John 14:1-3

Duration: 1hr 5min
John 14:1‑3
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On your scale.
At the beginning. Oh my God.
Sure enough, at the second conference I didn't go to, the subject was the same, and by the 3rd conference it was the same subject. I thought the young boy, well, the Lord's coming is so near we'll probably never take up a different subject in any conference. Here we are many years later and I think the subject is probably all the more relevant.
A certain portion in that you wanted for.
Alright, I wonder, maybe we can start by at least reading the 1St 20 verses and yeah, that'll.
John chapter 14, verse one.
John 14 one.
Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me in.
My father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself. With where I am, there ye may be also, and whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest, and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way.
The truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If he had known me, he should have known my father also. And from henceforth ye know him and have seen him. Philip saith unto him.
Lord choice the Father, and it sufficeth us.
Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that seen me hath seen the Father.
And how sayest thou then show us the Father?
Believeth thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself, but the Father that dwelleth in me. He doeth the worst. Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me. Or else believe me for the very work's sake. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on Me the works that I do, shall He do also. In greater works than these shall he do.
Because I go on to my Father, and whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
If you shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.
If you love me, keep my commandments.
And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another comforter, that He may abide with you forever. Even the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him, but ye know Him, for He dwelleth with you.
And shall be in you.
I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more. But ye see me because I live, ye shall live also.
At that day ye shall know that I am in my father, and ye, and me, and I and you.
A little statement in the 12Th chapter of John that.
Contrast with how our this chapter opened in verse 27.
OK, now in my soul trouble.
While his soul was troubled as he anticipated going to the cross and.
Because his soul was troubled, he can say, He can say to his own. He can say to us today, let not your heart be troubled. We look around us in the world very much to be troubled about, and the world itself. The unsaved are troubled because they see things happening in this world.
Dangers terrorists.
Tax all kinds of upheaval and unrest and many uh.
Hearts are troubled.
The Lord says to us, let your heart love, not your heart be troubled.
This is addressed to those that have been redeemed business, and we have a similar word of encouragement in Isaiah chapter 43.
Where it starts out, but now the staff award that created the old Jacob and that formed the O Israel.
Fear not, for I have redeemed these.
I have called thee by thy name.
Thou art mine. When I'll pass us through the waters I will be with thee, and through the rivers they shall not overflow thee. When thou walkest through the fire. Thou shalt not be burned, neither shall the flame endow upon me.
Well, I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Israel.
Thy Savior.
And then in verse 14 they were spoken of as precious in this sight. And we too can be viewed in that same manner, can't we?
Think of the various times when the ward addresses his own and says fear not.
First time the word fear is used in the scriptures.
It's a genesis.
Heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid.
I remember brother Ernie Wakefield some years ago.
Umm, several words and one of the words that we spoke on was the word fear mentioned that that was the 1St.
Time that was mentioned.
But he said that.
As a result of the work of Christ.
Fear is gone. Perfect love.
Cast this out, fear.
In chapter 13, there's three.
Things that the Lord brings up and the hearing of all the disciples. One is verse 21.
When Jesus had thus said, he was troubled in spirit, testified, and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me. The 2nd is verse 33. Little children, yet a little while I am with you, ye shall seek me. And as I said unto the Jews, whether I go, ye cannot come.
So now I say to you, and the third is verse 38. Jesus answered, and we'll tell, Lay down thy life for my sake. Verily, verily, I say unto thee, the **** shall not grow through without denied me Christ.
The things that tend to trouble us most are the things that affect us very personally most.
There are a lot of things that, uh, are troubling the world. Unless they come in and touch me personally, they tend to be held at a distance.
The things that come in and touch me personally, they tend to trouble me most. And so I just think of the things mentioned in chapter 13. They were going to touch the disciples very personally. Peter's betrayed, uh, Peter's denial of the Lord, Judas's betrayal of the Lord and the Lord's own departure, going to the cross, going home by way of the cross. They were going to vary personally affect each one of his own.
And would have the potential to really trouble them.
And so in light of that, he says, let not your heart be troubled. Well, it is the same with us. You know, sometimes it's things in the family, things in the assembly, things that are very close, very that's just very personally that really are the things that trouble us most. What does the Lord say? He says, I'm going to be in the glory and you keep your eye on me and I'll be your stay. I'll be the one that is able, if you're occupied with me in the glory, to settle you and keep you.
Through those things that will trouble you most.
