Jude 11-

Duration: 59min
JUD 11-
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The festival of Jews.
Do the servant of Jesus Christ, the brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved indeed of Christ, and calls mercy unto you, and peace and love in all life you love it. When I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you, that he should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered under the strains.
There are certain men crept in unawares. The Word before of old ordained this condemnation on godly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.
I will therefore put you in remembrance, though you once knew this all, that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not, and the angels which kept not their first estate, but left with their own habitation, He has reserved and everlasting chains under darkness, under the judgement of the great day, even as Sodom and Gomorrah in the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication.
And going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering, the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise also the filthy dreamers you file the flesh despise dominion and speak evil of dignity.
Yet Michael the Archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not reign against him a railing accusation, but said the Lord reviewed thee. But these speak evil, those things which they know and I but what they know naturally as brute being, and those things they corrupt themselves.
Woe unto them, for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the heir of Balaam for reward, and perished in the game, saying of Core. These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear, while they are without water, carried about a wind.
Trees whose fruit witherer without fruit twice dead, plucked up by the roots. Raging waves of the sea falling out, their own shame, wandering stars, to whom is reserved blackness of darkness forever.
And Enoch also the 7th from Adam ratified of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with 10 thousands of his Saints to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches with ungodly sinners have spoken against them. These are murmurs.
Complainers walking after their own losses, and having and their mouths speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons and admiration because of advantage. But beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ.
All that they told you there should be lockers in the last time.
Who should walk after their own ungodly loss?
These be they who separate themselves sensual, having not the Spirit, but ye beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, pray in the Holy Ghost, Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life and of some Have compassion, making a difference.
And others say with fear.
Pulling them out of the fire and heating even the garments spotted by the flat.
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory, with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
This epistle looks at the darkest day, the very day in which we're living and.
4 * 3 times in our King James four in the Derby translation, the word word beloved occurs.
Verse 3 Beloved.
Verse 17 but beloved.
Verse 20. But he beloved, and I'll read the first verse in the new translation. Jude Bondsman of Jesus Christ and brother of James to the called ones, beloved in God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ. It's beautiful to see how that he he distinguishes those that he can class as beloved. We're surrounded by.
Those who are the beloved of God, it's wonderful to contemplate that that you are, if you're his, your beloved of God.
But there's tremendous evil that has come into the Christian profession, and this is what Jude looks at, evil that has.
Set man up, man up in the flesh, the first man, and denied the Lord.
Peter speaks of this in his second epistle, very much similar to Jude. Peter speaks of those that have sinned, whereas Jude speaks of apostasy, those that have fallen away from what God has established in his grace.
Jude was 1/2 brother of the Lord.
And he was with him when he was here.
Of course, heard all that he said and did didn't come to faith in him as well as James. The author of James didn't come to faith in him until after the resurrection.
When he was here below they it says. Neither did his brethren believe in him, but after the resurrection they came to faith in Him.
Came to realize who he is.
Tremendous To know who he is, no bit of knowledge that man possesses beloved, is more important than to know who he is.
The apostasy that John speaks of in his first epistle.
Is of those who have gone out from us, he says, abandoning the profession of Christianity. The apostasy that Jude speaks of comes from those who are within the Christian profession, but they're apostates.
And more damage has been done to the truth of Christianity by apostates from within than from without.
You expect it from those that have left and adopted another religion, going to be gone back to Judaism or whatever, but those that still profess to be Christians who are really apostates. And that's what Jude looks at. Apostasy from within.
Introducing things that are totally contrary to the teachings of the Bible.
In such a condition of things, that's.
Very wonderful and very precious and very important to not only recognize we're beloved of God the Father, but our preservation are being preserved in such a day as we live, as in Jesus Christ. He brought out the person what? How important it is to be occupied and and walking with him because that's how we are preserved. We're not preserved in our own strength or our own abilities, our own knowledge.
But in the very dark and confusing day, from the youngest to the oldest, we're going to be preserved in Christ. And then it goes on. And I think it's very lovely to see the three things that are brought out here, His desire for them. Mercy to you. I'm reading from the new translation. Mercy to you and peace and love be multiplied. Well, we could understand in a day if it's very dark and very confusing, where these wicked men are creeping in and have crept into the testimony and are seeking to defile it and to.
