Knowing God Who Has Revealed Himself to Us

Job 11:7; John 1:18
YP Address—G.H. Hayhoe
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Hymn #4.
Ere God had built the mountains or raised the fruitful hills before he filled the fountains that feed the running rills. In thee from everlasting the wonderful I am found pleasures never wasting, And wisdom is thy name #4.
God has built all the light.
On the father's land.
Why not?
I'd like to look first of all at a verse in Job Chapter 11.
Job Chapter 11 and verse 7.
Canst thou, by searching, find out God? Canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? It is high as heaven? What canst thou do? Deeper than hell or Hades? What canst thou know?
And now in John chapter one.
John's Gospel chapter one and verse 18.
No man has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared him.
Well, dear young people, I have it on my heart to seek to speak a little this afternoon.
About the wonderful privilege that we have in knowing God who has revealed himself to us.
Through his word, I believe that we don't value sufficiently the wonderful treasure that we have in this book.
We're living in days when men are making great advancements in education and science.
When they're seeking and God is allowing them to find out much about this universe.
But in doing so, they are losing if they ever had it.
And knowledge of God they are getting farther and farther away from him.
And while I don't have anything to say against what man may discover that might be made useful in connection with his life here upon the earth, I say that if these things are a hindrance to the knowledge of God, and as how he has revealed himself in and through his Word, by then they're going to rob you of that which is the greatest blessing you can possibly have. And that is the knowledge of God and the enjoyment of His heart and of his company.
And I was thinking of this passage in Job 711. Rather canst thou by searching, find out, God, millions of dollars are being spent in which men are trying to find out something about how this world came into being.
They're trying to get some knowledge of these things. But all how wonderful that God has revealed himself. Can man, by searching, find out God? Is it possible, with all his research and with all he is doing to get by this, the knowledge of God? It says that it's high as the heavens. What canst thou do? It is deep as Haiti, deeper than Hades. What canst thou know?
That is, in the knowledge that man may gain, it will not make known to him.
The person of the one who created it. I might have a beautiful piece of furniture. I can see the grand handiwork of the person who made it. But I won't know anything about his character unless he makes himself known to me. I don't know whether the man who made that piece of furniture was a kind man or an unkind man. I don't know whether he was good to his wife and family by looking at the furniture. I need to be introduced to him. I need to have some testimony about him.
Before I can really know his character, and so wouldn't it be foolish if I wanted to know him?
To examine the furniture carefully, to study it all out, and yet not to really get to know him.
But if this man makes himself known, then I can know something about his character. And God, in his wondrous love and grace, has been pleased to make himself known. Because man didn't know him. Because he had wandered away from him, Because sin had come in and become a barrier between man and God. Wonder of wonders, the God who made everything.
Came down into this world, went to the cross of Calvary, in order that he might be made known. It says the only begotten son which is in the bosom of the Father. He hath declared him God has made himself known, and he has made himself known. That you and I might know all this in his heart, as we read yesterday in John 17, our brother brought it before us.
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God.
And Jesus Christ, whom thou ascent? Oh, what a privilege we have.
That we can sit in these seats and not look around upon this world with the agnosticism or atheism of the day in which we live, But to know that the one who made all these things has been pleased to reveal himself to us, and that we can say that we know the Creator, we know him as one who loved us and who sent his son to die for us on Calvary's cross. I say that's the most marvelous thing.
Well, I was thinking of this in three different connections, and first of all connection with creation, and then in connection with God's ways, and then in connection with His word, because I believe that God speaks to man in those three different ways. Someone has said that He has three books by which He has made himself known, and that is in creation, a partial revelation.
In his ways with man, by which he seeks to draw him to himself, and then above all through his word which explains to us His creation, which brings before us the purpose of His ways, and which reveals to us all that's in his heart. Well, I'd like to look first of all at Proverbs chapter 8.
Proverbs, Chapter 8.
22nd verse The Lord possessed me in the beginning of His way, before His works of old. I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning or ever the earth was. Well. Let us go down to the 27th verse. When He prepared the heavens. I was there when He set a compass upon the face of the deep.
