James Ussher
Large Hardback, Slipcased, 8" x 10.8" x 2", 960 pages
#6492-50, $79.95
T.H. Ratcliffe
A new work which incorporates Scripture, current scientific information, spiritual meditations and plentiful full-color illustrations. …
Large Hardback, 268 pages
#6372-42, $29.99
A cyclopedic concordance - outlines of Bible books - brief articles on basic Bible doctrines - 15 full-color maps - based on the KJV. …
Paperback, Small Print, 5" x 8" x .7", 472 pages
#41691, $5.95
Theodore William Carron
First published around the middle of the twentieth century, the book presents a concise and ediflying ovrview of Christian history and the lives of significant vessels whom the Spirit of God used. An excellent introduction to church history. …
Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 432 pages
First published around the middle of the twentieth century, this book presents a concise and edifying overview of Christian history and the lives of significant vessels whom the Spirit of God used. An excellent introduction to church history. …
Paperback, 9.5-Point Type, 5" x 8" x .8", 432 pages
#8387, $14.95
Fascinating results of the author's labors to profit from Scriptures that give dates or periods of time. Step by step we see the principal links in the whole chain of events in Biblical history. Author unidentified — possibly G. Morrish. …
Paperback, 9-Point Type, 4.5" x 7" x .4", 136 pages
#1311, $6.95
A useful reference containing: 1. Introduction - 2. Dates of Writings by Volume Number - 3. Dates of Writings by Alphabetical Order - 4. Dates of Writings by Year - 5. List of Alternative Titles - 6. Libraries - 7. Periodicals - 8. Publishers, Printers, and Distributors. …
Kivar Paperback, 4" x 6" x .3", 256 pages
#40567-50, $17.95
Reuben Archer Torrey
Based on Torrey's Topical Text Book, this is a handy subject index.
Paperback, 9-Point Type, 4.2" x 6.9" x .4", 204 pages
#9157-78, $2.99
This index is compatible with all editions of JND's Collected Writings, Notes and Comments, Letters, etc. published in the last 75 years or so. Occasionally referred to as "Collected Writings Volume 35." …
Hardback, Heijkoop Edition, 7¼" x 5" x ½", 284 pages
#1860, $9.95
Douglas Goodwin
Numerous subject references to the writings of J. N. Darby, W. Kelly, W. Scott, C. H. Mackintosh and J. G. Bellett. …
Hardback, 136 pages
#1186, $7.95
Trans. by W. Whiston
A history of the Jewish people from Abraham through 100 A.D. by Flavius Josephus who lived A.D. 37-100. Excellent detail of the Lord's prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem which took place in 70 A.D. …
#2859-33, $29.99
An excellent new version of an old classic — with much of the chaff beaten out. Well illustrated. The Paper edition has black and white illustrations. The Cloth edition features beautiful full-color illustrations. …
Hardback, Full-Color Illustrations, 416 pages
#5248-33, $29.95
An excellent new version of an old classic — with much of the chaff beaten out. Well illustrated. …
Paperback, Black-and-White Illustrations, 416 pages
#5247-33, $19.95
William M. Thomson
Biblical illustrations drawn from the manners and customs, the scenes and scenery of the holy land. Perhaps the best ever written on Palestine. A classic. Profusely illustrated. …
Hardback, 5½" x 8½" x 1¼", 718 pages
#1020-23, $29.95
Andrew Miller
One copy actually left in stock as of 2.14.22. A history of the church based on a prophetic interpretation of the seven churches in Revelation 2-3. Includes a general index, index of persons and index of places. …
Hardback, USED COPY IN GOOD CONDITION, 5.5" x 8.5" x 2.25", 1,216 pages
#3184, $25.00
A history of the church based on a prophetic interpretation of the seven churches in Revelation 2-3. Includes a general index, index of persons and index of places. …
Paperback, 10-Point Type, 5.7" x 8.6" x 1.9", 1,216 pages
#41831, $24.95
T. Scott & Others
The classic work, revised and expanded.
Hardback, Nelson Edition, 10-Point Type, 8.4" x 10.9" x 1.8", 1,526 pages
#6422-39, $49.95
Charles Henry Mackintosh
This handy index is curently included in Volume 1 of the paperback set currently available, but this is a "must have" for those who have a old hardbound set of the periodical Things New and Old, edited by C. H. Mackintosh and C. Stanley. The entire periodical set is now available in searchable PDF format on a CD-ROM (see our Computer Products section). bindings as well. See BTP's catalog or website for further information. www.BibleTruthPublishers.com …
Pamphlet, 36 pages
#7056, $3.95
This classic reference work features over 500,000 Scripture cross-references. Like a huge center reference section of a Bible. …
Hardback, Hendrickson Edition, 6" x 9" x 2", 784 pages
#5232-82, $21.95