Joshua & Caleb Pt. 2

Address—N. Berry
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Bring it before us to the church as the first part, the first verse, and then Israel is, the heading says.
The last Near East glory.
Blessing when I saw naturally.
Your hands.
Press was everything.
For the earth when it shall rain.
The long wilderness journey is over.
They have been now in this land and we're going to pick it up, and Joshua had been in the land now for five years.
Helps to explain why some of the numbers are.
So we go on now into.
Joshua, book of Joshua.
Chapter 14.
I was just thinking before I stood up. There are three names that we're going to remember.
Remember Hebron?
Going to come back.
You're going to remember Caleb, his part in it.
Remember about you. Remember the Giants? The same giants 45 years before they're mentioned again?
And pass away some other things. So now we go to the 14th chapter and we will hear.
In verse 6.
Then the children.
Judah came unto Joshua in Gilgal.
And kale of the son of jeopardy the king, as I said unto him.
It says to Moses.
Thou knows the thing.
No, this is to Josh. I'm sorry, but I don't know what's the thing that the Lord said unto Moses, the man of God concerning me and the kiddish party. I'd just like to stop for a minute.
Dimension of a vital spot Gilgal right here.
That was where the shame of having been in the land of Egypt.
For those years are gone and the shame.
We are not fit really for this earth.
It's really, it doesn't suit us. It dirty us and we pick up the soil of the earth. That's like the Egypt was. They were they were slaves there and.
So when they arrived at Gilda having crossed the Jordan.
Circumcision was reinstated. They didn't keep the.
Order of circumcision in the wilderness. They were careless about that, but when they got into the land, it was reinstated. In other words, that was death to the flesh for you and for me. It's hard for us, the younger ones, to understand this, but.
I think maybe I mentioned it and I'll just go over it again. They came through the Red Sea, all of them. Everybody, the whole 604,000 men. And then.
As we learn, they disobey. They wouldn't go into the land in unbelief. They turned back. They wandered here for 38 years. Just like that man in the 5th chapter, Jones gospel. He was stupid at the pool there 38 years. Oh, that's Israeli, so you can't walk. So there they were. They were wandering aimlessly around till the last one was dead. And then they start up. But as I mentioned, oh, I guess I did mention that. But they could have gone right in here. It was handy, but now.
All. There were many, many ones that had never gone through the waters of death. So they're taken up on this longer route, and they in turn cross the Jordan, which is a picture of our death with Chrysler, the Red Sea. Christ's death for me, Jordan, my death with Christ. Now everyone of us here who knows the Lord is our Savior.
But that I mean in God's sight we died with Christ.
On the ground, Galatians 220 tells us that I am crucified with Christ. Nevertheless I live, yet not I, But Christ liveth in me a life that shall now live in the flesh. I live by the faith of the Son of God, love me, and give himself for me. That's the position of every one of us. I want to emphasize this. I believe that spiritually, Spiritually.
Unless I really.
Live this unless I realize I died with praise really positionally, or at least experimentally. That's the word I want.
Haven't crossed the jar. I'm still living with her and your life and mine shows where we are.
In that way, do I make that point positionally? Everyone of us is in our heavenly position in Christ. That is what the picture of being in the land is. Romans 8 tells us that we have been justified and we have even been glorified. That's how God sees us now, every one of us.
Ambiguity and Ephesians 2 tells us that we are seated in heavenly places. But you'll notice that it doesn't say with Christ. It says in Christ, in Christ. Now that is how God sees us. But experimentally or we might say in responsibility, Now every one of us in this room is to be living that that our position has given us, has put us in.
If I don't, it's not because I can't help it. It's because I don't want it. I want, I prefer to stick in that, stay in the wilderness and have all the world and the world that can give me nothing. To go back into the wilderness is to be destitute of food.
With no manner falling down anymore, a man has stopped when that happened. When they came to Guild off, no more manner. But they had a new food which was called the old corn of the land and never had that food before. All was the manna had fallen from heaven. The manna is.