Then the 30th verse. Then I was by him as one brought up with him.
And I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him.
Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth, and my delights were with the sons of man, the 34th verse. Blessed is the man that heareth me watching daily at my gates, waiting at the pulse of my doors, for whoso findeth me findeth life and shall obtain favorite of the Lord. Well, here we see a most marvelous thing that when these.
This world the very.
Universe in which we live was created. What was God thinking about all the marvel of all marvels is that his delights?
Where with the sons of man, and away back when God began the creation.
Then he had a purpose in it, and that purpose was your blessing and mine. Well, just think of man as spending so much money in trying to find out how this world came and teaching all kinds of things as to how it came into being. When God tells us that when he made these things, he was making them for us. Just think of a home and you go into that home and you admire all the workmanship in it.
And you try to figure out who the man was that built it and what his purpose was in building it. And then in a months time you find out that that person who built that house had a personal interest in you. And that when he built that house, as he drove in every nail and as he put every piece in the house, he was thinking of the happiness that you were going to have when you possessed it. Wouldn't that change your thoughts about the house altogether?
Well now, dear friends and dear young people, as you go to school, the attempt is made by the enemy of your soul to rob you of the blessedness of who the Creator is. And by occupying you with all these things, to hide from your view this wonderful fact that God, the Creator of all, had an interest in you and was thinking about you, and knew that you were going to be sitting in the Glendale Civic Auditorium.
And he wanted to fill your heart with rejoicing and to make you know that the whole purpose of the sunshine and all the wonderful things that were in this world was that he was interested in you.
He cared for you, he was concerned about you, and he gave you a body so that you could enjoy all these things. Can't you see that the whole idea of robbing you of the true knowledge of God is to rob you of this, which is the secret of enjoyment in your soul? Men are complaining today that the trouble with society is that in all the learning that they're getting.
That no one is having a satisfied heart and everybody has a feeling of loneliness.
And their friends. I'll tell you why. Because it is impossible with all your.
Friendships and with all the people of this world to really find that which satisfies your heart. Because it's impossible in a world like this to find in human companionship that which really satisfies apart from God. It's impossible. Nor is it possible in all the things that are here to find that which will really satisfy. And so God makes himself known as the Creator, and in Genesis one He doesn't go into a great deal of detail.
But He tells us enough that we would see that which would give us some knowledge about His creation. How that away back in a time that we're not told He He created the heavens and the earth. That was what we might call the original creation. How that it became spoiled in some way in the second verse, and then how in six days God fixed it up and made it a suitable dwelling place for man.
And placed Adam and Eve at the head of it, intending that Adam and Eve under him.
And in the enjoyment of him might possess all these wonderful things that he had prepared for them.
But what did Satan do? While Satan came into the scene and he got the ear of Adam and Eve, he got them to listen to him. He suggested to them that God wasn't quite as good as they thought he was, and that he was really holding back something from them. And that tree that he had forbidden to them was really the secret of their happiness, and God was holding it back from them all. You can see the work of the enemy here.
He was bringing in a suggestion in their minds about, in spite of that wonderful creation, that God was not really altogether good, that he wasn't thoroughly and fully seeking their happiness. And now, dear young people, I know that what you're hearing at school is the same hiss of the serpent. It's the same attempt of that one who got the ear of Adam and Eve to get your ear and to get you occupied with all the things in this world that you can enjoy.
They talk about the countries being unlimited, the possibilities being unlimited.
All the things that are possible for us to enjoy in this world, and now they want to set aside the Creator himself. Isn't that just exactly what that what the serpent did in the Garden of Eden? He said to Adam and Eve, Why, You have unlimited possibilities here, and God's going to restrict you. He's going to hold you back from something that you could enjoy. And so they listened to Satan.
And so with God's creation, as soon as you start to school, they try to put a doubt in your mind about the way that God created this world and His purpose in creating it. He they would try to bring that doubt into your mind, to put a breach, to put something between you and your Creator. And I beseech of you dear young people, to cling to that which God has given to us about creation.
