you cry.
And you would become sorry for the bad things that you have done.
But even if you're sorry for whatever you did being mean to your brother or breaking something or disappearing, disobeying your mother or father.
Even though you're sorry, you cannot undo it. You cannot go back in time and not do something that you've done, can you?
Once it's done, it's done.
You know, in those three hours of darkness, something awful happened.
The Lord Jesus.
Was punished by God.
For three hours.
If you think the crown of thorns was bad.
Do you think the nails in his hand and his feet were bad?
The punishment of God.
Was worse.
The punishment of God was way worse.
Than any pain you've ever experienced.
I fell off my bike one day and landed on my face.
And it hurt.
But there's nothing compared to what the Lord Jesus went through.
The wages of sin is death.
But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Our Lord.
That's what the Lord Jesus went through. He bore the punishment of my sins and your sins, if you'll believe in Him in those three hours of darkness.
It says here.
Jesus loves me though I'm bad and I've just spent.
A fair amount of time talking about what the Lord Jesus suffered because I've been back.
He bore the punishment of my sins in his own body on the cross, but it says next.
Any way to make me glad? Ways to fold me in his arm? Keeps me safe from every harm?
In Rio Ferry, there's a cemetery.
I drive by it on my way to meeting.
On one of those tombstones.
Is one of these. Does anybody know what it is?
What's a little sheep? A lamb. A lamb, yeah.
Little sheep a lamb.
You know why there's a little sheep on that tombstone?
Because there's a little 7 year old boy.
That's buried underneath that tombstone with a lamb on it.
You know, there's a little.
Grave in Canada.
Ontario and on the Stone.
A little brown lamb in the stone.
Because there's a little boy.
That's buried there. That was precious to his parents.
They loved them.
I have a little granddaughter I.
I like to pick her up.
Put her in my arm and just hold her.
Who would like to hold one of these little lamps?
You'd like to hold one. After you held it for a minute, you can pass it to your brother. OK. Who else would like to hold the land? Would you like one? You can pass it down, hold it for a minute and then pass it down.
You know, it says here the Lord Jesus would like to take you like a little lamb in his arms.
I have another little lamb here.
It's kind of a cute little lamp. Would you like to give it a hug then pass it to your cousin?
And I have a little little tiny one. Maybe this is a really young lamb. You wanna try it?
What do you think?
The Lord Jesus loves children, big or small.
He even loves 18 year old children.
He loves the children in the back row.
He loves them whether they love him or not.
He loves you, He wants you, He died to redeem you.
Only believe His word.
I need my Bible because I'm gonna turn to the Gospel of Mark.
And the, uh, 9th chapter.
Mark Chapter 9.
And umm, verse 36, the Lord Jesus took a child, set him in the midst of them, and when he'd taken him in his arms, right now you have a lamb in your arms, some of you children.
The Lord Jesus picked up somebody like you, took him in his arms.
Because he loved them. Because he had affection for them.
It's a beautiful thing to think about.
Taking a little child into your arms.
To look at a little child and see the marvel and beauty of what God has created.
And then to think of how he looks at you.
25 years old.
Maybe you were born one of those beautiful little lambs that these children like, and maybe you've turned into the kind of land that that girl made a face at.
Because she didn't think it was a very cute lamb.
But Jesus loves you just the same.
Further on in the 9th chapter.
In verse UH-45, if I put a Fendi cut it off, it's better for lead and or halt into life than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched, where their worm dieth not and the fire is not clenched.
The devil has a deal for you.
The devil's deals look really, really good.
They come wrapped.
In gold packages.
They may have diamonds and sparkles all over them. They are highly desirable.
There are some people in this room who had an object less than once.
And they had to choose between a plain paper bag in which there was something valuable, and a beautiful wrapped package, gold with all sparkle on it.
Do you know which one was the popular one everybody wanted? The one that looked beautiful.
That's what the devil does. All your friends are smoking.
It looks so glamorous in the advertisement to be smoking.
What do you get at the end? You look on the package of cigarettes to show you a picture of your lungs, at least in Canada. All filled with cancer and smoke garbage.
When you die young.
Not everybody. A lot of people.
You know the devil wraps up some drugs.
So if you take this drug, your life will be so good.
Teenager takes it once.
And I need another one tomorrow and another one tomorrow. It's only 10 bucks.
But then it's 10 bucks in the morning and 10 bucks at lunch and 10 bucks at night and 10 bucks when you go to bed. The next thing you know, that gift wrap gold fancy package called drugs.
Has destroyed your life. Your brains are not working right. You're feeling or whatever you have to do. And that's the kind of package the devil has for you.
