Paperback, 10.5-Point Type
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About This Product
There are many of God’s beloved people who have never carefully studied the marvelous types of the Person and work of Christ given to us in the early chapters of Leviticus, where we have five distinct offerings, all setting forth various aspects of the work of the Cross and unfolding the glories of the Person who did that work. H. A. Ironside, with deep devotion and his trademark clarity, presents the wonders of Christ in 5 lectures covering the Burnt, Meat, Peace, Sin and Trespass offerings. Even those with a solid understanding of these types will be refreshed and encouraged by this concise presentation of Christ’s beauties and work.
Table of Contents
1. Lecture 1: The Burnt Offering
2. Lecture 2: The Meal Offering
3. Lecture 3: The Peace Offering
4. Lecture 4: The Sin Offering
5. Lecture 5: The Trespass Offering