That provision that God makes for you and for me as we pass through this life. But in the wilderness there were no battles. There's only one battle could mention that, that Amalek, right at the beginning of their journey when they just crossed the Red Sea. Apart from that, there were no battles told I've spoken of as soon as they got to Gilgal, soon as they had been circumcised, As soon as.
Manner stopped there, I should say. They had the Passover first, and then the man of stopped, and then they had the corn of the land. Now I'd like to explain that the corn of the land is.
God's portion now He is not the provision, And then is the provision. The corner of the land is the food for my soul, for your soul today.
It's heavenly. It's the corn of the land and it's the old corn because.
It is Christ, the glorified man. Why is it the old horn? Because the Lord came from heaven. He was there before he became a man. He lived here as a man. Death raised, went back to heaven, and now he's the food for our souls. The old corn he came from, as it were. That position, where he had been before that beloved ones, is hard to take. I know it's hard to understand.
That is what God wants you and me to be feeding on day by day, just like the prodigal son brought into the house. And he sits down at the same table and he eats the same food as his father eats. No difference, you and I. I hope I'm not saying things too fast. You and I have the full mouth.
To enjoy the same.
Thing. Same person that God himself enjoys and that is Christ.
And the tendency always is to think of what the Lord Jesus is to me. And that is the result, I believe, of listening to poor and radio talk and.
Articles that are written by those who don't walk in this truth which has been bought for at such a price, and oh beloved ones that we can only realize that we're missing out in our souls, that we are not feeding on Christ glory.
That is what the old corn of the land speaks to us all. Now then, as I often say, suppose I am.
Enjoying this and all of a sudden something happens in my life, lose my job, health breaks down, death of somebody in the family or troubles with my work and I can't make a living and so on. And I say, how could I ever bring those earthly thoughts?
Before an exalted and glorified thrust, well speaking reverently, I trust the Lord who is also Jesus, and he's the exalted Christ. He, as it were, comes and he says, I'm going to take you by the hand and I'm going to go into the wilderness again and the man is going to fall. And I am Jesus who has walked on this earth and knows every problem that you have at present on the surface. And I'm going to.
Feed you with the manna, which is going to give you the strength to survive and not to stay in the wilderness, but to get back into the land again.
I like that point.
That's what the manna is for. It's not the trials of his life. They're not the bachelors.
Trials of life have to do the certain with the circumstances of our life are spiritual. They are to be living in devotion to Christ and separation from everything to be enjoyed, everything that would hinder, I should say, not to be way up into a monastery and separated. Separation is in isolation, but it is to be feeding positively on price, and that is the portion that each one of us has now.
And if you and I do this, oh, how we are lifted up, how our prayers, how our Lords Day morning meetings are richer. And we're not thinking when we come in Lords Day morning thanking Jesus for dying for me on the cross, That isn't worship. That's the sin offering. That's how I got there. I don't come into the Lord's presence as a Sinner. I come in as a member of the body of Christ. I come in to remember him.
His death, and as it were, to lift him up to God. That is the land of God, not me, the center at all, right?
That is what happened at Gilgal. And then as Joshua was standing there and he heard these things, he looked up and there he saw the man with the drawn sword in his hands. The battles are going to start now and they are going to be in those battles as they were going to see they had the food you see before they started the battles and the food is priced. That is our strength for the spiritual battles.
You and I take a stand for the Lord Jesus Christ. I'm not now talking about preaching the gospel.
Speaking of the Honoring the Lord Jesus Christ as we are gathered by the Holy Spirit into His Holy Presence, that is the testimony that we have been given to bear in this earth. And you and I know that that is a hard battle.
We certainly are ashamed often of this, are we not? And yet this is the greatest privileges on the 5th privilege on the face of the earth. So now here they are, and they have dropped him to Gilgal. The first thing that Caleb says is the word of God. It came from God, it went to Moses, and from Moses it went to Joshua.
Joshua, it's a beautiful chain again.
Now middle of 6 thou knowest the thing that the Lord said unto Moses, the man of God concerning me and thee That was Caleb and Joshua. And kadish Barnea goes right back to the earliest promises.