I've enjoyed the sauce and expressed uh.
The little better translation is that they were to. I'll read it from Mr. Darby's. Let not in your heart be troubled. You believe on God, believe also on me. It's really a belief in a person as an object for our faith, not in something, but on a person. And I've enjoyed that thought. I think too, we see here that, uh, the Lord puts himself on an equality with the Father.
Uh, he believed on God.
Believe also on me. It's a little touch of his deity, isn't it?
He he was he had been, up to this point, their comforter.
Different occasions, no word rolling down. The Baptist was sweating, for example, when they came to the Lord.
And they were grieved about that and encompassed them over and over again. He had that blasphemous Martha and Mary and all the others. You know, they were comforted because he was raised again, but he was their comforter. So now he's going to leave. So now he can put the jumping again from verse 16. That was that.
I know faith to follow me shall send you another.
So you seem to believe in God, believe also I believe on God, believe also on me.
I'm telling you, I will not leave you comfortless.
We can appreciate that because we are the recipients of that other comforter.
And it's come in, and then dwelt the believers, and then dwells you and I, and.
Comfort he's given us over years, different trials and tribulations that have come in even to this present moment, right?
We should be in such a uncomfortable.
He kept his mind.
There weren't still some with the word, doesn't it?
And I was just thinking of a contracting situation in the book of job.
Bon Jovi was in great distress.
The second chapter.
And verse 13 speaks of jokes, comforters.
So. So they sat down with him upon the ground, seven days and seven nights.
And none.
Fake a word unto him.
That's where they saw that his grief was very great.
Well, sometimes we.
Save or enter into a situation where there's great grief.
And where words would be inappropriate.
But the Lord.
Just knew what word to say.
With a timely word. It was a word in season, wasn't it?
But here, Joe's friends couldn't utter a word during the seven days and the seven nights to bring comfort to his soul.
But the Lord can't stand it.
It's another seven days that's mentioned in connection with Ezekiel.
And I believe Ezekiel came out in the third chapter.
Is trying to be a help to the people of God.
And uh.
Says in verse 12 of chapter 3. Then the Spirit took me up, and I heard behind me a voice of great rushing, saying, Blessed be the glory of the Lord from this place. As I heard also the noise of the wings of the living creatures that cussed one another in the noise of the wheels over against them, and the noise of great rushing. So the Spirit vested me off and took me away, and I went in bitterness in the heat of my spirit.
With the hand of the Lord was strong upon me.
Then I came to them of the captivity of Taliban and dwelt there by the river T Bar, and I sat where they sat and remained there astonished with them seven days.
That and it came to pass at the end of seven days, that the word of the word came unto me, saying.
Well, we see for one thing that.
Profit came with the wrong spirit. Another translation that says in the heat of my anger. So you couldn't be used at the Lord to bring comfort, could he? He had to be made to sit there that time and in some sense feel the trials that they were going through in order for him to be used. And in that sense it was appropriate for him to remain quiet for that seven days.
But again, we're just thankful that the board can, in a timely manner, administer, uh, comfort.
And, uh, say those words with with the spell fear.
I'm glad you mentioned that worse in the in the build about seven days and.
I couldn't.
And they couldn't say a word to him for seven days because he saw his face was so very great.
It was so often think about a job and the face of job.
And I want to read this first in the first chapter where it says we often know lean turn to it, he says. Umm.
Lord the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord lost all of his ten children in that one day and the substance and everything and often we we know that we hope that we hear the faith of Job and someone's think that.
Oh, you know, Joe took that, so I'm a storage place.
He didn't. He didn't. So the step is chapter 2.
Seven days. His grief was so very great.
He received it from the Lord and accepted it from the Lord, but it didn't mean that he didn't read.
Seven days.
They sat and could do nothing.
That's not the same thing. It's not. It's not.
Umm, refusing to accept it from the Lord. It's just that it's a natural thing. He lost his family and you're breathing. He's still accustomed to the Lord. The Lord gave the Lord was taken away. What is the name of the Lord? So it's a comfort to us to realize, you know what, even though it's all the great faith and drove a great suffering too. And he needed that comfortable. And at the end of the book, of course, we, we see the Lord himself shows up and comforts Joe.
Sorry for getting off a little off the track there.
Is the center of our being, isn't it?
Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues.
And uh, I like where our brother John will sing in connection with the Lord.
He was here for 3 1/2 years with the disciples that he was leaving them.
