Matthew 14

Matthew 14
Address—C. Buchanan
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#193 is the selection to begin with tonight #193.
Reads this way.
My Savior.
Thou art mine.
The Father's gift of love, divine.
All thou hast done.
And all thou art are now.
Today, the portion of my heart some brothers start for us #193 please.
Kiss us, my Savior.
And mine one upon every scale, for all of our lives in my life.
All thou has been animal.
I love, love.
All day long.
All my dreams.
Believe me.
Open the same passage.
We had nearly concluded.
This 13th chapter.
In the outline.
Of the seven parables.
In this chapter we went on to point out.
Besides the first parable, which is.
Complete in itself that there is a link of six parables which are likenesses of the Kingdom of Heaven, sometimes called similitudes of the Kingdom of Heaven.
And that there are.
Or more.
Which are scattered a little farther on the book.
And while it would be nice to directly go.
In those last four.
I don't feel we can Passover.
Too much what intervenes.
Because there is a break between them.
Not only in the chapters.
But the Lord had something more to tell his disciples.
On this occasion.
The parables which are 7 in this chapter.
And we did say I believe that.
In chapter 12 of Matthew, the king, who had come down.
And demonstrated that he was God manifesting the flesh, the line of David by the power.
To heal and to undo the works of the devil. The effects of sin. That he was publicly rejected by the nation in chapter 12.
When they, the leaders know it, accused him of doing his works in the power of bills above the Prince of devils.
We can almost say that that is the cardinal sin of the nation.
For which there was number forgiveness.
People ask about the unpardonable sin.
And they're puzzled about it.
If you're searching out in Mark Three, it's the same occasion as Matthew 12, what they did the nation.
Attribute the works of Jesus to the Prince of Devils.
When Jesus was doing it in the power of the Holy Spirit, that is that people in that land in that day had a perfect witness of the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ, and they said, no, you're doing it in the power of the devils.
The Friendship Devils.
For that, the nation was unforgiving. Jesus turned away from them at that day. Oh, there's always forgiveness of sins personally, but the nation wants to be put down.
And they have been put down for nearly 2000 years.
But upon that failure.
Of the nation which?
In tight have been spoken now.
As the victory nationally.
Or the.
Vine to produce fruit or the olive tree.
To partake of the richness.
And fatness of the blessing of God.
And they're set aside, and the fig tree is cut down, and Jesus begins.
By going out to the seaside, leaving the house.
And sewing just like a farmer does.
That's the first pyramid. He begins a new work on the Earth.
And brings into the Kingdom of heaven.
In the last six parables, after he had gone up to heaven, the Kingdom of Heaven begins.
And the same message was preached.
And the gospel of the grace of God has been preached to since the king has gone into heaven.
Drawing in children into the Kingdom.
But that's not the only thing that Jesus had to announce.
He has two more things quite definitely to announce.
And he takes care of that before he gives them the last four.
Similarities of the Kingdom of Heaven.
The next the last two things that he announces. First, the Kingdom of heaven.
The last two is the church in chapter 16, the first time in the Bible you get the church mentioned.
Is I will build my church yet future, but that's a pronouncement that's very, very significant and it applies to this age as well as the relationship as children of the Kingdom were brought in by faith into the church, baptized into one body.
Which Jesus is the head?
The one body, the Church here formed on earth.
Typified to, as we noticed last night, in the two parables which are the product of the good seed, the treasure and the Pearl.
Simplifying the Church as set here for Christ's glory and delight and joy.
And then we came to the separation.
Well, the church was the second thing that Jesus had to announce. Repeat first the Kingdom of heaven, secondly, the church. And then in chapter 17, I'm only stating these things.
To get what intervenes outline but so we're not going to the last four.
Parables of the similitude tonight. I don't think we can get that far. But the third thing.
Is that Jesus takes Peter, James and John up on the mountain and displays his glory. Really, it's the Kingdom in Lord.
The other things that lead up to that, it's the millennial age.
Peter writes about it in his second epistle.
And he said we were eyewitnesses of His Majesty. Wonderful thing for Jesus to do for those 3 disciples, for them by the Spirit to pass on to us these coming glories. We know about them. Much of the scripture leads us right up to those coming glories of the millennial Kingdom and not much farther because we can't understand.
