Children—C. Ludvicek
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General meetings Waiting. August 1973. Germany's meeting. Brother Ludwichek.
Someone has a hand they like for us to sing this morning.
Which one of you boys and girls has a hymn? Thank you #4 I'll ask someone to start out the hymns please.
First bar.
Every boy and girl here this morning know this precious one as their personal savior. If not, you can by simply believing that He died for you, a lost, guilty Sinner, believing in Him as your precious saving.
How about are you saying someone else over here?
Yeah, 29, Thank you.
Perhaps we can sing.
The first and the second version.
Does anybody know who? What was the name of this ruler?
We have his name given him, Yes. No.
That's good. He came to the Lord Jesus. Also Nicodemus. Yes. And where is it found? Which gospel?
Does anybody know?
Believe it's John's gospel? Someone else over here.
Lots of hymns on this sheet here.
Yes, 35. Thank you.
Perhaps the first and fourth verse.
You know boys and girls.
It's really wonderful to be able to say I have eternal life. You know, I have a number of my own children at home and they have various things that belong to them and they say this is mine and they just hold on to it. Can you say this morning that you have eternal life? It's yours. If you simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you can say I have eternal life upon the authority of God's precious words. And if you haven't, put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, dear boys and girls.
Don't have eternal life. You must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. He's offering it to you. Do you know Him as your precious Savior? It's simply as we have been singing in this precious symbol, by believing in Him. And that's so simple, just just to believe what God says. Believe what God says in this precious book, and it's yours without money, without Christ. When I buy my children something and then of course I give it to them, it's their, it cost me something, it doesn't cost them.
And you know, it costs God a great price to give his beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to die on that cross. And you can simply have eternal life by taking it, Won't you have it? It's yours by simply taking. And then, you know, the joy and happiness of sins forgiven and having eternal life. Someone else over here.
Yes, 40. Thank you.
Verse one and.
You know, boys and girls, as I look into your faces, it makes me think, oh, what a wonderful opportunity. A privilege is yours to be sitting here this morning and to be hearing what God has to say from His precious word. You know, when I was a little boy about your age, I didn't have this privilege of hearing God's precious word being read.
Was I was about 21 years of age 22 when I first was under the sound of God's precious word.
Oh, what a wonderful privilege to be able to hear that the Lord Jesus Christ loves you that He died on the cross and shed His precious blood on. The important thing is not only to hear how wonderful, but to believe that wonderful message God has given you ears to hear, and then to accept the One who He has provided as a Savior for you to simply believe in Him. And do it while you're young. Don't put it off.
The Lord is coming. It may be at any moment. Before this meeting comes to a close, put your trust in Him. The Lord wants to save you now, while you're young.
Somebody else over here? Yes, 41.
The first and third and fourth verse.
Around the throne of God in heaven will many children sing, children whose sins are all forgiven. Are your sins all forgiven, dear boys and girls? If they aren't, if the Lord should come, then you won't be in that place that we have just been singing year round the drone of God. Your portion would be the blackness and darkness. For all eternity you must have your sins forgiven, and there's only one who can do that, boys and girls.
The blessed Son of God who gave himself on that cruel cross and shed his precious blood, the one who loves you, who wants to save you. Now He alone can wash away your sins. God's Word tells us all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Everyone in this room here has sinned.
But many of us can say our sins are all forgiven because we have put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, in His precious blood, has made us.
Clean, white and clean. This is what the Lord will see in all those who have put their trust in Him. Look upon Him as white and clean. Are you such this morning? Washed in the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ? Clean every whip. If you have put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are one more hymn.
Let's see #2.
The 1St and.
Third verse.
Don't linger boys and girls. Accept the Lord Jesus Christ now if you don't know him as you're saved.
I brought something.
In the sack here for you boys and girls to identify what it is. I'll put it on the table and perhaps you can tell me what it is.
I have been wonderful how God has given some of these things for us to enjoy in eating and also the beautiful color, the various colors that God has given to.
Fruits and vegetables and so forth.
Can you see what I have here on the table?
Someone tell me what this is?
Yes, a Peach. That's right. I like Peaches, don't you? Color is so beautiful. Has that red and yellow in it. What type of a tree would you expect the beach to grow up? That's right, a Peach tree. You like this here? What is this?
Yes, a banana.