And he was going to a place where they couldn't see him with the natural eye. They couldn't turn to him in the same way and look to him.
And the Lord knew this.
And, uh, he was preparing them for that moment with him.
Let not your heart be troubled. Why ye believed in God? Who believed in God before I was here in this world?
I've been here with you. Now you're going to have to believe me in a way that you haven't had to believe in me before, because I'm going to be a I'm going to the father's house.
That dodge your heart, be troubled. And they were troubled after they found out that he was going to be trusted. It should have been him. They should have delivered Israel.
Well, the Lord came down to me.
So, uh, there he is in the glory. He's in charge of all things.
And, uh, we turned to him.
And our faith gets weak. We go back to it, and our faith is strengthened by the book that we have. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. The principle of a Christian life is a life of faith, and having that object, it is before us, isn't it?
Any time we took out.
About God or anything about.
What do you promise we're going to. We're going to have troubled hearts.
And they had doubts about.
Where the Lord Jesus, what would happen to Him, where he was going?
They might ever see him again. And uh, he also has absolutely who he really was, even though he had told him over and over.
They had notes of what all he's saying, and so the Lord was always comforting them, telling them about about himself, what he would pass through.
But, uh, it's interesting there in Luke, uh, chapter 18.
When uh, when he took the 12 after 18 of Lutheran verse 31.
Sometimes it's him to fall and sit on to them. Behold, we've left to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man shall be accomplished.
Or he shall be delivered onto the Gentiles and shall be locked and spitefully entreated and spitted on.
The national spirit shows and put them to death, And the third day he shall rise again. And they understood none of these things, and this saying was hid from them, neither knew they the things which were spoken they didn't really enter into.
The things that the Lord was speaking to, they spoke about his death and resurrection to them many times.
But they were not able to take it in. They had doubts, and so the Lord hid it from them until after His resurrection.
And then they could have their eyes open to see.
The things we both of them.
True here in our chapter they had done and the Lord was, he was, uh, speaking to them so that, uh, their heart wouldn't be troubled with the things that they had it about. So he told us very plainly, uh, uh.
Where he was going to go and, uh.
All that they could get to the place of where he was going.
He told him very plainly, I am the way, the truth, and the life no man comes upon of the Father left by me.
And uh.
There's many things that they didn't understand, they didn't have.
The Holy Spirit is dwelling in them.
Says a little later on in that chapter.
Umm and verse 16.
I will pray the Father he will give you another comforter.
That he may kind of ride with you forever. Even the spirit of truth in the world cannot receive, because it seems of not. I don't know of him, but ye, but ye know him, for he dwelleth with you.
And she'll be in.
Well, the Holy Spirit lift them, but he wasn't, he said the indwelling person as we have today in the church. I Holy Spirit came down as the Lord promised, and that day of Pentecost that formed the church and 12 very believer.
And so we have opened up the box, the full revelation of the Word of God to us.
And uh.
The Holy Spirit is able to take those things of Christ, and He does, and make them known to us, and the Lord is no different today. He doesn't want anyone in this room or any believer to have any doubt or troubles in their heart about their salvation, about this life, about where they're going and how they're going to get there, and all these things, the word of God to make certain to it.
You read them.
Their gods were as God's word, and we believe it, and the Holy Spirit makes it good to us in our hearts, and so it disperses that trouble. If the truth shall make you free, he shall be free indeed.
And, uh, it's wonderful here that the Lord.
Takes his disciples here and encourages them.
And uh oh, He loved them and he wanted them to enter into those things that was before them. They they were going to have for all eternity. And he's the same Lord today for us. He wants us to enjoy them too as well.
I thought I have been, you brought it out, genius, particularly in connection with knowing, uh, the, uh, the Bible and the truth of the Bible and to know where we're going.
Uh, for to spend eternity. I have thought of this passage too as a as a passage there where the Lord is speaking to them in connection with direction for their lives while he is away.
And I know it's going ahead a little bit, but you notice in verse five that it says Thomas F Lord, we know not whither thou goeth, and how can we know the way?
Have you ever run into times in your life where you didn't know the way you didn't know what to do about decisions?
So what does the Lord say? The next verse using the gospel? But I think it goes beyond the gospel. It says Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
What is it that the Lord was saying?
I feel that what the Lord was saying is, Thomas, if you want to know direction for your life after I go back to heaven, you're going to have to stay close to me.
