Without judgment on evildoers it would be utterly impossible to maintain righteous government. Hell is an absolute necessity. So far from the dread thought of eternal punishment turning men against the gospel, it has been a terror to evildoers, and a help in restraining men. Besides, it has driven very many to seek a Savior-God, so as to escape His just and holy judgment.
Blessed be God, He gave His own Son to die for us. He drank the bitter cup of wrath. He was made a curse for us.
Let Calvary's rich display of divine love melt your heart—that God in love to you put His own Son on the cross that you might never endure the tortures of hell fire.
Oh, unsaved one, while you have the opportunity, see to it that the matter of greatest moment—your soul's eternal welfare—is settled. Time will soon be gone!
Only one way is offered whereby each and all can escape the wrath of God. How simple, yet how grand is God's mercy, peace and eternal life! "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:3131And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. (Acts 16:31).