Maybe you're not a teenager anymore.
Maybe you're a 40 year old and once the devil has wrapped up for you, is this successful business.
And he's just taking you one deal at a time, just leading you along, leading you along, leading you along.
Towards a Cliff of some sort, or maybe just neglecting the fact that Jesus loves me.
Design all.
Until it's too late.
And then, uh, I'd like to turn to the, uh, 10th chapter of Mark. My Bible is the same page.
Verse 13 They brought young children to him, that he should touch them as disciples, rebuked those that brought them.
When he saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God. Verily I stand you. Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. He took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.
That's the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ. You like that lamb, don't you? Thank you. I like him too. You know, He sits on my bed a lot of the time.
Just waiting for me to come back.
For the Lord Jesus is waiting for you to come to him.
He says, Behold, I stand at the door and knock, Any man hear my voice I will open to him, and if any man hear my voice, I will open the door. I will come in to him and Sup with him.
And he was me.
Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Jesus loves me though I'm bad, and he waits to make me glad.
He can do that because he's Jesus loves me, He who died.
He who wore the crown of thorns.
Has the nails through his hands and his feet.
When you ask how much do you love me?
He stretched out his hands and he died, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from what all.
All unrighteousness, all sin.
That's how you get untied, isn't it? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
You know, versus 4:00 and 5:00.
Tell us some beautiful things.
Jesus loves me, loves me still when I'm very weak and I'll Tom knows what that's like to be weak. And I'll doesn't. Don't you? You don't feel like running around anymore. You don't feel like jumping up. You're really tired, aren't you?
But Jesus loves you under those circumstances. There's a verse in Psalm 41 I believe it's verse 3. Maketh all his bed in his sickness.
That's a loving and compassionate Savior, the one that loved me and gave himself for me. And then it says from his shining place on high comes to watch me where I lie.
That's true all day long. You don't have to be sick to have the Lord Jesus watching you. He sees.
What you do, Here's what you say. My God is watching all the time.
Have you had your sins washed away? Have you asked Jesus to accept you to? Have you asked Jesus? Have you accepted Him as your Savior?
Do you think?
That a savior that loves you that much is gonna make you miserable.
Are you being deceived by the gold wrap package that the devil puts in front of you that this world presents?
To draw you down to hell, to the lake of fire. Well, what's the alternative? Jesus loves me. He will stay close beside me all the way.
There's a verse in Hebrews that says I will never. Anybody in the front row know what comes next. I will never.
Leave you.
Lord, forsake you, nor forsake you.
Once you're one of his sheep.
You're his forever.
You're in his arms, in his father's arms, and no man can pluck them out of my father's arms. Now let's just turn to John, chapter 14 for a minute.
And verse one.
Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house there are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you. We're talking about those three hours of darkness. That's when the Lord Jesus prepared a place for you.
It's his blood that he shed at the end of those three hours that washes your sins away.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you on to myself, that where I am, there you may be also.
Jesus loves me. He will stay close beside me all the way if I trust him. Should I die, he will Take Me Home on high.
In my father's house are many mansions.
The river of pleasure is there not here on earth.
It's in God's house.
With that right hand, there are pleasures forevermore. Is that what you're seeking in this world?
The only place to find them is in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus invites you now. He loves you, He wants you. He died to redeem you.
Only believe His word. I have time for one more Him who wants to choose it.
#46 Thank you #46 glad TIDINGS, is that it?
Glad TIDI.
Begin to live on constitution that's a baby and he's all standing all falls he forever ever thank you all thank you once told to be no Wi-Fi as soon as you to.
Are you happy and him? I am tired of all this and some walks away.
Let's pray, Lord Jesus.
Thank you so much for loving us, for the truth of this hymn that we've gone through this morning.
Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Lord Jesus, we think of how we are bad and deserve nothing but punishment, how our lives.
Are not happy ones without me. Thank You for waiting to make us glad, and for the invocation to come to Thy house to have our sins washed away. That whoever calls in the name of the Lord be saved. Think, Lord Jesus, of what thou hast done to make a pathway for sinners to come on Calvary's cross.
To have their sins washed away by precious blood. So we just thank thee, Lord Jesus, for thy home, thy promise to come again. And we pray that, uh, if there is someone in the room.
A little child of seven or three or four, or a child of 18 or 19254050 or 70. Lord Jesus, that those touch their hearts. They might think about the fact that thou hast loved to take them in thine arms, comfort them.
Care for them for all eternity. We thank thee, Lord Jesus, for thy love. Ask for Thy blessing on our message. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.