Paul caught up there likewise.
In the 3rd, heaven says it's unspeakable. In other words, brethren, we can't get it yet.
But Jesus tells about it to set a goal before us.
To know where we're going, who we're going to be with, and the wonders of that scene. But we're still here on the earth. We are in the Kingdom of heaven by grace. We are saved through faith and.
Linked by the Holy Spirit into the one body, the Church.
And we're waiting for the Kingdom in glory.
But now.
There are other things that Jesus has to put before the disciples, and I believe they're practical for us.
So I think we should read chapter 14.
I'll read the whole chapter first and then I'll go back and speak about it.
At that time, hair the tea chart heard of the fame of Jesus.
And said unto his servants, This is John the Baptist, He is risen from the dead.
Therefore Mighty works to show forth themselves in Him.
For Herod had laid hold on John, and found him, and put him in prison for Corrode's sake, his brother Phillips White. For John said unto him, It is not lawful for thee to have her, when he would have put him to death. He feared the multitude, because they counted him as a prophet.
But when here it's birthday was kept.
The daughter of Herodias danced before them and pleased Herod, whereupon he promised within those to give her whatsoever she would ask, and she being before instructed of, her mother, said.
Give me here John Baptist's head in a chart.
And the king was sorry nevertheless.
For the oath's sake, and then, which sat with him at me, he commanded it to be given her.
And he sat and beheaded John in the prison.
And his head was brought in a charger and given to the damsel, and she brought it to her mother.
And his disciples came.
Took up the body and buried it.
And went and told Jesus.
When Jesus heard of it, he departed this by ship into a desert place apart. When the people had heard me thereof, they followed him on foot out of the cities. And Jesus went forth and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick. When it was evening, his disciples came to him, saying, This is a desert place.
And the time is now past. Send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages and buy themselves little. But Jesus sat unto them, they need not depart. Give heed them to eat. And they say unto him, We have here but my Lords, and two fishes.
And he said bring them, hit her to me.
And he commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves and the two fishes. And looking up to heaven, he blessed and prayed and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. And they did all the and were filled, and they took up of the fragments that remained 12 baskets full. And they that he'd eaten were about 5000 men beside women and children.
And straightway, Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship.
And to go before him under the other side.
While he sent them over to.
And when he had set the multitudes away.
He went up into a mountain apart to pray, and when the evening was come he was there alone.
But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves, for the wind was concrete.
And in the 4th watch of the night, Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.
And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit. And they cried out for fear. But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer, It is I be not afraid.
Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said.
When Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.
But when he saw the wind more generous, he was afraid, and beginning to sake. He cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou little faith, wherefore it is thou thou? And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased. Then they that were in the ship came and worshiped him, and saved.
Now the truth thou art the Son of God.
When they were going over, they came into the land of Genesis.
And when the men of that place had knowledge of him, they sent out into all that country roundabout, and brought unto him all that were diseased, and besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garden, and as many as tests were made perfectly cold.
We see here that.
Jesus goes on with his ministry.
It was not yet.
He had a little more to do.
And in the events and experiences.
I believe the Spirit of God has put together the things which are lessons for us.
To show to us.
What is going to take place?
In the Kingdom of heaven.
Now that there's going to be opposition.
But that the Lord is always going to take care of this woman.
You and I, as saved by grace through faith, are not only in the Church of God, we are in the Kingdom of heaven, and as have we, as we've had these last two days.
Particularly yesterday, in that parable of the tares of the field, we find that there are two seeds shown down here.
One is good, so by the son of man, the other is bad, sold by the devil.
And that they are to be let grow together until the time of harvest and the harvest hasn't taken place. The good seed is here, the bad seed is here, the product of the good seed is here, the product of the bad seed is here. And we can't do anything about it to change that situation. It's left and we have to learn things by experience.
Going back to the closing verses of chapter 13 that we didn't speak about.
In verse 53.
It came to pass when Jesus had finished these parables, He departed thence when he was coming to his own country. So he came back to his own place. You and I are generally in our own country. We're generally in our own place. You rather than here in Iowa and we down in Illinois.
