Spiritual Songs [Paperback]

Spiritual Songs by John Nelson Darby
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Kivar Paperback, Large Print, 11-Point Type
Page Size:
4" x 6" x .2"
88 pages
Price Each
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About This Product

Brilliant poetic gems such as:

ALL through this desert dry

My path His footsteps trace,

And He doth all my need supply

In this sad empty place.

Up to the Father there

Doth He attract my heart;

Doth make this earth a desert drear,

And draw me quite apart.


In Christ I find repose,

Nor follow him in vain;

My soul no loss, nor sorrow knows,

When He Himself's my gain.

Possessions of this life

Can but a hindrance be;

His power, so great, with mercy rife,

From these things sets me free.


Thus joyful, bright, and free,

I take the heavenly road,

My soul vibrates with melody,

My song is ever-God.

Though long and hard the road,

Faith's eyes are on the goal;

He uses trials for my good,

And thus preserves my soul.


If sometimes I may sigh,

While walking all alone,

Yet never can my heart reply

That comfort I have none.

To Thee I have recourse,

When sorrow fills my soul,

Thy staff and rod are my resource,

To comfort and console.


Oh! What amazing grace!

To know Thee here below,

To this grand end Thy steps I trace,

And onward, upward, go.

Thy face I soon shall see,

O mighty Savior, there,

I have in Thee full victory,

And shall Thy glory share!

-          That I May Win Christ

Table of Contents

1. Call, The

2. Endless Song, The

3. God in the Wilderness

4. Saints' Rest, The

5. Unchanging Love

6. Song for the Wilderness, A

7. Patience of Hope

8. Upward Way, The

9. Home

10. Man of Sorrows, The

11. Tree of Life, The

12. Hope of Day, The

13. Sons

14. Echo of Songs in the Night

15. Rest

16. Fullness of Joy

17. Father's Love, The

18. Father's Grace, The

19. Waiting for the Glory

20. Love Divine

21. Hope

22. Unfoldings

23. Love Displayed

24. Sole’s Desire, The

25. Child's Enquiry, A

26. Road, The

27. Expectation

28. That I May Win Christ

29. Afin Que Je Gagne Christ