You and I need to constantly go back to those original promises. When Abraham got out of communion with the Lord, he kept going when he was in that land, and he got to the town himself down on YouTube. But it tells us there in the 13th draw, the 13th chapters of Genesis, when he went back to the place where he was at the beginning. That's what you and I, beloved ones, need to get back to.
Not to be making changes, but to be getting back to the fundamental truth. And so he goes right back to the promises that God made to Moses. Moses made to them. Now then, 40 verse, 740 years old, was I, when Moses, the servant of the Lord, sent me from Kadishburnia to a spy out the land. And I brought him word again.
As it was in my heart. It's beautiful every stop. He's harkening back now to 45 years before, when he was one of those men that searched the land, which is the proper word, rather than spying. It was searcher. He was a searcher. And so he says there it was in my heart. I think that's nice. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speak if I'm ashamed to talk to an unsafe person. But the Lord is, because I'm not enjoying the Lord.
I'm not going to be shy. If I'm enjoying the Lord, it's going to come out very easily. I'm going to speak with a personal acquaintance about the Lord, his grandma. Similarly with with believers. What do we talk about when we are around the table? What? What? Sergeant General conversation. When we socially meet, you always say Christ. Or are we wasting our time talking about all the things of this life? What is in my heart? What is in your heart?
He remembers 45 years ago.
Out of his heart came the words, and out of yours too will be so versatile nevertheless.
Go back to that word, nevertheless that we had before. He's quoting. What the parallels? Nevertheless, my brother. Who are those brethren? Oh, they're those ten men.
All died of a plague. He doesn't say anything about them. Disparagingly, he calls them my.
That is what you and I are going to call each other. If we are in communion with the Lord, not going to be despising one another or critical of each other, that we are going to be calling my brother. That went up with me, made the heart of the people melt, but I only followed the Lord.
My God. Now we remember that we said that that was the word that was spoken 45 years before. In other words, Caleb hadn't proved where he stood for how much he was following the Lord when it was spoken originally. So 45 years before the Lord says He who would have followed me here 45 years later, Caleb is saying I holy followed the Lord something like the Apostle Paul.
Paul who could say, be he followers of me as I am of God.
Sounded like pride, but the man was so close to the Lord in his daily life that he could speak in that way his his object was was the Lord. Now he goes back to the words again, verse 9. And Moses swear in that day saying, Surely the land were on thy feet, have trouble shall be in thine inheritance, and thy children's forever, because thou hast only followed the Lord.
My God, here's the third of d'artagnan. Here's the third person that is speaking Moses, Moses.
And what does it also say? He goes right back to the original wording and he says.
The promise was that was made to you, that where you put your feet on thy feet have trodden shall be enough thine inheritance. What does that mean? Now to the process Christians. Well, I often quote Joshua one and verse 3 which says this, but I'm going to misquote to emphasize what is the truth. I believe the verse doesn't exactly say this. Every place that the soul of your foot shall try to find that will I give you.
Doesn't say that. If it did, you see there would be some credit to us.
But what it does say is that every place of the soul of your foot shall tread upon that have I given you.
But it is up to you and to me now to walk the truth that has been given to you and me to walk. I don't get it by walking in it, but I enjoy it, and it becomes mine when I do. And I appropriated to myself, and I possess it.
But I must happen like we were thinking at the supper table tonight. There are two sides. God's sovereignty. He does everything. My responsibility, total responsibility. And there they are running through the Scriptures in parallel.
God doing everything, my full responsibility. If I say no to God, I go to hell. But when I say yes, and I accept the Lord as my savior, only after that do I discover He gave me the power to do that. Now that is the same thing in every moment of our life. The Lord Jesus gives us the power, as we're going to see in a few minutes. Now it was power from on high that enabled Caleb to walk, and it's the same power that are the ones that gives you and me that power.
We don't need to ask God for power. He's given us all things that pertain unto life of God. In this good to God we will walk in. And so there he is reminding.
And human of the past.
Now we go down.
To the 10th And now behold the Lord. How does that work? Now behold, the Lord hath kept me alive, as he said. Is that nice? As he said, What's he saying to you? Kept by the power of God? I can just say that the Lord said May good in my soul through faith. So here he says that the Lord kept him alive. He wasn't there going to those.