And that is the place we begin.
Our witness and our place of experience.
It's not all going to be.
Sweet and lovely and turn out like we would like to have a turning.
But we're going to learn many things.
That are lovely and helpful if we go on as Christian.
First step.
54 When he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogues in so much that they were astonished, and said, What's half this man, this wisdom, and these mighty works? Of course he had all wisdom, and he could perform all mirrors.
That you and I, as children of the Kingdom, come into the place of understanding.
It's the babes. We have noticed that yet the understanding.
Not the leaders of the people who have turned down the Lord Jesus and he spoke in parables and they could not understand.
But we can understand by the author of the book the Holy Spirit that's given to us and know many things and have wisdom concerning the word of God.
The Lord did say to his disciples about miracles greater than works than each shall he do because I go to my Father.
Now that was true, with the disciples performing literal miracles.
But I think the forces upon the power of the Spirit of God down here to save souls by the gospel.
And we can announce the gospel and be a witness for Christ as a miracle when one soul gets saved.
There's nothing point like.
And it astonishes people.
And they don't exactly like it.
So what happens verse 55? They looked at Jesus and said, is not this the carpenter's son?
Is not his mother called Mary?
And his brethren, James and Joseph, and Simon and Judas and his sisters, are they not all with us? Now think of saying that about the Son of God.
In our 33rd verse of the next chapter that we read, Thou art the Son of God.
He was and always is that. But they just said, oh, he's, he's a, he's a little Carpenter. His brothers and sisters are here. We know his parents. That's all it is. They let it go.
What does Jesus do? Well, they say, whence hath this man all these things? They were puzzled. They couldn't understand.
And I suspect that in the neighborhood of sewing.
And tell them their people in the world that wonder how these brethren meet over here know so much about the future.
And that they behave so well and have a great understanding of the scriptures.
But they can't understand about that. They're puzzled, honestly. Oh, they're just a bunch of farmers. I've been sitting here said that. Me too and that sort of thing. But brethren, look what they said to Jesus.
We can well afford to leave and pray for them and seek to give them understanding and you've got to get it by the Spirit in taking it as the Spirit of God reveals getting light from heaven.
And they were offended in him.
What does Jesus do? He says.
Unto them a prophet is not without honor, saving his own country and his own house.
And he did not. Many money works there because of their unbelief.
This is true yesterday.
In your area, you're going to be known.
Minor or works and your thoughts and your actions and you're probably going to be looked down on. There's not one that's trying to make the community better.
And you won't get any honor likely if you walk like Christ because he was rejected.
And right in your own area, you're going to suffer what Jesus suffered.
And if you go off to foreign country as a missionary, you'll be looked at in a little major.
Yes, you will, but that's not the best thing. That's not the important thing. The important thing is to follow in the course, in the place where Jesus puts you, bearing with all this reproach and opposition, knowing what is coming.
And knowing where you are in the Kingdom of heaven and in the Church.
And that the Kingdom and glory is getting close.
These things known and enjoyed in the soul will help us to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, he goes on in our chapter.
And there's Herod that keep driving, and he heard of the fame of Jesus.
Well, who wouldn't in that age? And when it was so famous what he had done, those miracles were performed to attract attention to him as the king who had come to undo the works of the devil. And he showed all the power to do it, and it astonished the king.
John the Baptist had already been put away by her, but right here.
The Spirit of God gives us the account.
One of the cruelest, saddest stories you can read in the Bible.
We have hard things happen today that we don't understand. Read about animate some of you younger brother by saying to you what Tom McMillan said to some of us a long time ago.
It's a wonderful thing.
To take your place in the assembly. Helping the assembly, especially in the prayer.
And we were in a meeting and.
The discussion was about trying to get the younger brothers to take a little part and help out some of the older brothers. Well I was one younger and saying.
The common plea with younger brothers, well, we like to let the older brothers, they know more. We have respect for them, give them a place. And Tom McMillan returned to us and looked, said some of the younger brothers aren't even as young as John the Baptist was. When he finished his ministry, already passed 30. That's all. Go where it got and his ministry was over with.