On what type of a tree would you expect this to grow on? Banana tree, You know, if we were out in the places where bananas grow and at a distance, I think what I know about banana trees, they might look perhaps similar to rubber tree or rubber plant tree. And I think it's a palm tree. But if we would come real close, we could identify by this as a banana tree, OK.
What does this look like?
That's right. And we didn't expect that to grow on a oak tree, would we? Or what type of a tree?
Yeah, I like lemonade, don't you?
What does this make you think of? A plump animal? Where would we find plums going on a plum tree? Now what about this? Yes, Aloha, that's right.
You like walnuts on ice cream or cake or something like that? Cookies, I do. They're real good now. They grow on what type of a tree?
A walnut tree. That's right. Now I wonder if you know what?
These things are here.
Could someone tell me you know I as I hold this up here, I had memories when I was a young boy in connection with this weed here.
When it rained, I used to go up in the barn, jump around in the hay, take books up there and read and sleep. But quite often it was all broken. Father would call me and say, let's go out into the field after rain and pull these weeds out.
You know they just multiply and take over.
It's called a sourdough.
And it's full of little seeds. I'm quite sure I started counting just this part here and there were over 100 so.
There's likely about 1000 little seeds here, which would naturally then make 1000 plants from just one plant. Just think of it. I would multiply. I'm sure you know what this is.
I can't grab a hold of it just anywhere, yet a pistol and a Thistle has a lot of fruit.
On it.
A lot of thorns or needles, whatever we just call it. You don't get too close. I remember out on the farm, the cows would pasture out in the field, but you know all these sissles would be standing up. Why? They just go around. Like a mower would go and just eat up all the grass around, but they wouldn't go about this far from that Thistle because it has those needles sticking out and they stay away.
So we find that this would be thing out there. What do you think this is?
It's got a lot of hooks like this and this catches off.
Yes. What burned off yes, really. Burdock. Thank you Burdock. You know they just seem to get transplanted everywhere a dog or any type of an animal goes around them and even human beings when I go out into.
Area where they are, they just kitchen around your trousers pad, legs and undresses. When girls go out and they just get transplanted everywhere. They have little hooks like this that just seem to hook in and this is the fruit of fur dog.
And it just seems to spread and spread and grows most anywhere. I remember when I build a house and we dug out the dirt that has practically no value in it, which they call death soil. Nothing grew on that pile except this here bird dog did. It's amazing. It just seems to grow everywhere. Well, what I'm trying to bring before you boys and girls, I'm not going to spend too much time on this year, but we have found out that this grows.
On a Peachtree and so on, with all the fruits that I have here on the table and these weeds over here, the fruit of the wheat of these weeds.
By their fruits ye shall know them. And it's easy to identify the tree. Of course we identify them sometimes by the trunk, the bar, the leaves, and so forth. But there's no mistake. By the fruit, by their fruits, you shall know them. And we have a verse in God's precious word, which, if you return with me, please, to the Matthews Gospel.
Chapter 7.
And there we have something in connection with what we have here.
By their fruits you shall know them.
Chapter 7 of Matthew and verse 20. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. By their fruits ye shall know them. In these few verses here, beginning at the 15th, we have the Lord is speaking about the false prophets who came in the sheep's clothing.
Inwardly they were ravening Wolf, and we find that here it tells us by their fruits he shall know them. In other words, what they were doing and what they were speaking about in action. Sooner or later it would come out what they really were. And so it is, dear boys and girls, I would like to apply this in the in this way.
Suppose I there were two girls here and two boys, and I was standing up next to me, and I said perhaps this boy was John, and the one next to him was Harry.
Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior? And John would say yes, and Harry would say yes also. And the girls over here on my right hand would be Jane and Mary. Perhaps I said, Jane, do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior? You might say yes, and Mary might say yes also.
Now suppose one was saved and the other wasn't. How would I know? They told me that they were. The Lord knoweth them that are here. The Lord knows they are all about us. And this morning He knows exactly what each one of us are thinking about. And if we are really trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ from the depth of our hearts, we may know about the Lord Jesus Christ. You have heard about Him, but do you know Him as your personal Savior? Have you trusted with your whole heart?