It says the heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament show his handiwork. Now I confess that there are many details about the creation that I don't fully understand. There are many things that are beyond us, and God intended that it should be so. He never intended that we should be as gods. He intended that we should be as creatures. But He has told us enough that should satisfy us. And there is plenty for our knowledge, because the most important thing is not all the details.
Of the creation, but the one that created it and that He created it because he desired our happiness.
Going back to my little illustration about the house, supposing you said, well, I can't enjoy this house unless this man tells me how many nails he drove in the house. Unless he tells me to the very hours and minutes how long it took him to build it. Unless he tells me where he purchased every square inch of material that's in the house, I'll never be able to enjoy it. And he spends the rest of his life trying to find out all these details.
Well, I think you'd say what a foolish man. He knows that the man built it for him. He knows it was built in love for him.
Why not just settle down and enjoy it? And as he looks at every piece of wood in it and every carpet in it and every little appointment in it?
That he can say the man that built this loved me and he put all those things in here for me so that I could be happy.
I've sometimes said to the young people up at Otter Lake, it's a lovely thought to my mind to think that when God created this world, he made a lake up there and he put a Bay on it and he fixed it all up just right for us to be together and enjoy it all. You say? Well, this was formed by glaciers and all this sort of thing. Well, that just spoils it for me. I'd rather think of the I don't know how he did it, but I know that he had a purpose in it, and this purpose means more to me than all the details.
About how it came about. And I know that he was thinking of the dear young people who can sit on the side of it and enjoy the fact that the God who made all that loves them and sent his Son to die for them. And dear young people, I want to tell you. And dear children, I want to tell you as you pass through this world, if you spend all your time on these questions about how the creation was brought about and don't enjoy it from the hand of your Creator, you're missing.
The grandest thing that you can have, and that is the heart of your Creator, who when he put every stone in place, as our brother said, before he put any lake on this world, before he appointed anything, he was thinking about you, and he was desiring your happiness not only here but for all eternity. Oh, isn't this a wonderful thing to know? Or I want to bring before you a little bit of the fact that.
That one who is the Creator loves you, and God tells us.
That even where the Bible is unknown, that he intended that creation should be a voice to those who do not know him, he says the heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth his handiwork. And when the poor Pagan looks up and worships the star, God says he's worshipping the creature more than the Creator. He's more occupied with the thing than with the person who made it. And so I say that in creation.
God has a testimony to man, and that testimony of his of his eternal power and Godhead and his goodness, that made a place like this that we could live in. And what a sad thing that men are still listening to the voice of the tempter that would rob them of this fact all. May I say again, dear young people, in all your studies, don't let the enemy rob you of the fact that the God who made everything.
Has told you in a general way how he has made it, and he has told you his purpose in making it was that his delights were with the sons of men. I beseech of you and pray that you dear young people might be kept. The enemy is trying to bring a wedge between you and God, and if he can only do that, he has ruined your life. He has robbed you of that which is for your blessing.
And he has also given a victory to himself and robbed you a blessing. For now, let us turn to another passage in Job Chapter 33.
Verse 10 Job 33 Verse 10 Behold, he findeth occasions against May he counteth me for his enemy.
He putteth my feet in the stocks he marketh all my paths. Behold, in this thou art not just. I will answer thee, that God is greater than man. Why dost thou strive against him? For he giveth not account of any of his matters. For God speaketh once, yeah twice, yet man perceiveth it not in a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon man in slum rings upon the bed.
Then he openeth the ears of man, and sealeth their instruction that he may withdraw a man from his purpose, and hide pride from man.
He keepeth back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword. He has chastened also with pain upon his bed.
And the multitude of his bones with strong pain saw that his life abhorrent bled, and his soul dainty meat. 23rd verse. If there being a messenger with him, an interpreter, one among 1000, to show unto man his unright his uprightness, then he is gracious unto him, And Seth deliver him from going down to the pit. I have found a ransom. His flesh shall be fresher than a child's. He shall return to the days of his youth.
He shall pray unto God, and he will be favorable unto him, and he shall see his face with joy.
For he will render unto man his righteousness. Well, this brings us to the second point. And that is God's ways, God's ways. Now it tells us in another place that God's ways are past finding out. And here it tells us, why dost thou strive against him? For he gives not account of any of his matters. And this is the second thing that man stumbles at. And Satan leads man's heart into rebellion.
