John 12:10-23

Duration: 1hr 18min
John 12:10‑23
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General Meetings Wheaton, August 1974. Second reading meeting.
#1 program.
John 12, How far did we get?
I'd like to say that while I suggested that subject.
On Saturday, I didn't mean to.
Leave the brethren to think that they were under any ******* to go on with the chapter that is. Rather feel that that is the subject for us today. I'm happy to go along with it.
Be far from ******* I believe.
I believe it's the timely subject that that's my thoughts only.
If we get as far as 10 or is that a little beyond?
Should read through 36, should we not?
Non gospel chapter 12 beginning at verse 10.
But the teeth tree consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death, because that by reason of him many of the Jews went away and believed on Jesus. On the next day much people that were come to the feet when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem.
Took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him, and cried Hosanna. Blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord. And Jesus, when he had found a young *** sat thereon, as it is written. Fear not, daughter of Zion. Behold thy king Thomas sitting on an ass's coal.
These things understood not his disciples at the 1St.
But when Jesus was glorified, then remember they that these things were written of him, and that they had done these things unto him. The people Therefore that was with him. When he called Lazarus out of his grave, and raised him from the dead bear record for this cause, the people also met him, or that they heard that he had done this miracle.
The Pharisees therefore said among themselves. Foresee ye how he prevailed? Nothing.
Behold, the world is gone after him, and there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship as a feast. The same came therefore to Philip, which was a of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus.
Philip, Thomas, and tell us Andrew, and again Andrew and Phillips, tell Peter and Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of Man should be glorified. Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a quart of wheat fall into the ground, and die it abideth alone, but if it dies, bringeth forth much fruit.
He that loveth his life shall lose it, and he the pain of his life in this world shall keep it under life eternals. If any man serve me, let him follow me. And where I am, there shall also my servants be. If any man serve me him will my father honor. Now is my soul troubled, and what shall I say?
Father, save me from this hour, but for this cause came I unto this hour, Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. The people therefore that stood by and heard it, said that it thundered. Others said, an Angel spake to him.
Jesus answered and said. This voice came. Not because of me, but for you.
Say now is the judgment of this world. Now shall the Prince of this world be cast out?
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. This he said, signifying what death he should die. The people answered him, We have heard out of the law that Christ divided us forever.
How saith thou, The son of man must be lifted up. Who is this son of man? Jesus?
Then Jesus said unto them.
Yet a little while is the life with you.
Walk while ye have a light.
Let darkness come upon you. For he that walketh in darkness knows not whither he goeth. While he have the light, believe in the light, that he may be the children of light. These things spake Jesus, and departed, and did hide himself from there.
All right, just like to make this remark.
Before we go on with where we started reading.
In Saturday's reading, much was said about being of the Lord, suffer the great privilege of remembering the Lord.
And what it means to him.
To be where he is, said There am I in the midst of them, and we see what this separate there at Bethany.
Meant to him in his sorrow as he was on the way to the cross.
That I felt that there should also be this remark too that.
The breaking of bread is not the only meeting where we have the promise of the Lord in the midst. He doesn't say where two or three are gathered together to break bread, but where two or three are gathered together in my name.
And we often find in meetings there are those that are very regular, very faithful at the breaking of bread.
And then we don't see their faces at the prayer meeting or reading meeting. Many places I know the prayer meeting and reading meeting are combined.
Well, that's a sad loss. And if the Lord feels our absence at the breaking of bread, I'm sure he equally feels the lack of our presence when we come together for prayer, and indicates A weakness that indeed is characteristic of the times that we're living in.
And so I would just press this the importance of being at every meeting.
The every meeting where the Lord is in the midst, and that is an assembly meeting.
How it's been observed and has been spoken of by others, that the last meeting the Saints give up is the breaking of bread.
And it becomes with some just a form.
And I suppose it's something like the reason is what we find in the address to Ephesus. Thou hast left thy first love.
The reason why there is the neglect of going on.
Faithfully, regularly.
In attending those meetings that are definitely, distinctly Assembly meetings.
And so that those who give up the prayer meeting give up the reading meeting.
They are laying themselves liable to a complete departure. The enemy will take advantage.
Of our neglect. And we know that we need to be much in prayer, not only individual prayer but also collective prayer.
And how many have drifted that way until they give up the place where the Lord has put his name, the remembrance of his death? And rather, there may be much weakness in the place. But remember, until the Lord sets an assembly aside, and that's a very solemn thing, I've never seen it.
