J.H. Townsend
How God used a borrowed and stolen Bible for the deliverance of a depressed Irish woman, a priest and a nun. …
Booklet, 24 pages
#1443, $0.50
John A. Kaiser
You probably know of some. Now you have something to share with these miserable souls. Distribute at liquor stores or leave in travel brochure racks. There are a lot of alcoholics on the road looking for relief. …
Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 14-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#44044, $0.20
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
?C.H. Spurgeon outlines the love of God in such? simple language that everyone can understand and be? drawn to the Father. Any attempt to please God based? upon our own works brings self-righteousness and? coldness of heart. It is the free grace and mercy of? God that makes the heart glow with warmth and? thankfulness for God's love.? ?The heartfelt goal of this dynamic classic is summed? up in Spurgeon's final cry to the reader, "Meet me in? heaven!" …
Paperback, 9-Point Type, 5" x 7" x .4", 128 pages
#3195-11, $8.99
Christopher Knapp
Most people sing no more than four verses of this great hymn; but there is more to the hymn, and it's story is a story of grace. …
Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 14-Point Type, 6 pages
#42012, $0.20
Booklet, 16 pages
#9014-32, $0.25
Thomas Kelly
A classic story of a Roman Catholic's conversion, subsequent enlightening conversations with Father Dominick, and the consequences. …
Gospel Booklet, 10-Point Type, 4.1" x 7" x .1", 36 pages
#3558-50, $1.50
Annie Wong's answer. A simple message for children.
Large Print Gospel Brochure, 24-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 4 pages
#7623, $0.20
George Cutting
History can relate what has been; speculation can guess what may be; God alone can reveal what shall be, and this He has done. …
Gospel Booklet, 48 pages
#1769-13, $0.95
A person filled with the Spirit has only one object---a risen and glorified Christ, whom the Spirit came from heaven to glorify. …
#1963-13, $0.95
Charles Stanley
#41970, $0.20
#41969, $0.20
A collection of military-oriented gospel stories with a camouflage pattern full-color cover. Somewhat reminiscent of "The Soldier's Guide." …
Gospel Booklet, 10-Point Type, 3.75" x 5.5" x .2", 90 pages
#42005, $0.95
How does anybody refuse or refute love? Think of Someone you don't know or even acknowledge loving you! Amazing! Awesome! Too wonderful to forget. …
#43999, $0.20
For the person at the garage, gas station, parts store, etc.
#44093, $0.20
D.L Moody
Plainly fulfilled prophecy confounds a Muslim.
#42272, $0.20
A ten-penny illustration of how we can trust God's promises.
Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 20-Point Type, 5.5" x 8.5", 4 pages
#7622, $0.20
Faith Harris Murray
The "Beat of a Drum" is the true story of Charlie Coulson the drummer boy who lost his life as a result of wounds he received at the battle of Gettysburg, and of the influence his short life and death had on the doctor who cared for him. …
Paperback, Large Print, 11.5-Point Type, 5.5" x 8.5" x .1", 30 pages
#7513, $3.95
A poem exposing the horrible effects of sin by a woman who squandered beauty and talent for a life of sin. Poem written circa 1870. …
Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 13-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#42240, $0.20
Why did God allow sin in this world? Why did God send Jesus? This incident from the ministry of Brownlow North answers both questions, and concludes by asking, "Is God's Choice your choice?" Former titles: "God Chose to Send Jesus" and "Why Did God Permit Sin?" Suitable for Christmas season distribution. …
Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 16-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#41606, $0.20
John Nelson Darby
The Jews were immersed, not in the truth of their system, but in the mere ignorance of acting on present appearances. …
Booklet, 12 pages
#5136, $0.20
Very nice gospel presentation. Scripture quotations are mostly from the Douay and Jerusalem Bibles, which are commonly accepted Catholic translations. Happily, the specific verses quoted are good translations, and, for this reason, this article is one of the very few non-KJV-based articles which BTP has featured on its website or in its catalog. …
Gospel Brochure, 10-Point Type, 6 pages
#8532, $0.20
S. Rule
The Mona Lisa painting is unique and immensely valuable. Any modifications to it that we might make would only decrease its value. How much more so with God's plan of salvation. Idea: Distribute at an art show. …
Large Print Gospel Brochure, 14-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#42320, $0.20
Scripture verses by subject, under headings.
