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About This Product
Introduction- In this booklet, we will meditate a little on prayer, and try to learn a
few things about it from the Word of God. The Word of God is the
foundation on which we build. Prayer keeps the soul in touch with the
power by which alone we build aright. Mere Bible knowledge may
make one heady and doctrinal. Prayer alone, if unguided by Scripture,
tends toward fanaticism; but the Word and prayer together give a good,
firm base on which to develop a sturdy Christian character.
Prayer is almost universal in mankind. “O You who hear prayer, to
You all flesh will come” (Ps. 65:2). Unsaved men pray. All nations
pray. It is the sense of need, of weakness, that leads men to cry out for
help to a Higher Power; and it is wrong to say, as some have said, that
the prayers of unconverted people are never heard. The man whom our
Lord healed of his blindness said, “Now we know that God does not
hear sinners” (Jn. 9:31). This is true, in the sense that he meant it. But
the cases of Hagar in the wilderness, the heathen mariners mentioned
in Jonah, and other similar instances must not be overlooked. Both
Scripture and history testify to prayers answered in wondrous grace,
even when those who prayed were ignorant of the One to whom their
entreaties were directed.
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................. 3
What Is Prayer In The Holy Spirit? ............. 4
Why Should We Pray?................................. 7
Hindrances To Prayer ................................ 10
Prayer And The Unseen Enemy ................ 15
Prayer According To The Will Of God ..... 19
In My Name............................................... 22
Prayer And Communion............................ 26
Prayer Answered In Judgment................... 29
Prayer And The Work Of Evangelization.. 33
Conclusion................................................. 36