Happened myself, but if there was the condition where the Lord set it aside, it would be very solemn. Conditions would be very serious. But as long as there is the gathering together in the Lords name.
That is the place where the Lord has put His name. And rather than let's not neglect those meetings, it will be to your loss for eternity. And it will be to rob the Lord of what is very precious to His heart. So glad you brought that out, Brother Mary, I was going to ask you to kindly repeat what you said yesterday.
That the breaking of bread for the remembrance of the Lord Jesus in his death.
Really holds us together.
Well, there are three meetings. We know that are there are meetings of the Assembly. One is the.
Worship Meeting the Reading and the prayer. Meeting Gospels, not necessarily.
One of the assembly gathering. But what I was thinking is this, there is a tendency beloved among us to.
Return to the beggarly elements of the world. That's one danger that we have to guard against by His Grace. And there's another danger.
Some are returning to their ecclesiastical positions. They professedly left, which is very sad indeed.
A brother said to me who was gathered years, said there's no difference. Indeed there is a tremendous difference.
And the other.
Is that?
Some throw up their hands.
In distress because of the ruin, and we're part of it. We hang our heads in shame because of it, throw up their hands and quit.
Now, beloved, all these actions are entirely unscriptural and wrong.
We are to follow righteousness, faith, love, peace with them that call upon the Lord out of a pure heart. And those two words with them have been a real state of my poor heart during many years with them.
Would you include?
As an assembly meeting, the meeting like we had yesterday afternoon, the meeting for Minister of the Word is the spirit would lead.
It's really a denial or disobedience of the truth we have in Hebrews 1025 is not not forsaken, not forsaking the assembling of yourself together as a manner of Samius Well, we're not to copy the sum of the first part of the verse.
Which is very important. And with regard to the prayer meeting And brother, one said to me after the prayer meeting, and young brother, do you think it's all right for us to say Amen from the older brothers prayers? I said? Well brothers, a very easy way out. But the Lord says, let me see thy countenance. He likes to see you here. Let me hear thy voice.
It's all very well to say Amen, and sad to say the amens are dying. Have two brethren. I've noticed that recently in many assemblies the dear brethren pray, and there's no amends to them, as if they're not acceptable. We get many amens in the scriptures. Many.
Why are they? Pardon me.
Well, the last warnings that Brother Potter gave us before his departure and was this.
Long prayers for the closet, Short prayers for the public. Amen.
There is such long prayers that it's it becomes miracle we should come with something definite.
To present to the Lord in prayer.
Well, I didn't intend, brethren, to get back onto the subject we had gone over so that we'd better start out where we read from.
But isn't that a solemn thing to think of a man that had been buried? They knew that he was lying there and corrupting in the grave.
And the Lord, with his mighty power had called him out of the tomb, and they are now talking about putting ladders to death. And now there was another Lazarus.
That prayed Abraham that he would send Lazarus back.
So that he had five brothers so they wouldn't come to that place of torment.
Where he found himself.
But you know what Abraham said to the rich man who died and woken his eyes in hell? He said that they they have Moses and the progress. If they believe not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though 1 rose from the dead. So here we have the proof of that. They wanted to put the man that was raised from the dead another latter.
Because they would not believe.
How our God had given them as His word.
The Moses and the prophets, of course, through grace we have not only Moses and the prophets, we have the writings of the apostles as well in the New Testament. And it shows that if God's word does not sufficient.
To awaken the soul to its knee, that nothing is going to ever convert them. It must be what comes from God's Word and those who preach the gospel, and often with power and function and liberty. But what is it that really reaches the conscience of a Sinner and brings?
A soul to Christ.
It's because he has made you or the word of God, and it's the word of God.
That has reached the conscience of that Sinner and has brought him to repentance.
I was wondering about Lazarus here. Have we any words that Lazarus ever said?
Yet there seems to be a testimony left behind by Lazarus.
So that there were those who believed in Jesus.
If something is not like John the Baptist, who in his own soul enjoying the Lamb of God and then his own disciples left him and followed Jesus, well that's that's true testimony, isn't it? And.
We don't hear too much about the various disciples other than those who wrote, but it's in John's Gospel that we hear.
What they have to say?
In this chapter we have the words of Judas. We also have in Mark's Gospel something Judas said very little that Judas ever said. But what Judas said was all was bad.
And here we have it, recorded what he said. We've already noticed it, but I just want to mention that because in contrast to Lazarus, he didn't say anything, but there was a testimony.