Pack of 10 Mini-Booklets, 9-Point Type, 1.9" x 2.3", 16 pages
#42747-61, $2.50
Karma, common to both Buddhism and Hinduism, is a concept which is linked to reincarnation and which resembles principles of science and Scripture. Karma guarantees no hope, but God does. …
#43402, $0.20
Larry J. LaBenne, Compiler
The Bible is bursting with the treasures of our God who has delighted to reveal Himself to us. These short meditations are compiled to launch you into the wonders of God's incomparable book. …
Gospel Booklet, 5.4" x 3.75" x .1", 32 pages
#43741, $0.50
Gratitude appears to be going out of style. Ingratitude and unholiness go together. Everything we have, we have received. We have received better than we have deserved. God is good and the source of all good. God gives generously; we should receive gratefully. …
#40666, $0.20
W.M. Reid
Former title: "Peace with God Through the Blood of Jesus." A classic commentary on Scriptures pertaining to the blood of Christ. Well written and very readable. Contains rather sweeping statements on page 45 and weak definitions on page 46, but this book has a long history of blessing and has been highly recommended. …
Pamphlet, 52 pages
#8621-50, $2.95
White, in Buddhism, symbolizes purity and wisdom. God, in love, freely provides both …
Gospel Brochure, White, Large Print, 14-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#44387, $0.20
Col. Hardress
The loving sacrifice of Willie Holt who, while serving in India, took his comrade's whipping, and died to demonstrate Christ's love. Former titles: "The Young Bugler" - "The Gates of Pearl" …
#41605, $0.20
Dwight Lyman Moody
The story of Valentine Burke. A true valentine story, previously published as a gospel tract. …
Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 12-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#3757, $0.20
Walter Thomas Prideaux Wolston
Genesis 24 and other heartwarming and helpful gospel papers.
Kivar Paperback, 9.5-Point Type, 5" x 7.5" x .25", 112 pages
#3336, $5.95
John Ritchie
A simple and attractive explanation of the believer's security in Christ. A classic …
#1878, $0.50
#41684, $0.20
Dying on the battlefield, a soldier asks and God answers through John 3:16. This is one of the most popular gospel stories of all time — a true incident from World War I. …
#42539, $0.20
Captain Coutts was dying at sea, and he was afraid to die. Willie, the cook's boy, helped the captain to understand the wonderful truths of Isaiah 53. A classic gospel story. …
#41001, $0.20
The promise of His coming, the Person who is coming, the purpose of His coming, and preparation for His coming. …
#1656-13, $0.95
M.L. Rossvally
The true story of how a Jewish doctor and his immediate family found "the Messiah" through the faithfulness of Charlie Coulson and others. A classic gospel story. …
Gospel Booklet, 10-Point Type, 4.1" x 7" x .1", 32 pages
#1679-42, $1.50
A striking illustration comparing God's ways and wisdom (Noah's Ark) with man's (the Titanic). …
#41884, $0.20
J.C. Ryle
Gospel Brochure, 6 pages
#5803-60, $0.20
Colonel Beckwith's transaction on Botolon's behalf — and why our salvation is so secure. …
#40952, $0.20
The striking story of how Czar Nicholas' signature prevented a suicide. Alternate/former titles: A Great Debt Paid - Czar Nicholas Pays a Debt - One Word Prevents Suicide …
#42208, $0.20
James (Jim) Hyland
He was willing to murder for ten cents, and he paid with his life. What is your price, and what is your life worth? …
#44712, $0.20
Henry Edward Hayhoe
Simple comparisons of Scripture, demonstrating the deity of Christ, and the truth of the Trinity. …
#41099, $0.20
Twenty-five questions about sin, sins, repentance, faith, acceptance, election, peace, power, holiness ....and twenty-five excellent answers. …
Paperback, 10-Point Type, 5" x 8" x .2", 80 pages
#1125, $4.95
Henry Allan Ironside
This valuable article is the ninth chapter of #5739.
Pamphlet, 9.5-Point Type, 5.5" x 8.5", 20 pages
#2417-42, $1.95
Dirk Willems' name has been largely forgotten, but his simple heroic example of self-sacrifice for his enemy has meant much to many over the centuries since, and has influenced their attitude toward conflict and war. …
#42496, $0.20
The current and common connotation of "hope" suggests a possible good outcome. But that word originally meant "a good expectation" — something positive to count on! And that is what God gives. …
Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 11.5-Point Type, 3.7' x 8.5", 6 pages
#4551, $0.20
A.E. Hunt
The remarkable conversion of Dr. W. P. Mackay, author of Grace and Truth. As a student, Mackay pawned the Bible his mother gave him. But, it followed him . . . literally! This edition contains a second parallel story from Russia. …
Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 14-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5, 6 pages
#43624, $0.20
"There are two issues which occupy God's attention . . . sinners and sin." A gospel message particularly directed toward souls snared in gender dysphoris, immorality, pornography, homosexuality, and promiscuity. A non-specific message originally intended for use at a "gay pride" parade. …
#6258, $0.20
A sweet story related to the song "Jesus Loves Even Me". Distribute this brochure among children and teach them the song. …
Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 14-Point Type, 3.7" x 5.5", 6 pages
#6785, $0.20