In Creation, he tries to come in and occupy him with the creation and deny the existence or at least the character, of the Creator. And in connection with God's ways, he tries to lead man's heart to rebellion against God.
And what God is seeking to bring before us here, as well as another passages in His word.
Is that his purpose in his ways is the good and blessing of man? And how often we find that when a man has some serious trouble come into his life, perhaps a loved one is snatched away from him, perhaps the difficulty comes.
The devil comes to him and says how can God be a God of love when he allows a thing like that?
The Bible tells you that it's because he is the God of love that he allowed that.
It was to withdraw man from his purpose. Maybe that man was on his road to a lost eternity.
And he wouldn't listen to the pleadings of love. And so God comes in through circumstances and trouble.
And speaks to him and instead of seeing and hearing the voice of God in the circumstance.
He allows Satan to bring rebellion into his heart. And dear young Christian, isn't this true with us as believers too? Perhaps there's been some disappointment come in your life. Maybe you had some plan and it just seemed to be working out so nicely. Things seemed to be going on so well, and all of a sudden everything was disrupted. Everything turned to disappointment instead of to fruition.
And you were just brought to the point that the enemy said, well, you thought the Lord loved you. You thought he was caring for you, and that he was working things for you. Why did he allow that? And he tries to come between your soul and God through the circumstance. But why did God allow it? Why did God allow it? Perhaps he saw that with me, or perhaps with you. We were getting satisfied with earthly friendships.
We were getting satisfied with material things and he knew that those things could never really satisfy.
And so he allowed that disappointment. He allowed that frustration not because he hated us, because he loved us. Whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth, whom the Lord loveth, he chasteth All those troubles don't come, because the Lord is against you. If God before us, who can be against us, he that spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
All I ask you don't allow rebellion to come in your heart.
Don't allow rebellion to come in your heart. Some of you dear young people, I know you're growing up.
Somebody, perhaps in the meeting, did an unkind thing to you. Somebody did something that really hurt.
And the enemy said, oh, don't take that, Leave the meeting. If that's the kind of people they are, don't stay. What was he doing? He was trying to rob you. He wasn't seeking your happiness. No, he was trying to come between you and God. But why did God allow that thing? Or maybe you had your eye on the brethren instead of on the Lord. And the Lord said, I want you to be at my table because I'm there. If you get occupied with your brethren and I confess I'm the same.
Dear young people, I'm not talking like this two years, though, it didn't mean me. It means me just as much as it means anyone else. We get so occupied with our brethren, we look around and we sort of get satisfied with the fellowship. And the Lord says, I want your heart. I want your heart. And I want you to realize that if everything else fails, and if everybody else disappoints you, I never will. I'm the same yesterday and today and forever.
All dear young person, he wants your heart. And if you go through that disappointment and that frustration and that mean thing that was done to you, and you take it from the Lord, you'll thank the Lord that He has taught you what it is to be truly gathered to His precious name. You will thank him for it in later life. Many, many of the older brethren here will say Amen to this. These things have happened and perhaps we felt the same too. We felt really upset.
And now we look back and we think, oh, the Lord has made me really value his presence and his.
And his table. More through that circumstance and saw the second thing I bring before you is God's ways. God's ways. They're past finding out. I'm not trying to explain why such and such a set of circumstances developed in your life.
I don't believe we always understand. I don't believe that Joseph ever fully understood.
Why? A lot of things happened in his life. I'm sure there are many Saints of God who lived and died.
Who never understood just why certain circumstances came in their life, but they had the grace to look up and say, As for God, his way is perfect, and peace filled their heart, and Jesus himself drew near and went with them. When did Jesus draw near? When that couple, Cleophus, and perhaps his wife, were thoroughly disappointed and discouraged and frustrated.
They were walking down on the road to Emmaus with heavy hearts. The very one that they thought was the Messiah of Israel had to their minds, disappointed them and their hearts were heavy. And Jesus himself drew near and went with them. Dear young person, are you? Are you disappointed? Are you frustrated? Are you? Just at the point where you say I'm going to leave the meeting, Jesus himself draws near to you. He wants to be everything to you.