Well, that's just by the way, but we have read what John the Baptist suffered and how he got it from Herod. Now he'll hold this place and turn the 8th chapter.
We're going to pick up just a little thought there.
As an admonition in the 15th verse.
Mark 8:1515And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod. (Mark 8:15).
This is Jesus in his ministry in Mark's Gospel, in this verse, he charged them, saying, take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the leaven of Herod.
And it's true. Yet today, Luke 12 definitely tells us.
That the leaven of the Pharisees is hypocrisy.
It's exactly what is seen most of the time, I suppose, on television by actors pretending to be something or not. Now, that's not what it seemed that exactly, but I cite that because that's hypocrisy.
That's what it is, pretending to be, what you learn and in your community there's lots of people that we pretend to be righteous and they're very unrighteous.
As hypocrisy, well, it was a class of people that day and they were to beware. But then I said beware of 11 parrot. I think the 11 of Herod is exemplified in what we have read and what happened in Herod support before they had a big birthday party. We have birthday parties. I thank God they aren't like this, but you can't have.
Full confidence in it because it's called a birthday party.
But you see how they were doing?
Dating and drinking and browsing and living in licentiousness.
He taking another man's wife, that was Herod.
And the court was there. It's the way of the world.
In its world.
I think the Lebanon heritage is worldliness in this sense.
And it could get hold of in America.
And Bolivia, because we're more exposed to it, the easy life, but really trying to get up on top and live like the senators and the presidents and the great men of the world do.
In any measure of.
Opposite and any measure of opposition that comes up to it, cutting over no matter what.
Travel on others to get to the top. That's what the great men on Wall Street do.
And in any great big company, they tell me it's the same way.
Well, it's the way of worldliness, and beware of it. We'll pass on that.
And going past this.
And there was a multitude.
After your sights about here, the Texas disciples away, and he goes out into the desert, and the multitude follows him. Now this is Jesus, the disciples and the multitude.
And it's getting dark.
Jesus had compassion on and he healed her second into verse 14 and it was evening and his disciples came to him and then in fact they said, look, here's all this great big multitude and they're hungry.
What should we do? Send the multitude away? We can't. We haven't got anything here. Send them away. They turned, the Lord said. Send this mass of people away.
They're hungry.
This is real lesson.
Let them go into the villages and buy themselves village probably.
Most of that multitude didn't have enough money to buy their own food. I don't know, but.
Jesus said what? They don't need to go away. You give them to eat. You see, he puts his disciples to the test. They were the children of the Kingdom. They were following the King.
They were the children of the Kingdom before it became the Kingdom of heaven, because they received the king, but while he was down here, before he went up there.
They have the king, and the king said you give something.
What could they do? Well?
They they didn't know.
That in their company there were five loaves and two pieces.
One or the other gospels developed it, but it was a board at lunch I think.
Boys, you can really have a supply that can be used by the Lord if you've got, well, you have got things the Lord gives you, intelligence he gives you.
Strength, vigor, and you might even have 1/4 in your pocket, but that's when you might have a lunch.
The Lord can use whatever you've done, But brethren, in your little assembly, have you ever felt that we haven't got anything to say tonight in this meeting? We don't know what chapter to read. We haven't gotten much gift.
What are we going to talk about? How are we going to get some food? We've got more than five loaves and two fishes.
Although I think the five loaves and two fishes typify the five books of Moses which were they had then.
Plus the Psalms and the prophets which they had then comprising the Old Testament, and now we have the New Testament.
And we have the Holy Spirit.
And it's a wonderful thing just to turn to the Lord Jesus and get something to eat from the Word of God in our little assemblies. That's certainly one lesson we can get out of this.
So he exhorts them. Bring them to me. Whatever you've got, young brother, bring to Jesus. Talk to him about it. Ask him to help you, to give you a portion to read. And in the meeting you're asked a question. Pray.
And look for the answer. The Lord will give you something to say that helps us.
He commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass.
Notice that word commanded.
And again, I want you to look back.
In the previous chapter we had.
Chapter 13.
At the end of verse 23.
13 and 23.