As like we had yesterday, our brother was bringing before the children a vessel. A vessel that God was using in testimony and is something that God was using that he was able to use because there were no hindrance on the part of the vessel. But there wasn't any action on the part of the vessel that we read on. But with Judas all he could think about was gain for this life.
And if you read in the next chapter, you will see that Thomas has something to say.
In the first chapter, Andrew has something to say, and in each of these cases of the other apostles there was blessing as a result and a testimony left to us which was very important. Now it's Andrew who brought his brother Peter, was it not to Jesus?
And it was Thomas who who brings out the truth of Christ being the way. And also another disciple says, show us the Father, it suffice with us.
Have I been so long time with you? And as thou not known me, Philip either to see me has seen the Father, so we have them. The sayings in John of many of the other disciples who have not written, and all that they've said except Judas, is good. Now applying this in our own lives, and this is very humbling to us, I believe this truth. How are we known in this world? By what we say?
We know. Is it a testimony to the glory of Christ? Now, I'm not speaking just of one getting up to preach the gospel or to minister the word, but I mean in our everyday life, how are we known? It's a very humbling thing. Is there a testimony?
In our lives, whether we say anything or not, I believe we have that lesson here in this chapter.
One brother, same brother. I can't hear what you say because of what you do.
We are epistles, known and read of all men.
I can't hear what you say because of what you do.
Well, that was very sad. It brought that brother to his sensual spiritually and he changed his conduct.
The life we have.
That born of God now.
His resurrection life were identified with the Lord Jesus Christ in his resurrection.
And so we have resurrection life.
And we are, as it were, resurrected 1.
Not in the same way as Lazarus, of course, but still, it's the work of the same one.
The Lord Jesus Christ who said I am the resurrection and the light.
Now that we have resurrection life, is it manifested to those around us?
We have the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts. Who is the power of that new life we have.
But I'm afraid very often we are allowing things in our lives that hinder.
The operation of the Holy Spirit.
And so the power of the life is not manifested, and it's not manifested that we are resurrected once.
But I do believe that if we were walking in the power of that new life, we wouldn't have to say a word, just like Lazarus didn't have to say anything.
He was a testimony because they could see he was a resurrected 1.
Can they see that we are resurrected ones?
That we have that new life in Christ Jesus.
Sometimes there may be those.
That are trying to live a Christian life without having the life. Well, this is a sad thing and it always ends in failure. And perhaps this may be the reason why some continue with us a while and then they leave. They go away. They don't have a life and they don't have the power of that light. It's a solemn thing. We can't judge these things. The Lord knows them that are his.
But it's something to exercise everyone of us.
That we might be living resurrection life.
We know we have the old life yet, the old nature and the old nature.
Wants to manifest itself and always wants to break out in one way or another.
And if we feed the old man, it's a hindrance to the Newman.
Paul refers to a calling in Ephesians 4. May we just look there, brethren, for a moment?
This is chapter 4 of Ephesians.
While we're on this.
Verse one, I, therefore the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that he walked worthy of the vocation wherewith dear calls.
Well, we do know that the vocation looks back to God's councils in grace.
Put into practice by those who profess to know the Lord Jesus as Savior.
Now we are to walk worthy of such, the apostle says.
And in Colossians one and verse 10 we get a similar statement.
To walk worthy.
Of the mall.
Now in Ephesians one we have the to walk worthy of the vocation. In Colossians one and 10, I think it is, I'm quoting to war worthy of the of the law.
Will, there's another still in First Thessalonians 2?
And it's in verse 12.
We are to walk there worthy of God.
Worthy of God.
So how very important it is, beloved.
To walk in this way.
That all God's counsels in grace concerning us are to be put into practice. Is this right? Am I saying it right, Brother Barry? The calling.
Putting it into practice. And so we are to walk worthy of the law, worthy of the vocation or the calling, and worthy of God. I think this is a very important portion for us, Beloved.
And it does come in where in which in the portion we are treating, excuse me.
Sometimes think of Utica as being sort of a fat contrast to Lazarus.
Dead 4 days restored to life, and a testimony that was known and effectual to to all those around him. Whereas with Utica it seems to be the other way around. Utica had a testimony for a while.
He was up there in that third loft, along with the rest of them, but he fell from that place, and it used to puzzle me very much to read that he's called Dead. There he was, in the darkness of midnight, right back down to the level of the world that he once had left.
And the scripture says dead, but Paul goes down and says problem not yourself, for his life is in him.