Promote themselves and to dishonor Christ.
We certainly see that it's a day that we all need much God's mercy. But look at this brethren peace. You think when we're in a dark day, that's the time to stand up and fight and and to seek to really go out and go against the enemy? Well, I don't say that it's not a day of conflict, but it's lovely to see that in a day of darkness and confusion. Peace is something that the apostle desires. And beloved brethren, we need to walk together as brethren in peace. We need to make.
Seek for those things that make for peace.
We need to learn more how to be peacemakers. It's very easy to get at odds and become fighters and get at odds with one another. But in this day that we live, that's destructive. And so he says peace and then finally and love be multiplied.
Speaking the truth and love. We never for the sake of love, give up the truth. But you know those those words are words that we might not consider.
Initially as words that would characterize us in a dark day of of apostasy, of Brother Chuck, as you've been bringing out. But isn't it lovely to see those are the desires of the apostle, that there might be mercy, that they might walk in peace in that dark day and they might know the love of Christ, divine love, that it might be multiplied. That's what is going to keep us. We need those characteristics today.
In that third verse we have a conflict mentioned right away. Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, he would rather have done that. But he says it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you, that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered.
Unto the Saints.
And then the next verse tells about the enemies that had crept in unawares amongst certain men who calls them. But they were released enemies. They turned the grace of God into lasciviousness. They were ungodly men ordained to this condemnation, he says in verse 4 certain men crept in unawares who were before of old or deemed to this condemnation ungodly men.
Turning the grace of God into the lasciviousness that is using grace as a license for sin. Well, if you saved my grace, then you can do whatever you want, not the teaching of Scripture at all. Not to understand grace at all is to take that position. Let us do evil that could make come is the attitude of those that pervert grace and read the perversion of grace is to establish license for the flesh to do as it wishes.
That's the first stage and then denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ believe that in the new translation.
Denying our only master and Lord Jesus Christ, and this is by men that profess to be Christians. He's not talking about the outside world here. He's talking about what is is Christendom, that the great vast system of things that that harbors all kinds of birds, clean and unclean.
And that's what Christendom has become. We have to be aware.
Especially today, when you can listen to just about any preacher, either on the radio or on television, you can. You can do it today without being in their church and on the Internet. Also, you can get into conversations in writing with others that share their sometimes apostate views.
That's very defiling. And so it's it's very important that we be aware that the enemy is out there sowing his seed of of false doctrine and false principles and setting aside the very truths of Scripture, sometimes even using scripture to deny scripture. That's what Satan did with the Lord.
He tried to get the Lord to cast himself down from the pinnacle of the temple.
For he said, it is written, He quotes Scripture, He should give his angels charge over thee to keep thee from harm. And he left out a little statement to keep thee in all thy waves. It wasn't one of his ways to tempt the Lord. And so the Lord refutes him by quoting Scripture, He said, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. So the enemy will quote Scripture, and he can do that.
Is turned into an Angel of light, his ministers, the ministers of righteousness. And you have to be aware, I had a young person say to me once, I always thought that if it was in print, if it was in writing, it must be true. Now that's to be very naive, very naive indeed. But that's what that young lady thought, that it was worthwhile printing. It must be true. No, that's not to be aware of the enemy.
And what he has done, and he's sewing all kinds of evil and through the pulpit and through printed matters well. So we have to be aware of what the enemy is doing. How do we test it? We test it by the book. I'm holding in my hands. You're holding in your hands the word of God.
Nation hasn't changed his way of doing things. From the very beginning we find that even at the garden with with ease, he used the same tactic that he died. We can turn to Genesis Chapter 3. We'll see that the condition was exactly the same. The way he beguiled Eve was that he he omit certain things just like we were quoting, yet did to the Lord. He said to them about a tree that thou should freely eat. He will omit things.
Or he would add something to it. Or he would just totally misquote and we find us. Satan is the same today, easily do the same thing in this quote, just to do anything to distract us from from Christ. And what we need to do is we need to know our position first. That's why you would permit me to go back to the first verse. And we've gone down a bit. Often we don't have peace in our heart as we do not know what the word of God.
Has assured us of.
Do 3 words of our brother read that that came to my mind? The word in verse one is sanctified, sanctified by God the Father, preserved, preserved in Jesus Christ, and called.