For I should never realize it before, but he wants to be everything to you, and he wants you to learn that those ways that you can't understand, that are past finding out or in love. The devil tells you they're not. The devil tells you they couldn't be. How could they work together for good? I sometimes said in reading Romans 8. It says we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the calls according to his purpose.
We read that verse and we stop there and we say how could that be in this circumstance?
I say read the next verse, read the next verse. The next verse says for whom he did foreknow. He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the first born among many brethren. And I'll just tell you what I mean by reading the next verse. I guess we've all had this experience. Did you ever start to read a storybook and you came to a very sad chapter in the storybook?
And everything seemed so sad that you just could not see how it would workout. And you couldn't. You couldn't wait any longer. And you turned over to the end of the book to see how the story ended. And when you saw that it ended well, you went back and maybe the tears were rolling down your face. And you kept saying to yourself, it's going to be all right. It's going to be all right. Because I know the end of the story. And God knew that doubts might come in our minds. And we'd wonder how this chapter in our life could ever workout just right. But God says, I'm going to tell you the end. And the end is that we're going to be conformed to the image of his son.
That he might be the first born among many brethren. What a pathway he trod. And he went through it all. And he's up there in glory. He's trodden the path before us. And so the next thing we see here is his ways. The devil says all. They're not in love. God says yes they are, Yes they are. Dear young person, believe God, I say to myself, Believe God.
Believe him. What? Everything looks. It's blackest when everything looks impossible. Believe God. He's not against you. The one who created this world, created it for your pleasure. The one who orders the circumstances of life. He has ordered them for your good and blessing. And in His perfect wisdom and perfect love, He's making all things work together for good. Well, then we have the next.
Testimony of God, His word. Let's turn to second Peter, chapter one.
Second Peter chapter one.
Beginning at the first verse, Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ.
To them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace be multiplied under you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
According as his divine power hath given unto us all things.
That pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him who hath called us to, or by glory and virtue, or by are given unto us, exceeding great and precious promises, that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
While we have had God's testimony to us through creation, we have had His voice speaking to us through His, through His ways, with us in our pathway. And now we have this blessed book. Thou hast magnified Thy word above all thy name. And so as we read this blessed book, we find things in it that often conflict with our way of life. They bring before us how there are things that we wanted to do.
Things that we perhaps thought we were right in doing. And as we read this book, we found in it that God had revealed his mind differently in that connection. And the enemy again comes and says, Oh well, you'll have to disobey the word of God. That verse couldn't just mean that. And he suggests to us then that we would go in disobedience to His word.
All how true this is of our hearts. Just the same as regards salvation. You pick up the Bible and start to talk to an unsaved man, and immediately he starts to talk about things in the Bible that he can't understand, about things that look to him like contradictions. And you say to him, well, let's set these things aside. There's something that is very, very plain, and that is that God loves you even though you're a Sinner.
And that he gave his son to die for you, and that he wants you to receive him as your savior.
Than if you receive him, then you'll have the Spirit by which you can understand the word.
But now he wants you to answer every question that he can raise, from Genesis to Revelation, before he'll believe the good news.
That God loves him, that Christ died for him, and that he can have his sins forgiven and have a home in heaven. You try to bring him back to the wonderful way of salvation, and he keeps raising these questions continually. Who is it that makes all this trouble and confusion in his mind? It's the enemy.
He doesn't want them to hear the voice of God through his word and receive the blessing that God has for him. Again, the enemy is at work. He's opposed to everything that's of God. He tries to bring doubts in man's mind about creation, doubts about his ways, doubts about his word.
The first thing he said to Eve in the Garden of Eden was, yeah, hath God said. He raised the question, Is it really the word of God? Is it really true? And he won't even accept it. He won't even prove it. Oh dear young people, this Bible, this book is the most wonderful treasure that you and I have. It says his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness.
God hasn't undertaken to answer all our curious questions. John said that if the things that Jesus did were all written.
