Knowing the Shepherd

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 3
THERE is a great deal said about sheep in the Bible, but the point most strongly brought out is that they know their shepherd. Have you ever watched sheep feeding in a field? Supposing you were to open the gate and walk in amongst them, what would they do? Why, they would all set off as fast as possible, and never stop till they reached the other side of the field. Why would they be so frightened? Because they do not know you.
But now, see that man coming up the road.
He opens the gate and walks towards the sheep. Do they run away from him? No; they are all running to him. Ah! he is their shepherd, and they know him. They are accustomed to his voice, and they have been fed every day by him. If you have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, you know Him. This is not only knowing about Him. You have all heard something about Him. But do you know Him? Has your little heart ever had to do with His heart? “And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent.” Here is another verse: “I am the Good Shepherd, and know My sheep, and am known of Mine.”
Two little boys were talking together one day; the youngest was only three and a half years old, but the elder thought he was becoming quite a learned man, and was great in his own eyes, so he said to his little brother, “You know nothing at all!”
“Yes, I do,” said the little fellow, thoughtfully; “I know the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Ah! you see he knew His Shepherd’s voice.
Could you say you know it, too? Do not be content with just hearing about Him, if you are one of His lambs, and then you will be able to say you know Him, and it is life eternal to know Him.
L. C. W.