On the way I'm the truth, I'm the life, and no man cometh unto the Father but by me. And we all run into these things, young people run into them when they're considering in connection with school as to what shall I do?
I'm finishing grade 12:00. I've got a umm. I've got to think of the future. How can I know the way?
If by being in the presence of the Lord to walk in communion.
I was just thinking also of what we have in verse 29.
So now I have told you before it's come to pass.
That when it's come to pass, you might believe.
He he knew.
OK, wait, that's just Sydney.
And sometimes those have families, and we know that.
We're going to embark, or at least, uh, one of our children might be embarking on something new. Or you try to walk them through a situation first, don't you? Well, this is what you're going to expect. So they're not going to get a jolt at the end, are they? If they know what to expect, they can certainly get through it much easier. And, uh, I've been helped in my own life when that process has taken place. Well.
You might encounter this and then you might encounter this.
And this is what you can expect in this situation well.
This, I believe, is what the Lord did here, didn't it?
And it's a, it's, uh, encouraging to see that.
And again, in verse 27, it's the second time. It's not the third time in the chapter that the Lord uses those words. Let not your heart be troubled.
But it's.
Uh, preceded by the word peace, I leave with you. My peace. I give unto you. Not as the world giveth, give I unto you.
So we have the promise of the speed as well as the promise of the comforter, as our brother Enos was saying.
And I believe in the Greek, and I'm no student of Greek, but I believe that.
The word comforter has the thought of one called.
Uh, to walk beside us or alongside of us?
So that's what we have here, isn't it?
OK, I wonder if we could just have a couple of thoughts on this expression. The Lord uses the Lord too of my father. In my father's house are many mansions or abode. Why is this the I'm asking the question without really a thought. Why does he bring in the thought of those in his father's house?
Some of us, when we were younger perhaps were a little disappointed when we.
Where directed a new translation where it says abode seemed to be such a lower level than a mansion. Sometimes I'm seeing that him, don't we? There's a mansion in heaven for thee, for pleasures that none can conceive.
And eternally happy that I'll be at that little bit on Jesus. Believe we think of the mansion.
And so I think of an abode. It seems so moderate, so simple, so humble, but yet if we go across the page to verse 23, I believe we have a beautiful connection that really brings us to the essence of the passage.
He was answered, and said unto him.
If a man love me, he will keep my words, and my father will love him, and we will come unto him and make our abode with him.
And so it really is the thought of communion, isn't it? And of course, the Lord would be pointing their hearts out to him now that what characterizes the Father's house is communion. It's not the grandeur of the place. You don't want to stamp it with a material view, so to speak, as we think of the great places in this world. But the great thought is communion. And so as we anticipate that.
And the thought of communion with father and son forever.
The present enjoyment is that they will come and make their abode with us as the Word of God is brought before us. We just have this thought too, that.
First verse references you believe in God.
I I couldn't stand to be corrected. I haven't examined their reverse, but I believe this is the last reference in the chapter to God from here on out into the father. I think 21 Times in this chapter. And so it really brings them to the essence of John's ministry, its enjoyment of the father and the son or someone says it's the father and the son, the son making the father known and so the father's house rather than for us thinking of the.
The, uh, they say the grandeur of the place, it's communion with the father. There's many of those, that is, there's fellowship for a seat.
Sometimes you wonder, well then what characterizes the Father's house? And the only place I know in Scripture that we get the Father's house is Luke 15. Maybe we could just look at a verse there to complete the fraud.
Well, you say, well, this is a gospel story. Well, it is, but it's also the Father's heart that's the essence of the gospel. And then?
Luke, chapter 15.
Verse 25 And now his elder son was in the field, and as he came and drew near to the house, he heard music and dancing.
In the father's house seems to suggest the thought is where the father's heart.
Can be fully revealed, fully known and fully enjoyed. And what characterizes that place Music and dancing joy and so whatever the great uh.
Characteristics of heaven might be the Father's house brings before us fellowship with a father and that great joy that characterizes that blessed place. So I just thought of that, Brother John, rather than thinking of an abode as I was so disappointed years ago, as something so moderate, so insignificant. Some loan plays are some loan plays within the door, as you say. Rather, it emphasizes the thought of communion with the Father and Son forever.
I was just thinking of the words of David in Psalm 73.
Verse 24 is the Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, an afterward receive me the glory.
And the next few words are very encouraging. Whom have I and haven't but thee?