Well, we we feel stirred as we read of that, for we feel that such can be the case, that there is a lifelessness and a total lack of testimony, And as far as any observer is concerned, they say there is no life there. But I believe the apostle with God-given discernment that his life is yet in him.
The rest of the story proved that that discernment was true. He was brought up again to the place that he once had left, but during that time of.
Lying there in the darkness. What a sad picture it was. No testimony whatsoever.
May we be on guard, beloved, as is this. They are testimony rather be that of Lazarus. Who though what's dead?
There's an unspoken testimony that was very effectual to all around and not be as beautiful to fail from that position and lay there in the darkness with no testimony at all.
I think two of the restoring of life and the signs of life. The case of the youth whom Elisha was used for restoration. And the first sign of life evident in that boy was that he sneezed 7 times. Well, you wouldn't call that a very intelligent sign of life surely.
But you certainly would have to recognize it as a very real sign of life, and I thought of that, as our brother remarked yesterday first.
The blade, then the ear, and then the full corn in the ear. But I believe perhaps we can be.
Gracious and tolerant and thankful, as we recognize, first of all, perhaps only a spiritual scene that is a sign of life that gives us great joy and gladness, as we have long prayed, perhaps for children or young people.
And we see the signs of divine light, and we thank God for it. We thank God even for a spiritual sneeze. Of course. I quite expect that that youth went on to give a more intelligent sign of life later on. We're not sold as we expected. Was so.
And so in those for whom we have prayed, and see how dear Elijah not merely prayed, but entered into the situation in a way that I think could well exercise us, how he got down to the very level of that youth.
And continued on until there was that real sign of life. So I don't want to digress too much from that which we see here as the testimony of one who once was dead, whose life was given to him again, that we see in Scripture, I believe, that which would stand out as a warning of the contrast. And we also see in Scripture a sign of light, which was perhaps rather unusual, but which caused great joy.
To dear Elisha and to the mother of that boy.
Important to notice that 11Th verse again, I I think it was mentioned here on Saturday, but many are here who are not here.
You say all that we are told about.
Ladders that he was one that had sat at table with him.
And it was mentioned that that's an illustration of communion. He was enjoying communion with the one who had so recently called him out of the tomb.
And it tells us here that because that by reason of him, many of the Jews went away and believed on Jesus.
Now you notice that they went away.
That is, they left the Jewish system and they went away to be in company with Jesus to believe in that blessed one.
And so where there is that work of God in the soul, it brings life, and it also results in separation from what is inconsistent with the glory of Christ, because those Jews were clamoring for the death of the very one who had raised life.
That leads us on to the next day.
And then we get the large entrance into Jerusalem.
I think I'm right in saying that all four Gospels record this event of the Lord riding the ice into Jerusalem.
So it must be a very important occasion in the life.
The Blessed Lord One thing it was fulfilling a prophecy.
In the 9th chapter and the ninth verse of Zechariah that foretold that the king would.
Now come into the city. The city of that was to be has where his throne must be established.
And meekness and lowliness riding upon an ***. And isn't there one outstanding thing in connection with the Lord's life?
That he was ever occupied and concerned that every scripture referring to himself should have its fulfillment. And even on the cross, having gone through that a toning suffering, there was one Scripture not yet fulfilled, and that was I first when that Scripture was fulfilled.
And the Lord bowed his head and dismissed his spirit He had fulfilled all of the prophets had written concerning him leading up to his death on the cross, And now he could surrender his spirit. Beloved, how that should instruct us to give importance to the holy.
Word of God.
That will be fulfilled.
And every detail in which is given to us.
Let's have supreme, authorized supreme, let it house supreme authority over our lives.
I've enjoyed very much for the very that the dismissal of the Lord Spirit was a quotation from the word of God thirty 1/5.
In the same account in Mark 11 we find as soon as the cries of acclamation had died away, they very soon thought his life Mark 11 and verse 18.
And the scribes and chief priests heard it, and thought how they might destroy him.
And now so acclaimed him as king as we get here.
Blessed be the Kingdom of our Father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord, hose Aaron the higher.
Then they sought his life.
Oh, how it brings out the hatred and enmity of a man to wore that blessed person, whether it's king or his Lord.
It would seem to all the apartment. It would seem to that in each gospel there is some special thoughts and connection.
Where the large entrance to Jerusalem.
Fulfilling that prophecy in Zechariah 99 and here in John it's connected with the Lord having raised letters from the dead.
When we find two companies, those that had been present when he called ***** and those in Jerusalem who had heard about the report and were on their way there to Bethany because of this report.
So we can examine each one of these accounts and you'll find that in Luke's Gospel.