Do we take that As for assurance from God that we have been sanctified, set apart from the rest of this world, and preserved? We've been preserved. No one can take us out from the Father's hand.
We didn't preserve. We have been called according to his purpose. In fact, let's go to Romans. Chapter 8 is a well known portion there that we often quote and they use similar words in there with a few more added to it. Woman stop to age.
Start with verse 28. This is the verse that we often see in many homes, and we know that all things work together for good. We not see that in many homes text of this life. In many homes all things work together for good. Well, often we too perhaps omit the whole verse. Well, first of all it says here for we know.
Do we know?
Do we really know what all assurance or we know with confidence saying this verse? For we know that all things work together for good to them that love God. Did we forget that part sometimes?
And then it go on his *** to them who are called. Interesting how the first came back up. We get called according to his purpose, for whom he did for no he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son.
That he might be the first born among many brothers. When, moreover, who he did predestinate, then he also called, and whom he called, then he also justified, and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
More words in here for knowing he knew that he planted way before the foundation of this world.
Predestined Me. You have that assurance to know that we have to be designated to what? To be conformed to the image of his son. It doesn't matter what you're like today. Doesn't matter what you think or what you do. It will not be long. We shall be like him, conforming to his image.
In all manners of thoughts, acts, and so on, to be just like our blessed Lord. And then they go on and set that we've been called, we have been justified, and then we shall be glorified. If we do not have this assurance in our own hearts, and safety can come in and whisper in our ears and try to distract us and take that peace away from us.
I was thinking as you were speaking, Brother David, that when you turned us back to Genesis, it says there now Satan was more subtle or more crafty. And I was thinking of that where it says crepting unawares, that's crept in unnoticed. You know, if we think about the Garden of Eden, how is it possible that Eve did not somehow become frightened or concerned about this?
One who's called the Serpent.
Well, he was crafty and he, I doubt not, presented himself as an Angel of light, very beautiful and very appealing and very harmless looking. And I say that because where it says they crept in unnoticed. How does that happen? The error comes in, in this day in which we live looking very beautiful. It looks very appealing. It comes in through those who outwardly look very, very good and very perhaps even living what outwardly appears to be a very godly life.
And we never want to forget that the enemy that's bringing this in and the day in which we live, not only is the roaring lion, but he's adept at being crafty, an Angel of light. And these things come in on notice because they look so good outwardly. And so just a word for all of our hearts that we might, as our brother Chuck said, test everything, especially in this day, by the word of God, as the Bereans did. They searched the scriptures daily to see whether these things be so. And we need that today, because that's the only way we're going to find out if what looks so good.
Even in Christianity, and far more subtle and dangerous because it does come across as being Christian, being upright, and being morally right to see if indeed it is the truth, or if it's simply something that's being brought in in a crafty way that looks good but in fact is a lie and is false.
Does the serpent mean the shining one? I've heard that I was wondering, after all these wonderful truths have been brought before about being preserved.
Called and all these wonderful things are so blessedly true not to get pushed ahead of the chapter. Why does it say that down towards the end of the chapter? Keep yourself and the love of God?
Looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The day is so dark, it's easy to get occupied with the evil and the darkness. And so he writes to his beloved. Keep yourselves in the love of God in the sense of his love and the sunshine of his love though the the day is evil and dark, and there's no darker picture that we get in the word of God than the epistle of Jude.
But we are to to keep ourselves in the sunshine as well, knowing that those four things that you referred to yourselves read from verse 20. But she beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, That's what we're doing this morning. We're sitting together, having a reading over His Word and being built up in our most holy faith. You uses expressions in this epistle that aren't used anywhere else in the Scripture.
This is one of them, your most holy faith. That's an expression that Jude uses.
The the important thing is that that he's, he's referring them back to the standard of holiness, which is the word of God. And because evil has come in and there's been so much departure to decline, that does not lower the standard and that's the important thing to see. So the first thing he says, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.
Praying in the Holy Spirit. Can you really do that in the evil day that we're living in? Yes you can. The Spirit of God is here. He makes him grieved and quenched in many cases. But we can still pray in the Spirit of God and then keep yourselves in the love of God. Can we do that? Yes we can. We have to rise above the evil and not be occupied with it. Paul says in Romans. Is it 16? He says be wise as to that which is good and simple.
And certain evil.