Bring it forth some 100 fold, some 60.
And Psalms 30. I believe we have a practical demonstration of that in this chapter.
The 100 polls, what we have here.
There was a multitude.
And they were under the command of the law.
That's the hundredfold.
Wonderful to see.
And he commanded the motor to sit down on the grass.
And took the five loaves on 2 pages and looking up to heaven. There's prayer. Here's the dependent man of the 16th song. Preserve me, O God, for any do I put my interest? Look up to heaven, brother, and ask for something. Go get it.
In faith.
And this was Jesus.
He looking up to heaven, He blessed. We gave thanks. That's what that means.
When we give thanks for the look, we bless a couple of communion which we bless. Is it not communion? The cup of blessing which we bless is not the communion of the blood of Christ. 1St Corinthians 10 Blessing and giving thanks are the same thing in scripture.
He blessed, He gave thanks, He braved and gave the loath to his disciples.
They received it from the Lord.
And the disciples to the most. Wouldn't you like to have just seen that demonstrated? Just take these these 5 rolls and break them. Start passing them out, passing them out, passing them out. And there are 5000 people I never did running it multiplied and multiplied and multiplied.
Start on a meal but.
Young people having young people's plans, I remarked to him because it was my experience he is already marketing about.
And giving.
My experience and I, he said. He's lost to that. You can't teach a young people's class without learning more yourself.
And I always thought I learned more than my class did. It is so wonderful. That's what you have pictured here in the things of God. You don't give, and it's gone.
It's so in the Ministry of the Word. What you report and give to others you retain.
You can have your cake and you can give your cake away and eat it too. In spiritual things. You can't do that with a piece of cake. That's what happens here. They could give and when they got done giving, there were 12 baskets full. I like to picture that as a basketball for each one of those trail designers. I believe it typifies that to help us in our ministry in the meeting, just to go along and feed the masses.
And they did all eat and were filled.
They didn't run short.
Sometimes at McDonald's, we go away hungry. You don't have enough money.
They always get filled when you go to the Lord.
And they took over the fragments that remained. 12 baskets full. Oh, the Lord likes them. Give fullness of joy these things rightly under you, that your joy might be full. He gave each one of those disciples a full basket for himself.
Or maybe they gave it back to the boys, Don't know.
The boy got rewarded, I'm sure.
And they that had eaten were about 5000 men besides women and children, probably 15 or 20,000 people there, but ate all they could eat. And I had a remainder from 5 loaves and two fishes. This is the Lord owe little as much if God is in.
Now we go on, and straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into the ship and to go before him under the other side to stop there. Notice the word constraint.
We have noticed back in chapter verse 19, he commanded.
Now that was a multitude.
Here it says Jesus constrained his disciples to get in the ship. We're down to 12 down.
At least I think it was 12.
This is the 64.
Notice we had a multitude.
In verse 19.
Here we have a dozen and they get into the ship.
This is association together in fellowship as brethren typified here too.
But this is the multiplication, first one hundredfold, now diminishing but but 64.
And while he sent the multiplied away, and when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray.
And when the evening was coming, he was there alone.
But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves, for the wind was contrary.
Here we have a picture of this age.
Drawing to a close, but it's the whole of the age in that sense.
Because Jesus is up on the middle. It's a picture of the King and Lord.
It's a picture of the whole period of the Kingdom of Heaven with his followers on earth.
Getting tossed around in the struggle of life. Everyone of you experienced the boys and girls, children, babies are born crying.
And that's the experience down here of the children of the Kingdom. They have a rough time. They're shaking out, but Jesus is up on behind. He's praying for us. This is the type, Jesus, the King in heaven as our faithful and merciful high priest, praying for his own and keeping his own down here in the struggle of the voids of life. What a comfort.
The ship was tossed in the midst of the sea. The wind was contrary. Oh, you've experienced these things. You kept hard opposition.
You even get every wind of doctrine that were warned about in efficiency that we are to avoid nice bad teaching.
That might be part of what signified here, but I think it just means the hard times we have in getting through this world. This world is a bad place.
It's a bad place, but the Lord is praying for us, He is supplying for us, He's taking care of us, and we have the Holy Spirit.