Uh, wasn't focused on heaven necessarily as a fight, but the person that was there. And that should be our focus, shouldn't it?
Then goes on to say there is none upon earth that I desire upon me. So that was his focus 12 year two and that was his anticipated.
Focus and work.
I was thinking too, Brother Bruce of the verse in Psalm 27 that David spoke. He says one thing, have I desired of the Lord, that I will, that will I seek after, that I may dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple.
The Lord, That's what we should desire, shouldn't it? To be there with him and in communion with Him.
That's pretty good.
What the Lord had in mind wasn't it they had enjoyed closeness with him for those three years. And I had gone through exactly the same experience as you described, Bill, with some mansions in the abodes. But if you look in Ezekiel, in the description of the, uh, that future temple, there are abodes for the priests right around where God's will. They're right next door, they're close, they're right in his house.
And as opposed to having a separate mansion where I live by myself, I live right in the father's name.
And, uh, referring to some, uh, one that I enjoy because it's the, uh, end of the 16th at the right hand, there are pleasures forevermore. And if you look in, uh, Nehemiah's time in the last chapter, you find out that what we're supposed to be in the, uh, in that temple, in those rooms around the temple is all the stores and the good and the blessing. And that's what the Lord had in mind for his disciples and why he was going to the cross was to enable him to come into that blessing and enjoy that relationship. And that's what he has for us to admit.
Going to talk too and and many of those that speak to the of God the Father, father of our Lord Jesus Christ and Ephesians that in him every family in heaven and earth is named and so there's more than one family, so to speak and and and that way of thinking of it in heaven. Spirits of just men made perfect. There's different things in Scripture. Friend of the bridegroom John the best is called himself.
But he says I go to prepare a place for you. And so when he came into that, into the courts of glory, that place was prepared. What kind of a place?
In the place of a son, place that he has before the father.
A place that is specially olive.
On all the families, uh.
That are, uh, named after the father, so to speak. We have a very special place, many of those, but there's a place especially prepared for us, a place that is different and, uh, far beyond what spirits have just been made perfect or even a friend of the bride or in the past.
Want to go back to a moment, a moment to to refer to a scripture and EMIYA that Brother Robert refers to, but something very sad and solemn too that the counted afterwards we see that.
These chambers were made but.
In the 7th uh verse of the last chapter we see Nehemiah returning to Jerusalem for the second time, and we have an account of what he saw or beheld. Because when I came to Jerusalem and understood of the evil that Elijah did for Tobiah, preparing him a chamber in the course of the House of God.
Well, Plevia was one of the enemies of the people of God and a chamber.
In that close proximity.
Was prepared for one of the ones that initially withstood the work of Nehemiah, and this came about as a result of the high priest who should have known better, Elijah. And it's a Psalm scripture that we have here.
As we say, that part of this was accomplished through.
Uh, an alliance of marriage. And if we look at verse 28 of that chapter, it says one of the sons of uh, Joida, the son of Eliaship, the high priest was son-in-law in San Valley the war night. Therefore I chased him from me. So here there was the unequal yoke that came in and.
Caused a real blemish there.
And Jerusalem, that which was initially set aside.
Uh, as the Chamber of the Lord, now it's occupied by the very enemies.
And we see that cause grief on the part of Nehemiah and verse eight it says and grieve me soar. Therefore I task forth all the household stuff of Tobiah out of the chamber.
Then I commanded, and they cleansed the chambers, and thither brought I again the vessels of the House of God, with the meat offering and frankincense.
And there were other things that had fallen by the wayside too.
There was supposed to have been provision for the Levites, and during this time that provision was not made, and so we see again the restoration of God's order following this.
And following Nehemiah second visit.
Sure. A little thought, I don't have that on the Bose.
Uh speaking to his disciples here in this chapter. I want to connect 3 verses in UH in Masters Gospel, the first one in chapter 3.
Matthew 3.
And concerns God in the Baptist coming preaching in the wilderness and what he says.
Verse two and saying Repent thee, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Chapter 4.
In chapter 4, verse 17.
That time Jesus began to preach and to say repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.
And kept his hands.
We have.
Was 5.
These 12 he's the set forth and commanded them saying go not into the way of the Gentiles and into any of the city initiatives Samaritans and are he not all rather to the lost shape of the House of Israel and as you go preach saying the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. He was about to lead them his people into the Kingdom of heaven.