And not to be overly occupied with with the evil and then looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And notice in the prayers this morning there was very little said about the Lords coming. We should always have that before us. That's our hope. That's the next event that we're looking for, that's going to take us out of this miserable scene. To be with himself in the glory, looking for the blessed hope.
I don't want to get occupied with a lot of details going elsewhere. We've only got one hour. We've only got 20 minutes left of this reading and we'd like to get through the Epistle of Jude if we possibly could. That means we're going to have to discipline ourselves to stay in June and not go elsewhere.
In verse three it was mentions the faith which was once delivered as of the Saints. And when it speaks in that way of talking about the whole body of revealed truth that we have in the word of God, revealed especially in Christianity, in the coming of the Lord Jesus and consequent upon his death and resurrection, ascension to God's right hand, what has been revealed in the epistles as well.
That was once delivered to the Saints, and it's important to seek.
The major that we can to lay hold of the whole truth of God. It's important because.
You find believers that do have a knowledge of something, of the truth of God, and we can thank God for that. But what a wonderful thing to have the whole truth of God before us, and how important to contend for it. It's not contending in a carnal way, but it is contending spiritually. These are important points, you might say. What's so important about doctrine?
I've heard sometimes say doctrine divides and love unites.
Well, if doctrine is presented properly, it forms the basis for true unity, and that's important to hold on to. The enemy wants to get us off of that basis, that foundation work of the Christian faith, which is the faith once delivered to the Saints. And I think it's so subtle the way he does it in verse 4.
With those men that have crept in, but it is really attacking the lordship of Christ mentioned in the new translation, the word Lord God is master one who holds supreme authority in our lives, and it seems like the subtle undercurrent of the culture in which we live is please yourself. You're the center of your world.
Do what you like to do. What we don't realize is that in that is a subtle undercurrent against God and against his Christ and against any authority that the Lord Jesus necessarily should have in every life of every true believer.
These two things that you're just referring to in that fourth verse, turning the grace of God into licentiousness, that is, using grace to do whatever you want. Liberty for the flesh, license for the flesh. It goes along with denying the only Sovereign Ruler, the Master, and our Lord Jesus Christ. You do not own His authority over you, so you can do what you please, and you turn grace into an excuse for doing that.
Those two things go together, don't they?
Using Grace as an excuse for doing anything you want and denying His authority over us. How solemn that that's what keeps us and preserves us is grace and submitting and bowing to Him.
Then in these next three verses, 5-6 and seven, we have apostasy portrayed. I will therefore put you in remembrance, though you once knew this, how that the Lord having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, now these were this was the saved people, you know, we often think, well, you can't be saved and lost again. There's a sense in scripture in which you can be saved and lost again. And that's what Jude speaks of. He saved the people out of the land of Egypt.
Everyone of those Israelites that cross the Red Sea were saved positionally. But what happened to them afterward? He destroyed them that believed not. They didn't have faith, and so they were destroyed, though they were in a saved position. Everyone that's baptized is brought by baptism onto Christian ground. In that sense, they're saved. But you have to understand what you mean when you say saved. You mean that they've been born again and have eternal life. Well, they can never lose that.
But they might be in a safe position, and everyone that is a Christian is in that safe position, but by profession. But they may not be real. And so they were destroyed. They were apostates. And then he goes to the angelic world, the angels which kept not their first estate, that is, they apostatized from their first estate, but left their own habitation. He hath reserved an everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. So there you have apostasy in the angelic world.
I think you have a picture of that in Genesis chapter 6, when the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair and they came down as men and took these daughters of men and it was apostasy. And that whole generation was destroyed by the flood, by the flood. And then the next it says even as Sodom and Gomorrah, I'm going to read that.
In the new translation.
And verse six I read it in Angels who had not kept their own original state, but had abandoned their own dwelling. He keeps an eternal chains under gloomy darkness to the judgment of the great day as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them. Now he puts them all together, Sodom and Gomorrah and these other cities dwelling in the plain there in like manner with them. Now what's the antecedent of them? You don't see that in the in the King James. What's the antecedent of them? The the angels that had sinned.
The angels had kept not their first estate in like manner with them and going after other flesh.
