S. Rule
The Mona Lisa painting is unique and immensely valuable. Any modifications to it that we might make would only decrease its value. How much more so with God's plan of salvation. Idea: Distribute at an art show. …
Large Print Gospel Brochure, 14-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#42320, $0.20
Stunning facts about the universe, the earth and the human body lead to a discussion of our responsibility to our Creator and our response to the work of Jesus Christ. …
Full-Color Gospel Mini-Booklet, 4" x 2.75", 16 pages
#2777, $0.25
Dashed expectations, sudden fears, broken dreams — it's been quite the year! But God has given real and lasting reasons for hope. Ten reasons are given for a certain hope in Christ. …
Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 16-Point Type, 3.5" x 5.5", 6 pages
#43888, $0.20
It was not a fair fight — between a snake and a kitten, but it meant the saving of a life. "So Christ was once offered … " …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 4 pages
#40478, $7.00
He came to die. He died to rise. He rose to reign.
Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 16-Point Type, 3.7" x 8.5", 6 pages
#41164, $0.20