And it was the 4th and in the 4th watch of the night. Now that's what we have arrived to.
In the night that was used here.
In Matthew's Gospel, there were four watches, and I think they went from 6 to 99 to 12:12 to 3:00 and 3:00 to 6:00.
So this is three to six. At any rate, Jesus is pointing to the time in which we live.
It's the end of the time. It's the end of the night. When the king comes back, who is God is like, it'll be the daytime in the sense that it's used here. He was up on a mountain praying. They were down there being tossed and it's getting toward the end of the journey. This may be the last day of it, but there's a tossing.
In the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.
We're getting a tremendous thing brought before us here by the Spirit of God.
We will notice a little further. When the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying it is a spirit. They cried out for fear.
But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer, desire, be not afraid. Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it didn't be, thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, Come.
We have the word come here.
And this identifies where we get the 34.
Command in verse 19. Pictures of multitude the hundredfold.
And the constrained.
In verse 22 pictures, the 64.
And the come in verse 29 is the 30 fold.
Pictured in Peter who brother I believe is a picture.
Of the gathered Saints that step out of the visible means of support to do something that flesh cannot do, that is warped on water. The trouble See, this is all figure.
And remember 160 years ago.
The Spirit of God revived the truth.
Of Christ in the Church and the heavenly calling and the outline of prophecy.
So that brethren were led by the Spirit to break bread in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone, and it was a tremendous reproach.
The flesh couldn't do it.
It has to be by the Spirit of God and the presence of Jesus was seen there.
Like a spear in the next.
When we gather together, brethren, by faith, we know the Lord Jesus is there.
And as we are led by the Spirit of God.
It's only like Peter that we can step out of the visible things around us.
And do something that Christ cannot do. I say this is typified in fear.
The Lord uses one man to typify this position. It's the fourth watch.
Well, that was 18127 or something like this. This began. Now we're down to 1988.
The 4th watch, but the close of the 4th watch perhaps?
But God still attracts and draws dear souls. Remember the ship was there and never many in it. I think that's a figure of Christendom. Many their souls here around this.
To take no name.
What do you call this church here? They might call it the Reno Church. That's not what you call this. You don't have anything. You got a nice meeting room. It doesn't look like the.
Cathedral I saw in Paris or even in Lima, Peru.
Raul Velma Rama, who you've heard about.
The banker brother in Lima, Peru, was rather hungry up in the.
Affairs of social life and business life in Lima as a young man.
And when he was married.
The president came to his wedding.
And twice I've been in the cathedral where he was married. It's not an immense building, but it's one of the most beautiful buildings I've ever seen. You look up there and those pinnacles and it's pure gold, yet it's guarded. Oh, it's *****. It is beautiful. Anybody could brag on it. Anybody could say that's where I go. And the government would go there with pleasure.
Brown had to step out of that.
He's a little bit like Peter. How could he do it come.
Brethren, you can't step out of that visible thing if you don't see Jesus.
And if you get an exercise about doing it, ask him is that you don't come because the brethren there come because the Lord's there, because they're going to still be rough.
But it's just as hard to work on. Walk on smooth waters is rough water. The only thing that will serve is hearing the Lord's voice to come. You come out of this nice group of people. They may be believers, and you come with me.
And I'll take you to the other side now. Every night reunites you with every other believer.
And so.
When Jesus said come.
Peter has come down out of the ship. He walked on the water to go to Jesus. As soon as you take that step and walk with this group that's not no, not recognized, you're going to be tested. The Lord lets us be tested.
And we can't sink.
But we can sure pray real quick can we get into trouble? We might get saved and come along real well and think I won't have any trouble with sin anymore in the old fashioned the next week you're sure to have.
And you come with the Lord's people, gathers the Lord's name and you'll think, oh, this is a nice bunch of people I've ever heard of in my life. I think there are yet, but you're going to be tested amongst them. Yes, you are. And there's going to be the need to try to Jesus, Lord save me, Lord help me and.
When he saw that wind boisterous, he was afraid beginning to sink, He cried, Lord, save me. And that doesn't say any more about sinking, but rather said. Immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him, and said unto him, full down of little faith, Wherefore didst thou down?