They were to go and bottle like this into the Kingdom of heaven, and the Kingdom will be set up and He would reign over for 1000 years will begin. But we know what transpired. He was refused. He came in and drew some lighting upon that donkey, fulfilling His prophecy as to who He was, but He was refused and cast out. And therefore there was to be no setting up of the Kingdom of Heaven. They couldn't go in.
So their abode is about to change.
For these individuals, they couldn't have that same abode so now urgently brought into the Kingdom of God.
Flesh and blood cannot hinder between them of God by faith the different thing altogether. So now they're abode is going to be with him who is enjoying in the Kingdom of God, not the Kingdom of heaven that's coming yet. And we, you and I have entered in that Kingdom. We're in the Kingdom of God.
We're not going to go bodily into the Kingdom of heaven because that's flushing blood in Aristotle.
But the Kingdom of God is by faith, so they came because of their faith that knock your heart be troubled. He believed in God, believes also on me, and so now they're going to be brought to him. In other words, he's telling him you haven't lost anything.
Because the nations refuse to receive means and the Kingdom of heaven will be set up in a sense, the Kingdom of God came into them, Spirit came down and it dwelled. So that's what the Lord meant, I believe, when he said the Kingdom of God is within you. So he's within us now. So we're it's both both ways. I think that next verse the Derek, there's that I was done.
In the third verse, I will come again.
And receive you under myself that where I am there may you be. And then in, in, uh, 17th of John, we look there, we find that, uh, same thought.
17th of John.
Verse 24.
Says Father, I will that they also whom Thou has given me, be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory without giving me, and Thou lovest me before the foundation of the world.
So it's drinking of where He is and He is our object and when we get there we will behold His glory. He wants us to be there to share.
With him, all that he has won for us and we will enjoy.
Uh, all the, the sun, the Father has given to the sun to what he has accomplished, not only for our salvation, but for Israel and the glory that he will have when he appears at the end of that tribulation period with the church to rule, knowing the millennial reign, all of those things.
And so.
He was assuring, uh, his disciples here that they would, they would share that with him, that they would be with him there in glory. And that's a promise for us too as well. And that's the point he was making. I believe he was going to achieve their bones spiritually right then and the spirit of thought came down and then loved them. They were going to be with him. If you just indicated that also when they passed from the scene, they were going to be within the glory, within the vote, not on the earth and a blessed earth.
Does that ring through?
The thought I have enjoyed in connection with these things seemed to me sprinkled in many places in Scripture as that there is no personal distance that will be felt in the glory.
Umm and I and umm the uh verses that our brother Bill brought together there and then and John 14 was connecting the 23rd verse was it with the thought of opposed is that if they were walking with Commu in communion with the Lord in this world, they were going to experience that personal communion with the Lord. They will they feel his presence, his abode in that way with them.
Well, it's going to be the same in heaven, the personal, uh, communion with the Lord. You know how in, uh, in uh, uh, the world when they have these great soccer games or football games or whatever and they have 100,000 people. How close do you think that any of the people that would go to those games get to the ones who are the heroes, shall I say? And in those games, they don't get to know them at all.
And in the glory there's going to be millions. So you say, how is it that I am going to experience that closeness with the Lord among the millions of the redeemed?
Well, I think that the, the, the, the verses that we're taking up when it speaks about the abode is, is, is not only, uh, the thought of, uh, of, of closeness, but actually of, uh, of personal communion with the Lord. And there's a couple of verses that have meant a lot to me in thinking of these things. And, uh, umm, one is in, in First Corinthians where it says now we see through a glass darkly.
But then face to face, you've got to be pretty close to somebody before you see their face. That is the experience I feel, brethren, that we're going to experience in heaven among the millions of the redeemed. You're not going to feel that you are far away from the Lord when you're in heaven among all the elders. It'll be the experience of face to face. And when you look at at Revelation 5, where you have the song of redemption, it gives this little expression.
Round about the throne.
It doesn't give the feeling of distance, it gives closeness of feeling round about the throne that we'll all be seen together.
Umm, you know, you're not looked upon as one of a billion people. We're, we're so close to the Lord and being members of his body and having a personal relationship with them while we're here. And the same thing carries on after we leave this world in the glory.
Uh, as the children grow up and, uh.
And we're happy that they do and.
Trying to help meet her husband and they, uh.
And move out and start their own home. It's, uh, it's hard for mom and dad. You know, you have your children all around the table. That's tougher. And there's a seat that might be.