Their glory to God in the highest is mentioned. It's the disciples who found that message. Glory to God and the hyacinth peace in heaven. It is there see Aaron Luke's gospel when the Lord was born.
The angels were proclaiming peace on earth.
Good favor in mind.
But what had happened during the Lord's life, He had to say.
I am not coming to give peace on the earth, but rather division. They had rejected him. Think of the Lord, as it were, with those baby hands, offering peace to the force bad world. Now the peace is made in heaven, and that is characteristic of Luke's gospel.
And you'll find too that there is a difference as to the way the quotation from Zechariah 99 is given.
What were you going to say, Brother Lundeen? Along the same lines in In Luke's Gospel we have it perhaps a little more pronounced, the prophetic outline that you mentioned.
We have Bethany first now. Bethany was near the Mount of Olives.
And in Zachariah in the 14th chapter.
But you were referring to the 9th that this is quoted from. But in the 14th as well we have the Lords feet standing on the Mount of Olives.
Well, that's near Bethany.
And from then, as we have it in Loki descends from the Mount of Olives and goes into Jerusalem, and it's at that time that this occurs. Now, I believe this is a picture of what's coming.
Because even though the Lord was rejected, still there's a sort of a little preview given us in the Gospels of what will yet take place.
When the Lord will take his throne and his feet in that day shall stand on the Mount of Olives. But isn't it lovely to connect these scriptures with what we have in the end of Luke at the beginning of Acts, This same Jesus? And that's really our subject this morning, brethren. It's the person of Christ, and it'll be the same for Israel in the coming day.
The same Jesus.
Whom you've seen going to heaven shall in like manner not with the sword on his side. No, he's coming back first to see the little remnant in Acts one, the little remnant of the Jews. And then he's going to take up their cause and deliver his people. But the same Jesus that you've seen.
To go into heaven shall come in like manner as you've seen him go, and it said Bethany, It's at the Mount of Olives that he first appears again. It's where he left them, and he told them that he was coming back.
That right, Brother Brown.
You'll notice this too, in connection with Luke's Gospel.
That when the disciples went and.
Took the ***.
That those who own the Ash would ask the question why Lucy the ***? And they were to say the Lord hath needed him.
And that is in keeping with the line of things in Luke's Gospel.
For when the two who were sent to find the place.
Where the Lord would eat the last Passover with his disciples.
They were to say to the Goodman of the house, the master says.
Where is the guest chamber where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?
You say in Luke's gospel we first have the Lord presenting himself.
As Lord of creation, and he proved that he was Lord of creation.
Because the Unbroken *** a wild creature in nature.
And I know something about animals, and having been raised on a farm, how difficult it is to break and have an animal that like that that you can ride. But this *** submits to the authority of the one that they put their clothes on. The Lord was proving that he was Lord of creation.
And even the creature that a little part of his creation yelled to the creators rights. But when the Lord is rejected or when he entered the city and they were all shouting their hose out as you were just saying brother that they they said.
The disciples said, master for business, they want to silence.
The very voices that were proclaiming his glory, so he was rejected.
And now it's no more as Lord of Creation that he takes his rights.
But it's the master, not the Lord, that says.
Where will thou that show him the place where he keep the Passover with his disciples? But the Master said, And the Lord has taken that character. Now, rejected as he is, there is still that outside place.
For it was an upper room outside all this world's activity.
And so that place is preserved now as the master or the teacher, that the Lord now can go on in fellowship.
Where those that are are owning his authority.
In reading these verses, I I think of the statement we've often heard quoted that God is behind the scenes.
Moving all the scenes that He is behind. And in this gospel we see our blessed Lord rejected, and yet we see in spite of it all, in spite of the heart of man, we see the Lord Jesus being displayed in successive ways that to me are so very, very wonderful. Would it be right to suggest that in Chapter 11 we see Him displayed before us as?
The Son of God with power.
By the raising of Lazarus from among the dead, then in the verses that we have before us now we see Him displayed, even against the wishes of those who would oppose it. Nevertheless, God was behind it. We see him here as the Son of David proclaimed with these hosannas, which to me is a very wonderful thing when you realize that they were plotting to put Lazarus to death.
To put the Lord himself to death, God behind the scenes having displayed his beloved Son as the true Son of God. Now we see him displayed here as the Son of David, and then in the verses that follow from verse 20, we don't want to anticipate it, but we see him there, I believe.