38 years with difficulties and.
To keep himself healthy, no. The Lord kept them alive. 604,000 men and all their wives and the children. Over 20 people over 20. Every one of them died but two men.
What keeps you and me alive? The Lord Satan would kill everyone.
You younger ones, you better remember this. The Lord keeps us alive. We belong to the Lord. The Satan would kill us if he had the power of it. The Lord keeps us.
So he acknowledges this, and it's a good thing for us to realize that we are kept alive by the Lord. And so he says.
As he said in the middle of 10 these 40 years, 40 and five years, so they were in the land now 45 years, so it was 45 years ago. Even since we've noticed the number of times it comes back to the Lord's word, since the Lord spake this word unto Moses.
While the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness. And now, though I am this day 85 years old, 85.
None of us here, which got that far, but here, he says. I'm 85.
Now I'm going to pause here for a minute while they were in the wilderness. He was there for those 38 years, wandering around. What did he see? Did he have some of his?
Like minded brethren all those people that he was with he belonged to the tribe of Judah and he was out in the floor tribe that led the way Let me see going on all around me they see people saying keep her eye on the cloud boys. That's the Lord he's going to keep us now but if the men are falling down wonderful thank God and the stream here following along that maybe told you before I figured it that it would require.
Two trains mile long each of tank cars to supply them with water for one day in the wilderness and if there were 3 million people it would be maybe a pound of fluids per day. 13 at least £3,000,000 of food fell around the camp every day. They were totally dependent on the lower total. Couldn't keep themselves warm, men.
What did he find? What did he see around him? Keep your place here and go over to Acts Chapter 7 and see what he finds but he was surrounded with.
Then God turned and gave them up to worship the hosts of heaven, as it is written in the book of the Prophets. For ye House of Israel have the offer to me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of 40 years in the wilderness. Yay, he took up the Tabernacle of more that was a heathen God, and the star of your God, Renfan.
Figures types which he made to worship them. That's what was going on. Worshipping the stars in heaven and God was carrying him through the wilderness all those 40 years and here they are worshipping God for the stars.
Possible no more.
Impossible for the grace of God that keeps this world going on today when you hear the blasphemy and the cursing and the filth that's going on, and even we who are the doors now we have to hang our heads and chain. Are we very shining lights for the Lord in this Dark World?
Sad to say no.
The Lord sustained those two men, Joshua and Kim. He saw it all. You and I are seeing all the corruption of the world. You and I are seeing Christians getting cold in their souls. Sad to see assemblies going down in numbers, getting cold, going back into the world. We're exposed to that. And this is the test for you who have come out here tonight. This is the Lord's.
Comfort. Word of comfort to each one of us here to keep on.
This is the Lord's and comfort word of comfort to each one of us here to keep on to go, go.
Almost at the end, it was the Lord's sustained Caleb against the Lord will sustain you and me. It's not. I should have said it. We're going to enjoy it. We're going to enjoy it if we realize we can't keep ourselves a minute. So here he is, he says 85 years.
Of age He forgets. He doesn't tell us about these things. God who reserves that for this and man speak.
1300 years later Stephen brings this out. We never heard of it. The scripture before God recorded and told it to Stephen, but here is.
Just talking with my brother, he's not finding fault with him, but he's saying the Lord kept so there it is. Now then he says, I'm 45 years of age now Notice this even since the Lord speak this word under Moses while the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness. And now, though I am this day 85 years of age as yet, I am as strong.
This day.
As I was in the day that Moses sent me, as my strength was then Even so is my strength now, for war ought to go out and to come in. I think that's one of the most amazing verses, he says. I'm 85 years of age and I'm able to go outdoor and we could go and get killed there. But he says if I'm going to come back and come back.
I was the old armies to say it's one thing to talk and to put your.
Your uniform on, there's another thing to come back out of the battle and you still got and you're still walking around living. But here he is saying this, I'm a strong this day as I was when I was 40 years of age.
Five years they gave them to go to that one. We're going to see that he didn't think. It wasn't just fanciful top, it wasn't exaggerating and showing off, boasting. He really meant now that we're starting now there's another thing now he's claiming, he's claiming.