And there's just nobody that can really fill that seat and make up for the conversation and the banter that goes back and forth across the supper table and all the interaction that takes place. And then another one gets married and there's another seat empty. And it's, it's difficult.
Uh, but I've enjoyed the thought that in the Father's house there won't be one empty seat.
Not one of the children are going to be missing.
Her four and 20 feet for.
24 seats around that throne. My brother just described that picture. Not one's empty. Not one.
There won't be any grandchildren. It's all first generation, all children, and we're all gonna be there and we're gonna sit down at that table and we're gonna say this is our family.
And this is our pharmacy.
And this is our house, His house. It's now our house too. And we're going to look around and there won't be a sense that one single family member here, we experience it. We long over those that we know that haven't come to Christ yet. We pray for them and we're concerned that.
If they're not saved, that, uh, momentum in heaven. But you know you won't miss anyone.
And the glory, because our family is all going to be there intact.
We'll have this deep sense this is our family. This is the only family.
Breathing and no one. His father will have all his children around his table.
And Christ will be the center.
And that's like, and the full explain to us is all the Father's heart that he is already not.
I guess I thought in the 21St chapter of Revelation then and look at it for a moment in the UMM.
The eternal state plus is going to be like in the eternal state. So we see it there in cooperative retail all the 1St 3.
And I had a great voice of the heavens saying, Behold the Tabernacle of God.
Is with men and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them and be their God. And when the Lord came in to see manual with us, for this is the completion. It's Emmanuel with us forever.
And even on the earth and bursters with this new heaven and new earth says it has a little detail at the end and there is no more C.
I've been really sad with another on that one. There's AC right now.
Causes divides.
Distances between between people as well on the earth were separated by their bodies of water and.
It was permitted distance separated up until he went to the train. That said, most people in the world did not travel more than 50 miles from their home.
From the train onwards, it's he's been great, gradually and increasingly making the world smaller so that now it's, you know, the circumnavigated a plane 24 hours but.
There is no more C no more distance between them, nothing to separate whatsoever. So under your it's beautiful, isn't it, but God is going to Tabernacle with men. So I can just add to that Brother Derek, I I so enjoyed that that you bring out is the eternal state on the earth as God is dwelling with men for us in a heavenly portion we were going to we're going to dwell with him and it says here there's not going to be any more pain, no sorrow nor tears, but we're going to a place where there never was any tears. There never was anything there never was any sorrow. It's the Father's house and so.
At the heavenly scene. On the earthly scene.
Are all gonna be a wonderful, uh, scene of joy. And then just add this thought too, that sometimes we may tend to set one truth against another and that we never wanna do that. And uh, our chapter is primarily collective, isn't it? Every, every seat belt, as you say, brother Steve, But I've enjoyed this too in, umm, you know, as soon as later on in the chapter, if any man.
Uh, communion, and we take that up individually today. And then the promise to the overcomers there in Revelation 2 and three to at least three assemblies. The promise to the overcomer is to eat, eat of the tree of life, to eat of the hidden manna, and therein to see even where, if any man will open the door, I will come in and Sup with Kevin and he with me. So there are these wonderful joys to look forward to.
Not only the collective joint, but those individual joys, but how we take it up now it's wonderful to enjoy these things together, but it's it's a privilege for everyone of us to say if any man to take that out and personal communion with the father and the son in our pathway here.
Serotypes fairly up and uh.
Really encouraged by the world, her brother Steve had to say about empty seats and.
To think of that touching scene that we have in First Samuel chapter 20.
Connection with the parting of Jonathan and David.
And uh.
In verse 18, said then Jonathan. Jonathan said David.
Tomorrow is the new moon and now shall be mixed.
Because by C we'll be active.
Uh, we were.
Just talking earlier in our other days prayer.
And in our brother Sean's prayer.
Uh, there are pardons in the scene.
There are part inches ourselves.
Saint Gerard Corner Brook will certainly miss sorely our sister Betty.
But we know that there is that time when we were off the United together.
But we, we, we do have these natural feelings, don't we?
What? What The Lord can come in and encourage us even through this?
Let me see one 27127.
I'm bringing anything up.
But you're the 1St.
You've done my.
And we're going to make it. I'm not going to play anything in my journey.
I don't know, but I don't blow.
It down.
Hold your sunscreen.
By far.
No blood in his hair.
No, no, no, I'm thinking no longer.
There's no.