Where we have to review be reviewed for the smallness of our faith, but thank God for faith. Don't worry about how the quantity of your faith just be concerned in in whom you have confidence.
You get in a truck with belongs to the vendor lease and right with that fellow that's driving it, you've got confidence that he knows how to put the brakes on if somebody pulls in front of him and how fast they go down the hill and everything else. You get an airplane, you've got confidence that pilot knows what he's doing.
We have faith every day, people said. I don't have any faith. Yes, you do. You manifest it. When you step down a step, you're going to hit the next step.
We could trust our daughter.
He never faces this same Jesus said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake me. There's going to be an end to the story. We're going to arrive.
When they were come into the ship, the wind ceased.
This is when we're united, or rather reunited with all good arrived there.
Actually, in the fullness of it, we're all going to arrive there at the same time in the new body.
And then it says a wonderful thing. Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying.
The truth thou art the Son of God.
Definitely it brings in the Jewish remnant that's gathered.
In the end of the the tribulation period.
And we there.
Pull together in worship.
I'd like to comment on that worship as to Matthew's gospel here. On Lords day we read one verse in chapter one who displacement will turn to chapter 2 I should say.
A remarkable thing about worship in Matthew's Gospel.
Which is applicable to all believers today.
In the second chapter.
Verse 11 when they were come into the house.
Notice that they came into the house. The picture for us to use for ourselves is the House of God, into the church, into the place where the Lord is.
They saw the young child with Mary, his mother, and fell down and worshiped him.
It's people who aren't where the Lord is in the house, in the Church, who can see the Lord in the midst by the Spirit as we've brought before us, and worship Him, not his mother, as the Roman Catholics hopefully taught and still do, but him, no one else, only Him. And then we can pour out the treasures that we've gathered through the week, through our lifetime. They opened their traitors.
And they presented unto him.
Give gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
I think that worship is the highest privilege we have or ever will have because it's given to God. Can you think of that? Do I have something to give to God? Yes, I do. What is it? Christ, all he is.
And always I can speak to God about it. And he is oh so please.
He's the treasure, He's everything. All that was done, all thou art, are now the portion of my heart as you and I have occupied with Him. We can come together and worship Him in the house in our chapter. It was in the ship.
And is another symbol, perhaps a little further. It brings into association.
Those others in the ship, those with whom we have fellowship as bread, altogether worshipping in the house.
Turn now to the end of the book, the 28th chapter.
To carry this little point, which is so precious, to the highest pinnacle.
In Matthew.
28 verse 16.
Then the 11 disciples, Judas wasn't there. Now Jesus was in resurrection, went away into Galilee. Where did he go? Into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. Now this is the place of his appointment for us today.
We have no choice. He chooses everything.
He chooses where he's going to put His name in the midst of the two or three gathered to his name is the appointment today. And it's a mountain, brothers, because it's the heavenly truth of the heavenly calling and preached in heaven. We seem to be there.
So now the worship goes on queries into a mountain where Jesus appointed him. Then when they saw him, they worshipped him. Here it is in the fullness of things.
First in a house, then in a ship, and now on a mountain. This is our privilege today to come into the House of God, to have fellowship with us in in the same ship, to arrive in the mountain, because actually our worship is in heaven, our hymns, the whole is we enter in perfect peace with God expresses it.
We worship down here, but at arranged up there.
What a wonderful trip back to conclude in 14.
Jesus just goes on.
In his ministry, we won't have to comment on the closing verses.
But they point out to us that we haven't arrived into the glory yet. Physically, we're still down here and we're still going to have opposition. And we are to go on seeking the blessing of those around us. Not that we can perform miracles and physically heal them, that we can bring much blessing to those that we meet up with to talking about the Lord Jesus.
Let's sing in closing the next hymn.
May the Savior's love and merit fill our hearts both night and day.
And the option of his spirit, Paul.
Our thoughts and actions may with us and God can find and from self dependence freeze.
Find our rest in Christ dividing till with joy in South Lucy #194.
May the Savior.
Oh my God.
I love you.