As the Son of Man whose loving heart goes out to those who otherwise would be left entirely outside of all this blessing, it reaches out to you and me. And oh, it seems to me so beautiful to see that God is behind all this, and see through it that His beloved Son our Savior.
Is displayed as the Son of God, as the Son of David.
As the Son of Man, and that you and I are brought in by all this into a place of blessing that we never would have known.
Very precious this expression in both in Luke and Mark, the Lord hath need of him.
That's very humbling. The Lord has need of a full wild ***. Doesn't say he had neither brother gladding, but a poor wild ***. To me. That's very humbling brethren, to realize that the Lord can do without any one of us. But here he needed the poor wild *** to convey him.
It's noticeable too and and shows the accuracy and absolute.
Correctness of Scripture. Now I suppose we turn to Zechariah 99 and read the quotation that we've been referring to.
It says in the ninth verse of Zechariah 9.
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion. Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem, Behold, thy king cometh unto thee, He is just, and having salvation lowly, and riding upon an *** and upon a colt the full of an ***. Well now in our quotation in John.
You don't get rejoice.
Or daughter of Zion. Or shout oh daughter of Jerusalem you have.
Still not Daughter of Zion and you'll find in Matthew, I believe it's Matthew 21, isn't it?
No, it's. Yes, it's Matthew 21.
It says there in the fifth verse.
Carrie, the daughter of Zion, Behold, our king cometh unto thee.
Me considering upon an earth and a cold to fold the earth. Well, we could ask the question why was it that Matthew and John?
Didn't give the whole quotation. There's a reason for that, because it was not the day.
For Zion to rejoice or for Jerusalem to shout?
Instead of there being the time, the being the time for rejoicing and shouting, it was the time for weeping and sorrow. For the very king that was to enter was soon to be nailed to that awful cross outside the walls of Jerusalem. But the verse in Zechariah, you read the whole connection.
You will find it has reference in its complete thought to the time of Israel's blessing, when, as her brother has just reminded us, that he's going to return to the Mount of all his His feet will stand in that day on the Mount of Olives, and the mountain will save beneath his feet. And then.
Zion's day of rejoicing will begin and the shouting will be heard.
In Jerusalem in that day. But you see how carefully the apostles Matthew and the Apostles John just limit their quotation to what was suited and true and fulfilled at that time. Berlin, we do we we so little realized the perfection of the word of God.
That every word is God-given and inspired and and no law can be found in it.
In God's gospel we find that the Lord Jesus Christ is rejected from the very beginning of the gospel. He came unto His own. His own received him not. He's the rejected one all the way through that gospel.
Of course, when we come to the 10th chapter, that seems to be sort of a turning point and he gathers a little company around himself.
And they're taken out of the fold, made part of the flock that's gathered around himself.
Well, here he must be thinking about the little flock. The spirit of God is guiding in what is recorded here, and of course in what is said at the time. No doubt the word fear not, as opposed to that little remnant to encourage them.
Because that little remnant must feel how the Lord is the rejected one. And yet they're satisfied to follow him, to to be around him. And they have a heart for him, and they they could be very well disturbed to see how he's rejected.
And how the leaders, the chief priests and elders wouldn't have him and they plotted to put him to death. They could be greatly disturbed. But the word comes to them, fear not, fear not. And then bringing salvation. That which we have in Zechariah is not quoted here because it's again connected with this. I suppose that the Lord is the rejected one and salvation can't come to the nation of Israel.
That must wait till another day.
2016 verse These things understood not his disciples at first, but when Jesus was glorified, then remembered they that these things were written again, and that they had done these things unto him.
So you know, when Jesus was glorified, he sent God the Holy Spirit.
Into this world.
And the Lord.
Continually speaks of a certain day in that day.
Captain John 14 Ye shall know that I'm in the Father, and the Father in me.
Oh, brethren, we are in a very favored and honored position that we have now dwelling in US God the Holy Spirit.
And it was only after the Lord was glorified on high.
That the disciples understood the meaning of the Lord's entering into Jerusalem, fulfilling that prophecy.
Then they saw and understood what it meant and how it must have rejoiced their hearts.
So isn't there a lesson to that we may read a scripture at certain time?
And may be enjoyed in a certain way, but later the Spirit of God may make that very scripture of great and definite importance for guidance in our lives.
You mean Well, the Spirit actually applies. Then we can say that we have the truth from God. Otherwise it may be just in our minds. We may even be able to minister the truth and not receive it really in our heart, ourself in practice. And that's a dangerous thing, is it not? But the the faithful and wise scribe, Am I quoting it right in Matthew 13 brings out of his treasure.
