Henry Allan Ironside & Dwight Lyman Moody
Ironside and Moody were masters at illustrating simple truth simply. These books are helpful for understanding and for communicating the gospel basics. Good reading, too! …
4-Volume Set, 5" x 8" x 1.6", 620 pages
#43451, $26.95
Henry Allan Ironside
A challenging meditation which complements Isaiah 53.
Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 14-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#45022, $0.25
Pamphlet, 5.5" x 8.5", 12 pages
#43002-50, $1.95
Paperback, 10-Point Type, 5.1" x 7.7" x .3", 143 pages
#42907-50, $11.95
A wonderful gospel message based on Paul's letter to Philemon.
Audio CD
#7288-50, $5.95
Paperback, 10.5-Point Type, 5" x 7" x .5", 214 pages
#44657-50, $9.95
This helpful chart was originally designed to be bound into Ironside's commentary on Daniel, this is reproduced for those who may have more recent commentaries on Daniel without an accompanying chart. May be trimmed to fit books 7" high. …
Small Chart, Tri-Folded Photocopy of Original, 14" x 7.5", 2 pages
#5878, $0.95
Paperback, Ards KJV Edition, 9-Point Type, 8" x 5.3" x 1", 368 pages
#44195-50, $19.95
An attractive and simple presentation of what awaits beyond death's door.
Pamphlet, 48 pages
#7289, $3.95
This valuable article is the ninth chapter of #5739.
Pamphlet, 9.5-Point Type, 5.5" x 8.5", 20 pages
#2417-42, $1.95
An excellent "Christmas" message. Former title: "God Manifest in Flesh"
Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 16-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#43605, $0.20
A classic presentation, one of the best.
Pamphlet, 10.5-Point Type, 5" x 8" x 1.5", 48 pages
#6744-15, $4.95
#42998-50, $1.95
"Exposing error is most unpopular work; but, from every true standpoint it is worthwhile work." …
Brochure, Large Print, 14-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#43006, $0.25
A simple gospel message.
#43005-50, $1.95
From Malachi to Matthew, the heavens were silent. But there were historical events during that time which had spiritual significance, then and now. …
Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 5" x 8" x .2", 96 pages
Paperback, 10.5-Point Type, 5" x 8" x .3", 96 pages
#5799, $5.95
Ten messages for anxious souls. A refreshing classic. This is an enhanced edition of #5739. …
Presentation Paperback, LTP Edition, 9.5-Point Type, 5.1" x 8.9" x .4", 156 pages
#43577-50, $12.95
Paperback, BBC Edition, 9.5-Point Type, 5" x 8" x .4", 130 pages
#5739-15, $7.95
"Most gladly, therefore, will i glory in mine infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me". …
Booklet, 20 pages
#8008-32, $0.95
The author's quest for personal sanctification. He presents false holiness as he experienced it and true holiness as revealed in God's Word. Excellent for new believers. …
Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 8" x 5" x .3", 130 pages
The author's quest for personal sanctification, presenting false holiness as he experienced it and true holiness as revealed in God's Word. Excellent for new believers, and older ones as well. …
Paperback, BBC Edition, 9.5-Point Type, 5" x 8" x .3", 130 pages
#1149-15, $7.95
Presentation Paperback, LTP Edition, 9.5-Point Type, 5.1" x 8.9" x .4"
#43691-50, $12.95
How to find peace with God. A good message for people who are inclined toward an angel, an experience, or a feeling. From: Full Assurance. …
#43607, $0.20
In his teaching, HAI used many effective and memorable illustrations. This collection of nearly 70 short stories, newly reformatted and reprinted, has been appreciated by generations of Bible students. Includes a Scripture Index. …
Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 154 pages
70 sparkling illustrations — possibly the best such selection ever published — highly recommended. Good for young people. Scripture Index included. …
Paperback, 10.5-Point Type, 5" x 8" x .4", 154 pages
#9497, $6.95
A classic, dealing with doctrines related to the Mass, to transubstantiation, to mediatorship advocacy, to works, and to tradition. and to tradition. …
Pamphlet, 10-Point Type, 5.5" x 8.5" x .1", 38 pages
#5411, $2.95
This book shows us how Christ is presented in the burnt offering, meal offering, peace offering, sin offering and trespass offering. …
Paperback, 10.5-Point Type, 5" x 8" x .2", 72 pages
#5535, $5.95
Pamphlet, 9-Point Type, 5.5" x 8.5", 20 pages
#44481-50, $1.95
An answer to amillennialism and other common prophetic errors.
Booklet, 4.2" x 6.8" x .1", 48 pages
#5533-32, $1.95
Estes paginas han side escritos para todos aquellos que buscan ardientemente al Señor, pero que a pesar de ello no acaban de sentirse absolutamente seguros. …
Rústica, 5.5" x 8" x .4", 156 pages
#43669-50, $12.95
Librito mediano, 5.5" x 8.5", 16 pages
#43552-50, $1.95
"If you have prayed for someone for a long time...." Former title: "Encouragement to Pray." …
#43213, $0.25
Meditations on prayer.
Pamphlet, 10-Point Type, 5.2" x 8" x .1", 36 pages
#7887-50, $0.95
Paperback, Kregel Edition, 9.5-Point Type, 6" x 9" x .75", 358 pages
#43907-50, $25.99
#43551-50, $1.95
#43001-50, $1.95
Originally designed to be bound into Ironside's book on Revelation, this chart is reproduced for convenient use with other Revelation commentaries which may not contain a chart. …
Small Chart, Folded Photocopy of Original, 14" x 6.8", 2 pages
#3992, $0.95
Pamphlet, 32 pages
#42899-50, $0.95
#42999-50, $1.95
Paperback, Large Print, 12-Point Type, 5.5" x 8.3" x .4", 172 pages
#43867-50, $11.99
#43003-50, $1.95
#43004-50, $1.95
The story of an old Jew's search for the blood of atonement, lost in Judaism, found in Christ. …
#41584, $0.20