Other flesh that is they they enter into a domain and a sphere that was not theirs lies an example undergoing the judgment of eternal fire. So he gives 3 examples of apostasy, those that left Egypt that were a saved people positionally and they didn't make it because they didn't have faith. And then the angels that sinned and the Sodom and Gomorrah they.
They they apostatize from what they were called to as as natural, and they did it through the intrusion of angelic beings. Well, these these are Jude sites. Here are examples of apostasy.
Homosexuality is apostasy. It is intruding into a relationship which is an abomination to God.
God gave man and woman to cohabit, not men and men and women and women. That's apostasy. In departing from the order God has established in creation, that's apostasy, and it's wickedness and these things that this country.
That was once known as a Christian nation sanctions.
That would be the greatest lot in the history books on this nation. And we criticize Adolf Hitler for murdering all those Jews. What about the United States of America by Supreme Court decision? Murdering helpless babies? Murdering them?
That's they can't retaliate. They can't defend themselves. We know, thank God, those children can go to be with the Lord.
Grace always triumphs over sin, doesn't it? Where sin abounded, grace did much more about it.
But that grace does not undo the awful judgment that will fall on corrupt Christendom. And there are those who take that position espousing that cause, that openly say that they are Christian.
And wants recognition as such. This this worse, directly complies and it's extremely solid. Brethren. We need to feel that we live in a country where that is the case. We need to feel as God feels it. Someone has said it's extremely solemn to think about that if God does not judge the United States for the position.
They have taken in connection with that awful sin of ******.
Homosexuality. He will have to apologize in a future day to Sodom and Gomorrah.
For having destroyed them, and it was awful the way they were destroyed, it was so severe.
By fire and brimstone. Brimstone means sulfur and sulfur is flammable and.
Evidently they say that there's not even a vestige of those that excavate and look for ruins of civilizations. There's not even a vestige of these cities in the plains of Jericho today. They were just totally wiped out from before the face of God, and so God will judge it. It is not a matter of if.
But he will just a matter of time.
Likewise verse 8. Also, these Dreamers who file the pledge despise Dominion, speak evil of dignities they won't submit to authority and.
He gives an example. Yet Michael the Archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses.
There's not bring against him a railing accusation, But said, the Lord rebuked thee.
But these, these men that crept in unawares, turned the grace of God into lasciviousness and deny the only sovereign Ruler, the Lord Jesus Christ. These speak evil of those things which they know not.
What they know, naturally, is brute beasts.
In those things they corrupt themselves. Woe to them.
And he mentioned three things.
Woe to them.
We would want to keep our hearts very tender, wouldn't we, brethren? We we've heard of these solemn, awful, filthy things that ones heart shudders to hear, and we know they go on. But perhaps we overlook the tendency that we all have to, at least in spirit. I don't say we do it in the sense it's presented here, but it talks about speaking a despising dominion and speaking evil of Dignity's.
I suppose what marks more than anything else, the current political contest that's about to come to its conclusion in the United States is that whole spirit of one side finding everything it can to speak evil disparagingly of the other side, of the persons on the other side. When we get into that, and we think, well, sometimes the government perhaps acts in a way that you can't hardly think anything else but those thoughts.
But what about the dignities as simple as the policemen and the teachers and every area of authority in our life? There's a tendency, brethren, and we have to admit it, The the day in which we live, the spirit of the day, is to cause us to demand our rights and to demand that we're going to stand up and and and have our rights. And I think that's in the new translation, where it talks about a despising lordship. Lordship is submitting to the rights of others. And then it goes on and it says.
Not only despising Lordship, but speak railingly against dignity. Have I ever said something unkind and in in a rough way of about a policeman that gave me a traffic ticket? Well, Brendan, I don't want to get off. As our brother Chuck said, we don't have much time, but we need to allow our hearts to be tender about this. This is the spirit of this whole age in which we live and it can take us over as believers in very little, almost insignificant ways. And it's been those subtle ways.
That it takes us over, that we end up getting caught up in the spirit of this thing and we can become not necessarily certainly the apostates that it's speaking about, but certainly caught up and affected by the spirit of this day. I think what we have here in Michael the Archangel is a helpful example of how we react to evils that we do see. And sometimes people say, well, if you don't say anything while you're going along with it, but.