Things new and all, I believe that's ministry in the spirit. I believe that is something that has been valued and laid up in store. The word was husbandman, wasn't it? I called the wrong he's a he's a husband and he's a man who was laid up in store. That which he valued that God had given him and then he ministers it. I believe that's that's real ministry in the spirit, otherwise it.
It's something simply that you're passing on like a parrot, but.
This is from the heart when it's really enjoyed in the soul 1St and is given of God.
One who can minister the word by the spirit is one really.
Who who practices self judgment in his life?
How important that is?
And brother. And let's remember this that if we have failed.
We need to get right with the Lord 1St and if it affects our brethren.
We need to get right with our brethren as well, and one who refuses to humble himself and get right with his brethren.
May miss the path of the truth and go on walking in a path of disobedience away from the Lord or away from the place where he's put his name for the rest of his days.
So how important it is to be willing to judge ourselves?
Or pride comes in so quickly that we have made a statement.
We have made a step in our lives and we're not willing to judge ourselves and all that. We have made a mistake and so we go on and the enemy, of course delights to feed pride. And so it's a solemn thing.
I remember Brother Potter calling my attention to this that he never knew of a servant of Christ.
Had led the Saints astray that was ever restored, he said. He believed it was too solemn A manner. And I believe the root of the whole thing is this, that there was pride they had taken a step just like a certain brother that led others astray remark to another, he said. The thing has gone too far.
That is, he gone so far in taking that step that he wasn't willing.
To own his mistake and to come back.
And admit that he was wrong.
I like to use the illustration of the book of Ruth. It's a simple illustration, but I believe it's very effective for our consciences. Now Ruth was in danger of taking a wrong step and her mother-in-law corrected her and.
She was in danger of following the young man.
And her mother-in-law said it's good for thee to abide past by the maidens.
The result was she obeyed her mother-in-law and.
She was given to be brought right into the very line that we have mentioned in Matthew, the line of Christ. Now something else in that connection. She had been gleaning all through the barley harvest and wheat harvest until the harvest was over and she had gleaned a certain amount.
I don't remember the amount. I don't want to take the time to go into it, but a little later when Boaz, when she met Boaz.
Who became her husband, which brought her into the Direct Line of Christ. And she was a Gentile.
We find that he tells her to hold out her apron, and he fills her apron with twice as much as she had gleaned.
Twice as much as she had gleaned in the times of harvest, and this was after harvest. Now there's a lesson for us there, brethren.
There are times when, if we sit in the presence of the Lord.
Like David did at one time, you remember?
That he's going to fill our apron full.
Twice as much as we'll ever glean.
Now, I don't want to discourage anyone from gleaning because I believe it's very important. But I think sometimes what we glean from scripture, we don't really get ahold of until he fills our apron full, as I use the illustration of Ruth. And then we get twice as much, and then we also get it from himself, and we'll never forget it. It'll be a part of us. It's the truth that the Spirit of God brings home to our souls in power.
But may I add through the conscience because of what we are.
And as our brother Barry has been mentioning that it's very important that our consciences be always exercised when we're in the presence of God, especially even if it's the breaking of bread.
Because of what we are, we're still here in this world, and we still have the flesh with us, and even in the most favorable circumstances for the Spirit.
For our souls, the flesh is liable to enter into and spoil everything for us and for others.
Finding the first job done with Naomi gave a very bad advice, didn't she? She said. Return unto thy God.
Now, after that, return to Bethlehem. Judah. Now she has some good advice for her. She learned a lesson there. She's back in the place where she left, wasn't she?
Now she gives a good advice and you just mentioned I'm thinking the first chapter she sent her.
Turn again, my daughters.
12 Go your way. Well, this is very bad advice, advising them to go back to the place where they left, the place of idol worship. But now she's returned to Bethlehem, Judah and Ruth says in truth, entreat me not to leave thee. So Ruth was not going to be turned aside. We find that the other one.
Warpa kissed her mother-in-law.
Showed must have with affection, but it says the first he returned to her Gods, but not Ruth. Ruth claim unto Naomi.
First of all, she gave a bad advice, didn't she? But now, as you remember, since she gives her good advice because she has returned the place she had left.
His remarkable, isn't it, in the Gospel of John.
Where the Lord is presented to us as a divine person.
That we find this verse, the 19th verse.
The Pharisees therefore said among themselves, Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing. Behold, the world has gone after him.
We we find in John's Gospel in the in the 12Th chapter, this statement of the Lord. I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
I laid down on myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again.