What God promises you and I, He wants us to claim the blessings.
Flank their promises where by our given drug unto us, exceeding great and precious promises. First chapter of Second Peter.
Seeding greater than precious promise. Are we enjoying them? That's the question.
So he says. And now, now, therefore, give me this mountain wasn't asking for a little plot of land 50 by 50, he says. Give me the amount.
We're all here. We go back again the 7th time we're off The Lord spake in that day for thou heard us in that day how the Anakin here they are the the.
Giants were there, and that the cities were great and fenced rather than He doesn't forget those. If so be the Lord will be with, not with us, as it was in numbers 13 with me. This is very personalizing.
It's nice when we are in the meeting to encourage each other. But when you go to school, your younger ones here, oh the Lord, you can say the Lord is with me. And let us. Father. Mother. Yes, that would be me. You say that the Lord will reward you. Him that honors me, I will honor. Trust me. Test.
We'll see.
An area speaking with confidence.
But he still has got some fights yet, as we'll see in the.
Then I shall be able to drive them out, as the Lord said in saying, I'm not going to be able to do it because I'm 85 or I'm strong, but if the Lord then I shall be here now then 30 And Joshua, bless the money. That's so beautiful.
Say, are you taking a chance Now you're 85 year old. You better not tackle some of those giants. Are you going to manage? Lord, please go ahead. Nice to encourage each other to keep on.
Gave unto Caleb, the son of Japani Hebron, for an inheritance. So let's pause there. Here we are back to here.
Hebron, as I mentioned, memes tell me the sweetest thing for you and for me as believers now to realize that going on with the breath is so important. I'm saying tonight I can't go on with the Lord and out of communion with my brethren. If I'm allowing roots of bitterness or the socks of the malice that he's having bad thoughts about the growth, I'm never going to be enjoying the Lord myself.
Unless I confess those things and forsake them.
Proverbs 2813 says he that covereth his sins shall not prosper, but whoso confesseth and forsake of them shall have mercy he is.
With confidence. Now if you and I go on with a good, good conscience, that lots of courage not afraid even they could laugh at us. Don't even notice it.
So here he is. Now he's facing some difficulties, but Joshua blessed him and gave him Hebrew 133rd Psalm. First verse says how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. But the last verse, the third verse, says, For there the Lord come down the blessing in life forever.
Where the president went on together.
Stood up at each other, dwell together and muted, not union, union. So here is the same Hebrew.
You want to? I think I intimated it before. Iran has many.
References The first one was when Abraham came into the land. It was the place of the altar. And when Abraham Abraham came there, he was the first one of the Lord's people to enter into that land. Hebron was where he built the ark of him. Then in Genesis 23, I think it is there was where?
Sarah was there, a place of the altar, a place of death?
Here, now, it's going to be the place of victory.
To go on into the I'll have to give you the reference. I can't remember. It was the place where the priests.
And were established. Hebron was one of the cities of refuge in the land and the priests were there. And then finally it was the place of royalty because King David was crowned first in Hebron. Beautiful spot. When we came over those planes to see Iran, we could see how just how it is being prepared for the day when that is going to be.
The crown of the land of Israel.
Hebron Communion and he has been promised that he's going to have.
Verse 14. Hebron therefore became the inheritance of Caleb, the son of Jeopardy. The Kenazite unto this day didn't lose the enjoyment of that inheritance. As I mentioned the other day, we are made ready for the inheritance, and the inheritance is made ready for us. We're just waiting. It's waiting. We're waiting.
So here was Caleb now, and he has this promise that we're going to see in a minute to get to fight because he only followed the Lord God of Israel.
Now then, 15 just intimates the problem. And the name of Hebron before was Kerja Arba, which Arba was a great man among the Anakins and the land at rest from war. The Anakins were the giants. The very place of the greatest blessing, beloved ones, is the place where you and I are going to be tested the most here with the you and I are going to enjoy walking with praise.
The Giants.
You want to be tested like nowhere else.
If we just did, there are content to go on in a church or in something of that kind of nature, like one of the brothers who left the Lord's table and, he said to one of the other fellows in Montreal one time, he said, Come with me, come with me where I go there, he said. They never bother your conscience at all, 10.