How did Moses or how did Michael the Archangel react to the devil when Moses Moses died? This is something that is interesting that is not recorded in the Old Testament, This contention of the devil with Michael the Archangel, but we have it here only in the in the Old Testament only says that the Lord buried Moses and no man knows of his grave, but there was a real spirit battle that went on.
At the time of Moses's death, and it doesn't tell us exactly what the reason was for that battle. But here that tells us that it was about the body of Moses. And some have suggested perhaps the devil had in mind of using that the body of that great man to make a shrine of some sort, and the devil wanted to take him and bury him. But it was Michael that was.
Deputed to make sure he was buried where no man knew it.
And instead of rebuking openly the devil himself, he only said the Lord rebuked thee. And I think that is where we can learn is that when there is evil that is allowed or practiced by those in authority, we don't speak evil of the dignitaries, but we can see clearly from scripture that it is a wrong thing that is done.
And we can simply say God in his word, does not allow that and just leave it there. It's beautiful. In the New Testament or in the new translation, Brother Bob, it says that Michael reasoned with the devil, that is, he knew and he certainly you might say, express God's thoughts about that situation. But it says these three words did not dare to bring railing accusation.
And it gets very, very powerful. He knew exactly what God's mind was, you might say and and he reasoned and set that forth with this arch enemy. But he did not dare bring a railing accusation all that. We might be more in that spirit, even as a testimony. Think of the testimony that we could render, brethren. We talk about preaching the gospel and evangelizing. Think of the testimony that we could render daily to those around us, if we had that spirit that we did not dare.
To speak evil of authority.
We do forget to pray for them often, don't we, Authorities?
Somebody says something.
About one of the authorities in our land, we we could just ask them if we pray for them lately.
And by praying Cecil, we have far more.
Influence in what happens in those high government circles than by getting involved in any political agenda.
Were absorbed directly in the scripture to pray for and where we often forget. Remember in our Infirmary in corner book a few years ago, a man came in.
And he prayed. Apparently we never met him before, but Christian bookstores came fairly he prayed for.
A Prime Minister of Canada. Canadian of course, and every one of the premiers and all their cabinet members by name. Very long prayer, but in Northwest Territories, Yukon included. It was kind of good stir us up to realize how neglectful we were when the scripture says hopefully.
But that's what we should do regarding.
We have in the 10th verse that phrase which is a very chilling phrase, as brute beasts, as brute beasts, and just want to say this without enlarging on it, beloved young people. Much that passes today in the world that you live in that passes as romance and love is nothing more than the degenerate, degraded action of human beings acting as brute beasts.
And it is in fact a measure, a sign of the very.
Late day in which we live, and it says the love of many shall wax cold. We know that principle.
And I just want to just leave it there. But beloved young people don't be taken in by the world's thoughts about romance and love and all of that kind of thing. Because it's a world, a so-called Christian world, but a world which is oftentimes acting one toward another just as simple beasts, animals act.
New translation says irrational animals.
And that's what man has come to, he says. You're just another animal.
You're an animal evolution.
And he takes the that's that's where we came from, according to the evolutionary theory. It's the most degrading theory that you can think of. Contrasted with Genesis. God created man, put dust to the ground, breathed into his nostrils, breath of life, and became a living cell. He came right from the hand of God, which degrades man more.
The irrational animal or the image and likeness of God.
Why don't they take that? Because they don't want to be responsible to the God that created us. They want to get out from under that. So they invent this wicked, wicked teachable which doesn't have a shred of scientific evidence. Young people don't believe the lies of the scientists if they tell you that evolution is scientific.
It is not. It is absolutely unscientific and irrational.
Just like in your rational.
But we don't stop the enemy, the right to plan, characterize the people.
The compassion of the world is not always believers, but also young.
I was thinking too, we talked earlier about this awful thing that this country and I I, I suspect really what we would call the Western world, the Christianized Western world, this, this awful issue of abortion. And you think of the horror, the the gross irrationality. I'll use that word of men who.
Promote and legalize the murder of unborn infants while at the same time they form groups to protect.
And give ethical treatment to animals.
This is this is the irrationality of man's morals.
Morals that have not been formed according to the word of God in submission to the Word of God.
A brute beast is controlled by his natural instincts instead of reason, and that's what it is.
Anna's up.
And hope we live.
The morning.
Oh my God.
Who else will I be?
Computers last year and that's why I'm looking for a groundstanding.
Was not necessarily.