About This Product
The poems and hymns of J.G. Deck are remarkable for their variety of themes and depth of expression and have been beloved for many years.
Preface: AT the request of many dear children of God, who have been refreshed and edified by the perusal of my Hymns and Poems, and who thought that they would be acceptable, and for the edification of others, if more generally known, I have gladly consented to collect and publish them in this little volume; trusting that they may be acceptable to the saints, and for the glory of God, in helping them in "psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs, to make melody in their hearts to the Lord.”
It will be evident that I have sought rather to render the Hymns scriptural and true in their tone and character, than to please the natural ear and taste, by an attempt at poetic composition.
Commending this little Service of Song to the Lord's blessing, and to the acceptance of the saints,
Your brother and fellow-servant,
Table of Contents
1. J. G. Deck
2. Preface to the First Edition
3. Editors Note to the Second Edition
4. How Long, O Lord?
5. Aspirations
6. For the Lord's Day
7. The Lord's Supper
8. Praise to Jesus
9. Boasting in the Lord
10. Chastening
11. The Attractions of Christ
12. Abide in Me: John 15:4
13. Rejoicing in Hope: Romans 12:12
14. A Stone of Memorial
15. Liberty of Access - Worship
16. Doxology
17. Looking Unto Jesus
18. Heaven
19. It Is Well: 2 Kings 4:26
20. The Blood of Sprinkling
21. The Communion of Saints
22. For Brethren Meeting
23. The Advent
24. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
25. The Lord Is Risen Indeed
26. The Lord Is Risen: See Him Sit
27. Jesus in the Midst
28. Behold, He Comes!
29. Waiting for the Master
30. Waking the Slumberers
31. Forever With the Lord
32. A Harp of Gold
33. Abba, Father
34. Jesus, Our Lord
35. For Prayer-Meetings
36. That Great, That Awful Day
37. Oh Happy Day!
38. The Time Is Short: 1 Corinthians 7:29
39. Heart Breathings
40. My Beloved
41. Cleaving to the Lord
42. Shall I Distrust Thee?
43. A Song of Thanksgiving
44. A Winter's Day
45. Late! Too Late!
46. The Name of Jesus
47. The Lord's Supper
48. Funeral Hymn
49. Funeral Hymn
50. Sunshine
51. Christ's Question to the Disciples
52. The Missionary's Hymn
53. Retrospect of the Journey
54. As He Is, So Are We
55. Tarrying Here
56. Jesus' Rebuke to Peter's Little Faith
57. Hope Deferred Maketh the Heart Sick
58. The Promises
59. Always Rejoicing
60. The Soul's Resting-Place
61. A Complaint
62. I Bring My Sorrow
63. The Lord's Triumph
64. Gospel Hymn
65. Ho! Every One That Thirsteth
66. Hymn for a Child
67. Brethren, the Time Is Short: 1 Corinthians 7:29
68. Surely I Come Quickly
69. Gospel Invitation
70. I Love the Blessed Bible
71. Who Is the Lord?
72. The Nativity
73. A Hymn of Adoration
74. The Circumcision and Presentation in the Temple
75. Jesus, the Son of Man
76. Jesus on the Sea of Galilee
77. Jesus at the Well of Samaria
78. Jesus and the Little Ones
79. Jesus Receiving Children
80. A Mother to Her Infant Babe
81. Self-Denial
82. Jesus at the Grave of Lazarus
83. Jesus' Parting Words in the Guest-Chamber
84. Jesus' Prayer
85. The Cross of Christ
86. The Grave of Jesus
87. Jesus, the Life
88. Night Musings
89. Victory Over Self
90. To Me to Live Is Christ
91. Praying and Working
92. The Difference Between a House and a Home
93. Jacob's Dream
94. Impromptu
95. The Valley of Baca
96. All Is Vanity
97. Vanity of Vanities!
98. Heaven's Joy
99. The Heart Lost and Won
100. Let the Dead Bury Their Dead
101. To a Young Widow
102. Jehoshaphat's Prayer
103. The Watchman's Cry
104. The True Spirit of Waiting for Jesus
105. The Reigns of Sin, Death, Grace, and Life
106. Glorying in the Lord Jesus
107. Groans
108. The Apocalypse
109. The Course of Time
110. Resignation Under Bereavement
111.Faith's Paradoxes
112. To My Mother
113. A Fragment
114. The Tongue
115. Yearning After Souls
116. Parting Words to a Young Christian
117. Love Is of God
118. The Hymn of Zuinglius
119. The Time Is Short
120. Home, Home, Sweet Home!
121. The Voyage of Life
122. The Difference Between Obstinacy and Firmness
123. Impromptu
124. On the Choice of a Name for a Child
125. The Book