And that's true. The conscience would never be loved. All here were was the place where the Anakins were. Now let's go over to.
The farther on that check verse 13.
And unto Caleb the son of Japan, And he gave a part among the children of Judith, according to the commandment of the Lord, to Joshua, even the city of Arbor, the Father, in which city is Hebron. Again it was the commandment of the Lord. And now he has this place.
But notice what it says.
It was in the tribe of Judah. Just want to explain a little bit here. Judith had this lower part.
Of of the land. Benjamin was next where Jerusalem was. Jerusalem was right in there. And Hebrew. This part was all Jude. But you notice what it says. It says there that this one man that all the tribes see when they got into the land.
There were a few tribes that were given specific places like as I mentioned Judith was put down the South bench of the next and there were one or so others. But the rest of them were all given by law, just put their name, their names in a box and out became the name and they were given them in the next place. So it was by luck all the tribes 11 of them, none for the tribe of of Levi.
They were the priests.
But what does this say now? It says that one man, one man. The only man that I know of in the scriptures that gets a special inheritance himself is that one. When I realized that when I was meditating on this few years ago, I just threw in my soul. Don't forget, beloved ones, that if you and I are faithful to the Lord in our little life down here.
He is going to miss nothing.
I know thy works five times and says it in Revelation 2 and three the seven churches seven times in the King James. But I noticed they were missing in the dark. Translation, I know thy works. Whatever you do or whatever I do for the Lord, it's not going to miss. It's real. This man Caleb put up with 38 years. But what did he have before?
As I just put it this way.
As he walked through that wilderness for 38 years, what was he saying to himself?
He he he had confidence that the Lord was going to give him that place, and he that was what motivated him. The other ones. If you and I are occupied with glory in the heaven, this life is going to be so light. That tells us in.
Hasn't been. I think it has this deer run as the days of heaven upon her.
As the days of have a lot of experienced that in my life, do I want to experience that? It's hours, it's hours, it's just processing.
As it says there at the end of that chapter, the land had rest. How was that? It said. And the land had rest from war. I don't take time, but it just says later on that.
Can't find it, but it does say that when Joshua was old and the Lord said.
To him thou art old, and they're going to die now. And he said, there remaineth much land to be possessed. Here it says that the land rested from war. They took the whole of that land, And then farther on it says, the Lord says there's very much land to possess. Sounds like a contradiction.
Just like to pass on this stuff that I've had on that you and I have all this wonderful truth we have the blessed Lord Jesus to fill and dissatisfied totally our life, every desire of our redeemed hearts we have fulfilled, We have. Don't need to ask for it. We have. But I'm only going to be enjoying it. I'm only going to be.
Possessing it, possessing it as I walk.
You and I have that full equipment and walk in it to put our feet on it. When we put our feet on it so we have The 818 says Take heed how you hear to him that hath shall more be given. You only have the truth that you walk in. I only have the truth. I walk in. But if I walk in it I'm going to learn more. It's just.
Simple as that. But to him that hath not from him shall be taken Even that which he seemeth to have. And this is, I believe, beloved ones, is what is weakening us, and not walking in the truth that we have. We're not possessing it. They had that land, and he said, go and possess it. We read in the early chapters of Deuteronomy. You will see that one by one the tribes didn't drive at the end.
To stay. And they became thorns in their odds. That's what happened to you and to me. If we drift back into the world and allow the world to come into our lives and our homes that other ones, there's no compromise in this battle. It's real. And so here, now, let's go on under the story.
Verse 14 and Caleb drove fence. Notice this the three sons of pain.
And here are the same names that we read, played back in the book of numbers 45 years before St. John's. They're still there.
Shishan, Shishan and a hymen and Talamine, the children of Jamie, they were still there. Those enemies are still with us, and we know that as long as we're here on this earth, we're going to be plagued by those enemies. But the Lord allows nothing. Nothing. Satan has no power against me. Unless.