In Him as your Savior, the Lord knows whether you are saved or not. But then I would know whether John or Mary or the one who wasn't saved in connection, whether they weren't it. I could tell by the way that they would ask what they would be doing by their fruit. He shall know them because you know a boy or a girl who isn't safe, cannot produce anything in his life, No fruit for the Lord Jesus.
There isn't anything that they can produce but bad such as we have here, corrupt proof, bad truth such as these burdocks, sourdoughs, the Thistle, and so forth. That which.
Is usually cut or pulled out of the ground and burned up, destroyed. This is all that you can produce because you belong into Adam's race. You were born into Adam's race and Adam fell into sin, and we have been born with us.
Nature, a nature that cannot do anything else but sin. And so this is the result of the one who doesn't know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. Sooner or later we can see, though you may try and are to some extent of what people say, quite a nice boy or girl. But my dear children, you cannot produce anything else but sin because this is your nature. This is the fruit.
So you need the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, that He might give you a new nature, that you might bear fruit for Him.
He is the only one who can give you this new life. Dear boys and girls, can God's precious word, He tells us all, have sinned and come short of the glory of God, and you need the one who alone can wash away your sins like we have in connection with Nicodemus. He must be born again. Nicodemus wondered, how could I?
He was an old man, how could he be born again? How can I be born it be born again? Well we have a precious verse that tells us to as many as received him to them gave you the power to become the sons of God, children of fought even to them that believe on his name. If you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you come into God's family. You have a new nature that desires to please.
Lord, did you read the article about this young boy? I think it was in the Sunday school paper just recently, who was mean and he liked to fight, selfish and got into all kinds of trouble. Well, that was the fruit of his evil nature. That was that old nature that he come into this world with. And so this is what he did. And he was just a care in the neighborhood and then he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior.
And it changed his life, wanted to please the Lord instead of being mean. He was kind, he was gentle, He wanted to help others instead of beating him up on taking things from them and doing that which is just terrible. That is the result of accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal precious Savior. And then we find in Galatians the fruit of the Spirit. I'd like to read a few verses in that 5th chapter of Galatians.
There we have that of the new nature, and that which is of the old nature.
22nd verse we find the 5th chapter. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy and peace. And those of you who were here yesterday perhaps heard something about that which we had in Philippians about joy, peace, love. And I enjoyed also yielding.
You know, I have a nature, an old see, a believer has two natures.
You have old nature and a new nature, but we aren't to reckon the old nature is dead. Whereas if you haven't accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your precious Savior, you have only one nature, that which can only, as I said before, produce that which is evil. But I know in the old nature I have that within me which would want to fight for that which I believe is right.
And to stand up like, you know, you see quite often boys and girls, oh, this is right, I know it's right and so forth, demanding. Well, we're not to yield to temptation or yield to sin, But even though we might be right, we're not to create a big, shall we say, storm about it. It's yielding. I really enjoy that. That is even the fruits of the sphere just simply being gentle, high. Now you can produce that in your own self. You can't do that.
Now many try and do things that they think are real good and that the public will.
Appreciate which is wonderful, but you know all that is of self. I remember before I was saved, I tried to do the very best I could, and I thought that in that way and by those means I'll get to heaven. But I found out that all my good works were like filthy rags. All our righteousness, our filthy rags. I have to come to the conclusion. And through God's wondrous grace, He opened my eyes to realize I was a lost, guilty Sinner.
That which I tried to do, which was right in the eyes, the man was really evil because it was all that which was of self.
You can only produce fruit for the Lord Jesus Christ by accepting as your precious Savior, and He wants you to produce fruit for Him. You can do that while you're young and He wants you to produce fruit for His honor and glory. While you're hearing the scene, a little boy or girl can show love, can have joy in their hearts and knowing the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, having their sins forgiven, have peace. You know the world is trying in one way or another to provide.
Ways where boys and girls might have joy, happiness, but you can't find it only in the Lord Jesus Christ. And then if we are close to the Lord Jesus, that joy just bubbles, as it were, from our heart, and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
All wonderful to see a boy or girl going on in that joy and from their lips going out praise to the Lord and and sharing it with others. There's peace, there's long-suffering. You know we don't have that by nature, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, which would another meaning would be self-control. It's easy to go out of control. Now notice here in the 2019 verse all and the 20th of the 21St all those terrible things described.