The world itself couldn't contain the books that would be written. God could have given us enough books to read that the world itself couldn't contain them, and then we would be baffled, wouldn't we? But He didn't. He just gave us this book, which gives us all things that pertain unto life and godliness. The libraries of the land are full of books, but they don't answer your questions. No God could have filled this world with books. I say He could have answered every curious question that's in our mind. Certainly he has all wisdom.
But I'm glad that he just gave us this book, because I find in it all things that pertain unto life and godliness. There isn't a thing necessary that you should have eternal life, And that eternal life is that you might know God is your Father, and whole communion with him as your father be in His presence, and that with a life that can enjoy His presence forever. He's told us this in His word.
Isn't this wonderful? I'm glad he's made the way of salvation simple.
Because some of us couldn't understood it if he'd made it difficult. But he's made it simple, so that even a child, a waferring man or a fool, need not earther him.
But there is also all things that pertain unto godliness. Do you want to please the Lord in your life?
You really want to live for him? Do I really want to please him? Well, he has given us the answers in his word, dear Mr. Darby once said. He said I never came to a question in my life that I didn't find either a direct scripture or a principle in God's precious word to guide my conduct. And that's why, dear young people, I want to encourage you as I close to read God's Word.
Don't just read the verses that talk about salvation. Read it all. Read it. All circumstances arise in your life and mine life becomes more complex. Difficulties continue to arise. All I beseech of you to read the whole word of God.
Those precious stories of the Old Testament are full of deep moral lessons for us.
And God has written in his word. There is not one single place that there isn't a purpose. I remember one time I was going to read one of those chapters with names, and I thought, what good can I get by reading all those names? Well, I confess that sometimes I read through them hurriedly and I don't pay too much attention. But I thought at this time I'm going to pay a little more attention. There must be a purpose. And I read the chapter carefully.
Chapter I believe in Chronicles. I don't just remember the chapter, but it was talking about David's children.
And I found that David called one of his sons Nathan, and I found out that as near as I could gather.
It was the one that was born just after Nathan had rebuked him for his sin.
I thought, isn't that lovely if a brother came to me and told me about something that I was doing?
That was wrong. I wonder if I'd want to call my next son by his name. I'd probably want to forget his name and say, well, he didn't speak very nicely to me, point his finger right at me and said thou art the man. But David didn't show that spirit. I thought, what a lesson. And that was in the chapter with names. All dear young people, there's something in it for you and me. It's all important. There's a blessing in it all. Read it. It's God's word. It's God's letter to you. And he wrote it to you because he loved you.
And he wanted you to know everything that was necessary for you to know for your whole life here, and to give you entrance into that home above all. I say again, dear young people, the devil is coming between your soul and God, if he possibly can.
And if he can bring some doubts about God's creation, then he'll do it.
If he can bring some doubts about God's ways, then He'll do it. If He can bring some doubts about the word of God or the purpose in the various Scriptures, He'll do it. But oh, if you'll just see in the whole creation that He made it because He loved you, not all the ways that He orders in your life and mine are to do as good at our latter end, and that this precious book, every jot and title, every word in it.
Was written because he wanted to make himself known to you and me.
That we might not only know the blessings, but that we might know the blesser himself.
And to be in his presence and to enjoy all that's in his heart.
For all eternity will be heaven itself. We won't need anything.
Apart from what he supplies in that blessed scene. And right now he has.
Through his word and in this world, given us, what he sees is best for us.
All dear young people, May God grant that that one who made known the heart of God will make Himself more known to your heart and mind, that we'll know more of the heart of the Father, more and more of the heart of the Son, and walk in the enjoyment of it. May God grant that He will cause us in these days of departure and declension, and giving up to realize that God has not changed, that He is just as suited to 1966.
As he was to AD 66. Just as suited, just as able to meet your needs.
Just as able to give you wisdom and grace, just as able to fill your heart this year.
As he was when He was here upon earth. Oh, May God grant that we will turn to Him.
And just look up and say, Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief.
Shall we sing #309?
Jesus, before thy face we fall, our Lord our life, our hope, our all, for we have nowhere else to flee no sanctuary. Lord with thee, 309.
Face we fall.
Our Lord.