Jesus' Prayer

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 2
“I pray not that Thou shouldest take them out of the world.”
0 LORD, we know 't were Thy delight
To have Thy saints in heaven with Thee;
To dwell in Thy unclouded light,
And Thine own face in glory see:
Content Thou canst not be, above,
Without the objects of Thy love.
This was the joy before Thee set,
For this Thou didst delight to die;
No toil or suffering count too great,
Too deep no pangs of agony:
Alone for sin Thou wouldst atone,-
Thou wouldst not be in heaven alone.
But now Thy love has left us here
To have sweet fellowship with Thee,
Before we reach that glorious sphere,
Where we shall all Thy beauty see;
"Fellows" with Thee, Thy cross to bear,
Thy cup and baptism to share.
Thy meat it was, when here below,
Thy Father's mission to fulfill;
Through conflict, mockery, scorn, and woe,
Thy one delight to do His will;
And then, in meek obedience, drink
That cup, from which Thy soul did shrink.
It was Thy glory here to prove
How good supreme o'er ill could rise;
Hatred be overcome by love;
And self by Thy self-sacrifice:
Oh, mighty victories of love,
Which e'en than death did mightier prove.
To make us like Thyself, Thy skill
Is hourly molding heart and mind;
Teaching our now responsive will
Its pleasure in Thy ways to find;
Preparing vessels of Thy grace
To fill above our destined place.
Thy hand delights our steps to guide
In Thine own paths of holiest joy;
With grace and strength by Thee supplied,
Thou dost our lips and hands employ;
Thy fellows, in those works of love
Which brought Thee from the realms above.
Thou didst delight to seek the lost,
For sinners Thou didst choose to die;
While Thou alone didst pay the cost,
Thou bid'st us publish, far and nigh,
And, in Thy stead, beseech the foe,
God's reconciling love to know.
Oh, blessed life to live for Thee!
All other gain to count but loss;
What joy Thy followers to be!
What honor to endure Thy cross,
Who didst, by death, Thy friendship prove,-
We ours by our obedient love.