As far as all outward appearances were concerned.
The Lord was winning the victory over all the malice of the Pharisees, but right after.
What is said here? Then we get these Greeks coming, and the Lord saying, except the corn of wheat fall into the ground and die.
And abide at the local That was the purpose of his coming into this poor world.
Was to die for sinners on the cross.
That's the truth of resurrection, is it not? That is.
He dies, but we find resurrection following this, and that's the assurance for us of that resurrection because as that.
Kernel of wheat falling to the ground and dies. It brings forth fruit, and the fruit is after its kind and we're going to be just like Christ.
This is a wonderful truth, brethren, We have in this verse marvelous truth.
There was 1 quart of weight, and the destiny of every saved soul depends upon this one corn of wheat falling at the ground and dying. There was no other way, no other possible way for anyone to receive blessing in God's universe except on the basis of the corn of wheat falling into the ground and dying. The result was it was to bear much fruit.
They don't say that, as far as all appearances were concerned, that everything was leading up to the setting up of the Kingdom.
There in Jerusalem the Pharisees with all their enmity, were saying, behold, the world has gone after him, and then certain Greeks among them that came up to worship.
Well, we know the Gentiles are coming into blessing along with Israel, and the day when he sets up his Kingdom. He had looked as though everything was there prepared, so that all that was necessary was the Lord to proclaim Himself the King, and the Kingdom as it is outside of in the prophets, would have taken place.
But all there was something that must take place before that could be true and that is as you have been saying brother, that the corn of the fleet, he was that unique corn of wheat.
Must go down into death.
And as you say two of the part of the fleet going into the ground.
There's equally a subject of resurrection.
So the the Apostle. And Speaking of the resurrection of the Saints, he says that which thou source has not quickened except to die, and then that then it comes forth.
A distinct body, though it's the very body that went into the ground.
But I was just mentioning that.
The subject of death and resurrection. But here, of course, the Lord occupies a peculiar place that no other.
Man ever occupied, and that was he, was that corn of wheat going down into death, and the result of his death.
And his resurrection would be much fruit. The only fruit for God that could possibly be gained was the death and resurrection of the Son of God.
It's lovely to realize too, is that the believer has the same life of nature as the.
A week that was sown, same life and nature, her farmers here, and they know that they serve wheat. When the crop is ready, they find nothing but wheat. And those kernels are exactly like the one they had sewn, the original one. And isn't it beautiful to realize that we too, as believers are like that corner? We have the same life and nature and resurrection as He.
In this portion.
Has to like verse 20.
There were certain Greeks. Now these were real Greeks and not Hellenists.
So the Lord.
When told of their coming up and wanted to see Jesus.
Oh, how that touched his heart.
How he knew.
For which 'cause he came into the world. In fact, it's mentioned.
As coming to this hour in verse 27.
Now in verse 23 Jesus answered them saying.
The hour is come that the son of man.
Should be glorified.
In route to that glory must be.
The verse that follows.
The Foundation.
He came to die.
It is the secret.
Of deliverance of salvation.
And a glorifying God, and the necessary step in his path and route to the glory.
How, by the way, you remember in 1963 at Lawrenceville, and I remember your father, brother.
A hole suggested that we trace the.
The Preparations for Christianity and the Gospel of John.
And I think it's a good thing right now for us to observe such things as that the Greeks coming into appearance, and then the Lords utterances, that the hour is come, that the Son of Man should be glorified. Verily, verily, I say unto you.
Except the corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it.
Abideth alone buck, if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.
Now look over in verse 32.
And I if I be lifted up.
From the Earth.
Will draw.
All men unto me not the Jew only.
The long dispensation of his favor to that people that he brought out of Egypt.
They had been proven.
And how sad are the evidences of?
Their not profiting, but all the blessings and privileges bestowed upon them, and to them are committed the oracles of God.
And the promises.
All paving the way that they might have hope and welcome their Messiah in due time, Messiah King. But you know, as we said in the beginning of the gospel, they rejected him. And so if you trace by the way, this is the most interesting tracing for any soul that takes time.
To look into the Gospel of John and its peculiar character in the stepping stones, looking on to the introduction of Christianity, well, we have it all through the book, but we have a real strong touch of it right here in our chapter.
Most important chapter Our brother called for 12Th chapter. The death is emphasized. The death is a burial.
And the IT assumes also the resurrection and the glorification of our Lord.
Lord, what is mine is?
Everything I am, so I am.
Land crabs, There is a flag.