Strife and wrath and murders and such as that many, many other words listed there. This comes out of that evil nature that we have inherited through Adam's fault. And this is what you boys and girls are if you haven't accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. And we find in this 7th chapter of Matthew, let's turn back to that portion again.
What happens to the tree that produces this corrupt fruit?
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. Well, this is what we do with these weeds here. You know, a lot of effort is spent and time on these trees that produce Peaches and lemon and bananas and so forth, that they might grow and produce more fruit. Where much labor is spent on these weeds here, spraying and so forth to destroy them. Why? Because they're no good.
They're to be cut and thrown into the fire, to be burned up. What is going to happen to the one who doesn't know the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior, who hasn't produced any fruit to the Lord, but only that which is evil, which is corrupt?
Cast into the lake of fire, there to be for all eternity.
Boys and girls, if you don't accept the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who alone can save you, the one who left glory and came down here into this scene, shut his precious bra on Calvary's cross there, gave his life, shed his blood, was buried, rose again. Now he's on high in the glory. If you don't put your trust in Him, you will die in your sins.
And then the Great White Throne before you.
The books will be opened and your name not written in that book of life.
You only have before you all those terrible things that you did to condemn you and the rejection of Christ to be castaway from God's presence for all eternity. Just think of it. To be in a place of blackness and darkness from which you can never get out of, and that's your destiny. If you don't know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, boys and girls, accept Christ as your Savior now. He might come in the twinkling of an eye and it'd be forever too late. You'd be left here if you're not trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ in that seat where you're sitting, and it'd be forever too late.
The day of grace closed, lost in your sins.
And then what would await you?
Eternity in the blackness of gardens from which you can never get out. No one will be able to deliver you. Now there there is one who wants to deliver you the the Lord Jesus Christ. And He wants you while you're young. He wants you to bear fruit from Him. He wants you to bear much precious fruit. Won't you trust in Him and know the joy and happiness of sins forgiven? A home in the glory.
And that wonderful friendship of his a while here, the fellowship that he we can have within the communion, passing through this scene on the way home.
Instead of that picture of a future.
Where there is only suffering like the one who?
Closed his eyes here in this scene and in hell he lift up his eyes.
Begging for someone to dip the tip of his finger in water to pull off his tongue. Did he get that much comfort? Did he get that much relief? No.
I was too late, too late then to make any changes All make the choice now. The Lord Jesus Christ wants to save you all. I'm so thankful that I accepted Christ as my Savior. It's a joy to know since forgiven to know this blessed one. You can experience that joy and happiness and then.
By his health to bear fruit for him, won't you accept him as your Savior as you go to school, which will be in a few more weeks and in your neighborhood and at home, are you bearing fruit for the Lord Jesus Christ? You know, it could be a wonderful testimony at home and in the neighborhood and in the school where you go to. You know, I go to school about four or five times a year. The teacher sends out a letter to come and.
They want to have a council. I talked about my children and you know, they have quite a report about what they're doing.
Their behavior, how they're coming along with certain subjects, and so forth, and how wonderful it is when a teacher can give a good report.
Of the one who's in school, his behavior and so forth. Oh, how the Lord desires to see that. And then at home and in the neighborhood. And of course, this involves all of us here in this room this morning. Not only you children, but you can be a wonderful testimony like many have been throughout the years, who have accepted Christ as their Savior, live in the joy of sins, forgiven, bearing fruit for the one who loved them and gave himself all that cruel cross for them.
You know, it's a wonderful testimony. Sometimes we don't even have to say very much but our ways though, what fruit we're bearing has such a wonderful effect on those who are around us which lead them to Christ. I remember one man accepted Christ as the Savior and the preacher who preached some wonderful sermon says, which sermon was it that led you to Christ? He said, well, I'm sorry to say it wasn't the sermons that you preached the Lord used.
A lady who?
Was working cleaning up floors and the patient she had and singing hymns and so forth led him to Christ because there she has something. Let me tell you the story of another who accepted Christ. He worked with a painter and if I recall one of the the one who wasn't saved was working on the 2nd floor and the one who was saved was working down on the 1St floor painting the windows.
And this container on top was very sloppy and the paint would drop down and come all over this other man's face.
And then on the top of it, all the buckets got.
Fell over and that pain came down over him. You know, instead of turning in a rage and telling him some bad, bad words, speaking them in bad words, he took it all patience because he knew the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. And you know, this man working with this other man because of his patience and bearing fruit for the Lord Jesus Christ, turn to the Lord.