I need Satan is God's instrument that he allows me to be attacked by. If I don't walk in sufficient and obedience, he tells me you go there. If I don't go there, I go off here wandering away. The Lord allows Satan to attack me and to show me that path is not doing with you what you thought of do when I say Lord.
I'm wrong?
Then we get over to the place where I should have gone directly, without any pain if I were obedient. This is how important it is for us to walk in obedience to know the truth. And so it says they're 15 and he went up fenced to the inhabitants of Deeper. There's the 85 year old and the name of Deaver before was Kerja at Seaforth, and Caleb said he that smite of courage has Seaford and taketh it to him. Will I give?
AXA, my daughter to wife.
There was a beautiful promise. I like to speak with this just for a few minutes.
His daughter, I believe, had the same spirit as he had. And it's nice, you know, I see we travel in many countries and many homes. Nice to see sons and daughters, sons following in the steps that they're calling.
When I see that, I know the Father is being taken.
And when I see the daughters saying to themselves my mother's faith, I want to call the world says, oh, don't bother listening to your father and your mother, the children, you see their father and mother living for Christ. They say, I know who has happiness. Are we bringing our children up that way? So here is Caleb. He has a daughter and her name is AXA and I believe as we'll see in a minute.
That she had the same spirit of faith that her father had, and he says the man, the one who takes this other city. I'm going to give him my daughter a surprise.
And a man in the emergency name is Fox Mail. He was the first of the 13 judges that were raised up of God to save Israel. In the dark day when the priests had failed, God turned to prophets, and when the prophets failed, he had to use the judges.
The first man he picked up his Osmo confirming.
God doesn't miss anything.
You're faithful. We are faithful to Christ. You can taste what it really means to have that peace and that confidence of going on. And so it says.
Verse 17 and Osmail.
The son of Kenas, the brother of Caleb, took it.
Gave him access his daughter like, got the brides. Now what happens, beautiful? 18 You came to pass, as she came unto him to her death, that she moved him, or at least her husband, to ask of her father a field. She prodded her. That's good.
Not many young wives here, but I always urge young sisters.
You are going on with the Lord. Don't get out of your proper order and don't try to take over your responsibilities in the home that is your husbands. But if you are walking with the Lord and pray for yourself and you are walking in the Lord, your husband asks you some godly advice, you are going to be in that state of soul. That wife is going to be in a state of soul to give Godly advice.
To her husband. And here was this girl giving good advice.
To her husband asked my father for that feeling.
And she lighted off her *** and Caleb said unto her, What wouldst thou where you are? And who answered him? Give me a blessing, for thou hast given me a self land, Give me also springs of water.
Spring and survival. That's like the word of God. Give me the word of God, the mountain.
Springs of water, and he gave her what he gave her more than she asked.
And he gave her the upper springs and the never springs.
I don't know exactly what that means, but I think it's nice to think of the two sources of blessing that the scriptures bring before US1. Is the heavens pouring down their ring from heaven blessing and the springs that come up 84th song brings up before the springs will fill the pools she asked for. Don't limit your asking blame.
He wants you and me to be walking in these things. 4 beloved ones. May the Lord just attract our heart more. Now we're almost at the end of our long journey. For some of us it may be very brief before we pass on. And those who are younger, younger, you're going to be in the place of responsibility.
Don't share those responsibilities in the assembly. That is the greatest privilege on the earth.
To be gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Privileged people have a taste of heaven before we get there. Don't let anything of the world get interfering with us. And if our often say this, if my business keeps me from the meeting, I've got too much business. It's just as simple as that. Put the Lord first.
Caleb put the Lord first, in spite of all, in spite of everything, and he kept on. He was the pursuer for those 38 years he gained that inheritance. I don't want to take any more time, but I have hanging there on the other sheet, a comparison between Caleb and Timothy, both younger men, to start starting off. And I'll I'll open it up and if some of you want to.
Write those Scriptures down that I have enjoyed meditating on to see the comparison between the Old Testament Caleb and the New Testament Timothy. May there be in the in the heart of every one of us. Fill out at once to walk in the steps of Caleb, and to hear the Lord say to you and to me when we get to the glory.
Totally followed me. May that be the desire of our hearts. That's not my birth.