Bible Rebinding

Bible Rebinding

Rebinding a Bible is often a good option — particularly when the Bible is not an easily-replaceable edition. Rebindings are available in limp or overlapping flexible covers of imitation or genuine leather. Many Bibles can be repaired using the old covers. Inquire if interested. …


Single Line Name Imprint

Single Line Name Imprint

Most books and Bibles may be imprinted with a name in 23k gold. This process does not work well on vinyl, but works on most other binding materials. If ordering imprinting on our website, simply use the Order Notes field to describe the imprint(s) wanted. Because imprinting is time-consuming and our equipment heats up slowly, we generally do imprints only about once a week. Consequently, imprinting may delay your order a few days. Our machine can imprint only one line. …

Embossed on Front Cover

#4728-50, $10.00

Price Each
Imprint Name: