Late! Too Late!

 •  1 min. read
LATE! late! too late
Ye cannot enter in;
The door is shut-in vain ye wait;
The Bridegroom's gone within:
The hour of mercy now is o'er,
Judgment hath closed the open door,
Judgment from Him, whose grace before
Ye spurned from love of sin.
Late! late! too late!
Ye cannot enter now:
The music wakes within the gate,
The garland crowns the brow;
The heavenly strains that reach your ear,
Their very sweetness makes more drear,-
Filling your boding hearts with fear;
Ye cannot enter now!
Late! late! too late!
Why came ye not before?
Did He not long with patience wait,
And open keep the door?
Did He not many a message send?
Did He not woo you like a friend?
Why did you not His voice attend?
The day of grace is o'er
Late! late! too late!
Ye cannot enter now;
Barred, and forever, is the gate:
Mercy averts her brow.
His voice, who called you to repent,
Hath sworn,-and He will not relent;-
Your day of grace, alas! is spent:
Ye cannot enter now!