This man spoke to him now and then about the Lord Jesus Christ in love and as a result of his patience of having some that's real. If we accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, there should be a change in our lives such as it was with Paul. You know, Paul is a mean man and they were afraid of him, but in actually fine after he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. We have these words. They were amazed. They were amazed at the change in the life of this man and we have accounts of boys and girls and men and women.
Throughout times past and now in this day and age, when they accept Christ as their Savior, there's a change. Instead of bearing fruit like this, there's fruit such as this, the good fruit. It's a result of accepting Christ. Again, I say, boys and girls, if you don't accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, you have a fallen nature and you can only produce Bruce touches this. If you accept Christ as your Savior, you can bear fruit that's to God's glory and the benefit.
To all that are around, you must make the decisions. The Lord Jesus Christ wants you now. He wants to save you now while you're young. Won't you take him as your Savior? Do you want to Perry, you want to go into a lost eternity if you don't accept crisis as what is before you. This is where you'll be there to suffer, where you can have joy and happiness now and the joy that I can describe that's beyond description. There to be with our blessed One, to see the one who loved me and gave himself for me.
The blessed faith of my Savior. Are you looking for His appearing to be taken up to be with Him There in the glory? Is the Lord Jesus Christ, precious to you this morning? If not, may I tell you again, take Him as your Savior. Taste and see that the Lord is good. You'll know then what I'm speaking about. He's wonderful to know, I thought for the things that this world had to offer, but I couldn't find joy and happiness either. Will you, dear young people, you can find joy only in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Is the source. He's the only one who can give you joy. He's the only one who can satisfy your longing soul. It's wonderful to know. Accept him as your Savior and then you'll know the joy and happiness of sins forgiven what I'm speaking to you about. And then you'll bear fruit for him, because every believer bears fruit for the Lord Jesus. Sometimes we don't see it if we are walking in that.
That nature that can only produce that which is.
Corrupt, you know, we need to read the word of God and God wants us to produce fruit and let the word of God do the pruning. You know, I have some grapes at home that and on this wine as they're growing, some of these vines aren't producing too much. Why? Because they just want to spread all over. So I have to go with the pruning type of instrument and prune them so that there might be a lot of fruit, you know.
This is what it is with our lives. We know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. There needs to be pruning, and the Word of God can do that, that we might bear much fruit.
Each one here was accepted Christ as their Savior. You have eternal life.
But then if we don't recognize old nature as did which God sees it as so, and slip away from reading God's precious word and being close to Him, we will not produce much fruit. And the Lord would have us to produce much fruit for Him. He wants us to do that and He'll help us. Well, may we simply turn to Him. I know the joy and happiness having Christ as Savior and not being not producing fruit such as these weeds here and then to be cast into the fire.
Again, I say boys and girls, if you don't accept Christ as your precious Savior.
You'll be castaway into the lake of fire. Behold, now the accepted time. Now is the day of salvation. Boys and girls, do it now. Except Christ. Now the Lord might come at any moment, or your life may come to an end at any moment, and then eternity. And where? With the Lord Jesus Christ, Or in the blackness of darkness, where there's weeping and wailing, and there's many who are there already this morning.
Many are this morning weeping and wailing.
But it's too late, too late. There they are and will be there for all eternity.
Boys and girls, if you would close your eyes in the sea, would you be in that place, or would you be with the Lord?
But the Lord should come in the twinkling of an eye. Would you be with Him, or would you be left here and then to suffer that which would await you, the terribleness of that place where there's weeping and wailing except Christ. Now shall we look to Him in frame?
Our God and Father, we do thank Thee for Thy wondrous love in sending Thy beloved Son the Lord Jesus Christ to come into the scene and to give His life on the cross, that boys and girls might be saved through Him. Say from that terrible place of suffering, say for that glorious place to be with the Lord. And we do pray that by Thy health we each might bear fruit. For the One who loved us and gave himself for us. We do pray, our Father.
For thy health, as we.
To separate for the remainder of this day and come together to remember the One who gave himself for us. We just do commend thy worship thee now in Lord Jesus Christ, precious and worthy name. Amen.
There are Sunday school papers out by the doors there for you children, so as you leave the room, pick up.