Noah Webster
The classic work by the father of American lexicography. This edition draws heavily on the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible and is therefore very helpful toward the understanding of KJV vocabulary and usage. Noah Webster was a devout Christian scholar. He also produced an excellent revision of the Authorized Version, but it did not prove popular. His spiritual scholarship shines here. …
Hardback, Green, 8½" x 11" x 2½", 848 pages
#4960-47, $69.95
J. Cornwall & S. Smith
A complete listing of every name in the Bible with its various shades of Greek or Hebrew meaning. …
Paperback, 6" x 9" x .6", 204 pages
#8505-75, $18.99
George A. Morrish
A valuable help that gives in concise form: 1. A short survey of each of the Books of the Bible. 2. The Doctrines of Christianity as set forth in Scripture. 3. The Dispensational Dealings of God as revealed in His Word. 4. An outline of Prophecy. 5. The Old Testament Feasts and Offerings with their New Testament anti-types. 6. Identification of Persons and Places. Every home should have this book. …
Hardback, 6" x 9.5" x 1.75", 888 pages
#1304, $24.95
J.B. Jackson
Paperback, Large Print, 11-Point Type, 5.1" x 8" x .4", 140 pages
#1117-15, $9.95
William Edwy Vine & F.F. Bruce
The substance of Vine's Expository Dictionary arranged in Scriptural order, with KJV text. Keyed to Strong's Concordance. …
Paperback, 9-Point Type, 6.7" x 9.6" x 1.1", 1,000 pages
#41501-50, $24.99
Harris, Archer & Waltke
Does for the Old Testament what Vine's Expository Dictionary does for the New Testament. Includes a cross-reference index to Strong's numbers. Formerly a two-volume set, now one handy volume. …
Hardback, 1,160 pages
#5916-11, $54.95